人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 1-Fun time 1 Recycle 1-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f1f5c).doc

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人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 1-Fun time 1 Recycle 1-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f1f5c).doc_第1页
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1、1 Fun Facts “ALitter Island ” 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: 本课选自人教(精通版)小学英语五年级下册第三单元 Reading for knowledge 阅读课,内容为 ALitter Island。 教学目标:教学目标: 通过对太平洋中垃圾岛的介绍,让学生了解海洋中的垃圾道 事如何形成的,以及垃圾岛中的垃圾都是什么,让孩子们知道海 洋对人们生活的主要性以及垃圾对人们生活的危害,利用文中重 点短语或词汇讲述垃圾岛的事情,进一步激发学生保护海洋的热 情和决心,同时教会孩子如何将生活生活中的垃圾进行分类,将 可以利用的废物垃圾,回收再利用,从身边小事做起,真

2、正成为 保护环境、保护海洋、保护地球的的小使者。 教学重难点:教学重难点: throw . intoend upas . as . get 比较级 + 比较级 (比较级的用法,扩展最高级) be bad for .( be good for .) be used (被动语态的使用) 四大洋的介绍以及特点垃圾分类及说法 教学准备:教学准备: 1. 准备海洋垃圾照片及垃圾分类图片。 2. 准备词语卡片或教学卡片,创设情景,引导学习。 3. 准备教学课件。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1Warm-up/Revision Greetings(通过问好建立和学生的友谊通过问好建立和学生的友谊, 调动学习

3、积极性调动学习积极性。 ) T:Are you ready ?S: Yes, yes! T: Hello boys and girls!S: Hello Miss Li! T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too! T: Great! Say “ Welcome ” to other teachers. 2 S: “ Welcome, welcome, welcome to our class! ” T:Now write down the date. Step 2Presentation 1. T:Now lets look at some p

4、ictures and use a word to describe thesepictures. ( (出示图片,学生用一个词来总结图片内容。出示图片,学生用一个词来总结图片内容。) ) S: “Litter! ” T: Good! You have known; “ people throw the litter into the sea, the litter swims, swims, at last it becomes a litter land. So today lets learn Fun Facts “Alitter island ”. ( (出示课题出示课题 学生跟读学生

5、跟读) ) 2. T: Now open your books.S: Open, open. T: Listen and answer my questions.( (出示问题,学生带着出示问题,学生带着 问题听课文。问题听课文。) ) Part 1:1.Where is the big island of litter? 2.Where do the people throw litter in our daily life? 3.Why is bad to throw litter everywhere? 4.What kind of litter can be used again? 3

6、. ( (听完课文后听完课文后, 出示小组合作单出示小组合作单, 小组成员讨论呈现答案小组成员讨论呈现答案。 ) ) (先让学生整体感知课文(先让学生整体感知课文, 初步了解本节课所要学习的重点初步了解本节课所要学习的重点、 难难 点知识,有目的来学习本节课的知识。思考教师提出的问题,点知识,有目的来学习本节课的知识。思考教师提出的问题, 让学生真正做到在英语课堂上让学生真正做到在英语课堂上, 用英语思考用英语思考, 用英语回答问题用英语回答问题! ) Part 2: 1. It is in the Pacific Ocean. 2. Many people throw litter into

7、 the sea. 3. It is bad for fish, birds and our health. 4. We can recycle cans, glass and paper. (学生讨论后呈现问题答案(学生讨论后呈现问题答案。 ) Part 3: (创设情景,将学生带入本节的英语课学习中来(创设情景,将学生带入本节的英语课学习中来。 ) T: According to the text, you have known : “ In our daily life, so 3 many people throw litter into the sea.” Show the impo

8、rtant phrase : throw . into . ( ( 用动作呈现用动作呈现 短语的意思,并让学生表演。短语的意思,并让学生表演。 ) ) In our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up in the Pacific Ocean.end up 结束;最终成为结束;最终成为 T: How many oceans are there in the world? S:There are four. (知识拓展,了解海洋特点及其重要性,从而激发孩子对保(知识拓展,了解海洋特点及其重要性,从而激发

9、孩子对保 护海洋的热忱护海洋的热忱。 ) Pacific Ocean: It is the largest ocean in the world. It has the most islands and marginal seas. (太平洋是世界上最大、最深,边缘海和岛屿最多的海洋(太平洋是世界上最大、最深,边缘海和岛屿最多的海洋。 ) Atlantic Ocean It is the second largest ocean. It covers approximately 20% of the Earths surface. (大西洋是世界第二海洋大西洋是世界第二海洋, 占地球表面积的占

10、地球表面积的 20%20%。 ) Indian Ocean It is the third largest ocean of the world. The depth of this ocean is the second in the world. (印度洋是世界第三大海(印度洋是世界第三大海 洋,深度位居第二洋,深度位居第二。 ) Arctic Ocean Its also known as the Arctic Sea. It s the smallest , lowest and coldest ocean.(北冰洋又称北极海,是世界上最小、(北冰洋又称北极海,是世界上最小、 最浅以及

11、最冷的大洋最浅以及最冷的大洋。 ) T:I think the oceans are very important for us. Do you know 4 why?( Chinese is OK! ) The ocean is the cradle of life!海洋是生命的摇篮海洋是生命的摇篮! ! The ocean is a storehouse of resources!海洋是资源的宝库海洋是资源的宝库! ! The ocean is the important adjuster of the environment! 海洋是环境的调节器海洋是环境的调节器! ! T: So we

12、 should protect our oceans from now on. Part 4: T: But now a lot of waste things are polluting the oceans. Such as old toys, bottles, shoes and plastic bags. (PPT) These waste things get together (PPT)in the sea and they become (PPT) an island on the water. (泛读,了解文章内容,呈现知识点(泛读,了解文章内容,呈现知识点。 ) Part 5

13、: (呈现文中知识点)(呈现文中知识点) six times as big as England get bigger and bigger(现在进行时)get . and . 变得越来 越 . be bad for .be good for . be used (被动语态)recycle Part 5:T:Some kinds of litter can be used again. Who can talk about the classification of the waste things? WasteRecyclableNon-recyclable kitchen waste ki

14、tchen rubbishkitchen garbage hazardous wasteharmful wasteother waste Step 3Practice 1.Teach reading groups by groups. 2. T: Now lets have a look! (A short passage) It captured the worlds attention when a huge garbage island 5 was spotted in the middle of the Pacific. Now, researchers have returned t

15、o the area known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch - and say it is getting worse.There will be a new floating world in our oceans if we dont stop polluting with plastics. 3. T:After watching this, what do yo ou want to say?S: . T: I want to say: “Lush green grass, Flow blue water. We should be kind to our mother ocean all ages.We should take good care of the mother ocean. Because to love heris to love ourselves. 茵茵草色绿,清清碧水流。善待恩泽万物的海洋母亲,爱护 含辛茹苦的海洋妈妈,因为爱护她就是爱护我们自己。 Part 5:板书设计:板书设计: ALitter Island Pacific Ocean throw . into end up as . as . get比较级比较级+比较比较级级 be bad / good for be used


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