人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:000d0).zip

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Unit3 We should obey the rules. Lesson 13 active 副词 quiet 副词 careful 副词 ask 对应词 mouse 复数 ride 现在分词 do 否定形式 Think carefully !Think carefully !Think carefully !Think carefully ! activelyactively quietlyquietly dontdont answeranswer micemice ridingriding carefullycarefully Ask and answer actively.Ask and answer actively.Ask and answer actively.Ask and answer actively. Be quiet!Be quiet!Be quiet!Be quiet! Dont make noise.Dont make noise.Dont make noise.Dont make noise. Dont eat in class.Dont eat in class.Dont eat in class.Dont eat in class. 考考你 ! 一个好男孩 校规 来到学校 认真听 积极讨论 制造噪音 a good boy school rules come to school listen carefully talk actively make noise Gao Wei is a good boy .He knows the school rules very well . He comes to school early. He listens carefully and talks actively. He never nev makes noise in class . Hes a group gru:p leaderli:d . His group is making a list lst of class rules. ReadRead loudly. loudly. 重点知识我来记!重点知识我来记! 三分钟快速记忆!三分钟快速记忆! Gao Wei is a good boy . He _ the school _ very well . He _ to school _. He listens _ and talks _. He never _ _in class . Hes a group leader . His group is making a list of class rules. knows rules comesearly carefullyactively makes noise Dont be late for school.Dont be late for school. Dont make noise in class.Dont make noise in class. Listen carefully and talk actively.Listen carefully and talk actively.Listen carefully and talk actively.Listen carefully and talk actively. Hand in your homework on time.Hand in your homework on time.Hand in your homework on time.Hand in your homework on time. Let me write the rules.Let me write the rules. Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 无规矩不成方圆。 完成下列各题。 1、Gao Wei is a good boy .(一般疑问句) 2、He comes to school early .(否定句) 3、Go to bed late. (否定句) 4、Come to school early .(同义句) 5、He _ (know) the school rules very well. 6、Hes a group _ .(lead) 7、 Listen _ (careful) and talk actively. Sum up! Homework Homework 1、课文:一英一汉并背写; 2、同步、典中点13课。 UnitUnit 3 3 WeWe shouldshould obeyobey thethe rules!rules! LessonLesson 1313 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1 1、知识目标:学习如何表达应该做什么和不应该做什么,感知学校、知识目标:学习如何表达应该做什么和不应该做什么,感知学校 规则的条例。规则的条例。 学习目标语言:学习目标语言: ListenListen carefullycarefully andand talkstalks actively.actively. HandHand inin youryour homeworkhomework onon time.time. DontDont bebe latelate forfor school.school. DontDont makemake noisenoise inin class.class. 2 2、能力目标:能够在真实语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行交际。、能力目标:能够在真实语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行交际。 3 3、情感目标:培养学生遵守学校规则的意识,提高学生的道德素养。、情感目标:培养学生遵守学校规则的意识,提高学生的道德素养。 二、教学重点:学习如何表达应该做什么和不应该做什么,感知学二、教学重点:学习如何表达应该做什么和不应该做什么,感知学 校校 规则的条例。规则的条例。 三、教学难点:能够在真实语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行交际。三、教学难点:能够在真实语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行交际。 。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: 1 1、RevisionRevision 1)1) 师生问好。师生问好。 T:T: GoodGood morningmorning boysboys andand girls.girls. S:S: GoodGood morningmorning MissMiss Yang.Yang. 2)Review2)Review ofof somesome knowledge.knowledge. activeactive 副词副词 quietquiet 副词副词 carefulcareful 副词副词 askask 对应词对应词 mousemouse 复数复数 rideride 现在分词现在分词 dodo 否定形式否定形式 3)Look3)Look atat somesome picturespictures andand talktalk aboutabout somesome senrences.senrences. 2 2、PresentationPresentation 1)Lead1)Lead in.in. 1.Look1.Look atat thethe screenscreen .Translate.Translate somesome phrases.phrases. a a goodgood boyboy , , schoolschool rulesrules , , comecome toto schoolschool andand soso on.on. 2.Make2.Make somesome sentencessentences withwith thesethese phrases.phrases. Eg:Eg: GaoGao WeiWei isis a a goodgood boy.boy. HeHe comescomes toto schoolschool early.early. 2)Presentation.2)Presentation. 1)1)呈现情景。呈现情景。 T:T: LookLook atat thethe picturpicture.e. WhoWho areare they?they? WhereWhere areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing?2121 世纪教育网版权所有世纪教育网版权所有 S:S: T:T: DoDo youyou thinkthink GaoGao WeiWei isis a a goodgood boyboy atat school?school? S:S: 2 2)学习)学习 JustJust talktalk 中的文段。中的文段。 IsIs GaoGao WeiWei a a goodgood studentstudent atat school?school? LetsLets watch.watch.教师教师 通过提问带领学生视听课文介绍通过提问带领学生视听课文介绍 GaoGao WeiWei 部分的文段。学生获取信部分的文段。学生获取信 息息 GaoGao WeiWei isis a a goodgood boy.boy.教师顺势提出问题教师顺势提出问题 WhyWhy isis hehe a a goodgood boy?boy?引导学生关注文段的细节。引导学生关注文段的细节。HeHe knowsknows thethe schoolschool rulesrules veryvery well.well. HeHe comescomes toto schoolschool early.early. HeHe listenslistens carefullycarefully andand talkstalks actively.actively. HeHe nevernever makesmakes noisenoise inin class.class.教师通过配图教师通过配图 帮助学生理解以上这几句话的含义。教师在课件中出示帮助学生理解以上这几句话的含义。教师在课件中出示 knowknow thethe schoolschool rules,rules, comecome toto schoolschool early,early, listenlisten carefullycarefully andand talktalk actively,actively, makemake noisenoise 这几个词组以及相应的图片,学生根这几个词组以及相应的图片,学生根 据这些提示尝试介绍据这些提示尝试介绍 GaoGao WeiWei 在学校的表现。在学校的表现。 3)3)学习学习 JustJust talktalk 中的班规条例中的班规条例 教师让学生带着问题观看视频:教师让学生带着问题观看视频:GaoGao WeiWei isis a a groupgroup leader.leader. HisHis groupgroup isis makingmaking a a listlist ofof classclass rules.rules. WhatWhat rulesrules dodo theythey make?make? 播放视频,学生回答播放视频,学生回答 ListenListen carefullycarefully andand talktalk actively.actively. HandHand inin youryour homeworkhomework onon time.time. DontDont bebe latelate forfor school.school. DontDont makemake noisenoise inin class.class.教师板书并配上生动形象的教师板书并配上生动形象的 图片,帮助学生理解这几句话的意思。重点学习以上几种班规。图片,帮助学生理解这几句话的意思。重点学习以上几种班规。 3 3、PracticePractice 1 1)多种方式引导学生检验、模仿)多种方式引导学生检验、模仿 JustJust talktalk 中语句。中语句。 2 2)引导学生分组读,复述文章)引导学生分组读,复述文章 ,巩固语言。,巩固语言。 3)3) 小组活动。小组活动。 语言支持:语言支持: ListenListen carefullycarefully andand talkstalks actively.actively. HandHand inin youryour homeworkhomework onon time.time. DontDont bebe latelate forfor school.school. DontDont makemake noisenoise inin class.class. 4 4、LanguageLanguage useuse 主题:制定自己的班规主题:制定自己的班规 教师再次出示上课开始给学生们看的照片,让学生们教师再次出示上课开始给学生们看的照片,让学生们 4 4 人一组根据人一组根据 照片上大家好坏不同的表现制定适合他们自己的班规。照片上大家好坏不同的表现制定适合他们自己的班规。 语言支持:语言支持: knowknow thethe schoolschool rulesrules comecome toto schoolschool earlyearly listenlisten carefullycarefully andand talkstalks activelyactively makemake noisenoise HandHand inin youryour homeworkhomework onon time.time. 5 5、DoDo somesome exercises.exercises. 完成下列各题。完成下列各题。 1 1、GaoGao WeiWei isis a a goodgood boyboy .(.(一般疑问句一般疑问句) ) 2 2、HeHe comescomes toto schoolschool earlyearly .(.(否定句否定句) ) 3 3、GoGo toto bedbed late.late. ( (否定句否定句) ) 4 4、ComeCome toto schoolschool earlyearly .(.(同义句同义句) ) 5 5、HeHe _ (know)(know) thethe schoolschool rulesrules veryvery well.well. 6 6、HesHes a a groupgroup _ .(lead).(lead) 7 7、 ListenListen _ (careful)(careful) andand talktalk actively.actively. 6 6、SumSum up.up. 7 7、情感教育、情感教育 NothingNothing cancan bebe accomplishedaccomplished withoutwithout normsnorms oror standards.standards. 无规矩不成方圆。无规矩不成方圆。 8 8、HomeworkHomework 1 1) 、课文:一英一汉并背写;、课文:一英一汉并背写; 2 2) 、同步、典中点、同步、典中点 1313 课。课。
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