人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 16-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频)--(编号:91662).zip

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Lesson 16 Look at pictures and say some phases: Make noise Be queit Eat in class Ask and answer questions actively. Class Rules We should We shouldnt Ask and answer questions Dont make noise. actively . Listen carefully. Dont be late for school. Be quiet. Dont eat in class. keep your room clean do housework read in bed go home late You should go to bed early. You should You shouldnt read in bed. You shouldnt Lets do some exercises: Phrases: 1.Go to bed early.2.Go to bed late. 3.Go home late. 4.Do housework. 5.Read in bed. 6.Get up early. 7.Get up late. 8.Set the table. 9.Watch TV too often. 10.Keep the room clean. We should: 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ We shouldnt: 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ We must obey the rules at home! 拓展 Except the class rules and the home rules,what else rules do you know? 除了班级规则和家庭规则之外,你还 知道哪些规则? Help old people. Keep off the grass. Take good care of young children . Dont play on the street. Dont pick flowers No littering. Dont cross the street. Dont spit on the ground. Wait for the light. Wherever we are,we should obey the rules. 无论在什么地方,我们都 应该遵守规则。 Lesson16 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容与分析一、教学内容与分析 1. Just practise 本部分内容强化了第 15 课中出现的核心句型,同时进行语句的扩展。Listen to the teacher carefully. Dont be late for class/school. Ask and answer questions actively. Be quiet. Dont make noise. Dont eat in class.本部分给学生提供了更多的 语言素材,提高学生在相关话题背景下的交际能力。 2. Just write 本部分要求学生能够听、说、认读、书写四会单词:ask, answer, eat, make, think, late, class, school。 3. Lets act 本部分的内容是学生在学校各种表现的场景,反映出学生日常生活中会经常遇 到的一些行为。要求学生通过观察图片,联想有关的行为,并分辨出好的行为 与不良行为。然后,以小组讨论的形式,把前面所学的词句运用到真实任务中 来。通过真实的场景加深学生对班级规则语句的学习和记忆,通过小组活动和 完成任务的方式自然运用所学知识,提高言语交际技能。同时,引导学生在活 动中形成对客观世界的正确认识。 4. Lets chant 本部分通过有节奏的韵律诗,让学生体验感知字母 i 在单词中的发音/ai/。 二、课前准备二、课前准备 1在黑板上准备好四线三格,方便板书四会单词。 2. 准备教学课件。 三、初学步骤与建议三、初学步骤与建议 Step 1: Warm-up/Revision 1)师生问好 2) Rules report: What rules should we obey at school? 让学生以小组为单位,汇报他们在学校应约遵守的一些规则,并将大家说到的 规则进行板书,带领全班同学一起复习旧知识。 3)寻找身边的榜样:Who obey the school rules very well in our class? S1: . is a good student. He listens to the teacher carefully. He hands in his homework in time . S2: . is a good student. She comes to school early and listens to the teacher carefully . Step 2: Presentation 1)呈现情景。 教师引入本部分内容:Our classmates are good students. You always obey the school rules. Our friend Li Yan is a good student, too. Look, she is having a class at school. 教师出示 Li Yan 上课听讲认真的图片。 T: What do you think of Li Yan? S: She listens to the teacher carefully. T: Yes. We should learn from her. Listen to the teacher carefully. 教师出示 Li Yan 上课积极举手的图片。 T: What do you think of Li Yan? S: She asks and answers questions actively. T: Yes. Who ask and answer questions actively in our class? S: I ask and answer questions actively. 教师板书:Ask and answer questions actively.突出四会单词 ask, answer。 2)学习 Be quiet 教师呈现 Just practise 部分的第二幅图,让学生观察图片,并提问 What does Lisa warn to say?学生可能根据旧知说出 Dont make noise in class.教师可以呈现 新知 Be quiet.并带领学生进行练习。教师可以为学生提供一些邱其他可以使用 该语言的场景,如图书馆、医院等,帮助学生体验和内化语言。 3)学习 Dont eat in class。 教师呈现 Just practise 部分的第四幅图,让同学观察图片。 T: What is Gao Wei doing? S: He is eating. T: Is that right? S: No. T: If you are Li Yan, what will you say to Gao Wei? 学习 Dont eat in class.板书,注意突出四会词 eat, class。教师可以为学生多提供 几个场景练习新语言。如,在公交车上我们可以说 Dont eat on the bus. 在图书 馆我们可以说 Dont eat in the library. 等。 4)复习巩固其他规则。教师分别向学生出示上学迟到和在教室制造噪音的情景。 帮助学生复习在第 15 课学习的 Dont be late for class/school. Dont make noise. 并板书这两句话,注意突出四会单词 make, late, class, school。 5)找规律。帮助学生总结本节课学的规则,并在板书中进行分类。 Listen to the teacher carefully. Dont be late for class/school Ask and answer questions actively. Dont make noise. Be quiet. Dont eat in class. 根据学生水平适当地进行扩展。 Hand in your homework in time. Dont draw on the wall Help each other at school. Dont fight with classmates Step 3: Practice 1) Lets act 教师把学生分为三人一组,每名同学轮流表演一些不当行为,如上课吃东西, 上学迟到,在教室中制造噪音等。组内的其他两名同学通过抢答来对这种不良 行为进行规劝。 2) Lets chant. 完成书上 Lets chant。通过 chant 感知字母 i 在单词中的读音/ai/。请学生说一说 含有字母 i 的单词,并且找出哪些 i 发/ai/的音。 Step 4: Language use 学生以小组为单位利用老师上课奖励给自己的图片来制作班级守则宣传画,并 张贴在教室的适当位置。 语言支持: Listen to the teacher carefully. Ask and answer questions actively. Be quiet. Dont be late for class/school. Dont make noise. Dont eat in class. Step 5: Assessment 1)课堂教学过程中的评价。 课堂教学中,建议老师们可以准备一些学生在学校日常行为的图片,作为评价 的工具。学生可以在语言运用环节利用这些奖励图片制作宣传画。激励同学个 体和团队合作共同贏得胜利。 2)教师指导学生完成活动手册中的相关内容,并进行评价。 Step 6: Extended Activities 争做“文明少先队员”:让学生根据自己的实际表现,在相应的笑脸和哭脸下 面打对钩。然后,在表格空白处加上自己认为重要的好行为和不好的行为,进 行自我监督和改进。 Good mannersBad manners 1Listen to the teacher carefully.Make noise 2Hand in homework in time.Eat in class. 3Come to school early.Spit on the floor 4Ask questions activelyDraw or write on the wall 5 6 7
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