人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Last weekend-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:9036c).zip

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A Lets Learn last weekend this weekend 2016 May last weekend stayed at home cleaned my room washed my clothes watched TV I cleaned my _ last weekend. living room I washed my_ last weekend. socks I watched_ last weekend. happy comedy A: What did you do last weekend? B: I _and_. How about you? A: I _and_. Pair-workPair-work climbed the mountains watched TV washed the clothes cleaned the room did my homework played basketball read a book stayed at home Mike How was Chen Jies weekend? Listen and answer 听音,回答。听音,回答。 It was fine. What did Chen Jie do last weekend? I _ and _. stayed at homewatched TV Mike How was your weekend? It was fine, thanks. What did you do? I stayed at home and watched TV. Read after it 对话跟读对话跟读 A: Hello, _. How are you today? B: Im _ . A: How was your last weekend? B: It was _. A: What did you do? B: I _.How about you? A:_. B: Your weekend was_. A: Bye, _. B: See you! My last weekend was _. I _ _and _on Saturday. I _and _ on Sunday. I like my weekend. busycleaned my washed my clothes did my homeworkread a book room Sun . sat. Tip: Fill in the blanks and draw the pictures. A: How was your weekend? B: It was _. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I _. 调查你的六位朋友的周末情况,并打勾调查你的六位朋友的周末情况,并打勾 (fine, OK, good, busy ) played basketball climbed a mountain read a book Report 报告报告 Enjoy a meaningful and colorful weekend! Homework 1. Listen and read P15. 2. Do a survey about your family and ask “What did you do last weekend?” Who What Father Mother Brother 1 “优课”教案用表 教师教师 姓名姓名 单位单位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称 曾苗苗 宁波市江北区育 才实验学校 六年级下册 Unit 2 Last weekend (Part A learn) 教学 材料 分析 本部分的教学目标是让学生对规则动词的过去式变化加“ed”有所了解, 能听说读写下列短语:cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, and watched TV,能听懂理解句子:How was your weekend? What did you do? 并做出相应的回答。 教学 设计 说明 本节课的设计以教师 Miss Zeng 上周做了什么事情为主线,引出 cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, and watched TV 的教学,并通过和 学生的 free talk,listen and ask,make a call 等不同形式操练这四个短语。在 拓展环节,让学生制作自己的微博并相互分享。最后设计了 Do a survey and make a report,让学生能用今天学过的句型相互询问,并进行统计。 教学 内容 确定 Unit 2 Last weekend(A learn)该部分是学生第一次接触动词过去式,让他 们知道规则动词的过去时变化是在动词后面加“ed”。知道在什么情况下要 使用动词的过去式表达。本堂课除了让学生会真实地表达出他们上周做了什 么,还通过打电话询问自己的朋友做了什么,最后通过制作微博的方式让学 生写一写这些短语。 教学 目标 定位 Ss can listen, say and write the following words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, and watch TV. Ss can listen and understand :” How was your weekend? What did you do? ”And make correct answer. 教学 重点 难点 重点:掌握四个过去式短语的运用: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, and watched TV 及听懂并会回答句型: How was your weekend? What did you do? 难点:四个短语的拼写和发音。 板书 设计 2 教学设计教学设计 教学步骤教学步骤 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动教学建议教学建议 .Greeting and warm-up 1,T: Lets begin our class. Good afternoon, boys and girls. At first, lets review some phrases. When I show you a card, you should shout it out. Lets see who can shout it quickly. 2,T:I usually stay at home, clean my room and read a book on the weekend. What do you usually do on the weekend? T: That sounds like a lot of fun./Thats funny./great!/Cool! .Presentation 1,T: Look at the calendar, What day is it today? Today is Thursday. What about them? We call them “weekend”. How about them? We call them last weekend. Last weekend, I was very busy. Do you know what did I do? 2, T: Ok, look at my mouth, I will tell you quietly. Last weekend, I stayed at home, cleaned my room, washed my clothes and watched TV. Have you got it? 3. T says, now, let me show you what did I do last weekend. T shows the PPT, and says: last weekend, I stayed at home. 并 出现板书:I stay at home last weekend. SS:No. T says we should put “ed” here. ( 带领学生多读几 遍 stayed at home).相同的方法 呈现 cleaned my room, washed my clothes, watched TV. 4,Do you know the past tense 教师将准备好的 短语卡片贴到黑 板上。 通过 Free talk, 和学生聊聊他们 周末经常会做些 什么事情。从一 般现在时入手, 为引到一般过去 时做铺垫。 教师用日历指出 今天是星期几, 然后从 this weekend 引到 last weekend。 教师在这里卖个 关子,吊起学生 胃口。吸引所有 学生的注意力, 让他们把目光都 投到教师身上。 出示板书:stay at home,问学生 Is it right? 带领学生多读几 遍,熟练过去式 ed 的不同发音。 把之前复习过的 短语归为可加 ed 学生看卡片 并快速说出 来。 在和老师的 free talk 中, 复习旧知。 并拉近了和 上课教师的 距离。 通过直接明 了的日历呈 现,让学生 明白我们现 在要讲讲上 周末做了什 么事情。 这时候有学 生回答动词 的原型,老 师可以稍加 纠正。 学生会仔细 观察板书, 对比 PPT 的 呈现,思考 一般过去时 和一般现在 时的区别, 明白一般过 去时的动词 后面应该加 上“ed” 。 六年级的学 生学过很多 的动词短语, 通过闪卡活 动,将他们 脑海里的动 词短语激活, 为本堂课的 教学做准备。 本堂课的重 点是让学生 了解一般式, 所以如何导 入过去式的 时间概念是 一个关键点。 学生参与思 考,板书的 变化,直观 感受到一般 现在时和过 去时的区别。 板书的设计 很好地解决 了这一重点 加难点。 4 of these phrases? Lets look which verbs can add “ed”? and how to change these verbs? gowent, do-did, readread. Step Practice 1,T: Now, did you know what did I do last weekend? and how was my weekend? (Ss: It was very busy.) T: Yes, I was so busy. And what did you do last weekend? Tell your partner what did you do last weekend? 2 Ss a group. 2,T: Finished? Who wants a try? 3. 呈现板书 How was your weekend? It was_, thanks. 4. Boys and girls, most of you had a good and fine weekend? Do you know how was Chen Jies weekend? Now, lets listen carefully, and answer it. 5. Lets read after it. 6, 打电话操练。 T: Now, I want to call a student: A: Hello, Tony. How are you today? B: Im _ . A: How was your last weekends? B:It was _. A:What did you do? 和不可加 ed 两 组,再简单提一 下不可加 ed 的 动词过去式如何 变化。 教师提问两个学 生后,让学生两 人一组进行提问: What did you do last weekend? 邀请几组同学做 展示后,从后三 组同学开始提问: “How was your weekend?”学 生提问不出的情 况下,教师引导 Was it fine/good/ok/terri ble? 听完录音,教师 进行提问。并让 学生进行原音跟 读。 教师打电话给班 上的一个同学, 呈现电话内容。 两人一组的 pair work 让 学生说说他 们上周做了 什么? 学生从自己 的答案中总 结一下上周 末如何。明 白 How was your weekend?的 意思,并会 进行相应的 回答。 让其他学生 打电话给自 己的朋友, 并询问上周 末怎么样? 做了什么事 情? 学生在表达 上个星期做 了什么的时 候,不可避 免会说一些 不规则动词 短语。为了 尊重学生的 真实表达, 所以不规则 动词的变化 还是有必要 先提一下, 在后面的 free talk 中可 以避免更多 的语法错误。 通过听力练 习,锻炼了 学生的听力。 原音跟读, 让学生模仿 原音的语音 语调,有助 于提高学生 的语音面貌。 现在的孩子 对时尚的通 讯工具非常 好奇,这里 设计了 Mike 4 B:I_. How about you? A: I_. Bye. B: See you! Step Extension 1, T shows Mikes blog. And ask: whats this? Whose blog is it? What did Mike do last weekend? Invite a student to help Mike finish the blog. 2, T: Time to make your own blog. Take out your blog paper. Fill in the blanks, and draw the pictures. Who wants to share the blog. 3.T:Now, its time to do a survey. Ask your 6 friends how were their weekends? And fill in the table. Then please give us a report like this. Then present Johns report, tell Ss pay attention to the past tense of verbs. 教师先展示 PEP 人物 Mike 的微 博,简单提问 What did Mike do last weekend?然 后让学生动手做 自己的 blog 并展 示。 教师说完活动指 令以后,讲解一 下 did something else 的意思。在 请学生上来做报 告的时候,稍微 讲解一下你和你 朋友的周末如何? 学生将课前 准备好的照 片(上周末 做的事情) 贴到微博图 片处。并完 成微博的填 空。 每个学生可 以在全班范 围内调查 6 个朋友,包 括自己的周 末情况,并 做一个汇报。 和 Chen Jie 的微信聊天, 就是想和平 时的课堂听 力有所不一 样。 形式各异的 操练方式, 让学生觉得 课堂不会枯 燥乏味。制 作一个属于 自己的微博 这是早就想 做的事情啦! 以小组为单 位,统计出 组内有多少 人做了相同 的事情。让 学生学习如 何用今天的 交际用语进 行统计和做 报告 A Lets Learn Yucai Experimental School Miss Zeng last weekend this weekend 2016 May last weekend stayed at home cleaned my room washed my clothes watched TV I cleaned my _ last weekend. living room I washed my_ last weekend. socks I watched_ last weekend. happy comedy A: What did you do last weekend? B: I _and_. How about you? A: I _and_. Pair-workPair-work climbed the mountains watched TV washed the clothes cleaned the room did my homework played basketball read a book stayed at home Mike How was Chen Jies weekend? Listen and answer 听音,回答。听音,回答。 It was fine. What did Chen Jie do last weekend? I _ and _. stayed at homewatched TV Mike How was your weekend? It was fine, thanks. What did you do? I stayed at home and watched TV. Read after it 对话跟读对话跟读 A: Hello, _. How are you today? B: Im _ . A: How was your last weekend? B: It was _. A: What did you do? B: I _.How about you? A:_. B: Your weekend was_. A: Bye, _. B: See you! My last weekend was _. I _ _and _on Saturday. I _and _ on Sunday. I like my weekend. busycleaned my washed my clothes did my homeworkread a book room Tip: Fill in the blanks and draw the pictures. A: How was your weekend? B: It was _. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I _. 调查六个朋友上周末的情况,并打勾调查六个朋友上周末的情况,并打勾 (fine, OK, good, busy ) played basketball climbed a mountain read a book Report 报告报告 Enjoy a meaningful and colorful weekend! Homework 1. Listen and read P15 for 3 times. 2. Do a survey about your family and ask “What did you do last weekend?” Who What Father Mother Brother cleaned my room washed my clothes did my homework. stayed at home watched TV cleaned my room played basketball Listened to music watched TV 调查六个同学上周末的情况,并打勾调查六个同学上周末的情况,并打勾 Now tell the class: Last weekend, _ students washed their clothes, _students _ at home, _students _TV, _students _their room, _students did something else. What did you do?Tick washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV cleaned my room did something else
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