陕旅版三年级下册英语Unit 4 Whose coat is this -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:32026).zip

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作业设计-Whose coat is this? . 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。 1. Our music teacher has long _(直的) hair. 2. Mike is really _(高的), about 1.85 meters. 3. Who is that _(人) in the room? He is my brother Jack. 4. Alice is going to a birthday party _(今晚). 5. My brother is _(英俊的), but a little lazy. . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Her cousin Alice _(have) short black hair. 2. Uncle Li doesnt like to wear _(glass). 3. My favorite _(act) is Sun Li. She is beautiful. 4. Who is that boy? Do you know _(he)? 5. The _(high) of the mountain is 1,235 meters. . 按要求完成句子,每空一词。 1. Amys father isnt tall or short. (改为同义句) Amys father is _ _ _. 2. Tony is short and has brown hair. (对划线部分提问) _ does Tony _ _? 3. Is that man your math teacher? (作否定回答) _, _ _. 4. Linda wears glasses. (改为一般疑问句) _ Linda _ glasses? 5. Alice has straight hair. (用 curly hair 改为选择疑问句) Does Alice have _ _ _ hair? . 从方框中选择合适的句子回答问题 (其中有一项多余)。 A. Theyre tall and thin. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Theyre my classmates. D. He is really funny. E. Yes, he does. F. She is short. ( ) 1. When are you going to his house? ( ) 2. Does Eric have curly hair? ( ) 3. What do her parents look like? ( ) 4. Is Jenny tall or short? ( ) 5. What do you think of the actor? Unit4 whose coat is this? TodaysTodays learninglearning aimsaims 1.Review the key point of Unit3. 2. Learn clothing words of Unit4. How do you Review the key point of Unit3. come to school? I come to school by bus. I come to school on foot 来来 学学 校校 ? How do yougo to Beijing? I go to Beijing by train I go to Beijing by plane 去去 北北 京京 ? It was an Elephant! How do they go to the zoo? They go to the zoo by car 去去 动动 物物 园园 ? How does Alice She goes home by bike . She goes home by taxi. go home ?回回 家家 ? Unit4 whose coat is this? 洪洪 红红 山的那边,有好多的孩子山的那边,有好多的孩子 穿着破旧的衣服,他们没有鞋穿着破旧的衣服,他们没有鞋 子,光着脚上学。相比之下,子,光着脚上学。相比之下, 我们是多么的幸福。我们是多么的幸福。 What can we do for them? 我们能为他们做些什么?我们能为他们做些什么? dress 连衣裙 dress , dress My dress This is my dress skirt I like _skirt. Which one do you like? Dress, dress, dress, dress is long. Skirt, skirt, skirt, skirt is short. coat 大衣大衣 Lets say The coat is purple. The coat is big. Put on the coat. Funny, funny, funny! Lets say trousers 裤子裤子 Lets say The trousers are blue. The trousers are long. Put on the trousers. Funny, funny, funny! Lets say cap 帽子帽子 Lets say This is a c at. The cat is fat. Fat cat is on the cap. sweater 毛 衣 Lets say What is this? Its a _ .sweater socks 袜子袜子 socks , socks His socks They are his socks shoes 鞋子鞋子 Lets say Put on socks, white, white socks. Put on shoes, black, black shoes. cap skirt words list dresscoat trousers shoessockssweater Lets write - Bingo dress sweatercap coat trousers skirt shoes socks dress Whats missing? coat dress sweater cap socks shoes trousers Lost & Found 失物招领失物招领 Lost & Found 失物招领失物招领 Lost & Found 失物招领失物招领 Whose are these? They are my Whose is this? Its my Whose is this? Its my Whose are these? They are my 1.Whose apple _ this? A. is B. are 2. Whose socks are _ ? A.this B. those 3. _ skirt is this? A.Who B. Whose 4. - Is this your coat? - _. Its Liu Zhaoyangs coat. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is. D. No, it isnt. A B A D 早晨妈妈把我叫,早晨妈妈把我叫, 起床穿衣上学校起床穿衣上学校 。 穿上衣服clothes 衣服衣服 clothes 穿上袜子穿上袜子 socks 袜子袜子袜子袜子 socks 登上鞋子登上鞋子 shoes 鞋子鞋子鞋子鞋子 shoes 弟弟带着小帽子弟弟带着小帽子 cap cap 是帽子 妹妹穿上花裙子妹妹穿上花裙子 skirt skirt 是裙子是裙子 姐姐穿着红外套姐姐穿着红外套 coat coat 是外套是外套 哥哥穿着蓝裤子哥哥穿着蓝裤子 trousers trousers 是裤子是裤子 穿戴整齐要得体穿戴整齐要得体, 开开心心上学去开开心心上学去 Lets chant! http:/ 希望同学们珍惜今天的好生活,好好希望同学们珍惜今天的好生活,好好 学习,做个讲文明、爱干净的小学生学习,做个讲文明、爱干净的小学生 ! Homework: 1. P26-27 Listen, read and recite for three times. ( P26-27 听,读,背三遍听,读,背三遍) 2. Make a new dialogue. Whose coat is this? 一、教材内容 本课的主题是“Clothes” ,主要是谈论衣物的所属关系,通过 Danny 询问它所保管的衣服是谁的,学习 Whose coat is this?及应答。 二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学三年级学生,他们活泼好动,善于模仿,求 知欲强,好表现,急于得到老师和同学的肯定,同时还具有集体荣 誉感。但他们的注意力不够持久,坐不住,容易出现倦怠情绪,需 要老师设计灵活多样的教学活动来吸引他们的视线,激发他们的学 习兴趣。 三、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1)学生能听懂、会说、认读、单词 whose,coat,shirt. 2)学生能听懂、会说、认读句子 Whose coat is this? Its my coat./It s Peters. 2.能力目标:学生能运用本课所学句型谈论衣物的所属关系。 3.情感培养目标:通过游戏活动,培养学生积极参与交流的意识, 提高学生自信心。 四、教学重难点 重点:学生能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:Whose coat is this? It s my coat./Its Peters. 难点:在实际生活中会谈论衣物的所属关系,特别是灵活使用句型 Whose coat is this? Its my coat./Its Peters. 五、教学方法 情景法、直观演示法、歌曲、游戏活动等 六、教学过程 Step IWarming-up 1.Greetings. 2.Enjoy a song: Lesson 2 的活动三。 展示活动三的图片,Jenny is wearing a red dress and Danny is wearing a blue cap. 3.Look, is this your sweater? No, it isnt. Whose sweater is this? 学习 whose 【设计意图】总结上一课的重点句型,同时利用最后一句向新课进 行过渡,既以旧带新,又渲染了课堂气氛。 Step IIPresentation 1.Leading-in: 3.Look, is this your sweater? No, it isnt. Whose sweater is this? 学习 whose Is this your coat?学习 coat 单词,引出 whose coat is this?并板书 (1)课件出示 Li Ming 的外套,逐一问学生 Is this your coat?学生 都回答:No, it isnt.然后问 Whose coat is this? Whose coat is this? (呈现本课课题)教学新单词 whose。 以 chant 形式 Whose coat,Whose coat,Whose coat is this?领读课题 (2)Lets watch the video.请学生看 CD-ROM,听第一遍录音,回答 问题。 (1) PPT 显示问题 Whose coat is this?学生说出答案后,帮助学生进 行人称转换。 以 chant 形式朗读并巩固句型:Whose coat is this?Its my coat. 【设计意图】chant 朗朗上口,学生喜欢,易于接受。 (2) Listen again and repeat, then answer the question.(Recorder) Is this Guo Yangs coat? (3)Listen and imitate,then answer the question. Whose shirt is that?利用图片教学新单词 shirt,教师站远强调 that Chant 形式巩固句型:Whose shirt is that? Its Peters. 【设计意图】模仿正确的语音语调,培养纯正的英语发音,并加深 对课文的理解和掌握。同时让学生带着问题循序渐进地接受知识, 整体感知课文的基础上,学习新单词,在这种特定的情境中,便于 学生理解其含义,也使学习变得更容易。 (4). Read the text by yourselves and read it in groups. 【设计意图】让学生真正走进课文,融入课堂教学。 (5)全班分角色给课文配音。 Step III:Practice 1. Game:(Pair work)活动二。 (大风车) 2.Group work: A: Whose coat is this? B: Its XXXs. Whose coat is this? C: Its XXXs. Whose coat is this? D: Its XXXs. Whose coat is this? A: Its XXXs. 3.Group work:(拓展练习-“失物招领”尺子、橡皮等。) Find the owner. 教师出示手中的物品,然后询问 请学生四人一组仿照课文内容进行对话。四个人中选一个人当组长, 课前在自己的小组内,收集组员的一些文具放在塑料袋里,课上拿 出一件来问 Whose .is this?”,其它组员回答“Its.” Eg: A:Whats this? B: Its a A:What colour is it? B:Its A: Oh, its new. Is this your ? B: Yes, its my coat.(用不同颜色标注,区分开来/No, its isnt A: Whose is this? B: Its my_. C: Its XXXs. D: Its XXXs. 【设计意图】练习的设置由课本走向生活,并且循序渐进,由易而 难,符合认知规律,同时将所学知识融入现实生活中,达到学以致 用的目的。 3. Handwriting game. Copy the letters of Part 3:Ll Mm Nn Step IV: Summary 请学生自己总结本节所学,教师补充,最后学生齐读本课重点。 Step V. Homework: A: Listen and imitate the dialogues, try to act in groups. B: Act out the text for your father and mother. 【设计意图】为不同层次的学生设置不同层次的作业,给学生提供 了充分的自主选择权,同时也将课内学习延伸到课外,引导学生把 所学知识应用于实际生活中,最终提高实际运用语言的能力。 板书设计 Lesson3 Whose coat is this? Whose coat is this? Its my coat. Whose shirt is that? Its Peters. Ll Mm Nn
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