沪教版三下-Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Funny cartoons-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:802fe).zip

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UnitUnit 1010 FunnyFunny cartoonscartoons(periodperiod 1 1) 一、一、单元教学目标:单元教学目标: 1. 理解并学习本单元的核心词汇:head/body/arm/hand/leg/foot 2. 通过本课时的学习,学会用英语表达自己的身体部位并描述自己的身体部位: I have . My . is/are . 3. 懂得不要以貌取人的道理。 二、制定依据:二、制定依据: 1.1.内容分析内容分析 本单元的内容是一年级下册 Module3 Unit10 Funny cartoons。从单元目标来看,本单元的要求学生听懂描述身体部位, 会用I have和 Myis/are 来表达并描述自己的身体部位。 2.2.学生实际和学情分析学生实际和学情分析 本单元所在的模块的主题是 Things we enjoy。三年级的学生 已经有了一定的英语基础,而且本单元正好学的是人的身体部位, 更容易活跃学生思维,激发其学习兴趣。 另外,通过本课描述自己的身体部位,可以增进生生之间的互 动,相互熟悉。 3.3.本课时整体设计思路分析本课时整体设计思路分析 依据教学内容和学生实际,本课时采用新授单词句型单词 的顺序,把课文的重点词汇运用到句型中,设置场景,运用新知识。 4.4.困难分析困难分析 1.foot 的复数 feet。 2.让学生在理解新词新句基础之上,在情景中运用新知识向同学 描述自己的身体部位。 5整体设计思路整体设计思路 1. 教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识与语言技能目标 (1) 掌握词汇 head/body/arm/hand/leg/foot; (2) 能用所学的句型来向同学描述自己的身体部位(e.g:I have My is/are ) ; 2. 情感态度目标 (1) 不要以貌取人; 教学重点难点教学重点难点 1. 词汇:head/body/arm/hand/leg/foot; 2. 句型:I have My is/are 三、教学过程三、教学过程 Teaching stepsTeachers activitiesStudents activities Purposes Step1 Pre-task 1.Free talk T: Do you like cartoons? Which cartoon do you like? 2.Guess what do I like? 1.Free talk I like 2.Guess 通过 free talk 将学生 带入本课主题,引出 卡通这个话题,活跃 学生的思维。 Step2 While-task 1. Raise a question T:Who are in the story? 2. Tell the story. 3. Ask Ss to answer the question. T: Who are in the story? 4. Tell the story part by part and elicit the new words and key pattern.( head/body/arm/hand/le g/foot ) 1. Listen to the question carefully 2. Enjoy the story and think about the question. 3.Answer the question. 4. Listen to the story carefully and learn new words and chant together. 1.提出问题,让学生 带着问题,有目的地 去听故事,去思考。 2 通过讲森林国王的 故事,吸引学生的注 意力,调动积极性。 激发学生思考的同时, 让学生体验身体部位。 3 通过回答问题,理 清故事思路。 4 分段再听故事,引 出新单词新句型,最 终通过自然拼读法来 e.g. Elephant: I have a big head and a long nose. Who am I ? Elicit the new word head Chant: Big head, small head, I have a head. 5. Expansion footfeet tooth-teeth 6. Do exercise Fill in the blanks Quick eyes 7. Ask Ss try to fill in the blanks and repeat the story. (one by one; group by group; all together) 5. Read and try to remember 6. Do exercise Fill in the blanks Quick eyes 7. Fill the blanks and repeat the story.( one by one; group by group; all together)) 教学单词,编 chant 帮助学生掌握记忆。 5.通过对比相似单词, 帮助学生记忆特殊的 复数形式。 6. 做练习,检查学生 对单词、单复数、形 容词的掌握情况。 7. 通过故事挖空,让 学生复述故事,让学 生熟悉本故事并操练 新知识 Step3 Post-task 1. Ask Ss to enrich the story. 2. Moral education: Never judge by aooearances. 3. Homework: Write a short paragraph about yourself. 1 1 .Talk in groups of four and introduce yourselves. 2. Learn to Never judge by appearances. 1. 通过小组合作续编 故事,让学生在情景 中巩固并运用新单词、 新句型。 2. 回归文本,提出情 感教育。任何时候不 要以貌取人。 On the blackboard: Unit 10 Funny cartoons I have head My is/are body Arm Hand Leg foot(feet) Module 4 Things we enjoy Oxford English Period 1 Funny cartoons10 Oxford English FunnyFunny cartoonscartoons Who is he? headhead a a a head a big/small head I have a big head. armarm s s two arms two short / long arms I have two short / long arms. handhand s s _ hands _ big / small hands I have _ big / small hands. legleg s s _ legs _ _/ _ legs I have _ _/ _ legs. foot feet _ foot/feet _ _/ _ feet _ _ _ _/ _ feet. bodybodya a _ _ _ _/ _ _ _ _ _ _/ _ _. head arm hand legfoot body I I havehave head arm hand leg foot body I I havehave shoulder knee toe head arm hand leg foot body HiHi, , I I amam . I I havehave shoulder knee toe 1.1. CopyCopy andand spellspell thesethese words.words. head arm hand leg foot body 2.2. MakeMake sentencessentences using:using: Hi, Im . I have .
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