陕旅版四年级下册英语Revision 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:81726).zip

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Read and complete 1.They want to see a film. They are going to the_. 2.Kevin wants to buy some books. He is going to the_. 3.The children are going to the _ to fly kites. 4.The students is going to the _ buy a pencil. A. cinema B. park C. shop D. bookstore Words and numbers ( ) stop ( ) wait ( ) turn right ( ) turn left ( ) traffic lights ( ) cross the street Let s guess 1.They are two brothers.One is on the left .The other is on the right .They can hear .But they can not see eath oher. What are they? They are_. 2.I am not a bird .I am very big .I dont eat food.But I can fly high in the shy.What am I? I am a _. Think and write down your answer 1.How old are you? I am_. 2.How old is your mother? She is _. 3.Where are you going on Childrens Day? We are going to the_. 4.Can you take photos? 学情分析: 学生经过了一年的英语学习,兴趣浓厚,已慢慢形成英语习惯。本部分是第一单元的 B 部分, 学生已经差不多掌握了职业单词,本部分是要学生运用职业单词进行造句,学生口语表达能 力有些许欠缺,本节课将重视学生在实际情境中的语言运用能力。 单元教材分析 本单元要学生学会问对方什么时候干什么事这个句型,是在前一个单元的基础上再进一步 接触特殊疑问句,要求学生继续谈论他们生活中间的一个热门话题,通过练习,讨论来提 高学生的各方面能力。 Revision 2 Units 5-8 学情分析: 学生经过了一年的英语学习,兴趣浓厚,已慢慢形成英语习惯。本部分是第一单元的 B 部分, 学生已经差不多掌握了职业单词,本部分是要学生运用职业单词进行造句,学生口语表达能 力有些许欠缺,本节课将重视学生在实际情境中的语言运用能力。 第一课时 一教学目标 能听、说、读、写每个单元词汇 Unit5:cinema buy a book park shop bookstore Unit6: :gifts flowers birthday party cardscandles balloons Unit7: stop wait turn right turn left traffic lights cross the street Unit8: speak hear see help open close take photos play the music 会用下列句型 1、_Where are you going ? 2._ I am going to the . 3._What are you going to do? 4_ I am going to . 5._ Be careful. 7._ What you can do? 8._I can. 教学重点: 能灵活运用上述词汇。并且能在实际生活中加以运用,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。 能灵活自若地对他人的日常生活进行回答,熟练掌握所学词汇,并能进行相应的替换练习 ,以达到学以致用的目的。 教学难点: 能听懂、 会说 、会读 、会写下列句型: 1、Where are you going ? I am going to the . 3. What are you going to do? I am going to 7._ What you can do? I can. 能灵活自若地对他人的日常生活进行回答,熟练掌握所学词汇,并能进行相应的替换练习 ,以达到学以致用的目的。 二教学准备 单词卡片,录音磁带, 学习目标: 一学习目标 (一)会说、会用、会写 Units 5_8 中的单词及词组。 (二)会读、会说、会写、会用 Units 5-8 中的重点句型。 (三)通过课前预习、自主学习、合作交流等环节完成复习课中的 complete and match (四)通过自主学习完成 Part1 的听力练习。 教学过程 一热身: (一)sing the song 热身并导入新课,播放歌曲录音并指导学生跟唱. 二自主学习 (一)学生自由读并记忆单元汇表中 Units5 中的单词。 (二)Read and complete (三)lets say What is he/she going to do? -He/She is going to What is he/she going to do? -He/She is going to 复习动词短语 (四)Look and write What does Miss White have for her birthday? She has a big _ cake, six _, twenty-seven _, three _, and some _. 三操练 (一)High and low voice stop wait turn right turn left traffic lights cross the street (二) Words and numbers ( ) stop ( ) wait ( ) turn right ( ) turn left ( ) traffic lights ( ) cross the street (三)Whats missing? 哪个单词消失后读出英语。 (四)what you can do? I can . (五)What else you can do? I can speak /hear /see /help /open/ close /take photos/ play the music (六)Lets guess 1.They are two brothers.One is on the left .The other is on the right .The y can hear .But they can not see eath oher. What are they? They are 2.I am not a bird .I am very big .I dont eat food.But I can fly high in t he shy. What am I? I am a 学生先阅读,再找出答案再写出答案。 四展示交流 让学生们上台展示学习成果,可以是两人一组或四人一组自编对话,对话内容要涉及 Unit s5-6 中的重点句型,同样给表现好的小组加分,以激发他们上台展示、表演的欲望 五课堂作业 (一)作业当堂清 教师放录音,让学生自主完成 Part1(Listen and match)的练习题,第一遍让学 生认真听,第二遍开始做题,第三遍核对答案。 (二) 挑战自我 Think and write down your answer 1.How old are you? I am_. 2.How old is your mother? She is _. 3.Where are you going on Childrens Day? We are going to the_. 4.Can you take photos? (三) 展现自我 单词记忆大比拼。 1让部分小组的学生到黑板上拼写单词(让 1,2,3,4 号学生分别写不同的单词),写完后 ,叫其他小组的学生上来检查并纠错,然后教师评出等级,并分别予以加分。 2.让学生们在小组内,两人一组或四人一组,通过合作学习把已归纳总结的 Units5-8 中要 求掌握的重点句型进行复习。 板书设计: Revision Where are you going ? I am going to the . What are you going to do? I am going to . _ What you can do? I can. Revision 2 Units 5-8 学情分析: 学生经过了一年的英语学习,兴趣浓厚,已慢慢形成英语习惯。本部分是第一单元的 B 部分, 学生已经差不多掌握了职业单词,本部分是要学生运用职业单词进行造句,学生口语表达能 力有些许欠缺,本节课将重视学生在实际情境中的语言运用能力。 第一课时 一教学目标 能听、说、读、写每个单元词汇 Unit5:cinema buy a book park shop bookstore Unit6: :gifts flowers birthday party cardscandles balloons Unit7: stop wait turn right turn left traffic lights cross the street Unit8: speak hear see help open close take photos play the music 会用下列句型 1、_Where are you going ? 2._ I am going to the . 3._What are you going to do? 4_ I am going to . 5._ Be careful. 7._ What you can do? 8._I can. 教学重点: 能灵活运用上述词汇。并且能在实际生活中加以运用,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。 能灵活自若地对他人的日常生活进行回答,熟练掌握所学词汇,并能进行相应的替换练习 ,以达到学以致用的目的。 教学难点: 能听懂、 会说 、会读 、会写下列句型: 1、Where are you going ? I am going to the . 3. What are you going to do? I am going to 7._ What you can do? I can. 能灵活自若地对他人的日常生活进行回答,熟练掌握所学词汇,并能进行相应的替换练习 ,以达到学以致用的目的。 二教学准备 单词卡片,录音磁带, 学习目标: 一学习目标 (一)会说、会用、会写 Units 5_8 中的单词及词组。 (二)会读、会说、会写、会用 Units 5-8 中的重点句型。 (三)通过课前预习、自主学习、合作交流等环节完成复习课中的 complete and match (四)通过自主学习完成 Part1 的听力练习。 教学过程 一热身: (一)sing the song 热身并导入新课,播放歌曲录音并指导学生跟唱. 二自主学习 (一)学生自由读并记忆单元汇表中 Units5 中的单词。 (二)Read and complete (三)lets say What is he/she going to do? -He/She is going to What is he/she going to do? -He/She is going to 复习动词短语 (四)Look and write What does Miss White have for her birthday? She has a big _ cake, six _, twenty-seven _, three _, and some _. 三操练 (一)High and low voice stop wait turn right turn left traffic lights cross the street (二) Words and numbers ( ) stop ( ) wait ( ) turn right ( ) turn left ( ) traffic lights ( ) cross the street (三)Whats missing? 哪个单词消失后读出英语。 (四)what you can do? I can . (五)What else you can do? I can speak /hear /see /help /open/ close /take photos/ play the music (六)Lets guess 1.They are two brothers.One is on the left .The other is on the right .The y can hear .But they can not see eath oher. What are they? They are 2.I am not a bird .I am very big .I dont eat food.But I can fly high in t he shy. What am I? I am a 学生先阅读,再找出答案再写出答案。 四展示交流 让学生们上台展示学习成果,可以是两人一组或四人一组自编对话,对话内容要涉及 Unit s5-6 中的重点句型,同样给表现好的小组加分,以激发他们上台展示、表演的欲望 五课堂作业 (一)作业当堂清 教师放录音,让学生自主完成 Part1(Listen and match)的练习题,第一遍让学 生认真听,第二遍开始做题,第三遍核对答案。 (二) 挑战自我 Think and write down your answer 1.How old are you? I am_. 2.How old is your mother? She is _. 3.Where are you going on Childrens Day? We are going to the_. 4.Can you take photos? (三) 展现自我 单词记忆大比拼。 1让部分小组的学生到黑板上拼写单词(让 1,2,3,4 号学生分别写不同的单词),写完后 ,叫其他小组的学生上来检查并纠错,然后教师评出等级,并分别予以加分。 2.让学生们在小组内,两人一组或四人一组,通过合作学习把已归纳总结的 Units5-8 中要 求掌握的重点句型进行复习。 板书设计: Revision Where are you going ? I am going to the . What are you going to do? I am going to . _ What you can do? I can. 陕旅版四年级下册陕旅版四年级下册 Revision 2 LittleLittle mouse,mouse, littlelittle mouse;mouse; RunRun soso fast,fast, runrun soso fast;fast; WhereWhere areare youyou going?going? WhereWhere areare youyou going?going? TellTell meme now,now, letlet meme know.know. Practise buy a story book shop bus stop cinema park hospital bookstore places home 家 room 房间 bedroom 卧室 bathroom 卫间 kitchen 厨房 living room 客厅 study 书房 school 学校 classroom 教室 playground 操场 park 公园 farm 农场 hospital 医院 zoo 动物园 library 图书馆 bus stop车站 post office 邮局 shop 商店 cinema 电影院 bookstore 书店 bank 银行 garden 花园 pet shop 宠物店 supermarket 超 市 museum 博物馆 the Childrens Park儿童公园 music room 音乐教室 teachers office 老师办公室 places Practise Read and complete They want to see a film. They are going to the _. Kevin wants to buy some books. He is going to the _. The children are going to the _ to fly kites. The student is going to the _ buy a pencil. A. cinema B. park C. shop D. bookstore A 答案答案 D B C Play a game Whats missing? play football do some washing do his homework see a film fly a kite climb the mountain play football lets say -Where is he/she going? -He/She is going to the What is he/she going to do? -He/She is going to sing songs do some washing do my homework see a film fly a kite climb the mountain play football PracticePractice Magic fingers Look and write What does Miss White have for her birthday? She has a big _ cake, six _, twenty-seven _, three _, and some _. birthda y balloon s candle s gift s flower s 答案答案 Practice Game 1 stop wait turn right turn left traffic lights cross the street Practice Game 2 stop wait turn right turn left traffic lights cross the street 1 2 3 4 5 6 PracticeGame 3 red light stop stop stop! green light cross cross cross! yellow light wait wait wait ! What you can do? I can. -What can you do? 你会做什么? - I can . 我会 Lets practice. play football speak English close the door see help open the window speak hear take photos What can the dog do? It can help the man. What can you do? I can swim. Look! I can swim very well. 1.They are two brothers.One is on the left .The other is on the right .They can hear .But they can not see eath oher. What are they? They are 2.I am not a bird .I am very big .I dont eat food.But I can fly high in the shy.What am I? I am a Lets guess ears plane Homework Do for your mom:给妈给妈 妈制作一张贺卡作为礼物妈制作一张贺卡作为礼物 ,要求用英语书写出内容,要求用英语书写出内容 ,表达对妈妈的感恩之情,表达对妈妈的感恩之情 。 Thanks for listening! Thank you. Good bye!
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