陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 2 What Would You Like -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:50084).zip

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    • video1 warming-up 美味佳肴.mp4
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    • 教案50084.doc--点击预览
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陕旅版六年级下册 Unit2 Period2 Short movie a bowl of noodles A: WhatWhat wouldwould youyou likelike toto eateat? ? B: I Id d likelike three bowls of rice a bowl of beef noodles two bowls of soup a plate of beef A: WhatWhat wouldwould youyou likelike toto eateat? ? B: I Id d likelike three plates of chicken a plate of beef two plates of salad a glass of juice A: WhatWhat wouldwould youyou likelike toto drinkdrink? ? B: I Id d likelike two glasses of milk a glass of juice three glasses of water a cup of tea two cups of coffee a cup of tea Lets look at this picture. Who are they? Lets talk Noodle House Questions: Q1. What does the waitress say at first(最初 )? Q2. What would they like to eat? Q3. What kind of noodles would they like? Q4. Would they like something to drink? Q5. What kind of drinks would they like? Welcome to Noodle House. What would you like to eat? Theyd like two bowls of noodles. A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles , please. Yes. A glass of juice and a cup of tea. WaitressWaitress: Welcome to Noodle House. What would you like to eat? MomMom: Wed like two bowls of noodles. WaitressWaitress: What kind of noodles would you like, beef noodles or tomato noodles? MomMom: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles, please. WaitressWaitress: Ok. Would you like something to drink? SuSu Nan:Nan: May I have some juice, Mom? Mom:Mom: Sure. A glass of juice and a cup of tea, please. Waitress:Waitress: Anything else? Mom:Mom: No, thanks. Mom:Mom: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles. A glass of juice and a cup of tea, Please wait a minute(稍等一下). apples pears bananas oranges grapes veget ables fruits What kind of vegetables would you like, tomatoes or potatoes? What kind of fruits would you like, apples or oranges? WaitressWaitress: Welcome to_. What would you like_? MomMom: Wed like_. WaitressWaitress: What kind of noodles would you like, beef noodles _tomato noodles? MomMom: A bowl of _and a bowl of_, please. WaitressWaitress: Ok. Would you like_? Fill in the blanks Noodle House to eat two bowls of noodles or beef noodles tomato noodles something to drink SuSu Nan:Nan: May I have_, Mom? Mom:_Mom:_ . A glass of juice and a cup of tea, please. Waitress:_Waitress:_ ? Mom:Mom: No, thinks. Mom:Mom: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles. A glass of juice and a cup of tea, Please _(稍等一下). somesome juicejuice SureSure Anything else wait a minute Lets chant What would you like? What would you like? Id like dumplings. Id like noodles. Id like chicken and beef. What would you like? What would you like? Id like milk. Id like juice. Id like water and tea. Homework: a cup of tea three bottles of milk two bowls of noodles four plates of beef three pieces of bread 两碗面条两碗面条 一杯橙汁一杯橙汁 三杯热咖啡三杯热咖啡 一块鸡肉一块鸡肉 三盘鱼肉三盘鱼肉 H Homeworkomework : : a. Role-play with your partner . b. make another new dialogue. Unit2 What would you like? 第二课时 Lets talk 课课 型型 情景交际课 教材分析教材分析 本课时是陕西旅游版小学英语六年级下册 Unit2What would you like? Part A Lets talk。本单元的话题是食物,本单元的特点是与生活实际相结合。 本教材要求学生通过这一单元的学习,能够用英语表述常见的食物名称,能够 熟练运用句型征求和表达用餐意愿等。 学情分析学情分析 在三到五年级的英语课程里,学生已经学习了一些关于食物方面的知识, 能够简单用英语句型表达自己的意愿,本课时继续围绕食物展开话题,本节课 教学内容很贴近学生们的生活,是同学们爱吃的食物。这就要求教师在活动上 充分设计生活情景,调动学生的情绪,加之行之有效的多媒体教学手段和采用 多样的教学方法,注重知识的反复操练,关注学困生,有效提高学习效果。绝 大多数同学听、说、读的能力较好,上英语课的积极性很高,只有个别同学程 度一般,教师在课堂上给予重点关注,让他们很好地融入到学习中,使他们在 有趣的课堂活动中感知语言。 教学目标教学目标: 1.知识目标 (1)复习下列短语:a bowl of noodles、a plate of beef、a glass of juice、 a bottle of water、a cup of tea、a piece of bread 等食物短语。 (2)能掌握并表演所学对话:What would you like to eat? Id like What kind of noodles would you like ? 在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 2.能力目标: 能运用所学句型 What would you like to eat? Id likeWhat kind of noodles would you like ? 正确询问他们需要的饮料或食物,在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯, 培养良好的语音、语调和语感。 3.情感目标 培养学生养成科学饮食的良好习惯。 教学重点:教学重点: 能够表演 Lets talk 中的对话。在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流 和运用。 教学难点:教学难点: 用英语准确询问他人所需要的饮料和食物。 教法与学法教法与学法: 操练法 图片法 活动法 情景教学法 合作法 问答法 听说法 任务型教学法 教学手段教学手段:多媒体课件 食物图片 教学过程教学过程: 一、 Warming up 1.Greeting. 2.watch a video and find out the names of the food. 二、 Presentation 1.Lets look and say. (教师出示多媒体课件,展示学生以前学过的一些食物的图片,让学生快速认读 这些食物的单词。) T: We have many foods. Who can tell me what can you see?以不同 的方式出示单词让学生猜并且说出单词。并对说的好的同学鼓励。 S1: I can see a blow of noodles. S2:. 2. Sentences. (1)教师出示对媒体课件,出示食物的图片。利用以前学过的句子层层递进 的将本课句型出来。 T:Whats your favorite food/fruits? S1: My favorite food is . 。 T: What would you like to eat?(板书句型) S2:Id like . S3:I d like T:What kind of would you like ? (板书句型) S:I d like beef noodles T: Im thirsty. Id like some water. What would you like to drink? S1:Id like . . S2: Id like . . (在此句型教授和练习时运用多种教学方法,师生问答、生生问答、小组之间问 答,充分练习本课重点句型,为学习课文做好铺垫。) (2)Lets talk. 让学生听录音,回答问题理解对话内容。 Q: 1、Who are they?Where are they ? 2、What does the waitress say? 3、What do they want to eat?(Mom & Su Nan) 4、What kind of noodles would they like? 5、Would they like something to drink ? 指名朗读对话、掌握单词、句子读法。 三、Practice 1、学生模仿、生生对话、小组表演。并给予鼓励。 2、扮演服务员,运用本课句型即兴编对话,对表演好的同学给予奖励。 四、Chant What would you like? What would you like? Id like dumpling. I d like noodles. Id like chicken and beef. What would you like? What would you like? Id like milk. I d like juice. Id like water and tea. 五、Homework 1.运用本课所学句型 What would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?和 Id like .练习对话。 2. 根据今天所学内容自编对话,下节课表演。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit2 What would you like? What would you like to eat? Id like What kind of would you like ? I d like beef noodles 教学反思:教学反思: 总体来说,按照目标要求完成了这节课的教学任务,有重点,有难点,有 练习,有提升,通过 ppt 展示图片来复习之前学过的短语知识,并通过师生问 答、生生问答展示出本节课的重点句型 What would you like?通过练习突破 难点句型 What kind of noodles would you like?接着通过一系列的问答和 做游戏来巩固重难点。最后再让学生学习课文,由于前面已经充分的练习过本 课的重点句型,所以同学们在学习课文的时候很容易上手。最后提高难度,让 学生根据自己的想法来当一名服务员,进行扩展问答练习。 不足之处有以下几点,一、由于过分紧张,开课时气氛稍显沉闷。学生的 回答老师有的也没有及时给予评价,在评价时也没有进行分组评价,不能很好 的促进全班学生学习的积极性。二、课堂活动虽是围绕重点难点进行的,但方 法有些单一,活动中老师也没有给出更多的知识内容以便于学生扩展练习,不 能很好地发挥学生说的能动性。三、时间安排过于紧凑,导致学生在后面没有 太多展示的时间。机械操练多于生成操练。 总之,一节课会有不尽人意的地方,还需要各位老师的批评和指正,谢谢!
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