陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 2 What Would You Like -Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:10116).zip

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1 1 Unit 2 What Would You Like? Part C 教学目教学目标标及要求:及要求: 1.能听懂、理解并完成 Part C 的听力练习内容。 2.能根据单元学习重点,自主完成 Part C 部分所剩余的练习。 3.能熟练的运用本单元所学的功能结构,进行情景会话。 教学重、教学重、难难点:点: 1.-What would you like for lunch? -Id like. 2.Would you like something to drink? 3.Anything else? -Yes. 教学准教学准备备: : 1.本单元词汇卡片。 2.一些物质名词及一些能表示数量短语的纸条。 3.录音机以及录音磁带。 教学方法:教学方法: 情景教学法,任务型教学法,小组合作。 教学教学过过程程设计设计: : 1.WarmupRevision( (热热身身复复习习) ) (1) Greetings. (2) Review the new words and sentences. 2.Listen and tick 打开课本 P15。在播放录音之前,让学生先把题目内容浏览一遍。然后,教 师播放录音,让学生根据录音内容勾出相应的图片。 3.Look and write 处理此练习时,教师可先以第一小题为例,向学生强调使用量词词组来描 2 2 述东西多少是,无论后面搭配的是可数名词,还是不可数名词,一定要在量词 的位置上体现复数形式。 学生自主完成看图写短语的练习。要求字迹清晰、拼写规范。 检查写生书写情况。就单词拼写的正误以及单词书写的规范情况指出不足或 给予积极评价,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 4.Look and talk A: What would you like for lunch? B: Id like a bowl of rice and a plate of fish. A: Anything else? B: Yes.And some vegetables,please. A: Well, a bowl of rice and a plate of fish and some vegetables. Please wait a minute. B: Ok.Thank you. 教师组织学生依据图片,模仿示范的对话,分组自由对话,操练重要句型。 5.Complete and act 学生自主阅读有空缺的话,根据自己对上下文的理解分析完成填空。 教师带领学生了解对话背景,理解对话内容。师生共同检查填空内容的完成 情况。 学生互找搭档演读对话,进行角色扮演。然后进行生生评价、师生评价。 6.Activity(活活动动) 词汇复习 教师出示本单元的词汇图片,让学生看图说出本单元量词词组,可以扩充介 绍部分量词词组,也可以进行名称部分的替换。 最佳搭配 教师将所准备的能表示数量的短语纸条贴在黑板上,让学生们读一读。之后, 快速的逐一出示物质名词,要求学生选择合适的量词短语和这个名词构成恰 3 3 当的搭配,看谁搭配的又快又好。 将上面搭配出的短语代入到本单元所学的功能结构中,进行对话练习。 Homework:1. 熟读本单元的所有单词。 2. 将编好的对话写下来,与同桌表演。 板板书设计书设计: : Unit 2 What Would You Like? Part C A: What would you like for lunch? B: Id like a bowl of rice and a plate of fish. A:Anything else? B: Yes.And some vegetables,please. A: Well, a bowl of rice and a plate of fish and some vegetables. Please wait a minute. B: Ok.Thank you. Review 量词类量词类 一碗一碗 一盘一盘 一杯一杯 一瓶一瓶 一杯一杯 一片一片 a bowl of a plate of a glass of a bottle of a cup of a piece of Listen and tick 1. What would the girl like to eat? a. b. c. a. b. c. 2. How many pieces of bread does Mr. Zhao want? a. b. c. 3. What would Alice like to drink? 4. What did Li Shan have this morning? a. b. c. 5. What kind of noodles would Kevin like? a. b. c. Look and write 1. three pieces of chicken 2. 3. a bowl of soup two glasses of juice 4. 5. 6. three boxes of milk two bottles of water four cups of tea Look and talk rice/fish/vegetables beef noodles/tomato soup 米饭米饭/ /鱼肉鱼肉/ /蔬菜蔬菜牛肉面牛肉面/ /西红柿汤西红柿汤 A: What would you like for lunch? B: Id like a bowl of rice and a plate of fish. A: Anything else? B: Yes. And some vegetables, please. A: Well, a bowl of rice, a plate of fish and some vegetables. Please wait a minute. B: OK. Thank you. Play roles with your partner What can I do for you? Id like a bowl of noodles. What kind of noodles would you like? Beef noodles, please. Anything else? Yes. And a bowl of tomato soup, please. Well. Please wait a minute.OK. Thank you. Complete and act. A: Hello! This is Dumpling House. Can I _you? B: Yes, Id _thirty dumplings. A: What _ of dumplings would you like? B: Meat and vegetable dumplings. help like kind A: Would you like something to _? B: Yes, a _of green tea, please. A: OK. Thirty dumplings and a bottle of green tea. Whats your _, please? B: No.7 Garden Road. drink bottle address homework 1.熟读本单元的所有单词。熟读本单元的所有单词。 2.将编好的对话写下来,与同桌将编好的对话写下来,与同桌 表演。表演。
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