(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters Reading and Thinking ppt课件.zip

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Unit4 Natural Disasters Reading and Thinking Teaching objectives By the end of the class, you will be able to: identify the language features of literary journalism and the structure of the text. 01 02 03 appreciate the figures of speech and writing skills used in the text. 04 learn about the basic information of the Tangshan earthquake. grasp and use some words and phrases describing a natural disaster. Can you guess what happened during a big earthquake? Buildings_ fell downPeople were_ trapped or buried The water pipes_ cracked and burstThe city was_and lay_ destroyedin ruins The Night the Earth didnt Sleep 1.Whats text mainly about? 2.What does the writer mean by the title? While-reading Skimming for main information. 1. What kind of text is it? 2. How are the events arranged? The type of writing of the text is literary journalism. Literary journalism usually describes real historical events and real characters. The usage of the figures of speech can stimulate readers feelings and thus touch the readers. The text is organized in chronological/time order. Skimming for main information. Read the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph1:Warning signs before the earthquakes. Paragraph2:_ Paragraph3:_ Paragraph4:_ Paragraph5:_ The happening of the big earthquake. The immediate effects of the earthquake. The rescue work. The revival of the city . during the earthquake after the earthquake before the earthquake Strange things were happening In the village wells In the farmyard In the field In the sky What was the attitude of the people in the city towards those strange things? But the citys one million people were asleep as usual that night. People ignored the warning signsignorant Para1. Strange things were happening. Supporting details vAt _, everything began to shake. v_ of the nation felt the earthquake. v A huge crack that was _ kilometres long and _ metres wide cut across houses. vIn less than_ minute, a large city lay in ruins. v_ of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. v The number of people who were killed or badly injured reached more than _. vAll of the citys hospitals, _ of its factories and buildings and _ of its homes were gone. Para2. It seemed as if the world were coming to an end. 3:42 a.m. One third eight 30 one Two thirds 400,000 75% 90% How did people feel at that time? shocked Supporting details Guess what the word“ruin” means from the context. 课本原句: In less than one minute, a large city lay in ruins. This word describes the city straight after the earthquake. In a short time, a lot of damage was done, so it must describe a place that has been badly damaged. Learning tip: When you see a word you do not know, do not stop and look it up in a dictionary. If you continue reading, the context will probably help you understand what it means. What was the peoples feeling at that time? People felt hopeless at that time. Para3. Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruins. factories, buildings and homes,hospitals bricks dams, bridges, railway tracks cows, pigs,chickens water, food,electricity Supporting details Para4. But hope was not lost. who what result hopeful Supporting details soldiers doctors and nurses workers to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead came to provide medical service build shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed the city began to breathe again What does the writer mean by “Slowly, the city began to breathe again”? The writer means that the city began to function again, because the earthquake had stopped people and supplies moving about, and so it was like the city couldnt breathe. come back to life or recover I think the revival of Tangshan was helped by the strong support of the government and the people who all worked in unity to rebuild the city even better than before. Para5 Tangshan started to revive itself and get back up on its feet. What do you think helped in the revival of Tangshan city? The change of peoples feeling ignorant shocked hopeless hopeful before the earthquake during the earthquake after the earthquake when the rescue came 1. The night the earth didnt sleep. Slowly, the city began to breathe again. 2.the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. Reading for language features and writing skills figure of speech: personification 拟人 Function: to make the language vivid and expressive, and resonate with readers. figure of speech: Repetition重复 Function: to make the description more vivid and involve the readers in the atmosphere 3. It seemed as if the world were coming to an end. 4. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. Reading for language features and writing skills figure of speech: simile明喻metaphor 暗喻 Function: to make the description more vivid. figure of speech: exaggeration夸张 Function: to show the destruction was extremely severe. Whats the function of the figures? 3:42 a.m. 11 kilometers 200 kilometers 15 seconds 2/3 75%, 90% 400,000 To show the disastrous destruction and suffering; to make the passage true and convincing. After-reading Wenchuan county and some other towns near Wenchuan have the similar experiences. These towns were built up from the ruins. As well as developing better ways to detect and prepare for these disasters, we have learnt that acting quickly and in unity is the best way to get over such disasters. The strong support from government and people around are also very important. Discussion What other cities or towns have gone through similar changes? What lessons can we learn from these events? Live to tell: Raising awareness, reducing mortality. 用生命呼吁:增强减灾意识, 减少人员伤亡。 Home -work 1.Summarize the passage. 2.Do some research on other natural disasters by surfing the Internet and make a report. Thank you! UNIT4 THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP Reading and Thinking Pre-reading Whatistheclipabout? Whathappened? Watcharadioclip Huge crack cut across roads.The whole city was in ruins. More pictures Building were destroyed. The railway tracks became useless pieces of metal. Most bridges had fallen or were not safe to cross. build shelters provide care Rescue work Tangshan today Tangshan after the earthquake While-reading Activity1Whatsthemainideaofthetext?Howmanypartsdoesit include?Writedownthemainideaofeachparagraph. ItmainlytalksaboutthebigearthquakehappenedinTangshanin1976. StructureMainideaofeachparagraph Part1:para1beforetheearthquakepara1:Warningsignsbeforetheearthquake. Part2:para2notsafetocross 7.railwaytracks:becameuselesspiecesofmetal 8.water,foodelectricity:hardtoget peoplesreaction:inshock duringtheearthquake beforetheearthquake after the earthquake signs: 1.wells:deepcracks;smellygas;waterrose micelookedforplacestohide; fishjumpedoutofthewater 3.lightsdoctors;nurses;workers. result:Hundreds of people were helped; got water the city began to breatheagain. Newlook: whatthegovernment150kilometers; Onethird;8kilometersand30meters;Lessthanoneminute;Twothirds;400,000; 75percent;90percent;150,000;10,000. For one reason, it conveys how great the damage the earthquake caused. For another,citingspecificnumberswhendescribingthelossisarespecttothetruth, whichmakesthewholefactmoreconvincing. 2.Analyzethetypeandlanguagefeaturesofthetext,andinferthewritingpurpose. Typeofthetext:literaryjournalism.Itusesavividwaytodescribetheearthquake withmanyrhetoricexpressions. Writingpurpose:ThewriterintendstotellusthewhathappenedintheTangshan earthquakeaswellasthegreatdamagethebigearthquakebroughttous.Itwarnsus nottothinklittleofanyunusualsignsandinspiresustothinkaboutdisaster preventions.Thewriteralsoremindsusthateventhoughdisastersarecruel,people whosufferedcangetstrongsupportandlovefromthenation.Morehandscanproduce astrongerflame!Anotherthingwecanlearnfromthetextisthatalwaysstaytoughno matterwhathappens.Atoughmindsetalwaysmatters! 3.Whatkindofhelpdoyouthinkpeoplewhohavesufferedanearthquake need? Theyneedquickaccesstobasicthingssuchaswaterandfood,becausetheycantgetthem easily.Theyalsoneedmedicalcare,notjustforinjuries,buttoprotectagainstdiseaseand otherproblemsthathappenaftertheearthquake.Lastbutnotleast,thesepeoplealsoneed psychologicalcareandhelp. 4.What other cities or towns have gone through similar changes? What lessonscanwelearnfromtheseevents? WenchuancountyandsomeothertownsnearWenchuanhavethesimilarexperiences. Thosetownswerebuiltupfromtheruins.Aswellasdevelopingbetterwaystodetectand prepareforthesedisasters,wehavelearntthatactingquicklyandinunityisthebestwayto getoversuchdisasters.Thestrongsupportfromgovernmentandpeoplearoundarealso veryimportant. Readthepassageonworkbookonpage92toexploremoreaboutthe topic.Comparethatpassagewiththeonewejustlearnt.Analyzeits writingstylesandlanguagefeatures. Homework
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