(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 知识点+练习(含答案).docx

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1、Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Period I Listening and Speaking unfit; for; to do; keep/stay fit; to; in; with 易混词辨析:易混词辨析:fit, suit, match 1)fit 往往强调尺寸、大小或形状上的吻合;也可表示两个相关的事物在品质上相称或发展 上相对应。 2)suit 侧重于合某人的心意或符合某人的口味;也可表示服装的颜色、款式等适合某人, 使其显得漂亮。 3)match 多指两个物体大小、色调、形状性质等方面很相配,显得很协调;也指在能力、 水平上“与.相匹敌或不相上下” 练习:练

2、习: 1)This coat _ me very well. 2)The true exactly _ the words. 3)That haircut _ you. 4)The carpets should _ the curtains. 5)You cant _ him in his knowledge of wild plants. 答案:答案:fits/suits; fits; suits; match; match 2. come along跟随;进步;赶快跟随;进步;赶快; (和某人)一起去(和某人)一起去 _(偶然)遇见;碰见;被理解;被弄懂 _发生(无被动形式) _ 加油;到

3、来;得了吧 _出版;结果是;(花)开放 _长出地面;(太阳)升起;发生;被提及;被讨论(无被动形式) 答案:答案:come across; come about; come on; come out; come up 练习:练习:完成句子完成句子 Achance like this doesnt _ every day. 像这样的机会不是每天都有的。 Something unexpected _ at the meeting yesterday. 昨天会议上出现了一些意外的事情。 How did this crazy situation _? 这种疯狂的局面是如何出现的? That magaz

4、ine _ once a month. 那个杂志每月出一期。 答案:答案:come along; came up; come about; come out 3. event n比赛项目;大事;公开活动比赛项目;大事;公开活动 at all events无论如何;在任何情况下 in any event不管怎么说;不论怎样 in the event结果;到头来 in the event of如果发生,万一 4. work out 锻炼;计算出(答案;数量,价格等锻炼;计算出(答案;数量,价格等) ;解决;设法弄懂;解决;设法弄懂 work _从事某种职业 work _从事;忙于;继续工作 wor

5、k _为而工作 _ out不包括;遗漏 _ out用完;耗尽 _ out指出 _ out当心 答案:答案:as; on/upon; for; leave; run; point; look 练习:练习: 1. This word is wrongly spelt; youve _ out a letter “e”. 2. Last night, they succeeded in preventing the fire _ out. 3. _ out! Theres a car coming . 4. After a week their food supplies _ out. 5. I m

6、ust _ out that you will regret saying such things to me. 6. Afire _ out last night when he was fast asleep. 7. Conditions are getting worse and money is running _. 8. Its impossible to expect a person of her experience to work _ such little money. 9. I could work _ four hours a day and still end up

7、a fat man. 10. The little child was working _ a branch with a knife to make a gun. 答案:答案:left; breaking; Look/Watch; ran/gave; point; broke; out; for; out; on 5. make it获得成功;准时到达(尤指在困难情况下,后常接获得成功;准时到达(尤指在困难情况下,后常接 to) ;能够出席;能够出席/到场;幸免到场;幸免 于难;渡过难关于难;渡过难关 含有 make 的其他常用短语: _ 由.制成 _ 被制成. _理解;声称;辨认出;填写(

8、表格) _ 促成;朝.走去 _ 匆忙离开 _补上;凑足;补齐;组成;化妆;编造;创作 _ 弥补(不好的事情或影响) 答案:答案:be made of/from; be made into; make out; make for; make off; make up; make up for 练习:练习: 1)Im really sorry, but I wont be able to make _ on Sunday after all. 2)Im sorry I didnt make it _ your party last night. 3)You should make up _ you

9、r lost time. 4)Im not making it _. The character exists in really life. 5)I heard the voice, but couldnt make _ what they were saying. 6)Ahappy parent makes _ a happy child. 答案:答案:it; to; for; up; out; for 6. used to do, be/get used to (doing) sth, be used to do 练习:练习: 1. He used _(play) basketball

10、when he was young. 2. Wood is often used _(make) desks and chairs. 3. You used to see her a lot, _ you? 4. I didnt think I can be used to _(live) in a big city after living in the country. 答案:答案:to play; to make; usednt/didnt; living 7. mastern 高手;主人高手;主人 vt.精通;掌握精通;掌握 be ones own master独立,自主 make o

11、neself master of使自己精通 8. set an example树立榜样树立榜样 _记下;放下;登记 _竖起;开设;建立 _ 使爆炸;引起 _ 动身去;出发去 _ 着手做某事 答案:答案:set down; set up; set off; set out for/set off for; set about doing/set out to do 练习:练习: 1)If you want to catch that train youd better set off _ the station immediately. 2)At five in the morning he s

12、et about _ (do) his work. 3)The tank truck caught fire and set _ a chain of explosions. 4)Parents are supposed to set _ example of good behaviour to children. 5)Anew government was set _after the war. 答案:答案:for; doing; off; an; up 9. honourn. 荣誉荣誉;尊敬尊敬;荣幸荣幸 vt. 尊重尊重;尊敬尊敬(某人某人) ;给予表扬给予表扬(或奖励或奖励,头衔等头衔

13、等) _adj. 可敬的;值得钦佩的 名词短语:名词短语: in honour of sb. sth.=_为了纪念某人/某物;为向某人/某物表达敬意 be an honour _ sb./sth. 使某人/某物的光荣 have the honour of doing sth.有幸做某事 _ is sb.s/an honour to do sth.做某事是某人的荣幸/一件荣幸的事 动词短语:动词短语: honour sb. _ sth. _ sth. 因某事授予某人某物 形容词短语:形容词短语: be/feel honoured to do sth.很荣幸做某事 答案:答案:honoured/h

14、onourable; in sbs honour; to; It; with; for 练习:练习: 1)I feel _(honour) to have been mentioned in his speech. 2)Two firefighters have been honoured _ their courage. 3)It was _ great honour to be invited here today. 4)He will attend an outdoor concert _ his honour in the centre Paris. 答案:答案:honoured; f

15、or; a; in 10. determinationn. 决心;决定决心;决定 _vt. 决定;确定;查明近义词:_ _adj. 坚定的;有决心的 动词短语:动词短语: determine _ sth.决定做某事 determine _/_ (doing) sth.决定(做) determine that .决定/确定 形容词短语:形容词短语: be determined _ sth. 决心做某事 答案:答案:determine; decide; determined; to do; on/upon; to do 练习:练习: 1)It was his courage and _(deter

16、mine) that made him face the challenge bravely. 2)I left the shop, and _(determine) never to set foot in it again. 3)She gave him a bright, _(determine) smile which seemed unnatural. 4)She determined _(become) a doctor and her efforts paid off. 答案:答案:determination; determined; determined; to become

17、11. fall apart破裂;破碎;崩溃破裂;破碎;崩溃; (精神上)垮掉(精神上)垮掉 含含 apart 的相关短语:的相关短语: _ apart拆开 _ . apart把区别开来 apart from 除外别无except 除外还有besides 含含 fall 的相关短语:的相关短语: fall _ 落在后面fall _ 跌倒;倒塌;不够好 fall _ 爱上fall _ 睡着 答案:答案:take; tell; behind; down; in love; asleep 练习:练习: 1)Being able to know you and fall _ love with you

18、 is the luckiest thing in my life. 2)If you dont come to class regularly, you will fall _ in your studies. 3)Babies often fall _ when they are learning to walk. 4)Many buildings fell _ in the earthquake. 5)Some fall _ under pressure, while others do well despite the pressure. 6)Their marriage fell _

19、 after they had lived together for four years. 用用 apart 的相关短语填空的相关短语填空 1)_ from his salary, he also has a private income. 2)Cheap clothes tend to _ apart when you wash them. 3)My little son likes to _ apart his toy cars. 答案:答案:in; behind; down; down; apart; apart;Apart; take; tell 12. injurevt.使受伤;损

20、害;伤害使受伤;损害;伤害 _adj. 受伤的;委屈的 _n. (身体上的)伤;损伤; (情感上的)伤害 动词短语:动词短语: injure ones _/_/_损害/伤害某人的健康/感情/名誉 形容词短语:形容词短语: be _/_injured受伤重/受伤轻 _ injured受伤的人/伤员 名词短语:名词短语: _ an injury受伤 do oneself an injury伤害自己 a _/_/_ injury头部/腿部/膝盖受伤 答案:答案:injured; injury; health; feelings; reputation; seriously;slightly; the

21、; suffer; head; leg; knee 练习:练习: 1)Three people _(injure) and one killed in the crash. 2)Two player are out of the team because of _(injure). 3)Most of the injured _(be) rushed to the hospital in time. 4)Hell need an operation on the _(injure) leg. 答案:答案:were injured; injury; are; injured 易混辨析:易混辨析:

22、injure, wound, hurt 与与 harm (1)injure 指人在意外事故中受到的伤害,也可用于名誉、自尊的损害,更多的用于对人 的某个部位的损伤。 (2)wound 指利器或子弹对肉体造成的伤害,是出血的、严重的伤,特指在战场上受伤。 (3)hurt 指一般的肉体伤害, 也指精神上或感情上的伤害。此外 hurt 也可用作不及物动词, 意为“疼痛” 。 (4)harm 特指伤及一个人或其心情、健康、权利、事业等,并使其遭受痛苦、损害或某种 不幸。 1)Luckily no one got _ in the battle. 2)You really _ me when you s

23、aid I was selfish. 3)In the traffic accident ten were killed and eight were _. 4)Dont _ your eyes by reading in poor light. 答案:答案:wounded/injured; hurt; injured; harm 13. difficultyn. 困难;难事;难题困难;难事;难题 _adj. 困难的;费力的 名词短语:名词短语: have (no) difficulty (in) +_(do) sth. 做某事(不)费力 形容词短语:形容词短语: It is difficul

24、t _ sb to do sth. 某人做某事很困难 be difficult _(do) sth. 很难做. 答案:答案:difficult; doing; for; to do 练习:练习: 1)She found _ is difficult to get her book published. 2)The problem that he raised at the meeting is difficult _(solve). 3)We found our way to the meeting place without _(difficult). 4)I really had grea

25、t difficulty in _(understand) what she was saying. 5)The _(difficulty) we facing are caused by a lack of experienced teachers. 6)It is difficult for Tom _(get) up early every morning. 答案:答案:it; to solve; difficulty; understanding; difficulties; to get 14. strength n. U 力量;体力;毅力;意志力;实力;强度力量;体力;毅力;意志力

26、;实力;强度C 长处;优势长处;优势 _v. (使)变强;巩固 _adj. 强壮的;坚定的;坚固的;擅长的 _adv. 强烈地;坚定地 名词短语:名词短语: have the strength to do sth.有勇气做某事 答案:答案:strengthen; strong; strongly 练习:练习: 1)I _(strong) disagreed with her opinion. 2)Each of us has our own _(strong) and weaknesses. 3)Tom is _(strongly) on arts. 4)He does exercise to

27、 _(strength) his muscles. 答案:答案:strongly; strengthens; strong; strengthen 易混辨析:易混辨析:power, force, energy 与与 strength power 是最普通的永磁,泛指一切力量、能力、职权、权利等。 force 指自然界的力量、势力、说服力、压制力、军事力量等。 energy 多指人在工作时焕发出的精力或干劲,或自然界的能量。 strength 指机体内部的力气、力量、能力,依靠身体组织而存在的力。 练习:练习: 1)The teacher often says that knowledge is

28、 _. 2)He pushed against the rock with all his _. 3)The navy is one of the armed _. 4)-You are always full of _. Can you tell us the secret? -Taking plenty of exercise every day. 答案:答案:power; strength; forces; energy 15. lose heart丧失信心;泄气丧失信心;泄气 lose ones heart _爱上 put ones heart _专心于 heart and soul全

29、心全意;完全地 答案:答案:to; into 16. “Sb./Sth. seems/seemed 不定式不定式”是一个固定句型,表示是一个固定句型,表示“看来看来;好像;好像” , 该句型可转化为该句型可转化为 It seems/seemed that .。 He seems to be fit for the present job. It seems that he is fit for the present job. 看起来他适合目前的工作。 含含 seem 的相关句型常用的还有:的相关句型常用的还有: It seemsadj./n.to do sth.看起来好像 It seems

30、as if/as though .看起来好像 There seems (to be) .看起来像 17. failuren. 失败;衰竭;故障;失灵;失败的人(或事物)失败;衰竭;故障;失灵;失败的人(或事物) _v. 失败;未做到;不及格;未能通过 heart failure_power failure _ 动词短语:动词短语: fail to do sth. 未能做到某事反义短语:_ fail _ sth. 在某事中失败 fail sb 使某人失望;辜负某人 答案:答案:fail; 心脏衰竭;停电;心脏衰竭;停电;succeed in doing; in 拓展:拓展: 1)failure

31、作“失败”讲时是不可数名词,表示抽象意义;作“失败者,失败的事”讲时是 可数名词,表示具体意义。这种用法被称为“抽象名词的具体化” 。 2)类似用法的词有: 单词不可数可数 success成功成功的人/事 danger 危险危险的人/因素 surprise吃惊意想不到的事 business 生意企业 beauty 美丽美人 练习:练习: He is _(一名失败者) as an actor, but _ (一名成功者) as a director. We were astonished at the_ (他失败的消息) 答案:答案:a failure; a success; news of h

32、is failure 18. give up 放弃;投降放弃;投降 give _屈服;投降;让步;上交 give _ _ sb.向某人投降/屈服/让步 give_分配;分发;用光;筋疲力尽;发出(声音、信号等) give _放出;发出(光、热、气味等) give _泄露;赠送 答案:答案:in; in to; out; off; away 练习:练习: 1)Once you have made up your mind to do something, youd better not give _. 2)My mother is so stubborn that I can never per

33、suade her to give_. 3)Students were glad to give _ some of their books to children in poor mountainous areas. 4)Her radio is giving _ a strange signal. 5)The sun gives _ heat and light. 答案:答案:up; in; away; out; off 长难句长难句 Jordans skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made hi

34、m unique. “ “make+宾语+宾语补足语” 宾语补足语可以是:_、_、_、_等。 如果宾语本身比较复杂, 则用“make it (形式宾语) +名词/形容词+to do/从句 (真正的宾语) ” 注意:make sb do sth. 的被动形式为:sb be made to do sth. 答案:形容词、名词、省略答案:形容词、名词、省略 to 的不定式、动词的过去分词的不定式、动词的过去分词 练习:练习: 1)Susan made _ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 2)It was rain

35、ing outside. The children were made _(stay) in the classroom. 3)Doing exercise can make us _(health). 4)The music was so loud that she could hardly make herself _(hear). 答案:答案:it; to stay; healthy; heard Period II Discovering Useful Structures competition; competitive; with;against; for; for; in 练习:

36、练习: 1)He came first in the poetry _(compete). 2)Our firm is no longer _(compete) in the world market. 3)The film has better products than its _(compete). 4)Several countries are competing _ the chance to host the game. 5)We are competing _ several companies for the project. 答案:答案:competition; compet

37、itive; competitors; for; with/against 2. make sense有意义;讲得通;有道理;是明智的;合乎情理有意义;讲得通;有道理;是明智的;合乎情理 _ 无意义;讲不通(主语是物) _对某人来说讲得(不)通;对某人来说有(无)意义 _ 理解某事;弄懂某事(主语是人) 答案:答案:make no sense; make (no) sense to sb; make sense of sth 3. pretendv. 假装;装扮假装;装扮 pretend (not) _ sth. 假装(没)做某事 pretend _ sth. 假装正在做某事 pretend

38、_ sth. 假装做了某事 pretend that . 假装. 答案:答案:to do; to be doing; to have done 练习:练习: 1)ordinary people could pretend _(be) rich and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures secretly. 2)He pretended _(forget) the conversation after that night. 3)The boy was sitting at the desk, pretend

39、ing _(work) hard when his mother got home. 4)I passed by Joan quickly without greeting her, pretending _(see) her. 答案:答案:to be; to have forgotten; to be working; not to 4. cheatv. 作弊;舞弊;欺骗;蒙骗作弊;舞弊;欺骗;蒙骗n. 骗子;作弊者;欺诈行为;欺骗手段骗子;作弊者;欺诈行为;欺骗手段 cheat _ .(尤指在游戏、比赛或考试中)作弊 be caught cheating作弊被抓住 cheat sb (ou

40、t) of sth. 从某人那里骗得某物; (用不正当手段)阻止某人得到某物 1)He was cheated out _ all his possessions. 2)She claimed that I cheated _ chess. 3)Peter was caught _(cheat) in the exam. 4)In another culture, he would be considered _ cheat and may be subject to death. 答案:答案:at; of; at; cheating; as 5. audiencen. 观众;听众;读者观众;

41、听众;读者 注意: 1)当 audience 作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可。 2)形容听众人数多或少,通常用 large, small, crowded 等形容词修饰 audience。 练习:练习: 1)_audience applauded loudly at the end of the concert. 2)The game show attracts _ audience of 12 million. 3)The audience _ (shock) by the scene of violence. 答案:答案:The; an; were/was Period III Readi

42、ng some; much; little; to; in; tell; different; differently; differ; from; in; with; about; on; over; from 2. rather than而不是而不是 常用作并列连词常用作并列连词,它连接的并列成分可以是名词它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词代词、形容词形容词、介词介词(短语短语) 、动名词动名词(短短 语语) 、不定式(短语、不定式(短语) 、动词(短语)等。、动词(短语)等。 1)连接两个名词或代词连接两个名词或代词 I think youd call it a lecture rathe

43、r than a talk. You rather than I _(be) going to go camping. 2)连接两个形容词连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 3)连接两个介词(短语)或动名词(短语)连接两个介词(短语)或动名词(短语) Inspired by a desire to sleep in bed rather than on a park bench, I called her. She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 4)连接两个动词

44、不定式(短语)连接两个动词不定式(短语) rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带 to,也可以不带 to。 Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules. 5)连接两个动词(短语)连接两个动词(短语) 当 rather than 连接两个并列谓语动词时,时态务必保持一致。 He ran into the office rather than walked. 答案:答案:are 练习:练习: 1)It was the driver rather than the students _(be) responsible f

45、or the accident. 2)Facing your shortcomings rather than _ (ignore) them is one of the best ways to make yourself a better man. 3)On holidays, I prefer _(stay) at home rather than _(go) sightseeing. 含有 than 或 rather 的其他常见短语: other than _ more than _ less than _ or rather更准确地说,更确切地说 答案答案:was; ignoring

46、; to stay; do; 除了除了;不仅仅是不仅仅是,不只是不只是(后接名词后接名词) ,多于多于(后接数词后接数词) , 非常,很(后接形容词、副词非常,很(后接形容词、副词) ; 少于少于 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事的表达:宁愿做某事而不愿做某事的表达: would do rather than do prefer to do rather than to would rather do than do 3. cut out停止做(或使用、食用停止做(或使用、食用) ;剪下;删除;剪下;删除 He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking. S

47、he cut out the photograph from the paper. Lets cur out the unimportant details. 含有含有 cut 的其他常用短语的其他常用短语 _砍到;少吃;少喝;削减(+on) ;删节(文章等) (+to) _切断(水、电等的)供应; (电话)中断;使隔绝;中止关系 _ 插嘴;超车抢道 _ 切碎 _ 抄近路穿过;影响到 答案:答案:cut down; cut off; cut in; cut up; cut across 练习:练习: 1)He always _ while other people are talking. 2

48、)Our water supply has _ again. 3)We can gain some time if we _ this field. 4)She _ the carrots and put them in the pot. 5)I listened to the programme and found theyd _ all the interesting stuff. 6)Everyone of us can make a great effort to _ the use of energy in our country. 答案:答案:cuts in; been cut o

49、ff; cut across; cut up; cut out/down; cut down 4. comparev. 比较;对比;把比较;对比;把.比作比作 _n. 比较 动词短语:动词短语: compare _/_.和.相比 cut down/cut in/cut off/cut out/cut up/cut across compare A_B把 A 和 B 作比较 compare A_B把 A 和 B 作比较;把 A 比作 B 名词短语:名词短语: _ a comparison作比较 in comparison _/_.和.相比 答案:答案:comparison; with; to;

50、with; to; make; with; to 练习:练习: 1)Dont compare your strength _ others weakness, which is meaningless. 2)In _(compare) with the national average, Brighton has nearly a third more health food stores and personal trainers than those in any other city in Britain. 3)_(compare) with your phone, my phone i


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