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1、第五单元单词及短语 1. native be native to.原产于 native English speakers 以英语为母语的人 native language 母语 a native of Beijing 北京人 2. attitude a positive /negative /firm attitude 积极/消极/坚定的态度 keep a positive attitude 保持乐观的心态 develop a good attitude 树立良好的态度 3. refer (referred , referred , referring) refer to 参考;提到;指的是

2、refer to a dictionary 查词典 refer to your notes 参考笔记 reference books 参考书 4. system solar system 太阳系 a transport system 运输系统 educational system 教育体制 ecosystem 生态系统 5. despite despite all these differences 尽管有这些差异 despite the fact that 尽管.的事实 6. factor one of the main factors 主要因素之一 an important factor

3、一个重要因素 7. base baseon/upon 把建立在基础上 be based on/upon 以为基础/根据 Based on a true story, the film deeply moved us. the economic base 经济基础 basis 基础 on the basis of 在基础上,根据 basic 基本的;首要的 basic skills 基本技能 8. date back to/date from 追溯到 9. Symbol olympic symbol 奥林匹克标志 symbolize their meaning 象征着它们的意义 10. vari

4、ety vary vi.变异,变化 various a.各种各样的,多样的 a variety of = varieties of = various 多种多样的;各种各样的 11. major a major cause 一个主要原因 major companies 大公司 a French major 法语专业的学生 major in history 主修历史 the majority of people 大多数人 be in the majority 占大多数 12. means means of communication交流方式 means of transport 交通方式 by

5、means of. 用. . 办法;借助. . by no means 绝不,无论如何都不 13. classic classic works经典作品 classic music古典音乐 literature classic 文学名著 14. regard have a very high regard for him我非常钦佩他 Give my regards to your family. 请代我向你家人问好。 regard as 把看作 be highly regarded 受到高度评价 15. character Chinese characters 汉字 cartoon charac

6、ters 卡通人物 16. global global affairs 全球事务 global warming 全球变暖 global fuel shortage 全球能源短缺 globe 球体;地球仪;地球 globalization 全球化 17. affair world/international/ financial affairs 世界/ 国际/ 财务事务 have an affair with 和有暧昧关系 18. appreciate 欣赏;赏识;感激;意识到 appreciate China?s culture 欣赏中国文化 appreciate your support 感

7、激你的支持 appreciate the danger 意识到了危险 appreciate (one?s) doing sth. 感激(某人)做某事 I?d appreciate it if you could do sth. 如果你能,我将感激不尽 appreciation 欣赏;感激;领会 express our sincere appreciation 表达衷心的感谢 19. specific a specific purpose 一个特定用途 specific examples 特殊的例子 be specific about. 对.具体点 20. struggle struggle t

8、o one?s feet 挣扎着站起来 struggle for sth./to do sth. 为争取而奋斗 struggle for independence 为争取独立而奋斗 struggle to gain independence 为争取独立而奋斗 struggle against/with 与斗争;与抗争 21. tongue native tongue=mother tongue 母语 22. point of view 观点;看法 from a different point of view 从不同的角度 from my point of view 依我看. 23. subwa

9、y ride/take the subway 乘地铁 by subway 乘地铁;从地下通道 24. beg I beg your pardon. 对不起。(请再说一遍) beg sb for sth. =beg sth of/from sb.向某人乞求某物 beg for sth.乞求某物 beg sb to do sth. 乞求某人做某事 beggar 乞丐 25. equal equal rights 平等的权利 be equal to 与相等;能胜任 Four plus four equals eight. 四加四等于八。 equally 平等地,同样地;均等地 be treated

10、equally 被平等对待 be equally important 同样重要 equalityn.平等;同等 unequal 不平等的; 不相等的; 不胜任的 unequall 不公平地;不相等地 26. gap a narrow gap 一条窄缝 generation gap 代沟 bridge the generation gap 消除代沟 27. demand meet/satisfy one?s demands 满足某人的要求 in demand 需求巨大 demand an immediate answer 要求立即作出答复 28. vocabulary a poor vocabulary 词汇量很少 improve our vocabularies 扩大词汇量 29. describe description 描写,描述,形容 give a clear description of. 清楚地描述. beyond description 难以形容 30. relate relate A with/ to B 把 A 与 B 联系起来 relate theory with/ to practice 把理论和实践联系起来 be related to 与有关联 relate to 与 相关;涉及;谈到


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