(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册期末备考-Unit3 Sports and fitness夯基训练(含答案).doc

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1、Unit3 Sports and fitness 夯基训练夯基训练 【单句语法填空】【单句语法填空】 1. In winter, our favourite outdoor activities are making snowmen and going(ski). 2. Our college is playing(host) to a group of visiting Russian scientists. 3.I followed him,(track) him in the snow until finally he got tired. 4. The doctor advised m

2、e(work) out at a gym or swim twice a week. 5 .Already they were(sweat) as the sun beat down upon them. 6.After the failure, our(determine) was tested by a series of difficulties. 7.His father was a quiet man with(grace) manners. 8.Our friendship has steadily(strength) over the years. 9.Before them w

3、as the(still) waters of the lake. 10.(lose) one game is not at all the end of all games. 11.Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, especially playing (足球). 12.Over 76,000 people were at Wembley football(运动场) for the ceremony. 13.She is expert at Chinese(拳) especially Tai Chi. 14.Lin Dan has

4、won the world bchampion many times. 15.He broke his own record in mrace. 16.They stood with warm claps as an hto her. 17.He won several gold min the Olympics. 18.Successful people often arent very good at dealing with f. 19.He was a lin his own lifetime. 20.Gorans moment of gcame when he defeated Ra

5、fter. 21. The national basketball(champion) was won by Jinan Middle School. 22 . He didnt pay enough attention to the seriousness of Williams head (injure). 23. With confidence, we will never lose(heart) and will hold on to our dream. 24. Elgar received many honors and yet he often considered himsel

6、f a (fail). 25.He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up (play)volleyball. 26. Which(运动员)do you admire, Liu Xiang or Yao Ming? 27 . Duff soon(掌握)the skills of radio production. 28 . The(队长)of our team has decided to give them a chance. 29. Friedman points out that the green economy is a

7、 chance to keep American (力量). 30.He is the world heavyweight boxing(冠军). 31. I saw what you(mean), but you didnt know the truth. 32. I had no other choice but(pretend) to be asleep. 33. It is possible to describe it scientifically, but that would make no (sense). 34 . I love my parents but I(agree)

8、 with their decision on this point. 35 . Students will gain(compete) in a wide range of skills. 36.She(欺骗)her aged aunt out of her fortune. 37.Its partly true that Dickens style of writing attracted(观 众)from all walks of life. 38.Up to five mpeople a year from all over the world come to visit the Gr

9、eat Wall. 39.Lets pwere on the moon. 40.The stores have to cfor customers in the Christmas season. 41.Aperson with a(positively)attitudeisprobableto succeed. 42. Sports mean much to me because exercise for competition makes a great(different) to me. 43.Instead of(annoy), he seemed quite pleased. 44.

10、Thanks to the(health) foods, I am able to keep fairly fit. 45.We carefully(compare) the first report the second. 46. How do you manage to stay so(苗条的)? 47.Brisk walking burns up more calories than slow(慢跑). 48.Katy could think clearly when not under(压力). 49. You have to allow for a certain amount of

11、 e. 50. She would improve her dif she ate less fried food and snacked less. 【单句写作】【单句写作】 1 .什么是参加全程马拉松的理想方式? What is the ideal way to? 2.今天有一个大型的产品推介会,非常希望您能光临。 Theres a big product introduction today and youre most welcome . 3.这周我们学校将举行一场盛大的田径赛事。 Agreatwill happen at our school this weekend. 4.瑜珈是一

12、种非常好的健身方式。 Yoga is a very good way. 5.到目前为止,在商业圈里做到很高职位的女性还是相对很少。 So far, relatively few women haveto the top in the business world. 6.她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。 She gives frequent performances of her work, both. 7.如果没有了摩擦力,我们的房屋就会坍塌。 If it were not for friction, our houses would. 8.这位战士爱护公物,给我们所有的人做出了好榜样。 The

13、 soldier took good care of public property and to all of us. 9 .现在不是丧失信心的时候。 This is not the time to. 10.她放弃了自己的工作,加入丈夫的竞选中。 Sheher job to join her husbands election campaign. 11.这些规则旨在确保公平竞争。 The rules are designed to ensure. 12.即使我们在工作中取得了很大的成绩,也不应该自满。 great success in our work, we should not be c

14、onceited. 13.我们不能同意这样的观点:这些目标在一天内就能达成。 We cannotthe idea that these aims can be attained only in one day. 14.做正确的事情比获得奖牌更重要。 Its more importantthan to get a medal. 15.本着体育精神,我祝你在超级碗比赛中好运。 I wish you good luck in the Super Bowl. 16.所有的菜肴和甜点都是 3D 打印的, 而没有经过从农场到餐桌的过 程。 All of the dishes and desserts it

15、 serves are 3D-printed,farm to table. 17.在他的计划中,他要削减 40%的费用而增加工人工资。 In his plan, he would40% of the expense to add salary. 18.教练不时地走过去指导他的队员。 The coach went over to direct his team members. 19.这场雨对比赛没多大影响。 The rain didntto the game. 20.晨练一个月后,他自我感觉好多了. After months morning exercise, he felthimself.

16、【语篇语法填空】【语篇语法填空】 A Sports are more than games. The 1(defeat) can be the winner next time if some improvement is made. We can learn from sports on how to deal 2our daily affairs. Sports can bring us a lot of fun and enjoyment. Meanwhile, sports are a 3(value) industry. However, sports can mean more.

17、Besides 4(appreciate) of excellent athletes performances, people are also attracted by sportsmanship, 5fair play and respect for rules. Sports are a simulation of real life. Sport had 6(it) origin in the daily activities 7as hunting, planning and even war. The competitions are 8(simplify) by a serie

18、s of sports rules. Now sports is a part of our lives. What 9exciting game brings us is not only a pleasant period but also the influences from the heroes in the sports field.We can learn better devotion 10our own arena,the real life. Thats the true spirit of sports. B Table tennis is now a fast, hig

19、h-tech sport and has1most players of all sports in the world. 2is believed that upper-class Victorians in England invented table tennis in the 1880s, using whatever they could find as 3 (equip). A line of books would often be the net, and sometimes a box cover would be a racket. In 1926, at a meetin

20、g 4(hold) in Berlin, the International Table Tennis Federation was formed. The first World Championships were hosted in London in the same year, but the sport had to wait a long time before it was given a chance 5(make) its first appearance at the 1988 Seoul (首尔)Olympic Games. The sport has greatly

21、progressed since it was first invented. Nowadays, players use 6(special) developed rackets and a lightweight, hollow (空的) ball. Thanks to the high-tech rackets, they can now enjoy the magical feeling of 7(hit) the ball at over 150 kilometers per hour! Over the years, table tennis 8(develop) into a w

22、orldwide sport. There are perhaps 40 million competitive table tennis 9(player) and countless ordinary people 10play less seriously. 参考答案: 【单句语法填空】 1.答案:skiing 2.答案:host 3.答案:tracking 4.答案:to work 5.答案:sweating 6.答案:determination 7.答案:graceful 8.答案:strengthened 9.答案:still 10.答案:Losing 11 答案:soccer 1

23、2 答案:stadium 13 答案:boxing 14 答案:badminton 15 答案:marathon 16.答案:honour 17.答案:medals 18.答案:failure 19.答案:legend 20.答案:glory 21.答案:championship 22.答案:injury 23.答案:heart 24.答案:failure 25.答案:playing 26.答案:athlete 27.答案:mastered 28.答案:captain 29.答案:strength 30.答案:champion 31.答案:meant 32.答案:to pretend 33.答

24、案:sense 34.答案:disagree 35.答案:competence 36.答案:cheated 37.答案:audiences 38.答案:million 39.答案:pretend 40.答案:compete 41.答案:positive 42.答案:difference 43.答案:being annoyed 44.答案:healthy 45.答案:compared 46.答案:slim 47.答案:jogging 48.答案:stress 49.答案:errors 50.答案:diet 【单句写作】 1.答案:run a full marathon 2.答案:to come

25、along 3.答案:track-and-field event 4.答案:to keep fitness 5.答案:made it 6.答案:at home and abroad 7.答案:fall apart 8.答案: set a good example 9.答案:lose heart 10.答案:gave up 11.答案:fair play 12.答案:Even if we achieve 13.答案:agree with 14.答案:to do the right thing 15.答案:In the spirit of sportsmanship 16.答案:rather than 17.答案:cut out 18.答案:now and then 19.答案: make much difference 20.答案: much better about 【语篇语法填空】 A 1.defeated 2.with 3.valuable 4.appreciation 5.including 6.its 7.such 8.simplified 9.an 10.to B 1.the 2.It 3.equipment 4.held 5.to make 6.specially 7.hitting 8.has developed 9.players 10.who/that


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