陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 3 Spring Begins From March-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e014b).zip

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SpringBeginsfromMarch 教材:陕旅版五年级下册 Thinkandsaythemonths year (年) Januaryisthefirst(第一)monthoftheyear. June July August September October November December January February March April May NewYearisinJanuary. New Year is in thefirst(第一) month of the year. Januaryisthefirstmonthoftheyear. :dirtyT-shirtthirtyfirst January springsummer autumn winter year(年) Therearefourseasonsinayear. March April May June July August springsummer Whichmonthsareinspring/summer? March,AprilandMayareinspring. June,JulyandAugustareinsummer. March April May June July August springsummer Whendoesspring/summerbegin? SpringbeginsfromMarch. SummerbeginsfromJune. SpringisfromMarchtoMay. September October November December January February autumnwinter Whichmonthsareinautumn/winter? September,OctoberandNovemberareinautumn. December,JanuaryandFebruaryareinwinter. September October November December January February autumnwinter Whendoesautumn/winterbegin? AutumnbeginsfromSeptember. WinterbeginsfromDecember. AutumnisfromSeptembertoNovember. spring summer autumnwinter January DecemberNovember October September August July June May April March February ayear Howmanymonthsarethereinspring/summer/autumn/winter? Howmanymonthsarethereinaseason? Therearethreemonthsinaseason. Each(每个) seasonhasthreemonths. eai: teameatteacheach Letsenjoythevideo! Listen,readandanswerthequestions: 1.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear? 2.Howmanymonthsarethereinaseason? 3.Howmanymonthsarethereinayear? 4.Whendoesspringbegin? 5.Whendoesautumnbegin? Therearefourseasonsinayear. Therearethreemonthsinaseason. ItbeginsfromMarch. Twelve. AutumnbeginsfromSeptember. spring summer autumn winter January December November October September August July June May April March February ayear _,_and_areinspring. Springbeginsfrom_. Springisfrom_to_. MarchApril MarchMay May March Icansay: Readagainandfillintheblanks.(填空) Thereare_seasonsinayear.Each(每个)season has_.Springbeginsfrom_. Summerisfrom_to_. _beginsfromSeptember.Autumnis from_to_.Winterbeginsfrom _.Winterisfrom_to _. Sothereare_monthsinayear. four threemonths March JuneAugust Autumn September November December FebruaryDecember twelve Groupwork:Discussandwrite 1.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear? 2.Howmanymonthsarethereinaseason? 3. Whendoesspringbegin? 4.Whatstheweatherlikeinspring(春天的天气怎么样)? 5.Whatdoyoudoinspring? Therearefourseasonsinayear.Theyare spring,summer,autumnandwinter.Each seasonhasthreemonths.Ilikespringbest. SpringbeginsfromMarch.Springisfrom MarchtoMay.Itswarminspring.Ioften planttreesinspring.Hownice! Letsretellthepassagetogether! Letsenjoythecolorfulseasons! Homework: 1.listenandread. 2 .仿写短文。 Therearefourseasonsinayear.Theyare spring,summer,autumn,winter.Eachseason hasthreemonths.Ilikespringbest.Spring beginsfromMarch.SpringisfromMarchto May.Itswarm.Ioftenplanttreesinspring. Hownice! SpringSpring BeginsBegins fromfrom MarchMarch 第三课时第三课时 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: 陕西旅游出版社小学英语五年级下册 Unit3 Spring Begins from March 第三课时。 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本套教材贴近学生生活实际,注重激发和培养学生学语言的兴趣,发 展学生的综合语言运用能力。本单元在第二单元学习了四季的情景 及其相关活动的基础上,学习每个季节所含的月份,并能运用功能 结构Which is your favorite season? Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter. Why? Because.It is.The flowers.The trees are.The mountains.I can.There are four seasons in a year. Each season has.在日常生活中灵活 自如地谈论各自喜欢的季节及原因。 本节课以Lets learn more为主,学习陈述每个季节所属的月 份。通过了解四季及其月份的划分,培养学生热爱大自然的情感。 本节课是本册教材继Unit2 Spring Is Coming!之后的又一篇阅读 课教学,它是在学习完spring ,summer,autumn,winter,twelve months之后自然引出的四季及其月份的划分的话题,为以后学习 Unit5Whats the Weather Like Today?讨论天气及衣着的话题,以 及Unit6My Holiday假期旅行了解天气情况安排行程做好铺垫,在本 册教材中起到了承上启下的作用。 二、设计思想:二、设计思想: 1.以能力为宗旨,层层突破。 本节课创设情境利用课件引出单词 year,first ,each。以活 动形式引出新句型 There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. Spring begins from.Spring is from .to.在让学生掌握本节课单词的同时,实现由单词教学 自然过渡到句型、语篇教学的目的,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 2.联系生活实际,体现语言的交际性。 通过引导学生描述每个季节月份的划分。要求学生用所学英语, 实现由课堂语言向生活语言的转变,提高学生的英语阅读理解能力、 交流能力以及综合语言运用能力。 3.渗透情感教育,培养人文情怀。 增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,形成积 极的学习态度。 通过了解四季及其月份的划分,了解平时习以为常的多彩生活, 鼓励学生珍惜时间,努力学习,培养学生热爱大自然, 热爱生活的 情感。把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来,实现情感的升华。 三、知识、技能与情感目标三、知识、技能与情感目标 1.知识目标 (1)能听懂会说、会认读单词 year,each, first。 (2)能听懂、会说、会读功能结构 There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. Spring begins from.Spring is from .to. (3)初步读懂短文。 2.技能目标: (1)能运用功能结构 There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. Spring begins from. Spring is from .to.谈论四季月份的划分。 (2)能听、说、熟读课文,语音语调准确自然。 (3)能在实际生活中灵活自如地运用所学的词汇和句型描述季 节月份的划分,达到学以致用的目的。 3.情感目标: (1)增强学生学习英语的兴趣与自信心,体验学习成就感,形 成积极的学习态度。培养学生小组活动中积极与他人合作学习,相 互帮助共同完成学习任务的意识。 (2)通过了解四季及其月份的划分,了解平时习以为常的多彩 生活,鼓励学生珍惜时间,努力学习,培养学生热爱大自然, 热爱 生活的情感。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1.认读单词 year,each, first。 2.初步学习运用功能结构 There are four seasons in a year. Each season has three months. Spring begins from. Spring is from .to. 描述季节月份的划分。 五五教学准备:教学准备: 单词卡片、图片、课件、书等。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step1 Free talk and warming-up 1.Free talk Hello ,boys and girls !Today I am happy because we are in the new classroom .The classroom is clean and nice. Are you happy? And I feel a little warm. Do you feel warm? Which season is it? Which month is it now? Yes ,it is May. May is a month. Do you want to know more months? 【设计意图】上课伊始,用以前所学内容和学生进行简单交谈, 既复习了旧知识,又拉近了师生之间的距离,努力营造轻松、和谐的 英语学习氛围,使学生很快进入学习英语的状态。 2.Warming-up Look at the pictures, guess and say the months as quickly as you can. 【设计意图】利用孩子喜欢做游戏的天性,设计教学活动,活 跃课堂气氛,以鼓励更多的学生加入到学英语的行列,提高学生的 学习积极性,同时复习以前所学月份单词,为新课的导入做好铺垫, 构建良好的英语学习环境。 Step2 New presentation and practice 1.学习单词 year ,first 以及句子 New Year is in the first month of the year. We know January, February.and December. They are months. How many months are there? Lets count. Oh, there are twelve months. The twelve months make a year. Which is the first month? January is the first month of the year. Which holiday is in January? New Year is in January. So we can say New Year is in the first month of the year. 【设计意图】创设情境,在真实的语境中讨论月份,环环相扣, 水到渠成,自然而然引出所学新单词、新句子。在真实的语境中学 习新知识,有利于学生理解所学内容,学生记忆深刻。 2.学习 There are four seasons in a year. We know January is the first month of the year. Which month comes after January?.Which month is it now? Yes, you are right. Its May now. Which season is it now? Its spring. Which season comes after spring? Summer. Which season comes after summer?(Autumn.) Which season comes after autumn ? (Winter.) They are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. They are seasons. The four seasons make a year. Today we are going to talk about the seasons and the months. How many seasons are there in a year? Four, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. So there are four seasons in a year.(板书)How many groups are there in our class? There are four. Ill divide you into spring, summer, autumn and winter group. If you do a good job, you will get a star. 【设计意图】由 month 自然引出 season,让学生通过观察、思 考,总结出 There are four seasons in a year.促进学生思维能 力的发展。 3.学习 Spring begins from March. Spring is from March to May. Look at the picture. Which season is it? How many months are there in spring? Which months are in spring? March ,April and May are in spring. When does Spring begin?Spring begins from March.(板书)Today we are going to learn Unit3 Spring begins from March.(板书、点题)Spring is from March to May. Now its spring. Its warm in spring. I like spring. Do you like spring? What do you do in spring? We can fly a kite, ride a bike and go on a picnic.同样方法 学习 Summer begins from June. Summer is from June to August . Autumn begins from September. Autumn is from September to November. Winter begins from December. Winter is from December to February. 【设计意图】通过听说活动,引导学生讨论学习四季月份的划 分。 4.学习 each 及 Each season has three months. (1)We know there are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. How many months are there in spring /summer/ autumn /winter? We know spring,summer, autumn and winter are seasons. Then how many months are there in a season? There are three months in a season. So each season has three months. 【设计意图】让学生通过听说活动以及观察、思考,引导学生 总结出 Each season has three months.从而促进学生英语思维能 力的发展。 (2)渗透语音知识 each ea i: tea meat teach 【设计意图】通过观察、体验、实践去帮助学生了解字母组合 ea 的正确发音,借助以前所学单词 tea meat teach,让学生正确 读出单词 each,从而帮助学生逐步形成有效的语音学习策略。 5.学习短文 (1)Lets enjoy the video We have learned something about the seasons and the months. Do you want to know something more about the seasons and the months? Lets enjoy the video together. 【设计意图】通过观看课文视频,让学生整体感知短文。 (2)General reading Listen, read and answer the two questions. Look at the questions. Read the questions first, then read the passage, answer the questions. a. How many seasons are there in a year? b. How many months are there in a season? (2)Detailed reading Take out your pens ,read the passage,underline the words just like this ,then answer the following questions. c. How many months are there in a year? d. When does spring begin? c. When does autumn begin? 【设计意图】通过阅读获取答案,引导学生细读文本,培养学 生的自主阅读能力。 (3)Listen to the tape and read aloud. 【设计意图】这一教学环节再一次复习和巩固了本节课的教学 内容,跟读磁带,也使学生接触、模仿地道的英语。 Step3 Practice 1.I can say Read the text again. Fill in the blanks and say. March, April and May are in spring . Spring begins from March . Spring is from March to May . 【设计意图】引导学生观察、思考、讨论四季月份的划分,培养 学生的英语听说能力,促进学生思维能力的发展。 2.Read again and fill in the blanks. There are _ seasons in a year. Each(每个)season has _ _.Spring begins from _. Summer is from _to _ . _begins from September. Autumn is from_ to_. Winter is from _to _. So there are _months in a year. 【设计意图】三次不同形式的阅读,由浅入深的问题设置使学生 易于接受,同时培养了学生良好的阅读习惯、技能,引导学生关注 细节,教给它们阅读的方法。 3.Group work: Discuss and write (1)Discuss the following questions a. How many seasons are there in a year? b. How many months are there in a season? c. When does spring/summer/autumn/winter begin? d. Whats the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/ winter? e. What do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter? (2)Each group writes something about a season, after that, Ill ask some students to tell us something about the season you like best. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer , autumn and winter . Each season has three months . I like spring best. Spring begins from March . Spring is from March to May. Its warm in spring .I often plant trees in spring . How nice! 【设计意图】鼓励学生将所学语言知识运用到实际生活中,培 养学生的知识迁移能力,培养学生的写作能力。让学生在活动中分 工合作,互相帮助,学会合作,体验学习的乐趣与成就感,英语教学 与情感教育有机结合。 4.Lets retell the passage together. 【设计意图】利用板书思维导图,复述所学短文内容,理清学 生的思维,进一步巩固本节课所学内容,锻炼学生的口头表达能力。 Step4 Emotional education Lets enjoy the colorful seasons! Tell the students: There are four seasons in a year. The seasons are colorful. Our life is colorful ,too. We have colorful seasons and a colorful life. We should make full use of time and study hard. We should enjoy the seasons and our colorful life. We should be happy every day. 【设计意图】渗透情感教育,通过观看教师自己制作的四季景 观及其相关活动的视频,让学生了解四季,了解平时习以为常的多 彩生活,鼓励学生珍惜时间,努力学习,学会享受生活,培养学生 热爱大自然,热爱生活的积极情感。 Step5 Homework: 1.Listen and read. 2.Talk and write the season you like best. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer , autumn and winter . Each season has three months . I like spring best. Spring begins from March. Spring is from March to May. Its warm in spring .I often plant trees in spring . How nice! 【设计意图】开放型作业,为学生在课余时间继续用英语交流、 写作创造机会,使课堂知识得以延伸。
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