陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 6 My Holiday-Unit 6 My Holiday(通用)-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e0038).zip

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Unit6 My holiday 1.1.能听、说、读、写词汇:能听、说、读、写词汇: travel,enjoy the visit,place of travel,enjoy the visit,place of interest,the Palace Museum,the interest,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,the West LakeGreat Wall,the West Lake 2.2.能在实际情景中灵活运用以上词能在实际情景中灵活运用以上词 汇汇 。 Learning aim 我可以回答下面的问题 1.What are you going to do this evening? 2.What is your father going to do tomorrow morning? 3.What is your grandma going to do next Sunday? 4.What is your friend going to do next week? 5.Guess.What am i going to do on the weekend? I am going to watch TV My father is going to go to work My grandma is going to go shopping My friend is going to climb the mountains I am going to travel travel the West Lake the GreatWall the Palace Museum place of interest enjoy the visit 我知道下面的单词怎么写,并且知道它 们的意思。 1.t_ _v_l , _ 2.en_ _y the v_s_t _ 3.pl_c_ of int_r_st,_ 4.the P_l_c_ M_s_um,_ 5.the Gr_ _t W_ll,_ 6.the W_st L_k_,_ r a e旅行 j oi i享受旅行 a ee e名胜 a a eu e故宫博物院 e aa eae 长城 西湖 Homework 将今天学习的单词在自己的作业本上抄写3遍 Bye Bye 目标引领方向,奋斗成就未来! 五五年级年级英语英语学科导学案学科导学案 (2016-20172016-2017 学年第二学期)学年第二学期) 学生姓名:学生姓名: 课课 题题 Unit6 My holiday 课时课时 1/4 两课时完成 设计教师设计教师教导处审核教导处审核 学习目标学习目标 1.能听、说、读、写词汇:travel,enjoy the visit,place of interest,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,the West Lake 2.能在实际情景中灵活运用以上词汇 3.通过有趣的课堂活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,促其乐学会学。 重点难点重点难点 知识链接知识链接 复习回顾以前学过的动词短语如:go to school by bus by ship jump rope play basketball sing songs fly kite do exercise see a film do some washing climb the mountains 学法指导学法指导 回顾动词短语,利用 be going to 结构导入 Warming-up。 学学 习习 过过 程程备注备注 结结 合合 问问 题题 自自 主主 学学 习习 一,回忆一下,下面的短语是什么意思? go to school_by bus_by ship_ play basketball_ do exercise_ jump rope_climb the mountains _ sing songs_fly kite_ see a film_ do some washing_ 二,我能回答下面的问题 1.What are you going to do this evening? _ 2.What is your father going to do tomorrow morning? _ 3.What is your grandma going to do next Sunday? _ 4.What is your friend going to do next week? _ 5.Guess.What am i going to do on the weekend? _ 预预 习习 案案 我的我的 疑惑疑惑 目标引领方向,奋斗成就未来! 方法指导方法指导 合作交流合作交流 质疑探究质疑探究 精巧点拨精巧点拨 探究一:T:I am not going to go home this weekend.I am going to travel.Look at the picture.I like to traveltravel. Do you like traveling? Ss:_ _ _ _ (在四线三格中书写) _ 意思是_ T:I am going to travel to Hangzhou.I am going to visit thethe WestWest Lake.Lake. _ _ _ _ 意思是_,the 表示了_ T:I want to visit thethe GreatGreat WallWall,too.Its in Beijing _ _ _ _ 意思是_,the 表示了_ T:Look!I like to travel.I enjoyenjoy thethe visitvisit. Do you like to travel?Do you enjoyenjoy thethe visitvisit? Ss:_ _ _ _ _ 意思是_ 探究二:Lets travel together T:Do you enjoy the visit? Ss:_ T:Where are you going to travel? Ss:_ 探探 究究 案案 知识整理知识整理 训训 练练 案案 当堂检测当堂检测 反馈矫反馈矫 正正 我会写下面的单词,并且知道它们的意思。 1.t_ _v_l , _ 2.en_ _y the v_s_t _ 3.pl_c_ of int_r_st,_ 4.the P_l_c_ M_s_um,_ 5.the Gr_ _t W_ll,_6.the W_st L_k_,_ 目标引领方向,奋斗成就未来! 课课 后后 小小 结结
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