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1、Section Writing有关健康生活习惯的说明文 技法指导 写有关健康生活习惯的说明文时, 一般要写明什么样的做法 会对健康有利或有害,人们应该怎样做才能保持健康等。该类文 章一般采用以下写作策略: 1开门见山提出主题,说明自己所发现的关于健康问题的 现象。 2分析所给内容,然后进行详细说明。说明所给内容时可 以先说现象,也可以先说结果,再说引起这种结果的原因。 3最后归纳总结或发表意见。这一部分的内容主要是提出 解决办法及给出自己的保持健康的建议。 增分佳句 As far as I am concerned, health is more important tha n wealth.

2、 依我看,健康远比财富重要。 Taking exercise is closely related to health. 运动和健康息息相关。 Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 It is widely believed that plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 人们普遍认为足够的新鲜空气有助于健康。 Nowadays people are beginning to pay more a

3、ttention to their health than ever before. 目前人们开始比以前更关注健康。 We should reject junk food, such as instant noodles and hamburgers. 我们应该拒绝垃圾食品,例如方便面和汉堡。 Doctors advise us teenagers to sleep at least 8 hours ea ch day. 医生建议我们青少年每天至少要睡 8 个小时。 People come to realize that good health is the most val uable th

4、ing a person can have. 人们开始意识到健康是人所能拥有的最有价值的东西。 精品展示 假设你是王林。过去,由于一些不健康的生活习惯,你的健 康出现了问题。之后,你改变了生活方式,现在又恢复了健康。 请你根据此经历写一篇英语短文,内容包括: 1之前不健康的生活习惯:不吃早饭,经常熬夜,很少锻 炼; 2导致的问题:肥胖,易生病; 3解决的办法:保持均衡饮食,积极锻炼,早睡早起; 4给其他同学的建议:尽快改掉不健康的生活习惯,以保 持身体健康。 注意: 1词数 100 左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题谋篇 第一步:明确要求 该写作属于健康话题的应用文写作, 主要介绍

5、过去不良健康 习惯及导致的问题,应该用一般过去时;解决办法及给同学们的 建议用一般现在时。 第二步:确定段落 第一段介绍:过去不健康的生活习惯以及造成的危害 第二段阐述:介绍摆脱不良习惯的几种方式 第三段总结:给其他学生提出建议 第三步:提炼要点 1unhealthy_living_habits/unhealthy_lifestyle 不健康的生活习惯 2skip_breakfast/no_breakfast不吃早餐 3junk_food/rubbish_food垃圾食品 4stay_up_late熬夜 5take_exercise/have_physical_training/do_phys

6、ical_exercise 锻炼 6as_a_result/therefore/thus结果;因此 7become_aware_of意识到 8keep_fit/healthy保持健康 9break_oneself_of/get_out_of_bad_habits 摆脱坏习惯 10a_balanced_diet均衡饮食 第四步:句式升级 1我经常熬夜,并且很少进行体育锻炼。我肥胖,易生病。 (一般表达)I often stayed up late and took little physical e xercise. I became too fat and often fell ill. (高

7、级表达)I often stayed up late and took little physical e xercise so_that_I_became_too_fat_and_often_fell_ill. (so that 引 导结果状语从句) 2我意识到了不健康的生活习惯引起的危害。 (一般表达)I became aware of the harm. It was caused by unhealthy living habits. (高级表达)I became aware of the harm which_was_caused _by_unhealthy_living_habit

8、s. (which 引导定语从句) 3为了保持健康,我决心改掉这些坏习惯。 (一般表达)I determined to get rid of these bad habits so t hat I could keep fit. (高级表达)To_keep_fit,_I_determined_to_get_rid_of_these_ba d_habits. (不定式作目的状语) 4我建议其他学生尽快改掉他们不健康的生活习惯。健康 比任何其他事情都重要。 (一般表达)I suggest other students get out of their unhealt hy living habit

9、s as soon as possible. Health is more valuable t han anything else. (高级表达)I suggest other students get out of their unhealt hy living habits as soon as possible because_health_is_more_val uable_than_anything_else. (because 合并升级为原因状语从句) 连句成篇 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文: Dear Tom, In the past, I formed s

10、ome unhealthy living habits. For ex ample, I often skipped breakfast and liked eating junk food;be sides, I often stayed up late and took little physical exercise s o that I became too fat and often fell ill. Luckily, I became aware of the harm which was caused b y unhealthy living habits. To keep f

11、it, I determined to get rid of these bad habits. Firstly, I began to have a balanced diet. S econdly, I took exercise actively every day. Lastly, I developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early. With tw o months passing, I recovered. I suggest other students get out of their unhealthy living h abits as soon as possible, because health is more valuable than anything else.


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