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1、Section Starting out & Understanding ideas .核心单词 1click v点击(鼠标) 2maintain v.保持,维持 3digital adj.数字的,数码的 4site n.网站 5faraway adj.遥远的 .拓展单词 1advance n进步advanced adj.高等的,先进的 2significantly adv.重大地significant adj.显著的,重大的 significance n重要性 3enable v使可能able adj.可能的(反)unable (adj.)不 能的ability n能力 4unusual a

2、dj.不平常的usual adj.平常的 5 meaningful adj.有意义的meaning n 意义mean v 意 思是;意味着 6tend v易于做某事tendency n趋势 7criminal n罪犯crime n犯罪 .重点短语 1lose_track_of与失去联系 2thanks_to幸亏,由于 3stay_in_touch_(with)(与)保持联系 4up_to多达;胜任;由决定 5tend_to_do往往会;倾向于 6enable_sb._to_do使某人能够做 .重点句型 1What_if the only way of getting news from far

3、away fri ends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered? 如果从远方的朋友那里得到消息的唯一途径就是写信, 而且 要花很长时间才能送到该怎么办? 2But we need to keep_in_mind_that what we see on soc ial media is often not the whole truth about a person. 但我们需要记住, 我们在社交媒体上看到的往往不是一个人 的全部真相。 3Although technology has changed the_way_we_acq

4、uire_f riends,_the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends r emain the same. 尽管科技改变了我们获得朋友的方式, 但友谊的意义和我们 对朋友的渴望仍然是一样的。 1.Whats the purpose in writing the passage? ATo prove making friends in easier in the past BTo illustrate how it is better to make friends online CTo persuade people to ab

5、andon traditional ways of mak ing friends DTo discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making friends online 答案:D 2In the past, people lost track of their friends after _ _. Amoving to a new townBgoing to college Cgetting marriedDhaving babies 答案:A 3People used to _ to their friends as the only w

6、 ay to stay in touch. Amake telephone callsBchat online Cwrite lettersDmeet and chat 答案:C 4Online friendship can be real if people _. Apost their photos Bshare common interests Ctell you their names Dexchange true personal information 答案:D 高考再现: 2018全国卷语法填空While running regularly cant ma ke you live

7、 forever. 虽然经常跑步不会让你长生不老 易错提示: be familiar with 的主语多是人 be familiar to 的主语多是物 发散思维: adventure 的形容词为 adventurous ous 为形容词后缀 类似还有: dangerous危险的 continuous连结的 delicious美味的 humorous幽默的 重点单词和短语重点单词和短语 1forever adv.永远 (1)live forever永远活着;永生 (2)be lost forever永远消失 (3)last forever永远持续;万古长青;千秋万世;持续到永 远 I want

8、ed that moment to last forever. 我希望那一刻成为永远。 即学即练单句写作 I hope our friendship will_last_forever. 我希望我们的友谊长存。 2familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的 (教材 P37)With no familiar faces in view.看不到熟悉的面 孔 (1)sb. be familiar with sth.某人对某物熟悉 (2)sth. be familiar to sb.某物对某人来说是熟悉的 (3)be on familiar terms with与交情好 I am familiar wi

9、th his style of design.His style of de sign is familiar to me. 我很熟悉他的设计风格。 Are you on familiar terms with Mr. Johnson? 你和约翰逊先生交情好吗? 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)Small color choices are the ones were most familiar wi th. (2)None of us has ever been there, so the local customs a re not so familiar to any of us. 3adv

10、enture n奇遇;冒险 (教材 P37)And the adventures weve been through.我们经历 的冒险。 (1)adventure stories冒险故事 (2)a spirit of adventure冒险精神 (3)in search of adventures(去)探险 (4)set out on an adventure去冒险 Life can be so wonderful, full of adventure and joy. 生活可以如此多彩,充满奇遇和欢乐。 即学即练单句语法填空 Jason was determined not to go ag

11、ainst their fathers wish es but Mark was more_adventurous (adventure) than his brothe r. 4.prefer v更喜欢;宁愿 (1)prefer A to B喜欢 A 胜过 B (2)prefer doing. (to doing.)宁愿做(而不愿做) (3)prefer to do sth.宁愿做某事 (4)prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿某人做某事 (5)prefer that sb. (should) do sth.宁愿某人做某事 (6)prefer to do. rather than

12、do. would rather do. than do.宁愿做而不愿意 做 2018江苏卷阅读Unlike fastfood places, fine dining sh ops prefer customers to stay longer and spend. 与快餐场所不同,高级餐厅更喜欢顾客逗留更长时间并消 费。 The boss prefers to reduce the sales rather than cut the costs. 老板宁愿减少销量也不愿降低成本。 即学即练完成句子 That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep w

13、ater becau se the former is warmer. 那就是鱼儿喜欢浅水而不喜欢深水的原因,因为前者更暖 和。 5advance vt.前进,进步n进展 (1)in advance (ahead of time)提前;预先 in advance of.在之前;比先进 make an advance in (doing) sth.在某方面取得进步 (2)advanced adj.高级的;先进的 He wanted to book a ticket for the football match in ad vance, but missed the chance. 他想提前订一张

14、足球赛的票,但错过了机会。 In the near future, scientists will make an advance in ro bot technology. 在不久的将来,科学家将在机器人技术方面取得进步。 Their equipment isnt as advanced as ours. 他们的设备不如我们的先进。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)We had to pay the rent two weeks in advance. (2)England was once one of the most advanced (advance) industrial nation

15、s in the world. 6enable v使可能,使能够 (1)enable sb. to do使某人有能力做某事 (2)able adj.有能力的 be able to do sth.有能力做某事 A new programme can enable the elderly to study at co llege. 一个新的计划使老年人能够在大学学习。 I wish I had been able to talk about it with him when he was here last night. 我真希望昨晚他在的时候我能和他谈谈这件事。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)On

16、ly teamwork will enable (able) us to get the job don e on time. (2)Jane laughs loudly, which enables us to_know (know) h er coming before she turns up. 7meaningful adj.有意义的 (1)mean to do.打算做 (2)mean doing.意味着 This new order means working overtime. 这个新订单意味着要加班。 I dont mean to say we are perfect. 我不打算

17、说我们已经十全十美了。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)To take it apart now will mean wasting (waste) a lot o f labour. (2)Anybody could see that he meant(mean) no harm. (3)Ive been meaning to_ask (ask) you if you want to com e for a meal next week.,易错提示: prefer 本身已具有比较意味, 相当于 like better, 因此不能再 与 better, more 等词连用。 发散思维: prefe

18、r 的名词 preference 搭配 have a preference for 喜爱,偏爱 发散思维: 过去分词类的形容词 interested感兴趣的 organized有条理的 excited感到激动的 lost迷路的 gone消失的 发散思维: “en”作为词缀表示“使;使能够” 前缀 en:enable“enable”“使能力”使能够;使 有机会 enrich 使丰富;使更富裕 enlarge 使增大;使扩大 后缀en:shorten“shorten”“短使”使缩短 sharpen 使锋利 broaden 使变宽;拓宽 发散思维: meaning n意思;含义 means nC(p

19、l. means)手段;方法;工具 by this meansin this way 用这种方法发散思维: tendency n倾向;偏好;趋势 Moreover, the tendency for universities to monitor and sha pe student behavior runs up against another characteristic of yo ung adults. 此处, 大学监督和塑造学生行为的趋势与年轻人的另一个特 点背道而驰 发散思维: track 作名词时指足迹、轨道、小径;作动词时指跟踪,追 踪。 易错提示: “疑问词ever”既可以

20、引导让步状语从句, 又可以引导名 词性从句。引导名词性从句的 whoever 相当于 anyone who,any body who;whatever 相当于 anything that。在这种情况下,who ever,whatever 相当于定语从句中的“先行词关系代词”。 I would like to see whoever_(anyone_who) is not busy now. 谁现在不忙,我就要见谁。 Well try to give them whatever_(anything_that) they wa nt. 我们会尽力给他们想要的任何东西。 易错提示: even if

21、和 even though 引导让步状语从句, 不可和 but 连用, 但可以和 yet,still 连用。 8.tend v易于;往往会 (1)tend to do sth.往往会发生某事;易于做某事 (2)tend towards.有的趋势;倾向于 (3)tend (to) sb./sth.照料/照管某人/某事 People tend to get together with their families in the w eeklong holiday. 人们往往会在这个为期一周的假期和家人相聚。 In my eyes, his views on many problems tend t

22、owards the extreme. 依我看来,他在许多问题上的看法趋于偏激。 即学即练单句语法填空 (1)When Im tired, I tend to_make (make) mistakes. (2)Prices have_been_tending (tend) upwards over recent ye ars. 9lost track of 失去联系 keep track of保持 联系 I dont know when I lost track of him. 我不知道何时与他失去了联系。 The bank helps you keep track of where your

23、 money is going. 银行有助于你了解你的资金去向。 即学即练完成句子 (1)After we graduated, I lost_track_of all my high school friends. 自毕业后,我就和所有高中朋友失去了联系。 (2)Keeping_track_with friends means you dont want to los e them. 与朋友保持联系意味着你不想失去他们。 重点句型重点句型 1(教材 P39)Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can con nect us with others who a

24、lso enjoy doing them, even if the y live on the other side of the world. 无论我们的爱好是什么, 互联网可以把我们和其他喜欢做这 些事情的人联系起来,即使他们生活在世界的另一边。 (1)“疑问词ever”引导让步状语从句 whichever,whatever,wherever,however,whoever,when ever 等都可引导让步状语从句。 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙

25、碌,我都会在此守候。 Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many goo d days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaki ng lies. 任何热爱生活、渴盼好日子的人,要让舌上不出恶言,嘴里 不说谎话。 Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. 当你发现自己属于大多数一边的时候,就该停下来反思一 下。 However you pr

26、aise the film, I just feel it soso. 不管你怎么赞美那部影片,我就是觉得它不过如此。 (2)even if 引导让步状语从句 even if 和 even though 均可用来引导让步状语从句,意为 “虽然;即使;尽管”,语气较强。两者引导的从句可用陈述语 气或虚拟语气。 Even if he were here himself, he should not know what to do. 即使他亲自来这里,他也不知道该怎么办。(虚拟语气,假 设他在这儿,事实上并不在) Even though my kids moved out, I still want

27、 them to h ave contact with this village. 尽管我的孩子们搬出去了, 但我还是希望他们和这个村子保 持联系。(陈述语气,指确实搬出去了) 即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子 (1)Grandparents are often tempted to spoil their grandchild ren whenever they come to visit. (2)Poor as it may be, there is no place like home, wherev er you may go. (3)Whoever was responsible fo

28、r this crime is a dangerous man. (4)Even_if_it_was_dark,_they were still working in the fiel d. 尽管天黑了,他们还在田里工作。 2.(教材 P39)But we need to keep in mind that what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a pe rson. 但是我们需要记住, 我们在社交媒体上看到的人往往不是完 全真实的。 主语从句是指在复合句中充当主语成分的从句。 主语从句和 作主语的名词或代词

29、一样,通常置于谓语动词之前。what 引导 主语从句时,可在从句中充当主语、表语和宾语。when,where, why,how,who,whom,whose,that,whether,whoever,wh enever,wherever 等词也可引导主语从句。 What he said inspired me a lot. 他说的话让我受到了很大鼓舞。 What you have done might do harm to others. 你所做的事情可能会对别人有害。 Why he did that is still not clear. 还不清楚他为什么那么做。 即学即练完成句子 (1)W

30、ho_will_pick_him_up hasnt been decided yet. 谁将去接他还没有确定。 (2)Whether_we_can_finish_the_work_on_time_ remains unkn own. 我们是否能按时完成工作还不知道。 (3)When_he_will_go_abroad is being discussed. 他将何时出国正在讨论之中。 (4)What_is_the_most_importantin learning English is eno ugh practice. 英语学习中最重要的是足够的练习。 3(教材 P39)Although t

31、echnology has changed the way we are connected, the meaning of friendship and our longin g for friends remain the same. 虽然科技改变了我们联系的方式, 但是友谊的意义以及我们 对朋友的渴求没有变。 way 在定语从句中作状语(定语从句还原后是 in the way), 关系词用 in which,that 或省略。 I dont like the way (that/in which) he speaks to his paren ts. 我不喜欢他和他父母说话的方式。 即学

32、即练单句语法填空 (1)I dont like the way that/in_which you talk to your mot her and you must change that way. (2)The way that/which was thought of by him of doing th e experiment was similar to the way that/in_which you carried it out.,易错提示: what 是在主语从句缺少主语、宾语或表语时使用。that,wh ether 是不缺成分时使用。why,when,where,how

33、等是在主语 从句缺状语时使用。 易错提示: way 在定语从句中作主语或宾语时, 要用关系代词 that 或 w hich。 .单词拼写 1In my opinion, with the advance (进步) of science, dig ital technology is becoming more and more popular. 2 Profits (利润) have increased remarkably (显著地) over the past few years. 3A lot depends on building and maintaining (维持) a go o

34、d relationship with your customers. 4 Being exposed to English frequently enables (使) us to have a good knowledge of this language. 5When something unusual (异常的) occurs to some stud ents, our teachers encourage them to keep up a good state of mind. 6His name is familiar (熟悉的) to all of us. 7I think

35、that we will live together forever (永远) 8I set off for a new adventure (冒险) in Alaska on the first day of the new year. 9We plan to transport (运送) more food to the earthquak estricken areas. 10 I became a teacher because I preferred (更喜欢) books. .短语填空 out of touch, thanks to, in advance, up to now,

36、los e track of 1Click on the site and post messages on social media, a nd it will enable you to find the relatives you lose_track_of. 2Thanks_to the measures taken by the government, the l iving conditions of the workers have been improved. 3Id appreciate it if you could let me know in_advance wheth

37、er or not you will come. 4In fact, I have been out_of_touch with my uncle in Jia xing for years. 5He has visited his uncle who works in Beijing twice u p_to_now this year. .单句写作 1 I managed to get_in_touch_with (与取得联系) a Da rtmoors Livestock Protection officer and send her a photo. 2Obviously, when

38、people are under pressure, they tend_t o_be_anxious (往往会感到焦虑) 3What_if (如果怎么办) your father knows the truth and gets angry? 4 Keep_in_mind_that (记住)the effect made by this approa ch cannot always be positive. 5He succeeded in finishing the work in the_way_the_ma nager_wanted (经理想要的方式) .语法填空 I feel up

39、set because I have a strange neighbour. She lives in a house with 1.dusty (dust) curtains 2.hanging (hang) befor e dirty windows. I wonder if it is because she has no friend 3. that she has developed the habit of setting down a series of fa cts she has gone through in her diary. She seldom goes 4.ou

40、tdoors (outdoor). However, one day I happened 5.to_meet (meet) her when she was walking the dog in the park 6.at dusk. She was much 7.concerned (concern) a bout my new novel. It was the first time in a year that I 8.ha d_communicated (communicate) with her face 9.to face. We did nt stop talking until the sky was 10.entirely (entire) dark. We had got to go home immediately because a thunder storm was on its way!


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