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1、Section Writing海报 技法指导 英文海报通常含有通知性,所以主题应该明确,一目了然。 它还包含广告的某些特点,要求内容简明扼要,形式新颖美观。 1明确海报的类型 明确你要写的海报是活动宣传、招聘广告还是人物介绍。 2把握海报的语言特点 海报要求用最少的文字包含最多的信息,以达到醒目的效 果,因此海报多用省略句、缩略语、短语表达。 3突出海报的重要信息 为进一步增强海报的醒目性,一些重要信息常常被分行突 出,并且在其前面用粗点、星号等特殊符号加以强调,有时还配 有图片以增加吸引力。 亮点句式 (1)开头语:第一句话用来交代活动的内容和时间 Professor Wang will d

2、eliver a speech on how to learn E nglish this weekend. 王教授这个周末将作如何学好英语的报告。 There is a piece of news that well hold an English spe ech contest on July 16th. 有消息说我们将于七月十六日举行一次英语演讲比赛。 Our school is holding an English party at seven in the concert hall this evening. 我们学校将于今晚七点在校音乐厅举行英语晚会。 (2)正文:交代活动的地点及

3、其他相关内容 The match will be wonderful. 比赛会非常精彩。 You can buy tickets online, and the price is 2 yuan for each. 可以网上订票,每人两元。 Call Lily at 51542636 or email. 请致电莉莉 51542636 或发电邮 (3)结束语:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣 Please come and cheer for them. 快来给他们加油吧。 All are warmly welcome. 热烈欢迎各位。 Take the chance, or you will re

4、gret. 抓住机会,不会后悔。 精品展示 为提高我校学生的英语口语水平, 我们将举办英语演讲比赛 (Englishspeaking contest),请你根据下面的信息,以学生会(the Students Union)的名义写一份海报,欢迎全校同学参加,届时特 邀本校美籍教师史密斯先生颁奖。 报名时间9 月 30 日以前(报名: sign up) 报名地点学生会办公室 比赛时间10 月 9 日晚 7:009:00 比赛地点学校大会议室 奖励前 8 名 审题谋篇 第一步:明确要求 该写作属于应用文海报写作,有提示将举办英语演讲比赛, 故用一般将来时和一般现在时为主;人称为第一人称。 第二步:

5、确定段落 第一层介绍将要举行英语演讲比赛及举行的时间、地点。 第二层介绍可参赛的人员,比赛报名的时间、地点。 第三层介绍比赛的颁奖人及奖励情况。 第三步: 提炼要点 1improve_spoken_English提高英语口语 2have_an_Englishspeaking_contest举行英语演讲比赛 3take_part_in参加 4sign_up报名 5the_Students_Union学生会 6sb._is_welcome_to_do_sth.欢迎某人做某事 7be_invited_to_do_sth.被邀请做某事 8be_awarded_by由颁奖 第四步:句式升级 1我们想提高

6、我们的英语口语。我们要举行全校英语演讲 比赛。 (一般表达)We want to improve our spoken English. We are going to have an Englishspeaking contest for all t he students of our school. I often stayed up late and took little physical exercise. I b ecame too fat and often fell ill. (高级表达)In_order_to_improve_our_spoken_English,_we_a

7、re _going_to_have_an_Englishspeaking_contest_for_all_the_students _of_our_school. (in order to do sth.作目的状语) 2比赛将于十月九日晚七点至九点在学校大会议室举行。 (一般表达)We will hold the contest from 7:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. on Oct. 9 in our school meeting hall. (高级表达)The_contest_will_be_held_from_7:00_pm._to_ 9:00_pm._on_Oct._9_in

8、_our_school_meeting_hall. (一般将来 时的被动语态) 3想参加比赛的学生在九月三十日之前到学生会办公室报 名。 (一般表达)The students should come to sign up at the offi ce of the Students Union before Sept. 30. The students want t o take part in the contest. (高级表达)The_students_who_want_to_take_part_in_the_cont est_should_come_to_sign_up_at_the_

9、office_of_the_Students_Unio n_before_Sept._30. (定语从句) 连句成篇 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考范文: Englishspeaking Contest In order to improve our spoken English, we are going to have an Englishspeaking contest for all the students of our sc hool. It will be held from 7:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. on Oc t. 9 i

10、n our school meeting hall. The students who want to take part in the contest should come to sign up at the office of th e Students Union before Sept. 30. All the students are welcom e to attend it. At the appointed time, Mr Smith who works in our school will be invited to attend the contest, and the first e ight winners will be awarded by Mr Smith. The Students Union Sept. 10


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