川教版五年级下册Unit 2 Four Seasons-Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:20066).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Four Seasons_Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:20066)
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Unit 2 Four Seasons Xi Caotian Primary School Wan Jie 插入fashion show视频 dress She wears a skirt cap wear 穿,戴穿,戴 She / He wears a T-shirtshirtcoat a pair of jeans sweater She / He wears a wear head bread tea sea a pair of trousers a pair of gloves Eg. a pair of wings A:What do you wear? B:I wear a T-shirt. sweater shirt T-shirt coat jeans WhatWhat dodo youyou wearwear ? ? I I wearwear a a WorkWork inin PairsPairs Shirt, shirt, I wear a shirt. What do you wear? I wear a shirt. T-shirt, T-shirt, I wear a T- shirt. What do you wear? I wear a T-shirt. LetsLets chant.chant. _,_, I wear a _. What do you wear? I wear a _. _,_, I wear a _. What do you wear? I wear a _. CreateCreate a a newnew chant.chant. 1.Exercises1.Exercises 1.( ) A. hat B. sweater C. wear 2.( ) A. clothes B. seasons C. shirt 3.( ) A. harvest B. autumn C. snow 4.( ) A. coat B. desert C. forest 5.( ) A. garden B. winter C. spring 6. wear do what you (?) 7. monkeys in mountains the live (.) 2.Work2.Work inin GroupsGroups Try to practice with your parteners what we have learnt today. 温馨提示:温馨提示: 衣服对人类而言最根本的作用衣服对人类而言最根本的作用 是保暖,所以我们不必和他人是保暖,所以我们不必和他人 攀比衣物的贵贱,更不能从穿攀比衣物的贵贱,更不能从穿 着去判定一个人的品行!因为着去判定一个人的品行!因为 这世上有很多虽然贫困,但心这世上有很多虽然贫困,但心 灵无比纯洁的人灵无比纯洁的人 1.Write the new words for three times. 1.Read the new words for three times. 2.Write the new words for three times. 1.Read the new words for three times. 2.Write the new words for three times. 3.Communicate with your partners with what weve learnt today. 1.Read the new words for three times. 2.Write the new words for three times. 3.Communicate with your partners with what weve learnt today. 1 课题 Unit 2 Four Seasons Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes 教 学 目 标 1知识目标: (1)词汇目标:能正确朗读并理解 wear , sweater, coat, jeans, T-shirt, shirt 这些与服装有关的单词。 (2)通过教师的情境创设、图片呈现以及肢体语言等方式,学生能理解 并掌握句型 What do you wear ? 及回答 I wear a 2能力目标: (1)通过多样的方式和方法,学生能熟练运用 What do you wear ? 及回答 来谈论所穿的服装。 (2)通过引导,学生可以用已学过的知识对该课的内容进行替换练习。 (3)通过本课的学习,学生能根据不同季节搭配适合的服装。 3情感目标 (1)通过活动的参与,体会英语学习的乐趣,进一步增强对英语的学习兴 趣。 (2)通过观看贫困山区儿童的图片,懂得衣物的贵贱不是评判一个人的标 准,心灵美才是真善美,并能产生向他们献出一份爱心的共鸣。 教学重点 能正确朗读并理解 wear , sweater, coat, jeans, T-shirt, shirt 这些与服装有关 的单词。 教学难点 能熟练运用句型 What do you wear ? 及回答 I wear a 来谈论所穿的服 装;以及能正确朗读并掌握本课与服装有关的新单词。能掌握单词 sweater 和 shirt 的正确发音。 预习准备 1.整理学过的服装类单词。 2.预习本科新单词的读音及含义。 2 导 引 过 程 环节学案 导案 一、问题导 学 1. I can read the new words correctly and know their meanings. 2. I can read the new sentences correctly and know their meanings. 3. I can flexible use the new sentences and the words to talk about clothes. 1.I can read the new words correctly and know their meanings. 2. I can read the new sentences correctly and know their meanings. 3.I can flexible use the new sentences and the words to talk about clothes. 二、学习展 示 Step1. Warm-up Ss: Good morning, Jessie. Ss: Nice to see you,too Step2. Lead-in 1 Ss: Its a fashion show. 2. Their interest are aroused. Step3. 1.Get the meanings and the right pronunciations of the new words 2.Guess the meaning of “wear” through Ts actions. Step4. Practice the new though some games. Step5. 初步感知新句型,并尝试回答老师问题。 Step1. Warm-up 1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! 2. Lets sing a song. Step2. Lead-in 1. T: Today we are going to learn Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes. Firstly, lets enjoy a video. 2. T: We are going to hold a fashion show, too. But we have to master some English knowledge about clothes . Step3.Presentation 1. Use some pictures to lead out the new words. 2. Then ask Ss to guess the meaning of “wear” . 3. Ask some Ss to read the new words and then use the reading machine to present the right pronunciations Step4. Practice 1. Help Ss to master the right pronunciations though phonics . 2. Lead Ss to practice the new words though some games. Step5. Presentation T: Look! I wear a T-shirt today. How about you? What do you wear? Then lead Ss to answer the question. 3 三、引导探 究 Step6. 1. 替换问答练习。 2. Work in pairs. Step6. Practice 1. 替换问答练习。 2. Work in pairs. 四、训练反 馈 Step7. Production&Summary 1. Organize the fashion show. 四人一组搭配出两套不同季节的服装,并派出代表走秀。 2. 今天我们学习了各种各样服装的英文名称,大家也都穿过这些服装,对吗?但是你们知道吗, 在我国的很多贫困山区生活着这样一群孩子,他们一年四季的衣服加起来总共都没有几件。放 映图片。呼吁大家珍惜自己的幸福生活,并在有机会的时候向贫困儿童献爱心。 五、板书设五、板书设 计计 Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes A: What do you wear ? coat shirt T-shirt sweater B: I wear _. A pair of jeans 1 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 本课是四川教育出版社英语 (三年级起点)五年级下册第 2 单元 Lesson1 Seasons and Clothes。本单元的主题是春夏秋冬四季。通过学习,孩子 们在增长英语知识的同时,了解季节与服装、季节与时令、季节与文化之间的 关系。这是本课的第一课,谈论四季与着装,教学相关表达法,复习服装类单 词,同时教学新的服装类单词。 二、学情分析:二、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,属于小学阶段里的中高段,害羞心理更 强,但仍然有较强的表现欲,模仿能力强、学习记忆速度快,乐于参与形式多 样的教学活动,渴望受到老师的表扬和同学的肯定。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1 知识目标: (1)词汇目标:能正确朗读并理解 wear , sweater, coat, jeans, T-shirt, shirt 这些与服装有关的单词。 (2)通过教师的情境创设、图片呈现以及肢体语言等方式,学生能理解 并掌握句型 What do you wear ? 及回答 I wear a 2能力目标: (1)通过多样的方式和方法,学生能熟练运用 What do you wear ? 及回答 来谈论所穿的服装。 (2)通过引导,学生可以用已学过的知识对该课的内容进行替换练习。 (3)通过本课的学习,学生能根据不同季节搭配适合的服装。 3情感目标 (1)通过活动的参与,体会英语学习的乐趣,进一步增强对英语的学习兴 趣。 (2)通过观看贫困山区儿童的图片,懂得衣物的贵贱不是评判一个人的标 准,心灵美才是真善美,并能产生向他们献出一份爱心的共鸣。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (1)重点:能熟练运用句型 What do you wear ? 及回答 I wear a 来谈论 所穿的服装;以及能正确朗读并掌握本课与服装有关的新单词。 2 (2)难点:能较熟练地与同桌完成 chant;能掌握单词 sweater 和 shirt 的 正确发音。 五、教具准备五、教具准备 多媒体课件、图片、单词条、磁粒等。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Min教学流程教学流程教学活动教学活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 3Warm up 1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! 2. Lets sing a song. Ss: Good morning, Jessie. Ss: Nice to see you,too . 通过师生问好以及英文 歌曲创设和谐氛围。 2Lead in 1. T: Today we are going to learn Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes. Firstly, lets enjoy a video. 2. T: We are going to hold a fashion show, too. But we have to master some English knowledge about clothes . 1 Ss: Its a fashion show. 2. Their interest are aroused. 并播放有关视频,为接 下来的引入做铺垫。向 学生说明教学线索,明 确学习目标。 3 Presentation 1. Use some pictures to lead out the new words. 2. Then ask Ss to guess the meaning of “wear” . 3. Ask some Ss to read the new words and then use the reading machine to present the right pronunciations 1. Get the meanings and the right pronunciations of the new words 2. Guess the meaning of “wear” through Ts actions. 通过点读机呈现的正确 读音以及自然拼读法帮 助学生掌握新单词的发 音。 12 Practice 1. Help Ss to master the right pronunciations though phonics . 2. Lead Ss to practice the new words though some games. Practice the new though some games. 通过游戏提高学生学习 兴趣,同时掌握新单词。 8Presentation T: Look! I wear a T-shirt 初步感知新句型,并尝 利用动作和语言让学生 3 today. How about you? What do you wear? Then lead Ss to answer the question. 试回答老师问题。感知并自主获得新单词 含义,用旧单词引出新 句型,进而初步感知新 句型。 12Practice 1. 替换问答练习。 2. Work in pairs. 1. 替换问答练习。 2. Work in pairs. 通过机械操练,意义操 练和自由操练等多种形 式操练新单词。 6 Production & Summary 1. Organize the fashion show. 2. 今天我们学习了各种 各样服装的英文名称, 大家也都穿过这些服装, 对吗?但是你们知道吗, 在我国的很多贫困山区 生活着这样一群孩子, 他们一年四季的衣服加 起来总共都没有几件。 放映图片。呼吁大家珍 惜自己的幸福生活,并 在有机会的时候向贫困 儿童献爱心。 1. 四人一组搭配出两套 不同季节的服装,并派 出代表走秀。 2. 感受贫困山区孩子的 艰苦,心生同情。 1. 将本课所学新知识付 诸实践,组织一场服装 表演,提高学生学习兴 趣。 2. 通过图片及配乐让学 生产生情感共鸣。 1Homework Arrange todays homework . Do todays homework according to their own ability. 在家庭作业的设计上进 行分层布置,让学生根 据自己的知识水平选择 相应的作用,也使学生 在本课所学习和掌握的 语言知识能在课后得到 延伸。 4
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