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1、一、默写单词:第一天 1_v(使)结合,(使)组合combination n结合 2_n. 诗,诗歌poem n诗poet n诗人 3_ adj.爆炸(式)的,爆发的explode v爆炸explosion n爆炸 4_ n运动,动作move v移动 5_ v鼓掌applause n鼓掌,掌声 6_ adj.感谢的,感激的gratefully adv.感激地 7_ adv.极度,极其extreme adj.极度的,极大的 8_ adj.专心致志的absorb v使全神贯注 9_adj.浪漫的romance n浪漫 10_n纪录电影,纪录片document 文件,公文 11_ adj.有吸引力的

2、,有趣的appeal n吸引力,感染力 12_ adj.粗鲁的,无礼的rudely adv.粗鲁地rudeness n粗鲁 13 _ adj.失望的, 沮丧的disappointing adj.令人失望的disappoint v 使失望disappointment n 失 望 14_ adj.原先的,最初的origin n起源originally adv.起初 15_v表现behavior n行为 16_adj.正常的,平常的abnormal adj.不正常的normally adv.正常地,平常地 17_ n责任responsible adj.负责任的responsibly adv.认真负责

3、地 18_n缺乏;没有absent adj.缺席的 二、默写短语: 1_ 对熟悉2_追溯到 3_ 以开始4_ 起初 5_在舞台上6_解释清楚,传达 7_把变成8_ 极为激动 9_ 事情发展如人所愿,一切顺利 10_ 进行比较11_ 表演(节目) 12_ 熬夜13_放弃 14_幸亏,由于15_或多或少 16_的数量17_ 安排 18_被用来做19_有太多时候 20_最终成为21_ 导致,造成 22_ 扮演角色23_符合(标准),不负(盛名) 24_ 在某种程度上25_ 凭借自身 26_ 突出,醒目27_ 失控 三、默写句型: 1_ quite a few productions of Hamle

4、t and read the play many times, I was full of confidenceuntil the Peking Opera came to town! 因为我看过许多哈姆雷特的演出,读过很多遍剧本,所以我充满了信心直到京剧登场! 2But _the support of my teacher, parents and friends, I overcame my fear, _ that I did the best_. 但是多亏了老师、父母和朋友的支持,我克服了恐惧,知道我已经尽力了。 3I _ love A Good Laugh and I watched

5、 it every week. 我以前很喜欢开怀大笑 ,每周都看。 4_, great words _ cinematic “turkeys” 通常,精彩的文笔最终会变成电影里“败笔之作”。 5It was_ dazzling and energetic _I wasnt sure _ the characters were performers or athletes! 它是如此的令人印象深刻和充满活力,以至于我不确定这些角色是表演者还是运动员! 6_ this in mind, perhaps we should judge a movie in its own right, and no

6、t against its original source. 考虑到这一点,也许我们应该凭借其自身特点来判断一部电影,而不是依据它的原始资源来源。 7._, she said where she had been. 被问了好几次,她才讲出她去了哪里。 8._, youll succeed. 如果你努力工作,你会成功的。 9._, she didnt sing it well. 尽管她学了那首英文歌,但唱得不好。 一、阅读理解 第二天 Do you want to learn English better? If you do,the following classes might be sui

7、table for you. Junior Courses Our English courses for juniors are good for all the young people who want to develop their English language skills by taking part in exciting cultural and social activities. We offer this course to groups at every LSI school year round.We accept individual(个人的) young l

8、earners in our schools in the UK, the USA and Canada in our summer and winter camps. Teaching methods and social activities in the junior course are specially designed to suit kids and teenagers.Our English for Junior courses are a great way for learners to make friends with other teenagers from all

9、 over the world.LSI offers English language courses to suit all abilities and levels. Evening Classes LSI offers general language classes and exam classes in the evening.Students can take evening classes at a number of different LSI schools around the world.LSI London Central has a special foreign l

10、anguage department which offers classes in over 40 languages.Evening language classes are taught in open groups at LSI school buildings.We also organize language training that can be arranged either in or outside the school at any time for individuals and closed groups. Our evening language courses

11、are for everyone.We train business people who require language skills for specific purposes and those who expect to gain some basic survival skills for their holidays.We provide quality training for all students at all levels,whatever their purposes are. 【解题导语】本文主要在为 LSI 学校的一些语言学习课程打广告。 1The English

12、 for Junior courses would attract those who want to_ Atravel to foreign countriesBlearn some difficult grammar Cattend exam classes in the eveningDimprove English through activities 2What do we know about evening classes of LSI schools around the world? AEach school offers classes in over 40 languag

13、es.BLanguage training only takes place in the school. CLanguage training doesnt accept individual learners.DTheyre taught in open groups at LSI school buildings. 3Evening language courses are open to_ Abusiness people onlyBpeople of all age groups Cjust kids and teenagersDEnglish beginners only 4The

14、 text is meant to _ Aadvertise some English classesBtell how to choose English classes Cencourage readers to learn English wellDadvertise some cultural and social activities 二、语法填空 Two friends were walking through the desert.During the journey,they had an 5._(argue),and one friend hit the other 6._t

15、he face.The man who was hit 7._(feel) hurt,so he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me.” The two friends kept on 8._(walk) until they found a small pool,in which they decided to take a bath.Suddenly , the one who had been hit started drowning , but his friend saved him.Then he wrote 9._(ca

16、reful) on a stone,“Today my best friend saved my life.” His friend asked him,“10._ did you write in the sand after I hurt you,but now you write on a stone?”He answered,“When someone hurts us,we should learn 11._(forget) and forgive.But when someone does something good for us,we must write it on the

17、stone where no wind can ever remove it.” People say it 12._(take) a minute to find a special person,an hour to appreciate him,a day to love him , butthen13._entirelifetoforgethim.Learntobethankfulandyoullbeamuch 14._(happy) person. 一、默写单词 1combine v(使)结合,(使)组合combination n结合 2poetry n. 诗,诗歌poem n诗po

18、et n诗人 3explosive adj.爆炸(式)的,爆发的explode v爆炸explosion n爆炸 4movement n运动,动作move v移动 5applaud v鼓掌applause n鼓掌,掌声 6grateful adj.感谢的,感激的gratefully adv.感激地 7extremely adv.极度,极其extreme adj.极度的,极大的 8absorbed adj.专心致志的absorb v使全神贯注 9romantic adj.浪漫的romance n浪漫 10documentary n纪录电影,纪录片document 文件,公文 11appealin

19、g adj.有吸引力的,有趣的appeal n吸引力,感染力 12rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的rudely adv.粗鲁地rudeness n粗鲁 13disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的disappointing adj.令人失望的disappoint v使失望disappointment n失望 14original adj.原先的,最初的origin n起源originally adv.起初 15behave v表现behavior n行为 16normal adj.正常的,平常的abnormal adj.不正常的normally adv.正常地,平常地 17respon

20、sibility n责任responsible adj.负责任的responsibly adv.认真负责地 18absence n缺乏;没有absent adj.缺席的 二、默写短语 1be familiar with 对熟悉 2date back to 追溯到 3start with 以开始 4at first 起初 5on stage 在舞台上 6get across 解释清楚,传达 7transform.into. 把变成 8on the edge of ones seat 极为激动 9tick all the right boxes 事情发展如人所愿,一切顺利 10make a com

21、parison 进行比较 11put on 表演(节目) 12stay up 熬夜 13give up 放弃 14thanks to 幸亏,由于 15more or less 或多或少 16the number of. 的数量 17make arrangements 安排 18be used to do 被用来做 19all too often 有太多时候,太过频繁 20end up 最终成为 21result in 导致,造成 22play the part of 扮演角色 23live up to 符合(标准),不负(盛名) 24to some extent 在某种程度上 25in one

22、s own right 凭借自身,靠自己 26stand out 突出,醒目,出色 27out of hand 失控,无法控制 三、默写句型 1.Having seen 2.thanks to knowingI could 3. used to 4.All too often end up being turned into 5. so that if 6. With 7. Having been asked several times 8. Working hard 9. Having learned that English song 一阅读理解 1.C解析: 细节理解题。 由第一段中的

23、its special decorations 和第二段中的 Instead of the usual decorations.At the base are lifelike handmade figures.animals.可知, 这棵圣诞树底部周围有一些特殊的塑像, 这使得它与众不 同。 2.C解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的 The room is warmly lit.calm 可知, 展览室有温暖的灯光和柔和的 圣诞颂歌, 给人一种平静的感觉。 3.A解析:推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的 Each year, new angels.collection and display.可知,

24、每年都有新 的天使和塑像加入到展览当中, 因此, 塑像的数量逐年增加。 4.B解析:标题归纳题。文章介绍了一棵著名的圣诞树, 包括其地理位置、形态特征、特殊之处等。故 B 项最能概括文章大意。 一、语法填空 5organizations解析:考查名词。因为前面是由 a variety of 修饰,故此处用名词形式,又因 organization 意为“组织”时是可数名词,故填 organizations。 6endangered解析:考查形容词。此处应该用形容词作定语修饰 butterfly species,故填 endangered,意 为“濒临灭绝的”。 7actually解析:考查副词。

25、此处用来修饰动词 exist,故用其副词形式,故填 actually。 8of解析:考查介词。because of 是固定搭配,意为“因为;由于”。 9 threaten解析: 考查动词及主谓一致。 分析句子结构可知, 此处需要一个动词, 又因为主语是 Other factors, 故填 threaten。 10to reduce解析:考查非谓语动词。manage to do sth.是固定搭配,意为:设法做成某事。 11 depending解析: 考查非谓语动词。 此处现在分词作状语, 且逻辑主语与句子主语一致, 故填 depending。 12An解析:考查冠词。因为此处表示泛指,且 example 的发音是以元音音素开头,故填 An。 13that解析:考查表语从句引导词。分析句子结构可知,此处是一个表语从句,且从句中不缺成分,故 引导词为 that,一般不可省略。 14their解析:考查代词。因为后面是名词 house,故此处需用形容词性物主代词 their。


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