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1、1 外研社 2019 新版必修二各单元单词短语检测 Unit 1Food for thought 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1 Dont jump the queue. It is good m_ to wait in line. 2 Many a bus runs along this street; it is very c_ to go downtown. 3 So far, I havent received a s_ reply from the manager. 4 There have been several _ (袭击) on foreigner

2、s recently. 5 Ill fly to your city. Will you please r_ your local _ (小吃) to me? 6 This painting is _ (典型的) of his work. 7 On New Years Day Im going to a _(婚礼) to be held in the church. 8 My sister has been on a d_ for a month. She is losing weight. 9 Last year the public launched a campaign called C

3、lean Your P_, which aims to call on people to save food instead of wasting anything. 10 Here are some t_ to help you keep a balanced diet. 11 In my o_, the project should be reconsidered. 12 It is now possible to map(了解) the different _ (功能) of the brain. 13 The English saying “One mans meat is anot

4、her mans p_” is similar to 萝 卜青菜,各有所爱 in Chinese. 14 What a tiny kitchen! There is not enough room to s_a cat. 15 My daughter is a complete computer game _ (对.着迷的人). 16 Then he turned the _ (把手) and went in. 17 While we are twin brothers, yet we d_ in character. 18 When travelling in a foreign count

5、ry, please follow local _ (风俗习惯). 19 Sometimes being tall can make you feel _ (极其地) self-confident. 20 Girls often cannot r_ buying new clothes and shoes. 21 French and English are both o_ languages in Canada. 22 Another modern new airport is still under _(建设). It will be put to use next year. 23 Th

6、ose freshmen find it hard to a_ to the new school and environment. 24 The _ (原先的) plan was to fly out to New York, but now it has been delayed. 25As we know, the dove(鸽子) is a s_ of peace. 26 I _ (聚集) all my courage to take a bite and found it wasnt so bad. 27 Scientists have _ (确定) the gene that ca

7、uses abnormal growth. 28 He dug a hole in our yard to plant a _ (枫树) tree when I was born. 29 I have bought a _ (食谱) book and start to learn to cook. 2 30 Januarys sales were _ (稍微) better than average. 31 We keep all our glass and _ (瓷器) in this cupboard. 32Actually education levels are strongly _

8、(相关的) to income. 33 James works as head c_ at a grand restaurant. 34 Do you know that the _(烹饪) of Japan is low in fat? 35As a salesman, you must know all the _ (诀窍) of the trade. 36 Pity their _ (婚姻) lasted only three years and they got divorced last week. 37 He has improved his _ (排名) this season

9、from 67thto 30th. 38 There are still some dishes Dad does not _ (敢于) to try. 二、短语填空 in casebelong tocatch uppick upend up (doing)take to (doing) come acrosssuffer fromremind.ofbring sb.upput. to the test feel at home withhad better 1 It is cold outside. You _ bundle up(穿暖和点). 2 This old photo _ me _

10、my college days. 3 Yesterday I _ an old diary in my desk. 4 China _ developing countries, like Brazil, India and Russia. 5 Keep some candles in the house_ there is a power cut. 6 The other day I _ a bad cold and it took me days to get rid of it. 7 If you continue driving like that, you will _ in hos

11、pital. 8 It is not easy for him to _ a family of six people. 9 He loves to _ on the news after a trip abroad. 10 Since retirement Smith _ gardening. 11 I often _ a morning paper to read on my way to work. 12After a while we began to _ each other. 13 But there are times when loyalty(忠诚) and bravery a

12、re _. 3 外研社 2019 新版必修二各单元单词短语检测 Unit 2Lets celebrate! 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1 This story has _ (引起.兴趣) a lot of interest from the media. 2 You may not like her, but you have to a_ that she is good at her job. 3 We plan to spend the weekend _ (装修) our house. 4 His book reached an even wider a_

13、when it was made into a movie. 5 Im one of the bars _(经常的) customers. 6 This company is closing down two of its factories, leading to 430 job _(失去). 7 The L_ Festival is held on the 15thday of the 1stlunar month. 8 The study _ (显示) a connection between poverty and crime. 9 Visitors are r_ not to tou

14、ch the exhibits at the museum. 10 He wore the suit only on formal o_. 11 Most Western European countries have _ (欣然接受) the concept of high-speed rail networks. 12 Well certainly meet obstacles in the _(进程) of economic reform. 13 Is dinner ready, mom? Im s_. 14 The law requires equal treatment for al

15、l, _ (不管) of race, religion or sex. 15 Nowadays smoking has become a common p_ in some high schools. 16 Many factors have led to the _(全球的) climate change. 17 Little Tom asked, “Does Father Christmas really e_? 18 We are arriving on Christmas E_, December 24th. 19 I majored in folk _ (文学) while at c

16、ollege. 20 We are fighting to end gender _ (不平等). 21 Our teacher praised those who actively p_ in group discussions. 22 Dragon Boat Festival is a festival in memory of Qu Yuan, an ancient p_ in China. 23 I just want a basic sports coat-nothing _ (花哨的). 24 Young people sometimes cant distinguish betw

17、een _ (幻想) and reality. 25 The farmers are expecting a good _ (收成) this autumn. 26 These signs are _ (警告) about the dangers of smoking. 27 Last November more people v_ in favour of Biden rather than Trump. 28 In China men usually have to r_ when they reach the age of 60. 29 Tokyo is the _ (东道主) city

18、 for the 32ndOlympic Games. 4 30 My brother is so strong that he can lift the heavy box easily without using much e_. 31 We dont have the _ (自由) to do just what we like. 32 The mayor(市长) called on all _ (市民) to begin preparing for the coming typhoon. 33 This movie is intended for _ (成人) only. 34 Tea

19、chers have a limited amount of time to _ (互动) with each child. 35 Do you want to visit my friends _ (软件) company? 36 During the Chinese New Year children often receive red e_ from their parents and relatives. 37 Well hold a _(谜语) competition very soon. Will you join us? 二、短语填空 regard.askeep.aliveas

20、long asaddress.tocomplain about wrap.upbe keen oneat outhave.to do within ones opinion not only.but (also) 1 Last week neighbors _ the dogs barking to the police. 2 Young children _ sweets,but they are bad for their teeth. 3 _, it is time for the law to be changed. 4 Mid-Autumn Festival _ a time for

21、 families to get together in China. 5 In China, Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _ as a festival _ as a public holiday. 6 Ill return the ball to you _ you promise not to kick it at my cat. 7 We tried everything to _ the little dog _ but in vain. 8 Someone must have made a mistake. The parcel_ wron

22、gly _ me. 9 Its freezing cold. Please _ warm before you go outside. 10 There are those who _ for a special occasion, or treat themselves. 11As a matter of fact, his success _ nothing _ his family. 5 外研社 2019 新版必修二各单元单词短语检测 Unit 3On the move 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1As a popular saying goes, know

23、ledge is p_. 2 Mr. Kolin was chosen to _ (代表) the company at the conference. 3 The law was finally passed in _ (回应) to public pressure. 4 This oil painting is a work of art by a true _ (大师) 5 If you s_ breakfast, your blood sugar level will drop and you will probably feel light-headed(眩晕的). 6 I work

24、 out at a gym on a daily b_. 7 Running your own business usually _ (需要) working long hours. 8 Which of the following exercises are you best at? _ (冲浪),rock climbing or swimming? 9 He is so stubborn(固执的) that it is very hard to p_ him to change his mind. 10 Im now training very hard for national comp

25、etitions and hope to be a _ (冠军) someday. 11 He said it was too early to predict the _ (最终的) outcome. 12 The presidents speech at the annual meeting will i_young people to work harder in the future. 13 For years the region has been torn apart by armed _ (冲突). 14 She is so fat and has been trying dif

26、ferent ways to reach her _ (理想 的) weight. 15 My younger brother joined the army last year and has been a s_ for one year. 16 She nearly lost her b_ as the bus suddenly moved forward. 17 The height of the bicycle seat is _(可调节的). 18 Now it is possible to store a lot more d_ on a SSD(移动固态硬盘). 19 Exerc

27、ise may be the best way to reduce _ (紧张) after a hard day. 20 A modern factory has been set up in this area; there are plenty of jobs _ (可获得的). 21 The DX Sports Watch is useful for _ ( 检测) your heart rate and calories burnt. 22 This lecture is about how women can d_ themselves from sex harassment(骚扰

28、). 23 This bar _ (图表) shows the percentage of people using 4 types of 6 transport: train, car, tube and car in London in 1960,1980 and 2000. 24All our e_ has been carefully tested before being put to use. 25 His refusal to work late was _ (解释) as a lack of commitment(奉献) to the company. 二、短语填空 to on

29、es hearts contentdie outgiven thatgo back tosave.from take.for exampleput downa matter of life and death list.againstaround the cornerin turnraise money foras well as 1 We must do our best to prevent this endangered animal from _. 2 With the final exam _, the students are busy going over their lesso

30、ns. 3 They answered the teachers questions _. 4 _ the word worker_. The suffix -er is used to designate a person. 5 Phone an ambulance. It is _. 6 I was delighted to be able to eat my favourite dishes _. 7 They own a house in France _ a villa(别墅) in Spain. 8Theorganizationgiveshelpandsupporttopeople

31、inneed.Italso _ local charities(慈善机构). 9 _ they are inexperienced, they have done a good job. 10 The history of cuju( 蹴 鞠 ) _ over two thousand years _ancient China. 11 The bank stepped in to _ the company _ financial ruin. 12 Will you please _ your name and address on the paper? 13 This APP helps t

32、o _ your performance _ other runners in your social network. 7 外研社 2019 新版必修二各单元单词短语检测 Unit 4Stage and screen 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1 Our new teacher gave us a b_ introduction at the beginning of class. 2 In the _ (缺乏) of any evidence, the police had to let Mike go. 3After her inspiring speech

33、 all the audience stood up and a_ loudly. 4 She _ (克服) her natural shyness and spoke with great frankness. 5 Which means of t_ would you prefer, a high-speed train or a plane? 6 I will keep a copy(复印件) of the contract, and give you the o_. 7 Drinking and gambling affect all _ (方面) of family life. 8A

34、re you _ (绝对地) sure that he will make it to the destination? 9 She liked to dance but felt _ (紧张的;不舒适的) if someone was watching her. 10 Our factory has employed more f_ workers than male workers. 11 She is a girl good at hiding her _ (情感). 12 Diets( 节 食 ) are most effective when they are _ ( 结 合 ) w

35、ith exercise. 13Alocal film crew is making a _ (纪录片) about volcanoes. 14 Yesterday was their wedding anniversary and they enjoyed a r_dinner for two at one of their much-visited restaurants. 15 Mozart composed his last _ (歌剧) shortly before he died. 16 In maths, we use many different _ (技巧) of probl

36、em-solving. 17 Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin is a world famous c_ actor. 18 So much for today and watch next weeks thrilling _ (一集). 19 He was just a little boy, but he _ (表现) as if he were an adult. 20 I was a_ in my book; I didnt notice anyone pass by. 21 You can depend on him.He has a strong se

37、nse of _(责任). 22 The question of the origin of the _ (宇宙) is still hotly debated by scientists. 23 It creates an atmosphere which visitors find so _ (有吸引力的). 24 I was really confused at the _ (情节) of the film. 25 If you do something wrong, you will not e_ being punished. 26 We are very happy to see

38、the _ (爆发的) growth of the export market. 27 The hotel fitness centre is _ (肯定地) worth a visit. 28 Tomorrow is September 30. Have you made all your travel _ (安 排)? 8 29 Although Blackwell is in his 50s, yet he looks very strong and e_, for he does workouts every day. 30 Critics are suggesting his lat

39、est film will be a _( 失 败 之 作) even before its been released. 31 I am extremely _ (感激的) for the assistance you have provided. 二、短语填空 get acrosson the edge of ones seattick all the right boxesturn to put onlive up toto some extentin ones own rightwith.in mind be full of confidencetransform.intobase.o

40、nall too oftenresult in 1 The movie _ her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl _ a super star. 2 She is a rich woman _ rather than by inheritance(遗产). 3 The movie moved me to tears; it is _ a true story. 4 The WTO cannot _ its name if it doesnt include a country that is home to one-fifth of m

41、ankind. 5 If you want to be understood, youd better _ your meaning. 6IhadthoughtItooknointerestinthemoviebuttheendinghad me_. 7 The band are hoping to _ a UK show before the end of the year. 8As long as you get ready, you will _ in the interview. 9 Recently accidents like this have happened _. 10 Th

42、e car crash _ the death of two people. 11 Because of the increasingly rising electricity prices many people here are _ solar power. 12 We all, _, remember the good times and forget the bad. 13 The newest thriller_the authors fans will be hoping for. 14 These families need support. _ this _, a group

43、of 35 specialists met(碰头) last weekend. 9 外研社 2019 新版必修二各单元单词短语检测 Unit 5On the road 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1 The job is easy. No _(以前的) work experience is needed. 2 Of all the seven c_, Asia is the largest, covering nearly one third of the worlds landmass. 3 Walmart is one of the well known US

44、supermarket _ (连锁店). 4 My family couldnt afford my education fees and I q_ school at 10. 5 We werent sure about which _ (路线) we should take. 6 Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final _ (目的地). 7 A v_ is a machine such as a car, bus, or train which has an engine and is used to carry p

45、eople from place to place. 8 Well have to cancel the trip plan, for we have a really tight _ (预算). 9 Shall I pay in c_ or by credit card? 10 Just a stones throw away is the CityArt _ (美术馆). 11 He used to be an electrician by _ (职业). 12 Pompeii(庞贝城) was destroyed when the v_ erupted in 79AD. 13 I kno

46、w why you have become so fat, because you seldom e_ in outdoor activities. 14 Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in some _ (偏远的) areas. 15 This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English _ (风景). 16 Some of the most _ (激动 人心的 ) events in American history happened here. 17 Were go

47、ing to do some _ (远足) this coming weekend. 18 We knowAustralia is home to _ (袋鼠). 二、短语填空 be determined to (do)fall in love withmake an impact onpick up make a comment aboutbe used to (doing)over timefall asleep cheer.upkeep in touchcant wait to (do)masses of 1 There are forests, mountains with snowy

48、 tops and _ ice. 2 They met at a friends party and soon _ each other. 3 On a second thought, I _ go there on my own. 4 I _ while reading a book. 5 Hearing the news that the super star will come to our city, all the fans _ see her. 6 I can always count on you to _ me _. 10 7Although we havent seen fo

49、r ages, we _ by WeChat. 8 Some traditions will get established(认可) _. 9 I didnt think I could ever_living in a big city after living in the country. 10 After finishing reading the novel, please _ the character of the hero. 11 I am sure that these examples will certainly _ the childrens life. 12 I _

50、a car and drove to Rome. 11 外研社 2019 新版必修二各单元单词短语检测 Unit 6Earth first 一、单词拼写(根据首字母提示或中文提示写出正确的单词) 1 He called the police because he was c_ about his sons safety. 2 Rising prices will _ (吓跑) off/away many potential customers. 3 Ways must be found to r_ air and noise pollution. 4 _ ( 雾 霾 ) is a mixtur


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