(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修二Unit 5 On the road Section Ⅱ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件ppt.pptx

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1、自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 Section Starting out 职业的n.专业人员 /privis/adj.以前的,先前的previously/privisli/adv.先 前;以前 destination quit indigenous profession previous 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 .情景词块情景词块 1.把当作_ 2.实现_ 3.爱上_ 4.多于;超过_ 5.尤其;特别_ 6.利用机会做某事_ 7.对某人产生影响_ regard.as. come true fall in love wi

2、th more than in particular take an opportunity to do sth. make an impact on sb. 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 8.对发表评论_ 9.熟悉_ 10.让某人意识到_ make a comment about be familiar with make sb. aware of 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 .情景佳句情景佳句 1. 句型公式It is no wonder that. 难怪 教材原句.Its no wonder that China

3、is among the worlds most popular destinations. 尝试翻译 难怪中国是世界上最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 句型公式There be.doing sth.句型 教材原句.there were over 200,000 people reading my blog! 尝试翻译 2. 有超过200,000人阅读我的博客! 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 3. 句型公式spend.(in)doing sth. 教材原句Now I spend three week

4、s out of every month travelling and have over 464, 000 fa ns following me online. 尝试翻译 如今我每个月用三周时间旅行,在线关注我的粉丝超过464,000人。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 句型公式as. 作为 教材原句As a photographer, I love the bright light and amazing colours:red rocks, green pla nts,blue-green waters and blue skies. 尝试翻译 4. 作

5、为一名摄影师,我钟爱那明亮的光线和绚丽的色彩:红岩绿树、碧水蓝天。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 5. 句型公式when it comes to (doing) sth.当涉及某事/做某事时 教材原句I use my photography to make an impact on people, especially when it comes to en vironmental issues. 尝试翻译 我通过照片影响他人,尤其是涉及环境问题的时候。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 .文本理解文本理解 Reading f

6、or the main idea Whats the main idea of the passage? A.Photo blogging is a rewarding(有报酬的) job. B.Lauren Baths dream of becoming a professional blogger. C.Lauren Bath uses her camera to blog Australia. D.Australia is a country that is worth visiting. 答案答案 C 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 Reading f

7、or the structure Fill in the following blanks with proper words. 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 Interview are you and what do you do? Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath From a chef to a professional . Whats your to Western Australia?Making over 140 work and taking favourite photogra phs there. What do yo

8、u most about Western Australia? It is and untouched. How does your love of influence your pho- tography? I love to photograph the sun, dolphins and kangaroo s and so on. Does your photography support environmental ? Yes, I use my photography to make an on pe ople about environmental issues. Who phot

9、o blogger connectiontrips loveunique nature rising protection impact 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 Reading for the details Choose the best answer according to the text. 1.What did Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath do before she became a professional photo blogger? A.A reporter. B.A cook. C.A housewife.

10、D.A photographer. 答案答案 B 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 2.Lauren Bath forced herself to wake up early to photograph . A.animals B.crocodiles C.the rising sun D.bright colors 答案答案 C 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 3.Why did Lauren Bath dream of becoming a professional photo blogger? A.She liked tr

11、aveling. B.She could take good pictures. C.She wanted to make an impact on people using photography. D.All the above. 答案答案 D 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 4.Why could the crocodile in the last paragraph become a danger to people? A.Because she is becoming familiar with humans. B.Because people th

12、rew bad food to feed her. C.Because she is so afraid of people that she would attack people. D.Because some people were trying to hunt her. 答案答案 A 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 5.What can we conclude from the passage? A.Lauren Bath was not content to work as a chef. B.In Eastern Australia,the sce

13、nery is very beautiful. C.It is fun to work as a professional photo blogger. D.The number of Laurens fans has doubled since 2013. 答案答案 D 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 .难句突破 1.图解难句 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 自我分析 本句是并列句,由并列连词 连接。第一分句中passengers thro wing food from boats是一个动名词 ,其中passengers是动

14、名词throwing 的逻辑主语。 尝试翻译 这条鳄鱼已经习惯了船上乘客们的投食,并且正在变得熟悉人类。 and 复合结构 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 2.图解难句 自我分析本句是主从复合句。从句为If引导的条件状语从句,句中形容词 作宾语 的补足语。 尝试翻译 awareothers 如果我能做点事情使别人意识到这个问题,那就能在一定程度 上促进问题的解决。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 .文本复述文本复述 Step 1 Question answering 根据课文回答下列问题。 1.Who is Lauren El

15、izabeth Pirie Bath and what does she do? She used to be a chef, but she wanted more out of life, so she became the first Aust ralias professional photo blogger. 2.Why does she love northern WA? Because she loves the bright light and amazing colours: red rocks, green plants, bl ue-green waters and bl

16、ue skies. 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 3.What does she like to do most? She loves nature most, and she tries to take every opportunity to get outside and admire the natural world. 4.How does she influence people? She uses her pictures to make an impact on people, especially about environmen- tal

17、 issues. 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 Step 2 Text retelling 将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的 60词左右的短文。 Lauren Elizabeth Pirie Bath, who used to be a chef, wanted more out of life, so she began her travel and took pretty photos, becoming the first Australias pro- fessional photo blogger. She loves northe

18、rn Western Australia, because she loves the bright light and amazing colours: red rocks, green plants, blue-green waters and blue skies. She loves nature most, and she tries to take every opportunity to get outside and admire the natural world. She uses her pictures to make an im- pact on people, es

19、pecially about environmental issues. 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 1. In less than 18 months, there were over 200, 000 people reading my blog! (教 材P50) 在不到18个月的时间里,就有20多万人看了我的博客! Paraphrase: In less than 18 months, there were over 200, 000 people who/that were reading my blog! 语言点语言点1 句型公式:There

20、be.和There be.doing sth. 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 情景探究情景探究 However, there is one major and unavoidable drawback to 5G: Its going to cost you your location privacy. 然而,5G网络有一个不可避免的重大缺陷:那就是你的位置将不再是隐私。 There once was a poor farmer who had four sons. 从前有一个贫苦的农夫,他有四个儿子。 At this time, there ought t

21、o be some travellers waiting for their flights at the airport. 在这个时候,应该有一些旅客正在机场等待他们的航班。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)there be句型遵循就近原则。 (2)there be.doing sth.句型中的现在分词短语作定语,相当于定语从句。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 1.单句填空 (1)There (be) only four days left. (2)Once upon a time

22、, there was an old fisherman (live) by the seaside. 2.同义句转换 (3)There are a lot of people back there who/that are waiting to get in. There are a lot of people back there get in. are living waiting to 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 3.单句写作 (4)例如,有大量的参考书,我常常感到困惑,难以选择。 For example, which I am often con

23、- fused to choose from. there are huge amounts of reference books 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 2. In 2013, I was determined to make my dream come true:I would become Aus- tralias first professional photo blogger.(教材P50) 2013年,我决定实现我的梦想:成为澳大利亚第一位职业摄影博主。 Paraphrase: In 2013, I was determined to ma

24、ke my dream realized:I would be- come Australias first professional photo blogger. 语言点语言点2 come true实现 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 情景探究情景探究 (鲜 活 例 句) We must turn the Earth into a harmonious family, and make peoples desire for better life come true. 我们必须把地球变成一个和谐的家庭,让人们对美好生活的愿望成真。 I didnt expec

25、t he should come along with you. 我没想到他会和你一起来。 Can you tell me how the accident came about? 你能告诉我这事故是怎样发生的吗? 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 He came over from Japan in April and was presently sightseeing in South Chi- na. 他四月份从日本过来,目前正在华南观光。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 come along到达,出现

26、come about发生 come over过来,顺便来访 come on来吧,加油 come out (花)开,发(芽),出现 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 误区警示误区警示 come true实现,是不及物动词短语,常用主动语态,不可用于被动语态;realize 实现,是及物动词,可用于被动语态。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 1.用come短语的适当形式填空 (1)Do you know how this ? (2)Youd better go now, and Ill later. (3)The

27、moon from behind the clouds. 2.单句写作 (4)我真诚地希望你的梦想成真,当那一天到来的时候,我很高兴带你参观北京。 I sincerely hope and its my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when that day comes. came about come on came out your dream will come true 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 3. I fell in love with northern WA and have been ba

28、ck six times.(教材P50) 我对西澳北部一见钟情,之后又去了那里六次。 Paraphrase: I lost my heart to northern WA and have been back six times. 语言点语言点3 fall in love with. 爱上,倾心 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 情景探究情景探究 He fell behind when we were climbing up the hill. 我们爬山时,他落在了后面。 Babies often fall down when they are learning

29、 to walk. 小儿学步时常会摔倒。 The handle had fallen off the drawer. 抽屉的拉手掉了。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 be in love with爱上 fall behind落后 fall down倒塌;跌倒;失败 fall off跌落 误区警示误区警示 fall in love with 表动作;be in love with 表状态。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 1.介、副词填空 (1)No matter how many time

30、s you fall , you keep getting back up. (2)Leaves fall the trees in autumn. (3)If you dont come to class regularly, you will fall in your studies. 2.同义句转换 (4)I have learned that if youre in love with something and do it all the time, you will get better at it. I have learned that if you something and

31、 do it all the time, you will get better at it. down off behind fall in love with 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 4.The Kimberley region, in particular, is unique and untouched. (教材P51) 特别是金伯利地区有着独一无二的原生态景观。 语言点语言点4 in particular尤其;特别 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 情景探究情景探究 Theres nothing particu

32、larly strange about the object. 这个物体并没有什么特别奇怪的地方。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 particularly adv.=in particular尤其;特别 be particular about/over. 对挑剔 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 1.单句填空 (1)The boy likes anything to do with nature particular. (2)I am not particular my clothes while my wife minds what I wear. (3

33、)Rice grows well in our country, (particular) in our village. 2.同义句转换 (4)It was a good concert in which I particularly enjoyed the song. It was a good concert in which I enjoyed the song . in about/over particularly in particular 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 3.单句写作 (5)我对这份工作特别感兴趣,因为我想进一步提高我的英语口语

34、能力和人际 沟通能力。(2018浙江书面表达) I this job because I want to further improve my oral English capabilities and interpersonal communication skills. am particularly interested in 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 5. I use my photography to make an impact on people,especially when it comes to environmental issue

35、s. (教材P51) 我通过照片影响他人,尤其是涉及环境问题的时候。 语言点语言点5 句型公式: when it comes to. 当谈及时 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 情景探究情景探究 When it comes to politics, I know nothing about it. 当谈到政治时,我就一无所知。 That is about it. 大概就是这样。 I believe I have the talent to make it. 我相信自己有成功的天分。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓

36、展 when it comes to.当谈到/提到时,句中it无具体意义,就是说此时it在句中既 无明确指代关系,也无明确意义,只起担任主语的作用。类似的用法还有:it在句 中充当某些及物动词或介词的宾语,构成习惯性短语,此时it并无具体意义。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 头脑风暴头脑风暴 下面短语或句式结构中的it有什么用法? Take it easy!别着急!make it做到;办成;成功 Go for it!加油!get it明白了 无明确指代关系,也无明确意义。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 学以致用学以致用 1

37、.单句填空 (1)I know little about music, but it comes to the pianists, I am familiar with them. (2)When it comes to (teach) students English, he has a lot to say. 2.完成句子 (3)You come first. (明白吗)? (4)Even if it is tough, (别着急). (5)After a tiring trip, we (设法到达了目的地). when teaching Get it take it easy made

38、it to the destination 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 6. Why Lauren Bath quit her job as a chef and chose a different profession. (教 材P52) Lauren Bath为什么辞去厨师的工作后选择了一份不同的职业。 Paraphrase: Why Lauren Bath gave up her job as a chef and chose a different profession. 语言点语言点6 quit v.离开(工作岗位、学校等);离任 自主学习激发潜

39、能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 情景探究情景探究 He was given two monthsnotice to quit his house. 他接到两个月内迁出房子的通知。 I will not make any comment on his quitting office. 对于他的离职,我不打算发表任何评论。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 归纳拓展归纳拓展 quit doing sth. 停止做某事 quit office离职 quit school退学 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 学以致用

40、学以致用 1.单句填空 (1)He (quit)Paris after a week. (2)You must quit (smoke). Most important of all,you should start taking exercise. quit/quitted smoking 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 2.单句写作 (3)工作的第一天,Sally发现班上有一大堆问题等着她。在她之前有六位老师 辞职了。 On the first day of her work, Sally found that a class full of proble

41、ms was wait- ing for her. . Six teachers had quit before her 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 课文对译课文对译 背景导学背景导学语篇类型为访谈。课文通过访谈的形式介绍了一位职业摄影博 主的工作内容,与西澳大利亚州的渊源以及她对自然和环保的看法。 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 教材原文教材原文 用适当的词汇补全课文。 Blogging Australia Who are you and what do you do? My name is Lauren Elizabe

42、th Pirie Bath. Until a few years ago I was a chef, and a happy one at that, but I wanted more out of life. I wanted to TRAVEL. At that time I discovered and found that I took pretty good pictures. So I de- cided to post pictures on my blog. In less than 18 months, there were over 200,00 0 people rea

43、ding my ! At first, I only regarded it as a hobby, but compa- blogging blog 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 nies started paying me to take photos and publish them. In 2013, I was to make my dream come true: I would become Australias first pro fes-sional photo . It was a challenging job, but I did i

44、t. Now I spend three weeks out of every month travelling and have over 464,00 fans following me on- line. Ive got to know more about this country and its people. 文本解读:这是一篇以访谈形式为主题的文章,开头一段直接切入话题,以作 者以前和现在的工作为切入点,直接明了,能让读者简明扼要的了解主人公的 过往,也为进一步了解主人公的其他方面引出话题做好准备。 What is your connection to Western Austr

45、alia? determined blogger 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 I first visited Western Australia for work in 2013. I northern WA and have been back six times. Some of my favourite photographs were tak- en there. I have made over 140 work trips, but my best work trip ever was to Broome in the Kimberley re

46、gion. 文本解读:本段仍以访谈形式,叙述了作者与西澳大利亚的渊源关系,展示了 自己的工作内容和成绩。 What do you love most about Western Australia? It is extremely beautiful and you can experience the indigenous Australia there more than anywhere else. The Kimberley region, in particular, is and fell in love with unique 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养

47、达标迁移创新 untouched. As a photographer, I love the bright light and amazing colours: red rocks, green plants, blue-green waters and blue skies. 文本解读:本段突出强调作者对西澳大利亚的钟爱,说明西澳大利亚最吸引人 的是其独一无二的原生态景观,为保护环境话题的引出做好铺垫。 How does your love of nature influence your photography? To work full time in travel, you have

48、 to love nature. I try to take every opportuni- ty to get outside and the natural world. I love to photograph the rising sun, so I force myself into the natural world by waking early each day. I also en- joy photographing animals, such as dolphins and . admire kangaroos 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁

49、移创新 文本解读:本段顺承上段,强调作者对大自然的喜爱以及大自然给予人们的美 感享受,从而引出保护环境的欲望。 Does your photography support environmental protection? I hope so. I use my photography to make an on people, especially when it comes environmental issues. Today Ive been photographing a crocodile swimming close to our boat, the Kimberley Ques

50、t, all day. When I post the pic- ture online, I will make a about how bad it is to feed wild crocodiles. This crocodile is used to passengers throwing food from boats and now she is becoming with humans. Over time, this could make her a impact to comment familiar 自主学习激发潜能文本互动合作探究新知清障素养构建素养达标迁移创新 dan


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