(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修二UNIT 5 On the road(PPT版)共31张课件ppt.pptx

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1、UNIT 5On the road 英英 语语 2022 必修第二册 内 容 索 引 核心考点 课堂突破 随堂巩固 迁移运用 核心考点核心考点 课堂突破课堂突破 1.be used to (doing) sth习惯习惯(做做)某事某事 教材原句 This crocodile is used to passengers throwing food from boats and now she is becoming familiar with humans.(P51)这只鳄鱼已经习惯了乘客 从船上投食,现在开始熟悉人类了。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)Data collected from t

2、he device could be used (recognise) different participants based on how they typed,with very low error rates. (2)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20,half of which it used (charge). (3) He is used to (get) up early and can enjoy the fresh air in the morning. to reco

3、gnise to charge getting 小话题写作 (4)他以前总是熬夜到很晚,但是现在已经习惯早睡了。 He up late,but now he to bed early. 考点必记 used to过去(常常) be used to do sth被用来做某事 名师点津 used to的否定形式有两种:used not to和didnt use to。 used to stay is used to going 2.quit v.离开离开(工作岗位、学校等工作岗位、学校等);离任离任;停止停止,戒掉戒掉 教材原句 Why Lauren Bath quit her job as a c

4、hef and chose a different profession.(P52)为什么劳伦巴斯辞去了厨师的工作,选择了另一种职业。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)Susan (quit) her well-paid job and was working as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year. (2)Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people quit (smoke). had quit smok

5、ing 句式转换 (3)The headmaster had to give up his post because of his poor health. The headmaster had to because of his poor health. 考点必记 quit ones job辞职 quit school退学 quit office离职 quit (doing) sth 停止(做)某事 quit his post/office 3.aboard adv.在船在船(飞机、火车飞机、火车)上上 教材原句 People who travel aboard the Bernina Ex

6、press have the chance to see incredible views.(P53)乘坐伯尔尼纳快车的人有机会看到令人难以置信的 景色。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)The plane crashed but fortunately,all the 157 passengerssurvived. (2)After five hours of waiting,they finally went the ship. (3)Anyone found trying to take knives board would be caught by the police. aboard

7、aboard on 完成句子 飞机就要起飞了,请大家上飞机。 (4)The plane is taking off. ,please. 考点必记 go aboard上船(飞机、车等) on board在船(火车、飞机)上 名师点津 (1)aboard prep.寄宿n.木板;膳食;董事会。 (4) broad adj.广阔的,宽阔的;广泛的;概括的。 All aboard 4.credit n.U(借钱偿还的借钱偿还的)信用信用,信誉信誉; U赊欠赊欠,赊购赊购 ;C学分学分;为为赢得赢得 荣誉的人荣誉的人(或事物或事物);U信任信任;U认可认可,赞扬赞扬,称赞称赞 教材原句 I dont h

8、ave a credit card.(P54)我没有信用卡。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)Lets give him credit the success of the project. (2)I should not have bought so many things credit. (3)Lily won first prize in the competition,and she is a credit the school. for on to 小话题写作 (4)你拾金不昧,值得赞扬;你很诚实,应该受表扬。 It is greatly that you gave back the

9、money you found;your honesty does you credit. to your credit 考点必记 credit card信用卡 on credit赊购,贷款 do sb credit使某人值得赞扬 to sbs credit值得赞扬的是 be a credit to sb/sth 为某人/某事物增光 give sb credit for.为而称赞某人;认为某人应该会/具有 5.engage v.参与参与,参加参加;雇用雇用,聘请聘请;吸引吸引(注意力、兴趣注意力、兴趣) 教材原句 Adventure tourism:travellers explore unu

10、sual or remote destinations,often engaging in risky activities.(P55)冒险旅游:游客探索异常 或遥远的目的地,经常从事冒险活动。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)Wed be able to engage local people volunteers. (2)I have engaged a secretary(deal) with all my paperwork. (3)Only 10% of American adults engage regular exercise. as to deal in 小话题写作 (4)如果

11、一本书的前几页不能引起我的兴趣,我就不会再读了。 If a book doesnt in the first few pages,I wont read it. engage my interest 考点必记 engage in参加;从事;忙于 engage sb to do sth聘请某人做某事 engage sb as.聘请某人为 engage sb s interest/attention吸引某人的兴趣/注意力 engaged adj.忙碌的;已订婚 be engaged in.忙于 engagement n.婚约 6.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待要做某事迫不及待要做

12、某事 教材原句 I cant wait to share the stories with you.(P57)我迫不及待要和 你分享这些故事了。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1) The first time Bill arrived in Gulangyu,he couldnt help (say),“This is the most beautiful place I have been to.” (2) Stuck in a difficult problem,I couldnt help but(turn) to my teacher for help. saying turn 小话题写

13、作 (3)当吉姆被告知他可以和他的父亲一起去中国旅行时,他迫不及待地收拾 行李。 When Jim was told that he could go on a journey to China with his father, he up. 考点必记 can hardly wait to do sth迫不及待地要做某事 cant help doing sth情不自禁做某事 cant help but do sth不得不做某事 couldnt wait to pack 7.cheer sb up使某人振作起来使某人振作起来 教材原句 To cheer her up,we went to a t

14、ypical Quebec restaurant for lunch.(P57) 为了让她高兴,我们去了一家典型的魁北克餐厅吃午饭。 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)When Im feeling sad,my mother tells me funny stories to cheer me . (2)The cheering news made the cheerless boy cheerful,which made his parents cheer too. (3) Cathy didnt expect any award but was still there to cheer he

15、r friends and praise their accomplishments. up up on 完成句子 (4)我们所做的一切都是为了给我们队加油。 What we had done was to . 考点必记 cheer up高兴起来;振奋起来 cheer sb on(比赛中)为某人打气;为某人加油 cheer for为而欢呼 cheer our team on 8.There is no doubt that.毫无疑问毫无疑问 教材原句 There is no doubt that the Bernina Express is a journey for travellers w

16、ho want to get back to nature.(P53)毫无疑问,伯尔尼纳快车是给 那些想回归大自然的旅行者提供的一次旅行 语境巧练 单句语法填空 (1)There is no doubt education is a problem we should attach more importance to. (2)There is some doubt he can win the first prize. (3)I dont doubt the plan is practical,but I doubt he will stick to the plan until its f

17、inished. that whether thatwhether/if 完成句子 (4)听他的语气,便知他是反对的。 Judging from his tone,. (5)我确信这项工作不到一周就能完成。 I the work will be finished in less than one week. (6)毫无疑问,剪纸是中国传统文化之一。 paper-cutting is one of traditional Chinese cultures. theres no doubt that he is against it dont doubt that There is no doub

18、t that 考点必记 There is no doubt that.毫无疑问(that引导同位语从句,说明doubt的内 容) There is some doubt whether.有疑问 beyond/out of doubt毫无疑问/确定地 I have no doubt that.我确定/相信 I dont/never doubt that.我确信 I doubt whether/if.我怀疑是否 without doubt无疑地;必定地 名师点津 (1)doubt用作名词时,在肯定句中接whether(不可用if)引导的同位语从句;在 否定句中用that引导同位语从句。 (2)当d

19、oubt用作动词时,在肯定句中接whether或if引导的宾语从句;在否定 句、疑问句中后跟that引导的宾语从句。 写作佳句 There is no doubt that he will be selected as the best player to take part in the coming Olympic Games. 毫无疑问,他将被选为最好的运动员参加即将到来的奥运会。 随堂巩固随堂巩固 迁移运用迁移运用 .单句语法填空 1.Ellis Island has become one of Americas most popular tourist (destination).

20、2.Yesterday,we took a maths examination.Now,we cant wait (know) the result of it. 3.At the weekend,there are always a mass people shopping in the supermarket. 4.Hes been given six months to live if he doesnt quit (drink). destinations to know of drinking 5.It was in the class roomTom found my pen ye

21、sterday. 6.Do you have any comment to make the cause of the disaster? 7.He has done so much in so short a time almost everyone thinks that it is a miracle. 8.While walking in the street,I saw the little boy (cry) there. 9.The police havent really done anything for the black community (particular). 1

22、0.John is (determine) to get a seat for the concert even though it means standing in line all night for the ticket. that about that crying particularly determined .选词填空 I love to travel.Sometimes I 1.what I am doing and set out along the 2. route.Last week,I went 3. a flight to Australia,my 4. .Ther

23、e,I met with some 5. people.I saw a 6.landscape in the countryside,as well as Kangaroos,deer and crocodiles.I also went 7. to a dead volcano.At last I paid a special visit to one of the most famous galleries in Sydney,because it is related to my profession and 8. quest,quit,aboard,destination,dramat

24、ic,previous,hiking,indigenous quit previousaboard destinationindigenous dramatic hiking quest .话题微写作 把下面四个句子整合成一篇短文。 1.我正在同家人吃午饭,这时爸爸说打算送我出国。 2.我如此兴奋以至于要跳起来。 3.然而当我上了飞机时,我感觉有一丝伤感。 4.更糟的是,在国外没有一个人可以联系,我还要节衣缩食。 参考参考范文范文 I was having lunch with my family when my father said he intended to send me abroad.I was so excited that I almost jumped up.However,when I went aboard the plane,I felt a sense of sadness.Whats worse,I must be on a tight budget with no one to keep in touch with in the new country.


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