川教版四下Unit 2 Having a Picnic-Lesson 4 What Do You Like -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:20837).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Having a Picnic_Lesson 4 What Do You Like _ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:20837)
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Lesson 4 What Do You Like? He Chuan Qun 南江县实验小学 (period one) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 chicken hot dog coffe ice cream bread hamburgers cake What do you like? 你喜欢什么? Lets review. Chicken,chicken, Ilikechicken. Lets review. Ilikejuice. Lets review. Bread,bread, Idontlikebread. Lets review. Idontlikemilk. fried chicken Lets learn. Lets learn. biscuits Lets learn. salad sld 垃圾食品 junk food Lets learn. Junk food They arebadfor our health. Eat more fruits and vegetables. fried chicken Lets see. salad Lets see. biscuits Lets see. junk food Lets see. Lets guess. friedchicken salad junkfood Lets read. Break the golden eggs. (砸金蛋) 1 243 8 765 Lets try. 如果你想询问别人“你喜欢吃什么食物”, 你可以说: Whatdoyoulike? Lets try. 如果你想表达“我不喜欢吃炸鸡腿”,你可 以说: Idontlikefriedchicken. Lets try. Whatarethey? biscuits Lets try. 生活中,我们应该 多吃下面那些食物 ? Whats missing? 看图说话 + Ilikefriedchickenandbread, butIdontlikesalad Lets try. 想一想,生活 中常见的垃圾 食品有哪些? Make up a conversation and Act W:CanIhelpyou? C:Yes. W:Whatdoyoulike? C1:Ilike,butIdontlike. W:Whatdoyoulike? C2:Ilike,butIdontlike. W:Andyou?Whatdoyoulike? C3:Ilike,butIdontlike. W:Hereyouare. C:Thankyou! W:Youarewelcome! Wordsbank:biscuitssaladfriedchickenjuicecokebreadjunkfood 4人一组 Whatwehavelearnt today?(今天我们学了 哪些内容?) Thewords: Thesentences: Lets make a summary fried chicken biscuits salad junk food What do you like? I like /I dont like Homework: 1.Askyourparentsorfriendswhatdo theylike?(问你父母或朋友他们喜欢什 么食物?) 2.Makeasurvey:whichfoodisjunk foodinourlife?(调查生活中哪些食物 是垃圾食品) 3.Preview“Letstalk”(预习“Lets talk”) 3选1 Thanks for your listenning! - - 1 1 - - LessonLesson 4 4 WhatWhat DoDo YouYou Like?Like? Period One 一、一、TeachingTeaching aimsaims (一)(一)Knowledge aims 1.Enable Ss to read and understand these words: fried chicken, biscuits, salad, junk food. 2.Enable Ss to use the sentences structure “What do you like?”“I like/I dont like .”to describe themselveslike. (二)(二)Ability aims 1.Enable Ss to learn to describe themselveslike in English. 2.Develop Ssabilities of listening, speaking, reading and communicating. (三)(三)Emotion aims 1.Learn some junk food and be far away from it. 2.To enhance Ss cooperative ability. 3.To develop Ss interest in English. 二、二、ImportantImportant points:points: To make sure that Ss can describe themselveslike and read the words and sentences correctly. 三、三、DifficultDifficult points:points: (一)Help Ss to describe themselveslike correctly. (二)Make Ss use the new sentence patterns and new words to communicate with their classmates. - - 2 2 - - 四、四、TeachingTeaching aidsaids words card ,ppt 五、五、TeachingTeaching stepssteps Step1: Greetings: T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?. Step2:Lead in T:There is a magic tree in the nature park.Now,there are so many foods on it,do you know,what are they? (bread chicken salad biscuits junk food) Step3: learning the new sentences and new words. What do you like? I like/I dont like fried chicken biscuits salad junk food.(practice with the sentences) Step4:Emotional education T:There is so much junk food around us,such as (出示 垃圾食品图片,如:烧烤,油条,方便面,臭豆腐,辣条) T: We should not eat too much,because they are bad for our health.However,we should eat more fruits and vegetables。(出 示水果和蔬菜图片,示意多吃健康食品) Step5: Review the new words Look through the pictures of the new words Lets guess Lets read Step6: Practice the sentences - - 3 3 - - pair work (四人一小组,用这节课的新句型在德 克士点餐) Step7:lets play T:There is a spiner,you say go ,the hand will move;you say stop,the hand will point to a letter and you should answer its question.Are you clear? Ss:Yes. T:Ok,who wants to try? (生玩转盘游戏,生喊开始,转盘指针动,生喊停,指针 会停留在某个字母处,生需回答字母对应的问题。综合巩固 复习本节课的句型和新单词) Step8: Make a summary Let Ss say the words and sentences out Step9: Homework 1.use the new sentences(what do you like?I like/I dont like)to ask your parents or friends. 2.Make a survey:which food is junk food in our life. 3. Preview “Lets talk”(预习“Lets talk”)
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