沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-11 Children's Day-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:1027a).zip

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Unit 11 Childrens Day Period 1 Whens Childrens Day? 2019 June Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 30 June the first Talk: Who spend Childrens Day with you? Talk: What can you do on Childrens Day ? Where can you go ? My ideal Childrens Day Childrens Day is coming. I want to . What can she do on Childrens Day ? Where can she go? Clue1:She likes singing and dancing. Clue2:She likes painting,too. Clue3:She likes animals. Clue4:She likes Kongfu Panda. My ideal Childrens Day Childrens Day is coming! I want to have a great day. In the morning, there will be a class party. I can sing a song with my classmates.How happy! In the afternoon,I can go to the museum with my parents.There is a car museum, an art museum and a science museum near my home. We all like Art. So we can go to the art museum. There are many beautiful pictures in it. Its wonderful. In the evening, we can go to the cinema. We can see a film. Its about Kong fu Panda. We can drink cola and eat popcorn together. Its fun! music museum city cinema I can read I can _with_. I can say Alices Childrens Day Watch and answer: Does Alice have a party at school? Where does she go with her parents? Alices Childrens Day Check: Does Alice have a party at school? Where does she go with her parents? Yes, she does. She goes to the zoo with her parents. Read and summary: WhenWhat . do?Who (with .) In the morninghave a _ sing a _ classmates In the afternoon go to the _ song zooparents party Alices Childrens Day Does Alice go to the cinema in the evening? Discuss: Who What When Hello! Im Alice. Today is June the first. Its Childrens Day. I am very _. My classroom is _. In the morning, I_. In the afternoon, I _. In the evening, I dont go out. Because Im _. I watch TV at home. Childrens Day is fun. I like Childrens Day! How Talk: happy beautiful have a class party and sing a song go to the zoo with my parents tired Where Childrens Day is coming! I want to have a nice day. In the morning, I can_. In the afternoon, I can_. In the evening, I can_. How fun! I love Childrens Day! Think and write: My ideal Childrens Day Flea market Happy Childrens Day! HomeworkHomework 1. Listen to Page54 “Listen and say” and repeat twice. 2. Choose one to do. (1)Retell Alices Childrens Day. (2) Write a passage about Childrens Day. “When Where What Who How” 沪教版牛津英语(三起)四年级下册沪教版牛津英语(三起)四年级下册 Module 4 Unit 11 Childrens Day Period 1 Happy Childrens Day 1、教材分析 教材以话题推动语言的学习与发展,单元内容围绕模块主题,不同年级的模块复 现同一主题内容。3BUnit11 教材学习 Mothers Day,4BUnit11 围绕“Childrens Day”展 开话题,基于教材文本解读,确定核心词句。即让学生听懂、会说句型 On Childrens Day,I can . with . 和相关词汇的学习。学生通过介绍儿童节活动,发展思维能力,达 到沟通和增进友谊的目的。 2、教学目标 知识与技能: 词汇(能听说读写短语 have a party,sing a song,go to the zoo/cinema/museum) 句型(灵活运用 On Childrens Day,I can . with . 去描述自己能做的事情。) 功能(能正确使用所学词句表达自己儿童节的活动。) 过程与方法: 学生通过话题讨论、预测活动、听力训练、口语及书面表达等多种形式,习得新 知和扎实基础,来全面提升自己的语言能力、思维品质和学习能力。 情感态度价值观: 了解儿童节丰富多彩的活动,体会节日的快乐,进行情感升华,同时培养英语学 习的兴趣和提升自信心。 3、教学重难点。 重点:短语 have a party,sing a song,go to the zoo/cinema/museum 的听说读写。 句型 On Childrens Day,I can . with . 的灵活运用。 难点:cinema,museum 的读音 灵活运用所学语言去描述儿童节的活动,内容涉及“When Where What Who How”。 四、教学过程: Step1: Greetings and warming-up Lets sing a song together.(The more we get together.) T: Whats it about? Today well talk about Childrens Day. SHOW the title:Unit 11 Childrens Day Childrens Day is a big day for you. Whens Childrens Day? Who spend Childrens Day with you? What can you do on Childrens Day? Where can you go on Childrens Day? Do you love Childrens Day? SHOW the word cards “When, Who,What,Where” on the Bb. 设计意图:设计意图:通过歌曲烘托气氛,围绕学生熟悉而又感兴趣的话题通过歌曲烘托气氛,围绕学生熟悉而又感兴趣的话题儿童节进行提问,儿童节进行提问, 引导学生从引导学生从 When, Who,What,Where 进行自由表达。课题是语篇教学的课眼,抓住课进行自由表达。课题是语篇教学的课眼,抓住课 题设计问题,就是抓住了语篇教学的精髓。题设计问题,就是抓住了语篇教学的精髓。 Step2: Lead-in and presentation (1)Look at the picture.She is. She loves Childrens Day,too. So she wrote a passage about her ideal Childrens Day. Can you guess what can she do on her ideal Childrens Day? Where can she go? I have some clues about Alice for you. Please look! Clue1:She likes singing and dancing. Clue2:She likes painting,too. Club3:She likes animals.Club4:She likes Kongfu Panda. Please guess. Who is right?Lets read it together. 设计意图:设计意图:语言的使用离不开情境,只有将语言知识与情境结合起来,语言才能被正语言的使用离不开情境,只有将语言知识与情境结合起来,语言才能被正 确、琉璃、恰当地使用。思维不会无缘无故发生,它一定起于情境,情境如更复杂,确、琉璃、恰当地使用。思维不会无缘无故发生,它一定起于情境,情境如更复杂, 思维自然更缜密。设置的预测活动,可以有意识地培养学生进行符合逻辑的推理和判思维自然更缜密。设置的预测活动,可以有意识地培养学生进行符合逻辑的推理和判 断,使其成为一个主动的阅读者。断,使其成为一个主动的阅读者。 (2)What can she do in the morning? Yes, she can sing a song at the party. So she will have a party. SHOW the phrase: sing a song have a party I think she will be . Sad or happy? Can you sing a song? A Chinese song or an English song? Do you have a party on Childrens Day?A class party or a school party? (3)Go on reading. In the afternoon,she can go to the museum. Museum means. SHOW the phrase: go to the museum There are three museums. What museums are they? Where can she go in the afternoon? Why? What can she see in it? So we can say: She can go to the museum with her parents. 设计意图:设计意图:教师认真地倾听、适时地捕捉,对贴近学生生活且有思维价值的内容进行教师认真地倾听、适时地捕捉,对贴近学生生活且有思维价值的内容进行 深度挖掘,有针对性地在前一次问题的基础上进行延伸和拓展,进行深度挖掘,有针对性地在前一次问题的基础上进行延伸和拓展,进行“二次提问二次提问”、 “三次提问三次提问”或或“多次提问多次提问”,帮助学生养成良好的思考习惯。,帮助学生养成良好的思考习惯。 (4)Go on reading. Look! She can go to the cinema. Cinema means . SHOW the phrase: go to the cinema She can see a film about Kong fu Panda. And she can also drink . and . Who can answer me: Where can she go in the evening? With her friends or her parents? We can say: She can go to the cinema with her parents. This is Alices ideal Childrens Day. 设计意图:设计意图:语言积累从词汇开始。教师融词于境,融词于篇地词汇教学,会使教学过语言积累从词汇开始。教师融词于境,融词于篇地词汇教学,会使教学过 程合理高效,让学生体验真实学习过程的课堂生态环境,真实推进学习环节,促进学程合理高效,让学生体验真实学习过程的课堂生态环境,真实推进学习环节,促进学 生能力全面发展。生能力全面发展。 Who is right? Lets clap for them. Now follow me and read the phrases together. Read the two words: museum music cinema city Look at the pictures and make sentences: I can _ with_. 设计意图:设计意图:学生在整体感知词汇后,通过机械和意义操练相结合,体验单词的音、形、学生在整体感知词汇后,通过机械和意义操练相结合,体验单词的音、形、 意及语用功能。意及语用功能。 Step3: Text learning (1)We have known Alices ideal Childrens Day. Lets watch. Does it come true?Watch the video and try to answer the questions. Does she have a party at school? Where does she go with her parents? Check the answers. SHOW the phrase: go to the zoo 设计意图:设计意图:依托核心问题,让学生获取关键信息,培养学生快速反应能力和良好的听依托核心问题,让学生获取关键信息,培养学生快速反应能力和良好的听 力习惯。师生就视频中获得的信息进行简单交流,检查学生对文本的整体感知情况。力习惯。师生就视频中获得的信息进行简单交流,检查学生对文本的整体感知情况。 (2)Open your books on page 54.Read by yourself and fill the blanks. Check the answers. Describe Alices Childrens Day like this “in the morning,she has.” 设计意图:设计意图:表格内容能帮助对文本信息进行加工与处理,逐渐将散点式与碎片化的文表格内容能帮助对文本信息进行加工与处理,逐渐将散点式与碎片化的文 本信息用思维导图的形式建构,为学生的学习搭建支架。同时,也引导学生感受导图本信息用思维导图的形式建构,为学生的学习搭建支架。同时,也引导学生感受导图 的信息并内化理解,加工导图的信息并输出。四年级的学生初步接触思维导图,因此的信息并内化理解,加工导图的信息并输出。四年级的学生初步接触思维导图,因此 本练习难度较低,旨在为学生提供范例,帮助学生初步实现文本知识与文本意义的可本练习难度较低,旨在为学生提供范例,帮助学生初步实现文本知识与文本意义的可 视化,培养其思维能力。视化,培养其思维能力。 (3)Play again and students follow to read. Read in roles. 设计意图:设计意图:朗读时,先让学生整体跟读对话,关注自己朗读的薄弱之处,有助于他们朗读时,先让学生整体跟读对话,关注自己朗读的薄弱之处,有助于他们 更好地模仿语音、语调,规范学生发音。更好地模仿语音、语调,规范学生发音。 (4)On her ideal Childrens Day,she wants to go to the cinema. Please guess: Does Alice go to the cinema in the evening?Why or Why not? The answer is “No”. Because she goes to . with . in the . . The zoo is very. They walk and walk, and see many . They are very very . So they stay at . and watch . WhenWhat . do?Who (with .) In the morninghave a _ sing a _ classmates In the afternoon go to the _ 设计意图:设计意图:教材中的文本常常会有教材中的文本常常会有“留白留白”,留白就是给学生留下想象空间的内容,留白就是给学生留下想象空间的内容, 帮助学生更好地感悟和理解文本。依据文本留白,巧设问题,激活思维,学生在分析帮助学生更好地感悟和理解文本。依据文本留白,巧设问题,激活思维,学生在分析 问题、解决问题的过程中,发展和提升思维品质。教师追问的问题、解决问题的过程中,发展和提升思维品质。教师追问的 “Why”,“Why“Why”,“Why not”not” 力图让学生的思维从浅层走向深渊,循序渐进地培养思维的深刻性。力图让学生的思维从浅层走向深渊,循序渐进地培养思维的深刻性。 (5)Now you are Alice. Please work in pairs. Hello! Im Alice. Today is June the first.Its Childrens Day. I am very _. My classroom is _. In the morning, I_. In the afternoon, I _. In the evening, I dont go out. Because Im _. I watch TV at home. Childrens Day is fun. I like Childrens Day! 设计意图:设计意图:复述环节让学生眼、脑、嘴并用,既加深对文本的理解和记忆,又促进信复述环节让学生眼、脑、嘴并用,既加深对文本的理解和记忆,又促进信 息迁移能力的提高,在完成任务的过程中学生获得自然交际的使用语言的机会,提高息迁移能力的提高,在完成任务的过程中学生获得自然交际的使用语言的机会,提高 了课堂参与度,促进了思维的深度思考,锻炼了记忆能力和表达能力。了课堂参与度,促进了思维的深度思考,锻炼了记忆能力和表达能力。 Step4: Consolidation and output (1)Childrens Day is coming! What can you do? Where can you go? With your friends or parents?Please think and write. 设计意图:设计意图:编箩编筐,重在收口。拓展环节是语篇教学的核心环节,起着评判一节课编箩编筐,重在收口。拓展环节是语篇教学的核心环节,起着评判一节课 成功与否的关键作用。教师为学生搭建语言之支架,由口头训练进一步落实到笔头训成功与否的关键作用。教师为学生搭建语言之支架,由口头训练进一步落实到笔头训 练,提高词汇教学效率,最终实现培养学生语言运用能力的目标。练,提高词汇教学效率,最终实现培养学生语言运用能力的目标。 (2)Hows Alices Childrens Day? SHOW the word card: How Hows your Childrens day? How do we spend our Childrens Day? On Childrens day, we are happy. Because its fun,great,super and wonderful. I think Childrens Day should be meaningful. For example, We can go to Old Peoples Home and sing a song for them. We can also have a bazaar.We call it flea market. Its full of love. SHOW the word cards: happy fun wonderful great super meaningful Do you love Childrens day? SHOW the word card: love At last,in two weeks,childrens Day is coming. Dont forget to say “Happy Childrens Day” to your friends or your classmates. 设计意图:设计意图:语言学习的最终目的是为了运用,教学设计的最终目的不是单纯的描述,语言学习的最终目的是为了运用,教学设计的最终目的不是单纯的描述, 还有真实情感的渗透。关注学生的生长点,创造机会引起学生共鸣,从而进行情感的还有真实情感的渗透。关注学生的生长点,创造机会引起学生共鸣,从而进行情感的 升华和内化。另外,升华和内化。另外,“德育德育”视角的导入,是教学目标中情感态度价值观的体现。视角的导入,是教学目标中情感态度价值观的体现。 Step4:Homework 1. Listen to Page54 “Listen and say” and repeat twice. 2. Choose one to do. (1)Retell Alices Childrens Day. (2) Write a passage about Childrens Day. (When Where What Who How) 设计意图:设计意图:设置选做作业,使学生作业选择上体现自主性,体现以学习者为中心的人设置选做作业,使学生作业选择上体现自主性,体现以学习者为中心的人 本主义教学理念。本主义教学理念。 Blackboard design: 设计意图:设计意图:朱浦老师曾经说过板书的三个作用:一是彰显学习内容,二是支持语用输朱浦老师曾经说过板书的三个作用:一是彰显学习内容,二是支持语用输 出,三是升华情感体验。本课的板书设计很好地体现这三点。出,三是升华情感体验。本课的板书设计很好地体现这三点。 教学反思:教学反思: 本课的设计理念可以概括为:立足词汇,夯实基础;联系实际,文本再构;听说 读写,全面提升;情感教育,德育渗透。 (1)语境包容、语篇带动,拓宽词汇教学新视角。 课前,我认真解读文本,再构文本“Alices ideal Childrens Day”,不仅滚动、复习了 原有的语言知识,更是巧妙地引出来的新词汇,与教材文本 Alices Childrens Day 在语 境的创设上体现注重连贯性和完整性,做到了以 Childrens Day 为话题的前伸后延;采 用句子以短语形式呈现词汇,有利于学生对词汇的识记、巩固、理解和运用。因此, “融词于境,融词于篇,词句结合”的词汇教学,摒弃了传统词汇教学中支离破碎的词 语传授及零散的各项教学活动的堆砌,打开了词汇教学的新视角。 (二)问题贯穿,聚焦思维,开拓能力培养新思路。 提问是语篇教学中的一个核心要素,是文本理解的一种主要手段,有效的提问能 够加深学生对语篇理解的深度和宽度。本课设计依托问题数量,增加对话语量;依托 问题转换,提升对话思维。在四年级的课堂上,更倾向于让学生结合自己已有的生活 经验,展开“想象说”,而不是对所提炼的信息的加工及评价。本课问题紧紧围绕 Childrens Day 展开话题,由 My Childrens DayAlices ideal Childrens Day Alices Childrens DayMy ideal Childrens Day,联系生活实际,扎实推进听说读写 技能的同步发展。另外,“有教养的头脑的第一个标志就是善于提问。”以后我希望 课堂的的主阵地由学生来坚守,来开发,来拓展。 (3)情感渗透,聚焦德育,导行品格培养新方向。 文本再构时,有意识地渗透有关“How”的情感词,如 happy fun wonderful great super ,因此学生在最后教师提问 Hows Alices Childrens Day? Hows your Childrens day?时,可以很顺利地输出,从而直接上升到德育视角,引出 meaningful。 由此可见教学过程中有双线,一条明线即知识线,一条暗线即情感线,促进了学生学 科核心素养的全面发展。 “核心素养”时代需要教师教有宽度、教有厚度、教有深度、教有温度,因此语 篇教学向本位回归,从方法到语言都干干净净,清清爽爽,才能使提高学生的综合语 言能力和综合人文素养形成一股合力,助力学生成长。
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