沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-3 In the future-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)--(编号:704db).zip

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3 In the future Module 1 Changes and differences wont = will not teacher, writer, dancer, swimmer, player, skater, runner, hiker, camper, banker, reader, sweeper 学生操练学生操练Ill be .的句型,表达自己将来想成为什么的句型,表达自己将来想成为什么? writewriter teachteacher drivedriver verbnoun +(e)r 1 英语 学科第 三单元第 三 课时 主备教师授课教师授课时间 2018 课 型练习课教学方法讲授法 教学内容英语“两导两练”p17-p20 教学目标 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。 2. 可以will描绘自己或者别人的未来。 3. 可以用wont表达未来不会发生的事。 教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1.可以拼背词汇:future, stand, machine, will, exercise, early, hard, in the future, take a photo, wear glasses, do exercise,(be) weak in, notany more。 2.可以灵活的运用句型 Ill be a teacher. I wont wear glasses. 教学难点:教学难点: Will /wont be 与 will/ wont do 的正确使用。 教学准备英语“两导两练” 2 教学过程: Step1: 1. 教师讲做题要求:独立做题、认真审题、细心答题。 2. 做题前,先提醒学生部分易错、易混题。 3. 学生自读做题,即“两导两练”p17-p20 中的内容。 4. 对学生在做题中出现的共性问题进行统计并讲解。 5. 小组讨论、自己改错。 1.单项选择。 1)I will _ big and beautiful eyes. A. have B. had C. has 2) I will _ in Beijing. A. living B. lives C. live 3) I will _ a teacher. A. am B. / C. be 教师讲解:上面这三个题是同一个类型,在这三个题 中都有“will”,而“will”是“将要”的意思。表示将来 时态即将要发生的事,注意:其结构是“will+动词原形”。 4)He _ a writer in 10 years. A. is B. will be C. will 5)I _ the Great Wall tomorrow. A. visit B. am visiting C. will visit 教师讲解: 修改部分: 3 注意:在句子中一般将来时态常和这些时间状语连用: tomorrow, inyears, next mouth, next year 等。 2.单项选择。 1)Kitty is good _ Chinese. A. at B. in C. for 2)I am not late _school. A. at B. in C. for 教师讲解: 注意:在做选择题的时候要学会运用一些短语去做。 如:第一个小题用了固定搭配 be good at.所以第一小题应 该选择 A. 第二个小题运用了固定搭配 be late for.所以第二个 小题应该选择 C. 除了这些短语外,本单元常用的还有 be weak in, in front of 等。 3)In the future, I will _hard and I will_ more English books . A. study, read B. studying, reading C. study, reads 教师讲解: “will”是“将要”的意思,表示将要发生的事情, 其结构是“will +动词原形”,所以应该选择 A. 4) In the future, he will not_ late for 4 school. A. / B. be C. the 5) In the future, he_ watch too much TV. A. will B. willnt C. wont 教师讲解: “Will”的否定形式是在 will 后面加 not,它的缩 写形式是“wont”所以在这三个选项中,直接可以排除掉 选项 B。然后根据题意可知,本题应该选择 C. 3.选词填空。 do exercise take a photo wear glasses is good at be late for 1) In the future, I will not_ school. 2) In 10 years, he wont_. 3) Amy likes Maths, So she _Maths. 4) She stands in front of magic machine and_. 5) I like sport very much, I will _every day. 4.写作。写你现在是什么样子,将来又是什么样子,写一下。 要求:不少于 5 句话。 Now: _ _ 5 _ _ _ Future: _ _ _ _ _ 教学反思 1.通过今天的教学我发现有部分学生的单词不过关,因为他们 不熟悉单词的拼读规律,单词的音、形、意不能很好的结合在一起。 从而导致单词记忆不过关。在以后的教学中要多注意这方面的培养。 2.有部分学生对 will 的否定形式 will not 的缩写形式记忆出 现了错误。他们认为 will not=willnt. 在下节课要专门强调 will not= wont. 3.在以后的课堂中多培养学生小组合作进行角色扮演。从而锻 炼学生对单词以及短语的记忆力。相信多读会熟能生巧。 4.并且本堂课教学效果不太理想,教学环节设计的过于流于形 式,虽然课堂气氛很活跃,但学生并没有完全掌握本课时的重难点。 所以在以后设计教学环节的时候要注意在调动学生学习积极性的同 时还得注意实用性。 1 英语 学科第 三单元第 一 课时 主备教师授课教师授课时间 2018 课 型新授课教学方法互动教学法 教学内容 Look and learn, Listen and say 教学目标 1.知识目标:能够在语境中运用本单元的核心词汇,通过反复操 练,能理解和掌握句型 Ill be a.I wont 2.能力目标:培养孩子的想象力和运用英语的能力。 3.情感目标:通过学习和交流,激发学生学习英语的积极性。 增强自信心,教育学生要树立远大理想,并懂得为实现理想而 奋斗。 教学重难点 教学重点: 1.词汇: future, stand, machine, will, in the future, take a photo, wear glasses 2.句型: Ill be a teacher. I wont wear glasses. 教学难点: 可以能正确使用 will/wont be 与 will/wont do。 教学准备课件,单词卡片 2 教学过程: StepStep 1 1 Warm-upWarm-up Greetings: Ss: Good morning, T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Im fine too, thank you. How is the weather today? Ss: Its. . StepStep 2 2 Lead-inLead-in 播放歌曲心有大未来引出 future T:First,Lets listen to a song and when youre listening think what is the song about? Ss: Listen to the song T:Its a beautiful song. What is about? Ss:未来 T:Right, In English, we say “future”. Ss: Future. T:(出示年历) Look at the calendar. Which year is it now? Ss: Its the year of 2018. 修改部分: 3 T: (show a new calendar) Look. Which year is it now? Ss: Its the year of 2033. T:Look, this year is 2018,we call it now. and this year is 2033.We call it “future” .Today well learn in the future (write in the future on the blackboard). T: (show the card for future) Follow me: future Ss: Future, future, f-u-t-u-r-e 将来,未来 Step3:presentationStep3:presentation 1.Learn1.Learn thethe word“will”andword“will”and thethe sentences:sentences: I I willwill bebe I I willwill T: Today well talk about your future. T: In the future, what will you be? or What will you do? T:Will means “将,将会” T: In 15 years, Ill beyears old. Ill be old. Ill still work in the school. Boys and girls, I want to know your future. Please tell us what your future is. 尝试用 I will beI will句型引发学生思考和憧憬未来, 两人一组互相交流。 S1: In 15 years, What will you be? S2:Ill be tall and beautiful. Ill be a teacher. 4 S1: In 15 years ,What will you do? S2:Ill live in Beijing. Ill teach English. 2.learn2.learn thethe text.text. (1).Look and say T:In 15 years, a lot of things will be different, people will also change. look, What will happen to Kitty? Look at the pictures: (学生看 Listen and say 的组图 1,在教师的帮助下理 解图意)。 T:(point to the machine)Look. This is a machine. Look at the first picture. What is Kitty doing? S1: Shes putting some money into the machine. T: Look at the second picture. What does Kitty get from the machine? S2: She gets a photo. T: Right. A photo comes out of the machine. There are some words on the back. (2).listen and answer play the recorder, ask students to listen and answer the questions. 1) Will Kitty wear glasses? (No, she 5 wont.) 2) Will she have beautiful eyes?(Yes, she will.) 3) Where will Kitty live? (Shell live in Beijing.) 4) What will Kitty be? ( Shell be a teacher.) (3).listen to the tape and follow it. (4).Read the text. (5).Role-play 让学生两人一组分别扮演神奇机器和 Kitty 朗读两段文字, 引导学生朗读时关注人称变化。 Step4.LookStep4.Look andand learnlearn 1.出示 Look and learn 的单词卡片,让学生说说每张卡片对 应的动词短语,并结合本单元的核心句型与学生对话。 T: (show the flashcard for do exercise) What are the children doing in the picture? S1: Theyre doing exercise. T: Yes, theyre doing exercise. Who does morning exercise every day? Will you do more exercise in the future? Ss: 6 2.同样的方法教学 take a photo, wear glasses StepStep 5:5: HomeworkHomework Think and write your future. 板书设计: UnitUnit 3 3 InIn thethe futurefuture 一般将来时态:主语+ will +动词原形 I will be a teacher. I will have big and beautiful eyes. I will live in Shanghai. I wont wear glasses. 修改部分: 7 教学反思: 有部分学生对 will 的否定形式 will not 的缩写形式记忆出现了错误。他 们认为 will not=willnt. 在下节课要专门强调 will not= wont.
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