沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-7 Open Day-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:0031b).zip

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Period 1 Oxford English Module 3 Things we do 7 OpenOpen DayDay ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )AC BD Listen and order Think and spell Think and spell playgroundlibrary WeWe cancan readread here.here. It It is is quiet.quiet. ThereThere areare lotslots ofof booksbooks here.here. WeWe play,play, dodo exerciseexercise andand havehave PEPE lessonslessons here.here. Read and guess hallart room WeWe cancan drawdraw andand paintpaint here.here. WeWe cancan makemake handicrafthandicraft here.here. It It is is bigbig andand bright.bright. WeWe havehave schoolschool partiesparties here.here. Read and guess meeting roomoffice TeachersTeachers workwork in in it. it. SometimesSometimes wewe talktalk withwith ourour teachersteachers in in it. it. ThereThere areare manymany chairschairs andand a a bigbig tabletable in in it. it. WeWe usuallyusually havehave a a meetingmeeting in in thisthis room.room. Read and guess 1.1. WhereWhere areare MsMs GuoGuo andand herher students?students? 2.2. WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? TheThe OpenOpen DayDay is is onon _._. MsMs GuoGuo is is askingasking thethe childrenchildren aboutabout thethe day.day. 30th30th AprilApril Listen and complete Listen and complete Listen and complete 12 4 3 5 Listen and number Firs t Nex t Then Afte r that Finall y Think and retell First, theyll visit our classroom. Make sentences Characters NarratorMs GuoAliceKittyPeterJoe Read and act 1. Listen to and read Students Book page 46. 2. Spell and copy the words on Students Book page 47. 3. Retell the dialogue with “First, Next, Then, After that, Finally”. 4. Finish Workbook pages 38 and 40. 教学反思 从“听”入手,抓好学生学习英语的第一关。要想学好一 门外语,不仅要进行阅读和写 作能力的训练,更要重视听说能 力的培养。可见听在英语教学中非常重要。学生要想学好英 语, 首先应从听的能力方面来培养。因此我在教新单词时先让学生 听几遍,让他们先听清楚 单词的发音,然后在进行模仿,这样 效果就非常好。另外在课文的理解上,我也主要通过让 学生听 课文后来回答问题来训练他们的听力。 在老师的提醒下, 大 部分的学生能够听懂并理 解课文。 但也有小部分学生并没有 集中思想在认真听,更有小部分学生为了表现而在偷偷地翻书 回答,这样就失去了所要达到的效果。在以后的课上一定要注 意。 由“听”到“说”,培养学生应用所学语言的能力。学习 语言的最终目的是为了应用,好 多学生学了几年英语也不会张 开嘴巴说,那就失去了学习语言的目的。一直以来,多数学生 的英语表达能力较差, 说不出多少句像样的英语来。 许许多 多渴望掌握英语的学生却没有把 英语作为一种语言来学。很多 学生英语没有下苦功,他们懒于开口,完全不曾想过用学过的 英语来表达日常生活情景或思考问题。这样一来他们所学的就 等于没学。 为了让学生能够应用所学的语言,我在课上尽量给 他们创造机会让他们张开嘴巴大声地 说出来。 所以在这节课 上一开始, 我就和学生进行师生对话互动, 主要复习第五单 元的句型, 由于学生刚开始接触过去时态,在表达的时候就有 一点困难,因此这些天一直在练习。之后 我又让学生看者图片 说出单词,学生发言非常踊跃。除此以外,在学生学习新句型 时,我又让他们进行同桌讨论,让每个学生都能应用所学的句 型来和别人进行交流,基本上每个学生都能做到。流利地朗读 课文是学好英语的必要条件。 Unit 7 Open Day Period 1 教学目标: 1、通过 Listen and say 中关于学校开放日的情景对话,帮助学生掌握本单元的核 心句型。 2、通过 look and learn 栏目,帮助学生学习本单元的生词。 教学重、难点 1、能掌握单词 meet, school, gate, art room, hall, finally, meeting room 2、会运用句型 First, they will visit our classroom. 教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、学生欣赏一首有关学校的儿歌或歌曲,说出歌曲中 有关学校设施的单词。 2、出示学校不同设施的照片或学校平面图,通过与学 生问答复习与本课时有关的知识点。 T: What is that? S1: It is a library. T: What can you do in the library? S1: I can read books in it. T: When do you go to the library? S1: I go to the library on Tuesday afternoon. While-task procedures 1、播放 listen and say 的录音。让学生听录音,思考以 下问题:1) When will the parents come to school? 2) Where will Ms Guo meet the parents? 在与学生问答的同时,结合单词卡片,引出新授单词 meet,school gate 等。 T: Where will Ms Guo meet the parents? S1: At the school gate. T: (show the flashcard for school gate) This is a school gate. (show a picture of our school gate) What is this? Ss: This is our school gate. 2、发给学生五张写有活动安排的纸条,再次播放录音, 让学生根据录音,按顺序排列五张纸条。 1) They will visit the classroom. 2) They will visit the art room. 3) They will go to the hall. 4) They will go to the library. 5) They will meet the teachers in the meeting room. 让学生将 first,next,then, after that, finally 按顺序写 在排列的句子前,请学生朗读。 S1: First, they will visit the classroom. Next, they will visit the art room. Then, they will go to the hall. After that, they will go to the library. Finally, they will meet the teachers in the meeting room. 3、让学生完成课本第 47 页的后续练习,按照对话内 容给图片编号。教师与学生核对答案后,出示如下文字提 示,让学生说说开放日的活动安排。 First, Next, Then, After that, Finally, 4、播放录音,学生先跟读对话,然后分组分角色朗读 对话,提醒学生注意模仿录音的语音语调。 Post-task activities 1、学生参考课本第 50 页 Ask and answer 栏目的问答 练习,根据 listen and say 的对话内容结对问答。 S1: What will our parents do first? S2: First, they will visit our classroom. Homework Retell the dialogue with “First, Next, Then, After that, Finally”
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