沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 3 Things we do-Revision 3-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:30144).zip

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Welcome where what how strong sharp eat small animals big fast I live in the_. Im _ and _. I have big _ teeth. I can run very_ . I like to_. Im very happy. Im the king of the forest. forest Whats the difference? A toothless tiger In the forest, there are many animals. They live a happy life. Part 1 have sharp teeth All the animals are afraid of the tiger. The small animals have a meeting. What shall we do? cave Part 1 Reader(旁白旁白): In the forest, there are many animals. They live a happy life. But one day, everything changes because a tiger is coming. All the animals are afraid of him. Tiger: Im the king of the forest. Im big and strong. I have sharp teeth.Oh, there are many small animals. I want to eat you. Rabbit: Look! The tiger is coming. Monkey: Lets run. Run fast. Small animals: Help! Help! Reader(旁白旁白): The small animals have a meeting. Small animals: What shall we do? Fox: I have an idea. My king, I have a present for you. Its the best food in the world. give the tiger eat the candy You shouldnt eat so many cakes. You shouldnt eat so much candy. You shouldnt eat before bedtime. Brush your teeth morning and evening. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache. You shouldnt eat so many cakes. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache. You shouldnt eat so much candy. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache. You shouldnt eat before bedtime. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache. Brush your teeth morning and evening. The small animals come to help. They pull all the tigers teeth out. He becomes a toothless tiger. Reader: Very soon, the tiger has a toothache. He goes to see the doctor. But nobody wants to help him. The fox comes to help. Tiger: I have a toothache. My teeth hurt. Who can help me? Part 2 Fox: My king, I can help you. I can pull your teeth out. Tiger:Thank you, my friend. Narrator: The fox and other animals come to help. They pull all the tigers teeth out. He becomes a toothless tiger. Read and answer 1. Who are the animals afraid of? 2. What does the fox give the tiger? 3. What gives the tiger a toothache? 4. How do the animals help the tiger? They are afraid of the tiger. The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy. The candy gives the tiger a toothache. They pull all the tigers teeth out. What do you think of the tiger and the fox? big strong smallclever Strong and weak are relative. We can change it with our wisdom. 强大和弱小是相对的,智慧可以改变它。强大和弱小是相对的,智慧可以改变它。 Love our teeth Our teeth are important to us. So we should_. We should_. We shouldnt_. We shouldnt_. brush our teeth twice eat too much candy Homework Thank you M Module 3 Things we do Unit 9 Seeing the doctor(第三课时)教学设计 课题名称 Unit 9 A toothless tiger 教材分析:本课是上海教育出版社英语小学五年级第二学 期 5B 第三模块第 9 单元的第三课时。 这一单元的主题是 See the doctor,主要话题是就医用语以及 提出建议。本节课的故事部分 A toothless tiger 内容生动活泼有 趣,是学生们喜欢的话题。教材通过故事的形式,帮助学生体会故 事寓意,并学会在生活中运用语言进行真实的交际,有利于学生综 合语言运用能力的发展。为了在课程教学层面落实“立德树人”这 一教育战略目标,教育部组织专家研制了“中国学生发展核心素养 体系”以及将核心素养体系落实到各个学科课程教学的学科核心素 养。在本课的学习中,我努力做到在语用知识传授与整合式学习中 发展语言能力、通过课堂提问设计促进思维品质发展。本课在活动 的设计上,我采用层层递进的教学方法,从听说入手,通过体验式 参与及表演、歌谣等活动形式创设情景,激发学生学习兴趣。所设 计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,使学生在愉快的氛围中综合运 用语言能力得以提升。本课的教育意义大于语言知识意义,我通过 运用多种教学方法和操练形式让学生与教师产生共鸣,让孩子们明 白生活中遇到困难如何用智慧去解决以及保护牙齿的重要性。 学情分析:本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,无论是听说 能力、还是单词与句型的积累,他们大部分都有较好的基础。学生 们对一般现在时已耳熟能详,本节课是在基于学生原有基础上进一 步增强描述图片,讲故事和构建新语言的综合语言运用能力。同时, 他们已经具有了一定的自学能力和语言组织能力。在第一和第二课 时里面,学生已经掌握了一些重点词汇,如:toothache, afraid 等等,这为学生理解故事排除很多障碍。但是个别学生的知识不够 扎实,特别是口语表达方面,存在想得明白,说不出来的现象。因 此教师在教学中安排了小组体验活动、故事情境创设等,给学生创 造更多的机会进行口语表达,以提高运用英语交际的能力。 教学目标 语言知识目标:能够借助图片读懂 Story Time 的故事,完成故 事后的问题。 语用能力培养目标:能够在教师的指导下表演小故事。 情感态度目标:通过学习课文故事,让学生懂得保护牙齿和在 生活中遇到困难,运用智慧解决问题的重要性。 学习策略目标: 1、本堂课通过直观生动的多媒体课件向学生呈现辅助文本,提 高学生学习兴趣。 2、小组合作表演课本剧,培养学生的合作意识和综合语言运用 能力。 教学重点:能够借助图片读懂 Story Time 的故事,完成故事后 的问题。 教学难点:能够用自己的语言熟练地讲述故事。 教学方法:任务型教学、听说法等 教具:多媒体课件、图片、头饰等 教学活动: Step 1 Warm-up & Revision 1. Greetings 2. Free talk & guessing game T: But what is it about? I do, you guess. What is it? Thats right. We are going to learn a story about a tiger. 3. Enjoy a video and fill in the blanks (Tiger) 4.Show two pictures T: Whats the difference? S: It has no teeth. T: He becomes a toothless tiger.What happ ened? 教师与学生亲切交谈,缓解师生之间的陌生感和紧张感,拉 近师生距离。 用 free talk 的形式导入创设的儿童节艺术节展演情 境,请同学们做好参演课本剧比赛的准备。再用 guessing game 的 形式导入老虎以及本课的功能句为本课内容做铺垫。欣赏视频,让 学生了解老虎的生活习性为新授做铺垫。学生观察区别,揭示课题 A toothless tiger Step 2 New teaching & Practice Teaching the story 1. Talk about Picture 1 & 2 T: In the forest, there are many animal s. They live a happy life.But one day, everything changes b ecause a tiger is coming. Lets listen. What does the tiger say? S: Im the king of the forest.Im big and strong. I have sharp teeth. I like to eat small animals. 2. Act and learn T: Oh, there are many small animals, I want to eat you. S: Lets have a meeting. What shall we do? 创设情境,直接把学生带入故事情节 中,首先让所有的同学扮演老虎师生互动融入到故事中,老师变成 老虎,同学们变成小动物。 帮助学生理解故事情节,体会小动物们 被大老虎欺负的感受. 3.The fox has a good idea. T: My king, I have a present f or you. Its the best food in the world. 4.Read the first part of the story. 5. Talk about Picture 3 T: I have an idea. I can pull th e tigers teeth out. S: Im the king of the forest. T: My king, I have a present for you. Its the best food in the world. The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy.The tiger ea ts too much candy. Soon he has a toothache. The tiger goes to see the doctor. 6.Say the chant. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache. You s houldnt eat too much candy. Doctor, doctor, I have a toot hache, You shouldnt eat so many cakes. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache, You shouldnt eat before bedtime. Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache, Brush your teeth morning and evening. 7.The fox comes to help. T:Mr Tiger, I can help you. I can pull your teeth out. 8.Read the second part of the story. 9.Watch the whole story and follow it. 10.Read and answer. Write down the answers on page 61.小组讨论,想办法制服老 虎 ,阅读课本剧的第一部分,做到文本再构,增加学生的语篇阅读 量,请同学扮演老虎,老师扮演狐狸,操练本课的功能句。整体操练 后再请个别同学给老虎送糖果。让学生充分融入到故事情节中。阅 读课本剧的第二部分,做到文本再构,增加学生的语篇阅读量, 用 chant 的形式帮助学生了解正确的刷牙习惯以及保护牙齿的重要性。 再把老虎请到前面,给老虎拔牙。培养学生表演能力,语言运用能 力。 跟读课文对话的时候,让学生注意角色的特色,模仿语音,语 调,有感情的跟读。 自己阅读,完成课后的问题。 Step 3 Extension Act the story. 编排课本剧,开发学生想象思维,锻炼口语交际能力。 Step 4 Summary & Homework 1. Sum the story. Strong and weak are relative. We can change it by our wisdom. Love our teeth. 2. Homework for today. Fill in the blanks. 板 书 设 计 A toothless tiger I have a present for you. Its the best food in the world. afraid of have a meeting eat the candy have a toothless pull.out
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