川教版六年级下册英语Unit 1 Different Jobs-Lesson 1 What Does Your Father Do -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:301bc).zip

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川教版小学英语六年级下册川教版小学英语六年级下册 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 What Does Your Father Do? 你知道以下单词吗单词吗 ? nurse 护护士 teacher 老师师 farmer 农农民,农场农场 主 worker 工人 doctor 医生 job 职业,工作 postman 邮递员邮递员 post office邮邮局 waiter 服务务生 restaurant饭饭店 engineer工程师师 factory工厂 on night duty 值值夜班 taxi driver出租车车司机 sir先生 你能读以下单词吗 ? What do you do? I am a _.postman Where do you work? I work _.in a post office What do you do? I am a _.waiter Where do you work? I work _.in a restaurant What does he do? He is an _. Where does he work? He works _ .engineerin a factory 问职业: Whats your job?Whats your job? / / What do you What do you do?do? I am a/an +I am a/an +职业职业 . . Where do you work?Where do you work? I work in/on a +I work in/on a +地点地点 . . 问职业: 主主语语语语是是三三单单单单 (he shehe she) Whats Whats your fatheryour fathers s / /mothermothers job?s job? /What /What doesdoes your father your father / / mother do? mother do? HeHe / /SheShe is a/an + is a/an +职业职业 . . Where Where does hedoes he/ / sheshe work? work? He / She workHe / She works s in / on a + in / on a +地点地点 . . farmer farmer onon a farm a farm What do you do? Where do you work? doctor doctor nursenurse in a hospitalin a hospital teacher teacher pupilpupil in a schoolin a school do postman you post office do waiter Where works in theworks in theengineerengineerfactoryfactory waiterwaiterrestaurantrestaurant postmanpostmanpost officepost office works in theworks in the works in theworks in the B A B A 下列单词被打乱了顺序,请同学们将单词正确的书写在四线三格内。下列单词被打乱了顺序,请同学们将单词正确的书写在四线三格内。 eengerin 1 1 orkrew 2 2 oocrdt 3 3 engineerengineerworker workerdoctordoctor 观察观察A A栏的对话,从栏的对话,从B B栏中找出能填入栏中找出能填入A A烂对话空白处的词语,并将其烂对话空白处的词语,并将其 抄写在四线三格内。抄写在四线三格内。 A A What does your father What does your father do?do? He is a/an _.He is a/an _. musicmusic B B workerworkercookcookbusbus engineerengineerstudystudywaiterwaiternursenurse singersinger underunder workercook singerengineer waiternurse UnitUnit 1 1 DifferentDifferent JobsJobs LessonLesson 1 1 WhatWhat DoesDoes YourYour FatherFather Do?Do? 第一单元:第一单元:DifferentDifferent JobsJobs 教学课题:教学课题:LessonLesson 1 1 WhatWhat DoesDoes YourYour FatherFather DoDo ? ? 学习内容学习内容: : 1.1. Words:Words: postman,waiter,engineer,postpostman,waiter,engineer,post office,restaurant,factory.office,restaurant,factory. 2.2. StudentsStudents cancan workwork inin pairs.pairs. 3.3. StudentsStudents cancan listenlisten andand practice.practice. 学习目标:学习目标: 1.1. 能听懂会说本课单词,做到发音准确,了解词义。能听懂会说本课单词,做到发音准确,了解词义。 2.2. 掌握询问别人职业的表达方式及回答方式。掌握询问别人职业的表达方式及回答方式。 3.3. 培养学生从小树立职业意识,构建自己的职业理想。培养学生从小树立职业意识,构建自己的职业理想。 学习重难点:学习重难点: 熟练使用句型询问别人的职业并能对他人的提问做出回答。熟练使用句型询问别人的职业并能对他人的提问做出回答。 导学过程:导学过程: StepStep 1.1. Greetings:Greetings: TheThe teacherteacher andand studentsstudents greetgreet eacheach other.other. T:T: Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls!girls! Ss:Ss: Hello,Hello, MissMiss Zhu!Zhu! T:T: NiceNice toto seesee youyou again!again! Ss:Ss: NiceNice toto seesee you,you, too!too! T:WhenT:When youyou growgrow up?up? YouYou wantwant to(Reviseto(Revise differentdifferent jobs.)jobs.) StepStep 2.2. WorkWork inin pairs.pairs. 1)1)LookLook atat thisthis part,thenpart,then talktalk aboutabout :What:What dodo youyou dodo ? ? 2)2)ReviewReview thethe words:teacher,inwords:teacher,in a a school,farmer,onschool,farmer,on a a farm.farm. 3)3)PracticePractice thethe keykey points:Whatpoints:What dodo youyou dodo ? ? -I-I am.am. WhereWhere dodo youyou work?work? -I-I work.work. StepStep 3.3. LetsLets learn.learn. 1.1. ( (教师出示不同职业的幻灯片,教师举例教师出示不同职业的幻灯片,教师举例 ShesShes a a teacher.teacher.引导学生回答。引导学生回答。 ShesShes a a HesHes a a 说出图片中的职业名称,并板书句子说出图片中的职业名称,并板书句子 ShesShes a a HesHes a a 为下面课文中的句子做铺垫。为下面课文中的句子做铺垫。 ) Ss:Ss: HesHes a a farmer.farmer. ShesShes a a doctor.doctor. T T: ThisThis isis mymy work.work. prizeprize forfor you.you. ( (给学生自己做的幸运星做奖品,然后说给学生自己做的幸运星做奖品,然后说 thisthis isis mymy work,work,引入新单词引入新单词 workwork, 板书板书 workwork。) ) 2.2. Ss:Ss: ThisThis isis mymy mother.mother. ShesShes a a farmer.farmer. (Hes(Hes a a teacher.)teacher.) T:T: ThisThis isis _work._work. HowHow beautiful!beautiful! ( (让学生画出自己家人的简笔画,并且指着自己的作品,老师在旁边说出让学生画出自己家人的简笔画,并且指着自己的作品,老师在旁边说出 work.work. 设计意图,让学生画自己的图画,能吸引学生的兴趣,为学生创设一个宽松的设计意图,让学生画自己的图画,能吸引学生的兴趣,为学生创设一个宽松的 学习氛围。学习氛围。) ) 3.3. T T:LookLook,thisthis isis WangWang HongsHongs mothersmothers work.work. T:T: WhatWhat doesdoes WangWang HongsHongs mothermother do?do? WhatWhat doesdoes WangWang HongsHongs fatherfather do?do? StepStep 4.4. Practice.Practice. CompleteComplete thesethese shortshort dialoguesdialogues withwith rightright words.words. StepStep 5.5. PlayPlay a a gamegame LookLook atat thethe teachersteachers actionaction thenthen guessguess thethe jobs.jobs. StepStep 6.6. Revision:Revision: TheThe teacherteacher showsshows pictures,pictures, studentsstudents looklook atat themthem andand readread them.them. WeWe cancan reviewreview thethe wordswords phrases.phrases. ThenThen practicepractice themthem intointo groups.groups. AtAt lastlast askask studentsstudents toto makemake sentencessentences likelike this:this: ImIm doingdoing housework.housework. WereWere cleaningcleaning thethe classroom.classroom. StepStep 7.7. LetsLets talk:talk: StudentsStudents looklook atat pagepage 2 2 andand listenlisten toto thethe tape.tape. ThenThen studentsstudents readread afterafter thethe teacher.teacher. T T showsshows questions:questions: 1)1) WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking aboutabout ? ? 2)2) WhatWhat doesdoes LelesLeles fatherfather dodo ? ? 3)3) HowHow aboutabout thethe girlsfathergirlsfather ? ? StudentsStudents answeranswer themthem oneone byby one.one. AskAsk studentsstudents toto actact asas thethe dialogue.dialogue. ThenThen listenlisten toto thethe tapetape againagain andand choosechoose thethe correctcorrect answers.answers. StepStep 8.Listen8.Listen toto thethe dialoguedialogue andand circlecircle thethe correctcorrect answers.answers. StepStep 9.Act9.Act inin roles.roles. Step10.DesignStep10.Design exerciseexercise andand checkcheck thethe answersanswers . . StepStep 10.Homework10.Homework 1.1. ReciteRecite thethe text.text. 2.2. FinishFinish anan articlearticle aboutabout yourself.yourself. 3.Write3.Write thethe wordswords inin alphabeticalalphabetical orderorder toto makemake sentences.sentences. 4.Read4.Read thethe wordswords andand texttext byby yourself.yourself.
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