川教版六年级下册英语Unit 2 Colourful life-Lesson 1 When Do You Get up -ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:b0acc).zip

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When do you get up? 四川教育出版社四川教育出版社 六年级下册六年级下册 Guess(猜谜语猜谜语 ) I am round . I have a face , but I dont have eyes . I have two hands , but I dont have feet . I can make a sound (声音声音) “tick tock, tick tock”. (嘀嗒,嘀嗒嘀嗒,嘀嗒) Who am I ? (猜一物体猜一物体) Revision(复习复习) When is it? 现在是什么时间?现在是什么时间? Its 6:00. 六点钟。 When is it?现在是什么时间?现在是什么时间? Its 8:00.八点钟。 When is it?现在是什么时间?现在是什么时间? Its 9:00. 九点钟。 Vocabulary(词汇)(词汇) 刷牙刷牙 锻炼身体锻炼身体 洗澡,淋浴洗澡,淋浴 Lets chant(说唱). Brush , brush, brush your teeth. Take, take, take exercise. Take, take , take a shower. When do you brush your teeth ? 你几点钟刷牙?你几点钟刷牙? I brush my teeth at 6:00. 我六点钟刷牙。我六点钟刷牙。 When do you take exercise? I take exercise at 8:00. When do you take a shower? I take a shower at 9:00. A: When do you ? B: I at . 小组合作交流 Work in pairs(结对练习结对练习 ) brush my teeth / take exercise / take a shower This is the way This is the way we wash our face(洗脸). Wash our face ,wash our face. This is the way we wash our face. So early in the morning. This is the way we comb our hair(梳头). Comb our hair, comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair. So early in the morning. This is the way we brush our teeth(刷牙). Brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth. So early in the morning. This is the way we put on our clothes(穿衣服). Put on our clothes ,put on our clothes. This is the way we put on our clothes. So early in the morning . Extension(拓展拓展):Lets sing. Create a new song. 创编英语歌曲 This is the way 1.This is the way we _.(brush our teeth) _, _. This is the way we _. So early in the morning. 2.This is the way we _.(take exercise) _, _. This is the way we _. So early in the morning . 3.This is the way we _.(take a shower) _, _. This is the way we _. So early in the morning Create a new song. 创编英语歌曲 ThisThis isis thethe wayway 1.This is the way we brush our teeth. Brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth. So early in the morning. 2.This is the way we take exercise. Take exercise, take exercise . This is the way we take exercise . So early in the morning. 3.This is the way we take a shower. Take a shower, take a shower. This is the way we take a shower . So early in the morning. Conclusion(课堂总结课堂总结) What have you learnt today? (今天你学会了什么?) Three new phrases(三个新短语): brush my teeth take exercise take a shower Two new sentences(两个新句型) : A:When do you? B:I at. 1. Copy the new phrases and sentences three times and translate them. 抄写新短语和句子三遍并且翻译。 2. Create a new song。创编新歌曲。 Thank you! Goodbye! 1 Unit 2 Lesson 1 When do you get up ?教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 (一) 、知识目标 1能听懂、会说本课表示日常生活的动词和短语 brush my teeth , take exercise, take a shower,要求发音准确,语调自然,了解词义。 2能听懂、会说询问时间的表达法“When do you ?”及其相应答语 “I at ” 。 (二) 、能力目标 1能熟练掌握本课的新短语。 2在创设的情景中能使用“When do you ?”及其相应答语 “I at ”完成对话。 (三) 、情感价值目标 1活动、游戏中培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语交际能力。 2鼓励学生大胆实践敢于、勇于开口讲英语,积极参与交流,激发学生学英语的信 心。 3 养学生合理安排作息时间的意识,养成早睡早起的良好生活习惯。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1.认读词组: brush my teeth ,take exercise ,take a shower。 2. 熟练运用句型“When do you ?”及其相应答语 “I at ” 。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 能够用所学短语和句型进行本课的对话仿编。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 1.词组卡片,点读机,动画课件。 2. 教师准备的钟,桃心便利贴等。 2 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up (热身热身). Greetings: T: Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Miss Dai! T: How are you ,today? S: I am fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Now boys and girls, today, we are going to study “lets learn” in Lesson1 “When do you get up ?”. Before our class, lets play a guessing game first. Ss: OK. Step 2 Leading-in and Revision(引入和复习引入和复习). 1.利用猜谜语环节,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入话题。 Guess(猜谜语): I am round. I have a face, but I dont have eyes. I have two hands, but I dont have feet. I can make a sound “tick tock, tick tock”. Who am I ?(猜一物体) 谜底:谜底:clock 2、复习时间的表达法。 T:OK, boys and girls, look at the clock. When is it ?(拨动时针到六,分针到十二。) S:Its 6:00 am Step 3 Vocabulary(词汇)(词汇). 出示卡片或教具,教学动词短语: brush my teeth ,take exercise ,take a shower. T:I get up at 7:oo am.(老师做伸腰起床的动作。 ) Can you guess, what do I do after I get up?(稍等片刻,老师做刷牙的动作。) 3 S:刷牙 T:Yes,brush my teeth. Follow me , brush my teeth. 学生活动学生活动: 1.学生以升降调,跟着老师读。 2.Grow taller or shorter(学生的语音根据教师的手势变换,声音由小变大或者由小变大。 ) 3.分组练习,用升降调读短语(G1 升 G2 降,G2 升 G3 降,G3 升 G1 降。 ) 4.以“开火车”的方式练习读短语。 利用教学图片,动作教学等方式,教学短语 take exercise ,take a shower. 学生活动学生活动(除以上活动之外): 1. 分组读:G1;G2;G3;G1G2;G1G2G3。 2. 请小老师教读,抽个别学生读。 3. 男女生分别用升降调读短语,男升女降,或者女升男降。 4. Opposite tune(大小声:老师说大声学生说小声,或者老师说小声学生说大声。) 复习短语活动:复习短语活动: 1.看口型猜短语 2. I point you say.( 老师指黑板上的图片,学生一起说出相应短语。) 3. Lets chant.(拍手读短语 brush,brush,brush my teeth. ) brush,brush,brush my teeth take,take, take exercise take,take,take a shower Step 4 New sentences(句型)(句型). T: Everyone, I brush my teeth at 7:00 am. What about you? When do you brush your 4 teeth?(板书此句在黑板上。) 教师应加重语气、放慢语速,并重复几遍句型,让学生 跟读,感知新句型。 T: Follow me ,“When”. Ss : When, when. T: Do you . Ss: Do you, do you. T: Brush your teeth. Ss: Brush your teeth 教学活动:教学活动: 1. 师生分工读句子:When do you brush your teeth? 2. 学生分组读句子,G1: When do you G2: brush your teeth? 3. 男女生分工读句子,男生: When do you 女生: brush your teeth? 以同样方式教学答语:I brush my teeth at 6:00 . Step 5 Practice(练习)(练习). 1. 师生分角色朗读,师问生答,或者生问师答。 2. 根据 PPT 呈现的图片,进行问答,师问生答,或者男女生问答。 3.Work in pairs,两人一组练习对话。创设情景,启发学生,将所学短语和句型加以运 用,反复操练句型,理解句意,能听懂、会表达“你什么时候做什么事情?” 4.请几组学生上台展示对话。 Step 6 Extension(拓展)(拓展). Lets sing.(学生跟着视频唱英语歌曲缓解课堂紧张气氛,增强师生情感,提高孩子 们的学习兴趣,进一步巩固复习所学短语和句型。并且拓展出更多的日常动作短语, 让学生自主创编歌曲。 ) 5 This is the way This is the way we wash our face(洗脸). Wash our face ,wash our face. This is the way we wash our face. So early in the morning. This is the way we comb our hair(梳头发). Comb our hair, comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair. So early in the morning. This is the way we brush our teeth(刷牙). Brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth. So early in the morning. This is the way we put on our clothes(穿衣服). Put on our clothes ,put on our clothes. This is the way we put on our clothes. So early in the morning . Create a new song.创编英语歌曲创编英语歌曲 This is the way 1.This is the way we brush our teeth. Brush our teeth, brush our teeth. This is the way we brush our teeth. So early in the morning. 2.This is the way we take exercise. Take exercise, take exercise . This is the way we take exercise. So early in the morning . 3.This is the way we take a shower. Take a shower, take a shower . This is the way we take a shower. So early in the morning Step7Conclusion(总结)(总结). 1.教师带领学生复习本堂课的新短语和新句型。 2.总结小组评价结果。 Step 8 Homework(家庭作业)(家庭作业). 1. Copy the new phrases and sentences three times and translate them. 抄写新短语和句子三遍并且翻译。 6 2. Create a new song。创编英语歌曲。 Step 9 Blackboard design(板书设计)(板书设计). Lesson 1When do you get up ? brush my teeth take exercise take a shower A:When do you brush your teeth? B:I brush my teeth at 6:00. 教学反思:教学反思: 1.教学设计科学、合理,学习目标明确、具体,可操作性强。 2.教师的教态大方,自然,肢体语言丰富,具有亲和力。 3.学生积极参与教学活动,小组合作交流,充分体现以学生为主体的课堂,特别是创 编歌曲部分,学习效果较好! 4.教师灵活运用小组捆绑评价,课堂评价及时恰当,能够起到激励学生的作用,但美 中不足的是,教师忘记了总结小组评价的结果。
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