(2019新教材)外研版高中英语选择性必修二英语unit4 period1 ppt课件(含音频视频素材).zip

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Unit4 period 1 Unit4 period 1 The seven continents: Asia Africa America North America South America Europe Antarctica Oceania Imagine our world as a village. Starting out nActivity 1 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. Which statistic surprises you most? 7.4billion 1 hundred 74million 611912 5 82 31 56 77 of its wealth is owned by just one individual. 40%40% Starting out Activity2 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1 What kind of problem do the people have in each picture? These boundaries may cause issues such as _ _ _ boundaries in geography boundaries in language boundaries in culture remote relationships, misunderstanding or cultural offense. Starting out Activity2 2 Which of these problems have you experienced? Give an example. boundaries in geography boundaries in language boundaries in culture Notes: 1. boundary 分界线;边界 2. statistic 统计数据 3. currently 目前;当前 4. inhabit 居住 5. individual n. 个人; adj.个体 单独的;个人的 Notes: 6. an independent non-profit organisation 7. provide sth. to sb. 8. lack n.lack用作不及物动词时,常与介词for或 in连用;lack用作名词时,常与介词of连用。 lack of. 缺乏 for/through lack of. 因缺乏 be lacking in 缺乏 Notes: Eg1. The girls real problem is that she lacks confidence. Eg2. The crops all died for lack _ water. Eg3. He is good at his job but he seems to be _ in confidence.lacking of 9. assist vt. 协助;帮助 assistance n. U assistant n.助手;助理 10. base vt.以为根据 n.基地;基础;根基; basis n.基础;基本原则 basic adj. 基础的 ; basically adv.基本上;基本地;主要地 base.on/upon 把建立在 上 be based on/upon 以为根据 on the basis of 根据;在的基础上 11. regardless of 不管,不顾 12. priority 优先,优先权 Understanding ideas 无国界医生 l由一群医生和记者于1971年 在巴黎成立 l独立的非营利组织 l为受到冲突、流行病、灾难 影响或缺乏医疗保障的人提供 医疗服务 l与拥有来自150多个国家和地 区的67000多名工作人员 Understanding ideas 1. When was MSF founded and what does it do? 2. What is the top priority of MSF? 3. What else do you know about it? In 1971; It provides medical care to those affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or a lack of access to health care. The top priority goes to those in the most serious and immediate danger. Since receiving the Nobel peace prize on October 15,1999, Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) has been in the spotlight, with more than 6.3 million donors worldwide. Understanding ideas Activity2 Read the journal of an MSF doctor and fin out what problem he was involved in tackling. 13. journal 14. be involved in 15. tackle 处理,对付(难题) The doctor was involved in tackling _. the infectious disease Ebola in Liberia Main idea of each paragraph Para.1 A. Never give up on a patient Para.2B. Someone will step into my shoes and call for a global community Para.3C. Create powerful bonds between people Para.4D. We celebrate because of no reported case for one month Para.5E. I decided to combat the disease when I saw the tragic scenes. Para.6F. The doctors efforts and Two boys survival Para.7G. My mission and the people I worked with Notes: 16. vital adj. (very important) *17. comrade 同志 comrades in arms 战友 *18. virtual 19. tragic 悲剧的 tragedy n. 悲剧 *20. combat 防止,抑制 21. relieve 给换班;减轻;解除;救济 22. border 边界 23. specialist Notes: 24. infectious 传染的 infect v. infection n. disinfect 为消毒 25. daily routine 26. clinic 27. outbreak 28. devotion devote devoted sb. devote oneself to doing sth. sb. be devoted to doing sth. *29. vomit 呕吐物 30. miracle 奇迹 31. van 小货车 32. twin 33. ward 病房 Notes: 34. compensate 弥补 compensate for 补偿 35. bond 纽带,联系 36. colleague 同事 37. essential *38. collaborate 合作 39. mankind 40. against all odds 尽管困难重重;不顾一切 Reading comprehension: Read the text on Page 3839 and choose the best answers. 1Why did the author go to Liberia? ATo help fight against Ebola. BTo travel. CTo join MSF. DTo see a friend. Reading comprehension: 2What was the authors mission in Liberia? ATo travel there. BTo relieve a Canadian specialist Emma. CTo carry the sick into the treatment clinic. DTo be a volunteer. Reading comprehension: 3Which of the following is right according to the passage? AThere are many Chinese doctors along with the author. BWilton is a young local man. CMaisy is a retired official from America. DAlfonso is an Argentinian doctor in his forties. Reading comprehension: 4Whats the authors attitude towards the high death rate? AFrustrated. BHopeless. CIndifferent. DDetermined. Reading comprehension: 5From the passage, we can infer . Aits not the first time the author has worked with MSF Bthe work with MSF in Liberia is not lifethreatening Cthe author enjoyed working together with all his colleagues Dthe author always felt frustrated with the high death rate Notes: 41. take any chances 42. put at risk 43. a sense of pride 44. make a full recovery 完全康复 45. be caught up in 被卷入,陷入 46. a common cause 一个共同的事业 47. step into ones shoes = take over sbs duty/job follow in ones footsteps 继承某人事业 Notes: 48. make up ones mind 49. It is vital not to take any chances. 50. To be caught up in such a crisis creates powerful bonds between people. Now use five adjectives to describe the spirit of MSF doctors and give your reasons. Selfless, brave, persistent, devoted, caring, determined Activity4 Organise information from the passage and complete the table. TimeExperiencesFeelings Before arrival when I saw the tragic scenes on the news, I felt it was my duty as a doctor to go there and offer my help. My 100 days to relieve Emma, a Canadian specialist in infectious diseases at the end of her posting to treat the patients with other doctors Two brothers made a recovery despite that their sisters and parents were dead NowToday we celebrate because its exactly one month since the last reported case. And my time is almost up. We are collaborating to create a global. determined with a sense of mission inspired proud hopeful amazed happy inspired proud hopeful Think & Share 1. What is your understanding of the first sentence in Paragraph 6? 2. What difficulties do you think the author might have faced during his work? In the face of a crisis, we can only solve the problem through the cooperation and joint efforts of the people of all countries. The author cant understand the meaning of others because of the language barrier. The author has to adjust to the local life as soon as possible.
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