Unit 6 Survival Starting out & Understanding ideas(ppt课件)-2024新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 6Period 1 Starting out&Understanding ideas课 堂 学 习Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1 What does each picture show?2 What difficulties would people have surviving in these situations?1Starting out 1 What does each picture show?2 What difficulties would people have surviving in these s

2、ituations?The first picture shows that an earthquake has happened.The road is cut off.The second picture tells us that a disease has broken out and is probably spreading.In the third picture,we can see a ship sinking.The fourth picture shows us a dense jungle.In the fifth picture,we can see an astro

3、naut in space.The sixth picture shows us a severe drought.Below are the difficulties people would have surviving in each situation.1)People would find it difficult to leave the area to find safety,or to receive supplies such as food,water,medicines and fuel.Power and communications may have been cut

4、 off by the earthquake.There is a risk of further quakes via an aftershock.2)People may face difficulties such as quarantine,shortage of hospital services and panic-buying of essential medicines,food and other supplies.There may be misinformation and panic.3)People who are unable to escape the ship

5、on a lifeboat face the immediate dangers of drowning or of dying from exposure.Those who do escape on a lifeboat need to ration their food and water,and hope for rescue as soon as possible.4)People would find it difficult to travel and navigate.It would also be difficult to find food and water.Wild

6、animals and venomous insects are also potential problems.5)Space is an extreme environment for human beings.They face danger from extreme temperatures,low pressures and radiation.They must carry everything they need with them,even air.The lack of gravity makes simple actions such as eating,drinking,

7、moving and even sleeping difficult.Anyone who spends too long in a zero-gravity environment risks losing bone and muscle mass.6)Without water,people and livestock face death within a short period of time.In addition to water shortages,drought causes crop failure,so people would face food shortages a

8、s well.This could affect people who do not live in the drought-affected area.Severe food shortages can cause famine,migration,collapse of social order and war.Watch the video and answer the questions.1 Where do the people in the video live?2 What difficulties do they face?How do they overcome those

9、difficulties?3 What part of the life there would be most challenging for you?Why?21 Where do the people in the video live?The people in the video live in Antarctica.2 What difficulties do they face?How do they overcome those difficulties?People living in Antarctic face a lot of difficulties.1)They h

10、ave to endure extreme weather including freezing temperatures,fierce winds and strong blizzards.When they go outside the stations,they wear special clothes for protection.As weather can change from calm to white-out in minutes,people have to take a special survival bag in case they are trapped outsi

11、de overnight.2)One of the most difficult things is the long days and nights.They may cause issues with the scientists body clocks.The darkness also makes outdoor research impossible.3)It is almost impossible to grow fresh produce there because of the extreme conditions,and most food is imported.It i

12、s difficult for scientists to have a varied diet,and they cant get enough fresh fruit and vegetables.4)They have to face psychological problems.To keep the scientists psychologically healthy,research stations offer activities and entertainment including live music and lectures.3 What part of the lif

13、e there would be most challenging for you?Why?1Look at the pictures and answer the questions.Understanding ideas foxleopardbearracoonchacma baboonhedgehog1 Where would you normally expect to find these animals?2 Would you be surprised to see these animals in a city?Why or why not?3 What problems cou

14、ld they encounter in cities?1 Where would you normally expect to find these animals?2 Would you be surprised to see these animals in a city?Why or why not?3 What problems could they encounter in cities?In the wild.Yes.Because they are normally in the wild,and they are sometimes dangerous for humans.

15、Its also difficult for them to find shelters and food in the cities.They may have difficulty finding food,shelter and mates.If people find them,they may be trapped or killed.2Look at the title of the passage and the picture.Think about what the title means.PredictingNow read the passage and check yo

16、ur answer.The Wild Within1 The crime took place in a seaside suburb of Cape Town.Spotting the car with its window left open,the greedy thief didnt hesitate.Within seconds,he had reached inside and run away with a bag of shopping.No matter how many crimes he committed,the police were powerless to arr

17、est him.You see,this was no ordinary criminal:it was a chacma baboon.Once almost unheard of,scenes like this one in Cape Town are now common all over the world.With foxes in London,mountain lions in San Francisco and wild pigs in Hong Kong,it is almost as if our cities are being taken over by wild a

18、nimals.2 _ Most of us would assume that urban development and climate change are responsible for pushing the animals out of their natural habitats.However true this is,we also need to consider that some of these so-called“urban animals”have never moved at all-its we humans who have moved into their

19、territory.Wherever they go,animals find towns and cities in their way.With nowhere else to make their homes,they have no choice but to move in with us.3 _ As our cities become greener,they offer increasingly appealing spaces to animals looking for new habitats.Out of reach from many of their natural

20、 predators,these newcomers often flourish in their new city lives.Today,foxes can be seen all over London-one even being found living on the 72nd floor of the Shard building when it was under construction!Whats more,hungry animals are finding plenty to eat in our gardens and in the leftovers we thro

21、w away.4 _ There is evidence that urban racoons are more intelligent than their wild cousins,as they frequently have to figure out difficult problems such as how to open rubbish bins and other containers which they would not find in the wild.Some animals have even changed their living habits to fit

22、in with their new homes.Although naturally active at night,urban foxes come out in daylight if the reward is good enough.Their city location also means that they are getting a taste for the multicultural cuisine on offer from the garbage,such as hamburgers,lamb kebabs and even garlic bread!5 _ Unabl

23、e to distinguish between blue sky and glass,birds crash into windows at speeds of about 50 kilometres per hour.Recent studies estimate that between 400 million and l billion birds die from window impacts each year in the US alone.Shockingly,these deaths amount to around ten per cent of the total US

24、bird population.Some species are more affected than others.One theory behind this is that these birds have yet to change their migratory routes that take them through cities with high-rise buildings.6 However they adapt to our ways of urban living,its important that we get a better understanding of

25、and even learn to appreciate our wild neighbours.Only then can we look towards harmoniously sharing our urban habitats.Whatever the reasons behind these species entering our cities,one thing is for sure-as its often a means of their survival,they could be with us to stay.Read the passage and find ou

26、t what the title means.The title means the wild animals within the cities.SkimmingChoose the topic sentences for Paragraphs 2-5 and write them on the lines to complete the passage.3Scanninga One thing crucial to the increasing number of“urban animals”is their ability to adapt.b People often wonder a

27、bout the reasons behind this mass urban migration.c For those animals that dont adapt,the city can be a dangerous or even deadly place.d Yet,for its newest and wildest inhabitants,a city can offer many benefits.Para.2b Para.3d Para.4a Para.5cRead the passage quickly and work out its structure and co

28、ntent.Part 1 Para.1 Present the phenomenon that more and more wild animals are entering cities Part 2 Para.2-Para.5 Analyse the phenomenon Para.2 Reasons for migration Para.3 Benefits of cities for animals Para.4 Animals adaption to cities Para.5 Dangers for some animals Part 3 Para.6 Draw a conclus

29、ion that we should learn to appreciate wild animals and harmoniously sharing our urban habitats.Careful readingOrganise information from the passage and complete the diagram.4More and more wild animals are entering citiesReasons for migration:Urban development and climate change push the animals 1_2

30、_Benefits of cities for animals:Appealing spaces as habitats.3_4_Animals adaption to cities:Urban animals are more 5 _6_Dangers for some animals:7_8_We should learn to better understand and appreciate our wild neighbours,and 9_Answers:1 out of their natural habitats 2 Wherever they go,animals find t

31、owns and cities in their way.With nowhere else to make their homes,they have no choice but to move in with us.3 Out of reach from many of their natural predators,these newcomers often flourish in their new city lives.4 Hungry animals are finding plenty to eat in our gardens and in the leftovers we t

32、hrow away.5 intelligent than their wild cousins 6 Some animals have even changed their living habits to fit in with their new homes.7 Some birds crash into windows because they are unable to distinguish between blue sky and glass.8 Some birds have yet to change their migratory routes that take them

33、through cities with high-rise buildings.9 look towards harmoniously sharing our urban habitats Now think about what people can do to achieve a balance between the need for urban development and the protection of wild animals.1 Humans build cities not only to make themselves live,also to let the wild

34、 animals survive.2 When building cities,humans should not occupy the living space of wild animals.3 It is a sign of modern civilization to let wild animals find habitats in cities just like human beings,which can contribute to a good biodiversity and a complete ecology.1 How would you describe the r

35、elationship between people and urban animals in the passage?2 What figure of speech is used in the first paragraph?Why does the author choose to start the passage this way?3 Some environmentalists argue that we should restrict urban development to leave enough natural habitats for wild animals.Do yo

36、u agree with this?Give your reasons.Think&Share1 How would you describe the relationship between people and urban animals in the passage?2 What figure of speech is used in the first paragraph?Why does the author choose to start the passage this way?3 Some environmentalists argue that we should restr

37、ict urban development to leave enough natural habitats for wild animals.Do you agree with this?Give your reasons.In the first paragraph,the author uses personification to describe what urban animals are doing,with the aim of attracting readers attention.Animals have no choice but to live with us.We

38、humans should learn to understand them,appreciate them and live with harmoniously.Yes,I agree with this opinion.With the acceleration of human urbanization,more and more animals habitats have been destroyed or invaded.This has deprived the animals of their homes and food.They have nowhere to go and

39、face threats to their survival.Therefore,human beings should slow down the speed of urbanization.1.Spotting the car with its window left open,the greedy thief didnt hesitate.贪婪的窃贼在发现有辆车的车窗未关后,没有丝毫犹豫。(1)“Spotting.open”为现在分词短语作时间状语;with.left open为 with复合结构作后置定语,修饰the car。(2)spot 注意到,发现 e.g.Ive just sp

40、otted a mistake on the cover.我刚才在封面上发现了一处错误。spot sb.doing sth.看到某人在做某事 e.g.I spotted someone coming out of the campus.我看见有人从校园里走出来了。on the spot 当场,当面 e.g.I cant give you a decision on the spot.I have to think it over.我不能马上给你答复。我要好好想想。Language points(3)greedy adj.贪婪的,贪心的;渴望的 be greedy for 对渴望/贪婪 be g

41、reedy to do.渴望做 It is greedy of sb.to do.某人做真贪婪。greed n.贪心;贪婪;贪欲 greedily adv.贪婪地(4)hesitate vi.(对某事)犹豫,迟疑不决;顾虑,疑虑 hesitate to do sth.对做某事有顾虑 hesitate over/about sth.对某事犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不犹豫2.No matter how many crimes he committed,the police were powerless to arrest him.不论他犯罪多少次,警方都无法抓捕到他。(1)

42、No matter how引导让步状语从句。(2)commit vt.犯(错误或罪行);自杀 vt.&vi.使承担义务,作出保证commit a mistake 犯错误 commit a crime 犯罪 commit suicide 自杀 commit sb./oneself to(doing)sth.承诺(做)某事 commit sth.to(doing)sth.把某物投入到某事上 be committed to(doing)sth.尽力做某事,承诺做某事 commitment C 承诺 U 投入 make a commitment 作出承诺3.Once almost unheard of

43、,scenes like this one in Cape Town are now common all over the world.以前,在开普敦发生的这种事几乎闻所未闻,但现在 这种事在世界各地都时有发生。“Once almost unheard of”为过去分词短语作时间状语。e.g.We cant wait to get started.我们迫不及待地想要开始了。4.With foxes in London,mountain lions in San Francisco and wild pigs in Hong Kong,it is almost as if our cities

44、 are being taken over by wild animals.伦敦出现了狐狸,旧金山出现了美洲狮,香港出现了野猪,我们的城市 就像是被野生动物给占领了。(1)“With.Hong Kong”为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构,此处是 介宾短语作宾语补足语。(2)as if引导的表语从句;are being taken over为现在进行时的被动语态。5.Most of us would assume that urban development and climate change are responsible for pushing the animals out o

45、f their natural habitats.我们大多数人会认为,城市发展和气候变化是造成这些动物离开其 自然栖息地的原因。that引导宾语从句。6.However true this is,we also need to consider that some of these so-called “urban animals”have never moved at all-its we humans who have moved into their territory.无论事实如何,我们必须得明白,在这些所谓的“城市动物”中,有 一些根本就没有迁徙过是我们人类搬到了它们的领地里。(1)

46、However引导让步状语从句。(2)“it.territory”为强调句型,强调主语we humans。7.Wherever they go,animals find towns and cities in their way.动物不论走到哪里,都发现有城镇拦路。Wherever引导让步状语从句。8.With nowhere else to make their homes,they have no choice but to move in with us.既然没有别处可以安家,它们别无选择,只好搬来和我们一起住。(1)“With.homes”为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的复合结构,此

47、处是 动词不定式短语作宾语补足语。(2)have no choice/alternative but to do sth.除了做某事之外别无选择 do nothing but do sth.只是做某事 have nothing to do but do sth.无事可做,只有做某事 there is nothing to do but do sth.无事可做,只有做某事9.As our cities become greener,they offer increasingly appealing spaces to animals looking for new habitats.随着我们的城

48、市绿化越来越好,它们越来越吸引着寻找新栖息地的动物。(1)As引导时间状语从句,as意为“随着”。(2)“looking.habitats”现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词animals。10.Today,foxes can be seen all over London-one even being found living on the 72nd floor of the Shard building when it was under construction!现在,伦敦随处都可以见到狐狸有一只甚至生活在当时在建的 碎片大厦72楼!(1)when引导时间状语从句。(2)under con

49、struction 在建造中 “under+n.”常表示正在进行的动作,而且包含被动含义,相当于 进行时的被动语态。11.Whats more,hungry animals are finding plenty to eat in our gardens and in the leftovers we throw away.而且,饥饿的动物们从我们的花园里和我们扔掉的垃圾中找寻到 大量的食物。本句为主从复合句。Whats more为插入语;to eat为动词不定式作后置定语,修饰plenty;we throw away为省略关系词that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词leftovers。1

50、2.There is evidence that urban racoons are more intelligent than their wild cousins,as they frequently have to figure out difficult problems such as how to open rubbish bins and other containers which they would not find in the wild.有证据显示,和野生的浣熊相比,城市里的浣熊更聪明,因为它们时常要想办法解决难题,比如怎么打开垃圾桶以及其他它们在野外不会见到的容器。本


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