(2019新教材)外研版高中英语选择性必修二英语Unit 1 短语过关 (含答案).docx

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1、外研版选择性必修第二册外研版选择性必修第二册 unit1 短语过关短语过关 1请写出与 vote 有关的短语 (1)_投票赞成/反对 (2)_就投票表决 (3)_投票做某事 1.vote for/against 2 vote on. 3 vote to do sth. 2请写出与 elect 有关的短语 (1)_选举、推举某人为 (2)_选择做;决定做 1.elect sb.(to be/as). 2 elect to do. 3请写出与 say 有关的短语 (1)_ (对)有发言权 (2)_表达意见 (3)_有话/无话可说 1.have a say (in/on) 2 have ones s

2、ay3have something/nothing to say 4请写出与 instant 有关的短语 (1)_一就(instantly 起连词作用) (2)_立刻 (3)_顷刻;一瞬间 1.the instant 2 in an instant 3 for an instant 5请写出与 donation/donate 有关的短语 (1)_向捐赠 (2)_向捐赠某物 1.make donations/a donation to. 2 donate sth.to. 6请写出与 approve/approval 有关的短语 (1)_.同意/赞成某事 (2)_同意/赞成某人做某事 (3)_赞同

3、;批准 (4)_得到某人的认可 1.approve of sth 2 approve of sb./sb.s doing sth. 3 give ones approval to4meet with ones approval 7请写出与 contribute/contribution 有关的短语 (1)_为捐款;向投稿 (2)_为(做)某事作出贡献 1.contribute.to.2make a contribution/contributions to (doing) sth. 8请写出与 commitment/commit 有关的短语 (1)_承诺/许诺做某事 (2)_履行承诺 (3)_

4、向投入 (4)_犯罪/自杀/谋杀 (5)_答应做 1.make a commitment to do sth. 2 carry out ones commitment 3commit.to.4 commit a crime/suicide/murder5 commit oneself to (doing) sth. 9请写出与 variety/vary 有关的短语 (1)_各种各样的 (2)_.由到不等;在到之间变动 (3)_随而变化 1.a variety of/varieties of 2 vary from.to. 3 vary with 10请写出与 lay 有关的短语 (1)_把搁置

5、一边;储蓄 (2)_贮存;收集 (3)_停止,别再打扰;解雇 (4)_布置,设计;铺开,展开 (5)_放下;献出;阐述,声明 1.lay aside 2 lay up3lay off 4 lay out 5 lay down 11请写出与 devote/devoted 有关的短语 (1)_献身于(做)某事;致力于(做)某事 (2)_把用在/献给(做)某事上 (3)_热衷于(做)某事 1.devote oneself to (doing) sth. 2 devote.to (doing) sth.3be devoted to (doing) sth. 12请写出与 tired 有关的短语 (1)

6、_对感到厌倦/厌烦 (2)_由于某种原因而疲倦(劳累) (3)_精疲力竭 1.be tired of.2be tired from/with sth. 3 be tired out 13请写出与 glance 有关的短语 (1)_(只)看一眼;一眼;立刻 (2)_浏览;扫一眼 (3)_粗略地看一下 (4)_乍一看;乍看之下 1.at a glance 2 glance through3take/give/have a glance at. 4 at first glance 14请写出与 distinguish/distinguished 有关的短语 (1)_区别 A 和 B;使 A 区别于

7、B (2)_区别 A 和 B (3)_ (作为)表现突出;使自己与众不同 (4)_因而出名 1.distinguish A from B 2 distinguish between A and B 3 distinguish oneself (as) 4 be distinguished for 15请写出与 consequence 有关的短语 (1)_结果;因此 (2)_由于的缘故 1.as a consequencein consequence2.as a consequence ofin consequence of .单句语法填空 9She received the award for

8、 love for her _(devote) to the poor children. 10The Chinese nation is _(distinguish) for its diligence and courage. 11Personally,I am tired _watching TV at weekends and I prefer to go out for a walk. 12He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep because the hard work tired him _. 13His plan was app

9、roved,and the approval won him many approving _(glance) 14With no solid _(evident),he refused to acknowledge stealing the ladys purse. 15We should stand up for students to involve themselves in a _(vary) of activities. 9.devotion10distinguished11 of 12out 13glances 14evidence 15 variety .单句写作 16他病了。

10、那是他没参加会议的原因。(Thats why) _ 17无论你何时方便都可以过来。(whenever/no matter when) _ 18由于疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。(consequence) _ 19在我看来,各个学校的教学方法大不相同。(vary from.to.) _ 20邻居们把空闲时间都用于帮助别人重建家园。(devote.to.) _ 16He was ill.Thats why he didnt attend the meeting. 17You can come whenever/no matter when it is convenient to you. 18Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. 19In my opinion,teaching methods vary greatly from school to school. 20Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild homes.


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