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1、外研版选择性必修第二册外研版选择性必修第二册 unit2 课文重难点过关课文重难点过关 .单词拼写 1My father has a habit of reading the _ (头条)of newspapers over breakfast. 2In summary,your error of judgement led to the failure of financial _(投资) 3The leader decided to hold a meeting to _(澄清) his position. 4I want you to think about why you buy th

2、e product or service the ad _(推销) 5 _ (装备) with some tools, the farmers walked into the mountain to rescue the lost man. 6What made her succeed was the kindness and _(考虑) she showed to all her patients. 7Peter will take up the management of the _ (金融)department as appointed by the company. 8 The abo

3、ve problems were promoted_(适当) by the experts from all over the country. 1.headlines 2 investment 3 clarify 4 promotes 5 Equipped 6 consideration 7 finance8 appropriately .选词填空 下面的短文是 P2021 的课文改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完 成此文。 financial;necessity;use;vary;educate;unprecedented;accessible;seem With the s

4、pending power of teenagers 11._,managing money 12._ to be 13._ important to younger generations.America requires high school students to take courses in personal 14._.However,for those young people who have no 15._ to courses,grandparents or parents give different education methods.One is making“Kar

5、e Bags” containing 16._(necessity) for the homeless people, the other is 17._- four jars to tell teens how to spend their money wisely.Although the four jars have different values, their 18._ goal is the same:to understand how much value money brings to individuals and society. 11.varied/various 12

6、seems 13 unprecedentedly 14 finance 15 access 16 necessities 17 using 18 educational .经典句式 1表地点的介词短语放到句首构成完全倒装结构 袋子里装着牙膏、 肥皂和袜子等必需品, 这些都是她先用零花钱买的, 然后又通过众筹买的。 _ 2make宾语宾补 这些物品让穷人和无家可归的人的生活变得更为容易一些。 _ 3on doing 一就 一收到这样一个 Kare 包,一位女士就说“你让我感觉到像一个人”。 _ 4It is.that.强调句型 从那时起,他的孙辈们开始控制如何使用他们收到的钱:消费、储蓄、投资或

7、者捐赠。 _ 5whether.or.无论/不管还是 不管你是想帮助朋友,给动物慈善机构捐款,还是给其他国家的孩子,这都是你的钱,可以 用来做任何你相信的事情。 _ 1Inside the bags are necessities such as toothpaste,soap and socks,bought first with her pocket money and then through crowd funding. 2These items helped to make the lives of poor and homeless people a little bit easi

8、er. 3On receiving a Kare Bag,one woman said,“You make me feel like a human being.” 4It was from then on that his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive:spend,save,invest or give? 5Whether you want to help out a friend,give money to an animal charity or to ch

9、ildren in another country,its your money to give to whatever cause you believe in. .七选五 By observing basic fire safety tips, you can prevent a fire in your home and be more prepared for the outbreak of a fire.Make sure that everyone in your house is familiar with fire safety.28 As an employee, if yo

10、u see an obvious fire safety hazard(隐患) like boxes blocking an exit, speak up. 29This means you should pay special attention to things which can cause fires.Never leave stoves,heaters,candles and other hot objects unattended(无人看管的),and always leave plenty of room around these things. On the other ha

11、nd, be prepared for the outbreak of a fire.Make sure to keep fully-charged fire extinguishers(灭火器) readily available in your house.30If you have window screens or shutters,check to be sure that they can be quickly removed in case of fire. In addition,you should also establish a fire safety plan for

12、your home and workplace.Make sure that everyone knows how to get out of the building in a fire.In your home,keep important documents and souvenirs in a fire-proof safe.31 If you are in a fire,try to stay calm.Test all doors with the back of your hand before opening them.If the door is warm,dont open

13、 it.32This will help you get away from the fire as soon as possible.If you are trapped on a high floor,hang something from the window to alert rescue personnel to your presence. AThe same goes for commercial buildings. BThe first goal in fire safety is to prevent fire. CIdeally,you should make an ex

14、it through a window. DSmoke alarms can reduce the risks of dying in a fire greatly. EThe kitchen is one of the most dangerous rooms in the house. FYou will not have time to take these items in the event of a fire. GBesides,check doors and windows to make sure that they are easy to open. 28.A 29.B 30G 31F 32C


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