(2019新教材)外研版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 4 Section B Using language 课后习题 (含答案).docx

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1、Section BUsing language 课后篇巩固提升 基础夯实 .单句语法填空 1.Today pie is one of the(traditional)American dessert recipes. 答案 most traditional 2.Shirley had prepared carefully for her examination so that she could be surepassing it. 答案 of 3.He tried to do it time and time again,andlast he managed to get a pass. 答

2、案 at 4.An(art)who was inspired by the scene painted this beautiful picture. 答案 artist 5.You may find it(astonish)that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak. 答案 astonishing 6.Her wish was(become)an artist. 答案 to become 7.The most important thing is(put)theory into practice. 答案 to put 8

3、.Their job is(build)houses for the poor for free. 答案 building 9.All that I did all morning was(prepare) the meal. 答案(to) prepare 10.The speech was so(inspire)that they were all(excite). 答案 inspiring;excited .短语填空 take ones breath away;go on a trip;check out;respond to;come true;be tired from;be dete

4、rmined to;be sure of 1.If you want your dreams,dont oversleep. 答案 to come true 2.Some peoplethe reunion activities. 答案 were tired from 3.Iwin,but my best friend Matthew was playing badly. 答案 was determined to 4.If youyour answer,please put up your hand. 答案 are sure of 5.You are so beautiful that you

5、. 答案 take my breath away 6.Ask somebody towith you,whether youre writing a book or an article or a business letter,whatever. 答案 go on a trip 7.They packed andof the hotel. 答案 checked out 8.Even very young premature babiestheir mothers presence. 答案 respond to 素养提升 .七选五 Education has always been a hot

6、 topic.How to educate children can be a sweet but painstaking task for parents,many of whom try to offer their children the best environment.Competition between parents over childrens education may start from the kind of animated (动画)series children watch.1By watching the former,children can learn E

7、nglish at the same time.However,this does not mean those watching foreign shows perform better than those watching Chinese ones.2They can help children learn traditional Chinese culture and history.Take Journey to the West for example.3 By watching this show,children can learn more about the history

8、 of the Tang Dynasty and the development of Buddhist culture in China.Foreign shows can open a window for children to gain a better understanding of the outside world.So,children ought to be encouraged to watch both as long as the content of the show is beneficial. This can also be applied to other

9、things beyond animated series.4However,some parents fail to do this.Their incorrect view can more or less leave an influence on their children.Innocent (天真 的)children,influenced by their parents,slowly hold the view that watching foreign shows is better than watching Chinese shows.5 A.Chinese shows

10、have their own advantages. B.Foreign animated series are always the first choice for parents. C.Children often follow their parents advice when choosing animated series. D.For example,children can be encouraged to read folk tales at home and abroad. E.Once the view is formed in childrens minds,paren

11、ts education proves a failure. F.This show is based on one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature. G.For some parents,watching foreign animated shows is better than watching Chinese ones. 答案 15 GAFDE .完形填空 主题语境:人与自我体裁:记叙文 Until a few years ago,I had what most people would call a go

12、od life.I had a1job that paid the bills;I had a good family,a big place and enough money to use for the future,and there was nothing much wrong in my life.2,I was bored. I wanted more.I wanted to live3and loudly and make sharp memories instead of the grey ones of everyday life.But I was4.I had never

13、 had any confidence in myself and never quite5that childhood shyness. And I tried everything,like reading books about confidence.But none of them really6. So I7that the small steps werent enough.I signed up for an internship (实习期的工作)of teaching English in Vietnam,an8huge step.I was alone in a countr

14、y where the food was9and the streets were unfamiliar.I had no idea whether I would be able to10everything that would11at me. I spent five months in Vietnam,teaching and exploring.Id learnt to12all of myself.I returned home13.The14that had controlled my life and the self-doubt were15. That one big ch

15、ance changed everything for me,and in me. 【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。作者拥有大多数人所说的美好生活,工作稳定,家庭美满,但是她却 感觉不满足。因为作者从小是个有恐惧感、害羞且不自信的人。她想改变这一切,于是报名到越南 教学,学会了相信自己,那次机会改变了她。 1.A.stableB.temporary C.difficultD.demanding 答案 A 解析根据该空前的“I had what most people would call a good life.”可知,作者拥有人们所说的美好生活, 因此应该有一份稳定的(stable)工作。temp

16、orary“暂时的”;difficult“困难的”;demanding“要求高的,苛求 的”。 2.A.ThusB.Instead C.OtherwiseD.However 答案 D 解析根据该空后的“I was bored”可知,作者的生活没有什么大问题,可是(However),作者很无聊。前后 是转折关系。thus“于是,因此”;instead“代替,反而”;otherwise“否则;要不然”。 3.A.easilyB.brightly C.peacefullyD.modestly 答案 B 解析根据“live.and loudly”可知,作者想要有希望地(brightly)华丽地生活。所

17、填的词要与 loudly(华丽 地)并列。easily“容易地”;peacefully“平静地,安宁地”;modestly“谦虚地,审慎地”。 4.A.proudB.innocent C.outgoingD.afraid 答案 D 解析根据该空后的“I had never had any confidence in myself”可知,作者小时候是缺乏自信的,所以可 能很害怕(afraid)。proud“自豪的”;innocent“无辜的,无罪的”;outgoing“对人友好的,开朗的”。 5.A.added toB.talked about C.got overD.suffered from

18、 答案 C 解析根据该空前的“I had never had any confidence in myself”可知,作者缺乏自信所以始终无法克服 (got over)童年的羞怯。add to“增加,增添”;talk about“谈论,讨论”;suffer from“遭受”。 6.A.continuedB.survived C.failedD.helped 答案 D 解析根据前面的“And I tried everything”以及前文可知,作者缺乏自信所以尝试一切去克服,但它们都 没有真正地有帮助(helped)。continue“继续”;survive“幸存”;fail“失败,没做”。 7

19、.A.figuredB.promised C.predictedD.disagreed 答案 A 解析根据该空后的“I signed up for an internship of teaching English in Vietnam”可知,作者觉得(figured) 朝着目标小步走是不够的,所以决定报名参加在越南的实习教英语。promise“承诺”;predict“预 测”;disagree“不同意”。 8.A.equallyB.impossibly C.unnecessarilyD.occasionally 答案 B 解析根据前文中的“I had never had any confid

20、ence in myself and never quite.that childhood shyness.” 可知,作者是个非常害羞的人,现在要去越南教英语的确是一个不可思议(impossibly)的巨大的一步。 equally“平等地”;unnecessarily“不必要地”;occasionally“偶尔”。 9.A.niceB.colourful C.strangeD.inadequate 答案 C 解析根据空前的“I was alone in a country”,空后的“.and the streets were unfamiliar”可知,这里是在讲 在异国他乡的不便之处,陌生的

21、环境,“奇怪的(strange)”饮食。nice“好的”; colourful“富有色彩的,鲜艳 的”;inadequate“不充分的,不适当的”。 10.A.doubtB.handle C.quitD.obtain 答案 B 解析根据该空后的“everything”可知,作者不知道自己是否能处理(handle)陌生环境中的事情。 doubt“怀疑”;quit“停止”;obtain“获得”。 11.A.pointB.throwC.shoutD.aim 答案 B 解析根据前文中的“were unfamiliar.everything”可知,该处指作者不知是否能处理好陌生环境抛向自 己的事情。po

22、int“表明,指向”;shout“呼喊,叫喊”; aim“瞄准,针对”。throw at sb 意为“扔向,抛 向”。 12.A.trustB.enjoy C.excuseD.forgive 答案 A 解析根据前面的“I had never had any confidence in myself and never quitethat childhood shyness.”可知,作者以前对自己不自信,现在通过国外的实习,学会了相信(trust)自己。enjoy“享 受”;excuse“原谅,为申辩,免除”;forgive“原谅,饶恕”。 13.A.unconcernedB.unsatisfi

23、ed C.unchangeableD.unrecognizable 答案 D 解析根据该空前的“Id learnt toall of myself.”可知,作者出国实习之前不自信,恐惧害羞,而现 在自信了,回到家时,变得让人不认识了,变化太大。unconcerned“不感兴趣的,不关心 的”;unsatisfied“不满意的”;unchangeable“不可改变的”。 14.A.fearB.respect C.courageD.anger 答案 A 解析根据该空后的“that had controlled my life and the self-doubt”可知,以前作者一直有恐惧,此处与自

24、 我怀疑并列的只有恐惧(fear)。respect“尊敬”;courage“勇气”;anger“生气”。 15.A.picked upB.forgotten about C.worn awayD.put off 答案 C 解析根据该空前的“.that had controlled my life and the self-doubt”,可知,影响作者生活恐惧和自我怀 疑完全消失(worn away)了。pick up“拾起,习得”;forget about“遗忘”; put off“推迟”。 .语法填空 Beijing Opera or Peking Opera is a form of Ch

25、inese opera 1.(combine) music,vocal performances,dance and so on.It 2.(arise) in the late 18th century and became 3. (full) developed and recognized by the mid-19th century.The form was extremely popular in 4. Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the 5.(culture) treasures of Chin

26、a.Major performance troupes (剧团,戏班子) are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north,and Shanghai in the south.Also 6.(preserve) in Taiwan,the art form is still of great importance to people there. 7.(perform) of Peking Opera use the skills of speech,song,dance,and combat in movements that are symboli

27、c and suggestive.Above all else,the skill of performers 8.(evaluate) according to the beauty of their movements.The music of Beijing Opera can be divided 9.the Xipi and Erhuang styles.The repertoire (全部曲目) of Beijing Opera includes over 1,400 works,10. characters are based on Chinese history,folklor

28、e,and,increasingly,contemporary life. 答案与解析 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了中国的京剧,它结合了音乐、有声表演、哑剧表演、 舞蹈、杂技多种表演形式,堪称中华文化的瑰宝。 bining考查非谓语动词。根据谓语动词 is 可以判断空处的动词用非谓语形式;“京剧”与“结合” 是主动关系,故填 combining。 2.arose考查动词时态。根据时间状语判断用一般过去时。故填 arose。 3.fully考查副词。修饰动词应该用副词形式。故填 fully。 4.the考查冠词。朝代是专有名词,前面要用定冠词表示特指。故填 the。 5.cultura

29、l考查形容词。修饰名词应该用形容词。故填 cultural。 6.preserved考查非谓语动词。根据后面的主语 the art form 可知,动词用非谓语形式,前后主语一 致,“艺术形式”与“保留”是被动关系,故填 preserved。 7.Performers考查名词。根据句意和谓语动词 use 可知,主语要用名词复数形式,故填 Performers。 8.is evaluated考查动词时态和语态。京剧表演者的表演技巧是依靠表演动作的优美来评判的,所以 用被动语态。故填 is evaluated。 9.into考查介词。be divided into 意为“被分成”,故填 into。 10.whose/where考查定语从句。先行词是 works,关系词在定语从句中作 characters的定语,也可以 理解为抽象的地点状语。故填 whose/where。


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