1、某某某公司员工聘用协议书 Empolyment Agreement 聘用方(甲方)Company: 住所Location: 法定代表人Legal Representative: 受聘方(乙方)Employee: 工号Employee ID:国籍Nationality: 护照号码Passport Number/身份证号码Citizen Identification: 户口所在地Registered Permanent Residence(For Chinese): 通信住址Address for correspondence: 甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用、协商一致的原则,就甲方聘用乙方的有
2、 关事项达成如下协议: This Employment Agreement(the Agreement”is entered into on the date of the last sig nature (the Effective Date”by and betwee n the compa ny as ide ntified in the cover page (the Company”and the employee as identified in the cover page (the Employee”. In con sideratio n of the mutual prem
3、ises and cove nants set forth here in and for good and valuable con siderati on the adequacy of which is hereby ack no wledge by the parties, and the nu tual ben efits to be derived thereforem, the parties agree as follows: 1聘用期限Employment Period 1.1聘用期为_ 年_ 月_ 日至_年_ 月_ 日。 The employment period is f
4、rom _ (MM DD,YYYY) to _ (MM DD, YYYY). 1.2聘用期限届满甲方希望继续聘用乙方的,甲方将在聘用期限届满前一个月 征求乙方续订 聘用协议的意向,如乙方提出续订聘用协议且甲方同意续订的, 双方在本聘用期限届满前另 行协商订立心得聘用协议。因乙方个人原因未及时 续订的,甲方不承担因此引起的责任和后果。 Should Compa ny wishes to exte nd the employme nt period upon the term in ati on of the Agreement, Company shall notify the Employee
5、 for consent one month prior to the term in ati on of the Agreeme nt. The Employee may propose for the consent of Company to extend the service period and the two parties shall sign a new employme nt agreeme nt before the term in atio n of this Agreeme nt. Compa ny is free from any liability for fai
6、lure to extend the employment period due to reasons of the Employee. 2工作岗位Position 2.1甲方聘用乙方主要从事 _ 岗位 工作。乙方同意甲方有权根据业务需要调整乙方工作岗位。乙方同意工作岗位 调整后的薪酬待遇按调整后的工作岗位相关薪酬标准确定。 Company employs the Employee as _ . The Employee agrees that Company has the right to change the position of the Employee accord ing to
7、bus in ess n eeds and adjust the Employees pay and ben efits accord ing to the pay sta ndard of the new positi on. 乙方不胜任工作的,甲方有权对乙方工作岗位进行调整,调整后乙方仍不 胜任的,甲方有权解除聘用协议。 Compa ny has the right to cha nge the positi on of the Employee proves in compete nt for the positi on and may term in ate the Agreeme n
8、t if the Employee proves in compete nt for the new positi on. 在聘用期间,乙方工作岗位的调整,不影响本协议效力。 Change in the positi on of the Employee with in the employme nt period shall not affect the effective ness of this Agreeme nt. 3工作地点Work Place 3.1乙方声明,其明确知悉甲方在全球范围内设有子公司或分支机构,并同意 甲方根据工作需要,有权安排乙方在甲方及直接或间接控制的全球范围内的
9、子 公司或分支机 构派驻工作。 The Employee ack no wledges its kno wledge of the global divisi ons or bra nches of Compa ny and agrees that Compa ny shall have the right to dispatch the Employee, as n eeded, to work in any global divisi on or bra nch directly or in directly un der Compa ny. 4试用期Probation Period 4.
10、1双方同意按照以下第种方式确定试用期: Both Company and the Employee agree to determine the probation period in mode . 1.无试用期。 No probation period. 2.试用期为个月。试用期包含在聘用期之内。试用期间乙方有下列情形 之一的,甲方有 权随时解除本协议,不须提前通知乙方或向乙方支付经济补偿 金: A probation ofmonth(s). The probation period is included in the employment period. During the proba
11、ti on period, Compa ny may termi nate the Agreeme nt at any time without prior notice or any severance pay in any of the following cases. 6.2乙方个人简历、职位申请登记表上所提供的信息(包括但不限于学位证、 毕业证、外语 等级证书、资格证、身份证明等个人有效证件及信息)与本人实 际情况不符的; In formatio n (in cludi ng but not limited to pers onal certificates and in format
12、io n such as the degree certificate, graduate diploma, foreign language competency certificate, career qualifications, and identity certification) in the resume or employment application form of the Employment application form of the Employee does not match the actual situation. 6.3试用期培训考核不合格或不能通过转正
13、答辩的; The Employee fails to pass the qualification exam after training in the probation period or fail in the probation defence. 6.4工作技能与个人书面陈述的任职能力不相符或达不到招聘录用条件的; The Employees proved compete ncy does not match that men ti oned in pers onal writing or live up to the employment requirements. 6.5不能保质保
14、量完成试用期所要求的工作任务等情形的; The Employee is unable to fulfill tasks as required. 6.6乙方具有法律、法规或甲方规章制度规定的可以解除劳动合同的其它情形 的。 Other cases in which the performance of the Employee may result in the termination of the Agreement by Company pursuant to laws or regulations of Company. 5工作时间和休息休假Working Hours, Vacation
15、s and Leaves甲方按国家规定并结合生 产和工作实际情况规定工作时间和休息休假,乙 方必须遵从甲方相关规定并执行。 Company shall stipulate working hours, vacations and leaves of employees in accordrance with national regulations and actual work progress; the Employee is obliged to abide by related regulations made by Company. 根据工作需要,甲方可安排乙方异地出差。 Compa
16、ny may arrange business trips of the Employee as needed. 在本协议期内,根据业务需要,甲方有权安排乙方离岗休假不参加工作及/或不承担全部 或部分职责。 Company has the right to arrange vacations for the Employee and/or make the Employee free from all or part of the responsibilities according to business needs within the employment period. 6劳动报酬及福
17、利待遇Salary and Benefits 工资 Salary 10.1乙方实行月薪制,按照不低于当地政府公布的最低工资标准确定,具体按 甲方规定 执行。甲方从乙方的月工资中依法代为扣缴员工应缴纳的个人所 得税和社会保险费个人 承担部分费用及中国法律要求的其它扣除(如有) 后,于每月最后一个工作日前将工资支 付给乙方。 This Employee shall be paid on a monthly basis. Company shall determine the salary of the Employee above the lowest pay standard issued by
18、 the local government according to Companys pay regulations. Company shall pay the monthly salary to the Employee by the last working day of each month after deducting the individual income tax withheld, social insurance contributions to be borne by the Employee and other withholdings (if any) requi
19、red by Chinese laws. 10.2甲方有权定期或不定期地对乙方工资进行回顾, 并有权根据甲方经营状况、 乙方工作岗位责任及乙方工作表现、市场薪酬变化等情况决定是否调整乙 方的工资。 Company has the right to review the salary of the Employee at regular or irregular in tervals and make reas on able adjustme nts to the Employee s salary accord ing to Company s operation status, the E
20、mployee s working position and responsibilities, the Employee s work performanee, and the change of pay standards in the market. 11.1加班工资:甲方安排乙方加班的,乙方应当填写加班申请表。对按照甲方 规章制度 批准的加班,甲方将按照国家有关规定付给乙方加班工资或安排补 休。 Pay for overtime work: Employee shall complete and submit the Application for Overtime Work when
21、 working extra hours as arranged by Company. Company shall pay The Employee or arrange compensation vacations for the Employee according to related n ati onal regulati ons for the Employee s overtime work that is approved by Company. 6.3甲方依法为乙方缴纳社会保险费及其他法定福利中企业缴费部分。 Company shall pay the part of soc
22、ial insurance premium payable by the employer and other legal benefits payable by the employer for the Employee. 7劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护 Labor Protection, Labor Conditions and Occupational Hazard Prevention 甲方按国家和地方有关劳动保护规定提供符合国家劳动卫生标准的劳动作 业场所、劳动条件及劳动保护措施,保护乙方在生产工作中的安全和健康。 Company shall provide the Employ
23、ee with work places, work conditions and work protection measures that meet the national labor hygiene standard according to related national and local labor protection regulations to ensure the safety and health of the Employee in the course of work. 7.2乙方工作过程中可能产生职业病危害的,甲方将按国家有关职业病防治的 相关规定保护 乙方的健康
24、及其相关权益。 Company shall protect the health and related benefits of the Employee according to related national regulations on occupational disease prevention and treatment if the Employees work exposesthe Employee to the hazard of possible occupational diseases. 7.3甲方对可能产生职业病危害的岗位员工依法提供职业健康体检。 Company
25、shall provide the Employee with occupational physical examination as required by the law if the Employees work exposes the Employee to the hazard of possible occupational diseases. 8规章制度Rules and Regulations甲方有权定期或不定期地制订和修订其规章制度。 Company has the right to formulate and revise its rules and regulation
26、s at regular or irregular intervals. 8.2乙方应当阅读、理解并遵守甲方规章制度。乙方同意甲方可以通过多种渠 道公示其规章 制度,包括但不限于内部网络公告栏、通知、 、口头传达等。 乙方有义务每季度至少一次通过前述渠道充分了解甲方定期或不定期更新的 规章制度。乙方未履行前述义务的,不影响甲方对规章制度的公示效力。 The Employee shall read, understand, and abide by the rules and regulations of Company. The Employee agrees that Company can
27、 make its rules and regulations public in channels including but not limited to intranet bulletin, notice, training, and oral information. The Employee is obliged to learn at least once a quarter and fully understand the rules and regulations updated by Company at regular or irregular intervals in t
28、he above mentioned channels. The failure of the Employee to fulfill this obligation shall not affect the effectiveness of the rules and regulations of Company. 8.3乙方违反甲方规章制度的,甲方可以根据乙方违规情形对乙方进行处分直 至解除劳动关 系。此外,若因乙方的违规行为而给甲方造成任何损失的,甲方 有权依据相关法律规定或甲 方规章制度要求乙方进行赔偿。 Company has the right to impose discipli
29、nary action on the Employee and even terminate the employment of the Employee when the Employee violates Company?s rules or regulations according to the severity of the breach behavior. If the Employee s behavior of breach causes any loss of Compa ny, Compa ny has the right to claim compensationsfro
30、m the Employee according to the related law or Companys regulations. 9甲方的权利及义务Rights and Obligations of Company 11.2根据乙方实际工作能力和甲方工作需要,甲方有权对乙方的工作岗位、工 作地点作 出调整。 Company has the right to change the work position and/or work place of the Employee according to the Employees actual performance and Company
31、s business needs. 11.3甲方有权根据甲方规章制度对乙方进行管理。 Company has the right to supervise the Employee according to Companys administrative regulations. 11.4乙方在聘用期间的职务成果及其知识产权归甲方所有。 Company owns the in-service achievements made by the Employee under the period of employment and intellectual property rights ther
32、eby. 11.5甲方根据工作需要可为乙方提供相应的在职培训,并有权根据此要求乙方 签订培训 协议。 Company may provide in-service training for the Employee as needed by the work and has the right to request the Employee to sign the training agreement. 11.6甲方应为乙方提供适宜的工作环境和工作条件。 Company shall provide proper work environment and work conditions for
33、the Employee. 10乙方的权利及义务Rights and Obligations of the Employee 12.1乙方享有甲方规定的基本工作权利及相关待遇。 The Employee shall enjoy the basic work rights and related benefits stipulated by Company. 10.2乙方有权获得相应的报酬和晋升机会,并拥有享受本协议5.1条所规定的 休息休假的权利。 The Employee is entitled to due payments, opportunities for promotion, an
34、d vacations stipulated in 5.1 of this Agreement. 12.2.1乙方享有参加相应的业务学习和提出工作改进建议的权利 The Employee has the right to join related business study and propose suggestions on work improvement. 12.2.2乙方负有严格维护甲方的利益和声誉、遵守甲方的规章制度的义务。 The Employee is obliged to protect the interests and reputation of Company and
35、abide by the regulations of Company. 12.2.3乙方负有严格按照本协议、甲方规章制度、乙方签署的有关协议及承诺 书等的要求, 保守甲方的商业秘密和技术秘密的义务。 The Employee is obliged to protect and keep the business secrets and technical secrets of Company pursuant to this Agreement, regulations of Company, and agreement and commitments signed by the Emplo
36、yee. 12.2.4未经授权,乙方不得披露、使用、允许甲方或甲方负有责任的任何第三 方(包括但不 限于甲方的员工、代理人、顾问等)使用第三方的技术秘密、商 业秘密或其他知识产权, 也 不得在甲方的工作场所、 工作电脑等中持有该等技 术秘密、商业秘密或其他知识产权。 The Employee shall not disclose, use, or allow Company or any third party Company is responsible for (including but not limited to the employees, representativesand c
37、onsultant of Company) to use the technical secrets, business secrets or other intellectual properties of a third party without prior authorization; nor shall the Employee store the technical and business secrets and/or other intellectual properties in the work place or an any work computer of Compan
38、y. 12.2.5乙方保证其向甲方提供或陈述的工作经历、各类证件及其他相关信息均 与本人实际情况相符,不存在任何虚假、欺诈 The Employee shall guarantee that the work experience, all certificates, and other information provided for or mentioned to Company match the actual situation of the Employee without any falsehood or cheating. 12.2.6乙方不得直接或间接地通过任何人、合伙、企业或
39、其它实体,从事任何 可能与乙方 在任何时候以甲方的最佳利益行事的职责产生实际或预期利益冲 突的商业活动。 The Employee shall not engage directly or indirectly through any person, partnership, enterprise or other entity, in any business undertakings that will conflict with the actual or anticipated interests of Company according to the responsibility o
40、f the Employee to act in the best interest of Company at any time. 11知识产权Intellectual Property Rights 12.4职务成果 Service Achievements 11.1.1双方确认,乙方在甲方工作期间(包括离职之日起一年内) , 由于履行 本人职务或 甲方安排的本人职务之外的工作任务, 或者主要利用甲方的物质条 件和业务信息等,自行 或与他人共同构思、开发、创造或研制出的发明创造、 实用新型、外观设计、技术诀窍、产 品、计算机软件、半导体芯片、作品或其 他形式的智力成果, 其中所包含的或与之
41、有关的 全部知识产权权利或其他财产 权利(以下统称“知识产权” )均归甲方所有。 Both Company and the Employee agree that Company owns all the intellectual property rights and/or other property rights (hereinafter referred to as intellectual property rights) included in or related to the inventions, practical innovations, appearance desig
42、ns, technical know-hows, products, computer software, semiconductor chips, works, and/or intellectual achievements in any other form that are solely or jointly made, researched,developed, or created by the Employee in perform ing the Employees duties or fulfilli ng other tasks appo in ted by the Com
43、pany, or using physical conditions and business information of Company, during the employment period (including within one year after the Employee leaves the employment). 12.5乙方同意以所有适当的方式通过适当的途径 (包括但不限于申请专利、 注 册商标、登 记软件等,相关费用由甲方承担)协助甲方或甲方指派的第三方, 为甲方取得上述知识产权 在任一国家、 地区或全球范围内的各项权利。前述适 当的方式包括但不限于:向甲方披露
44、全部相关信息和数据,签署相关申请书、 技术说明书以及甲方认为在申请取得该等权利或向 甲方 (或其继承者、 受让人 和指定者)转让知识产权的专属权利、 权属和利益时所必需的 文书。 乙方同意, 乙方签署任何该等文书或文件的义务、或促使该等文书或文件被签署的 义务, 在其与甲方的劳动关系终止之后仍应继续存在。 The Employee agrees to assist Company or a third Company pointed by Company to acquire the rights pertaining to the aforesaid intellectual propert
45、y rights in any country or region or the whole world for Company in all proper ways through proper channels(including but not limited to patent application, trademark registration and software registration; the related expenses shall be undertaken by Company). The foregoing proper ways include but a
46、re not limited to disclosure of all related information and data to Company and signing related applications, technical descriptions, and other writings and documents deemed necessary by Company in applying for these rights or transferring the exclusive rights, ownership and benefits of the intellec
47、tual property rights to Company (or Companys successor, assignee or appointed entity). The Employee agrees that the Employee s obligation to sign these writings and documents or assist in getting these writings and documents signed be valid after the termination of the employment. 11.1.3甲方有权使用、 转让或授
48、权他人使用上述知识产权而无须获得乙方的同 J八 意。 Company has the right to use, transfer, or authorize a third party to use the foregoing intellectual property rights without requesting the permission of the Employee. 13.1上述知识产权的署名权(依法律规定而应由甲方署名的除外) , 由作为 发明人、 制 作人或设计人的乙方享有, 并且乙方有权按甲方有关规定获得相应 的物质奖励和精神鼓励。 The Employee, as
49、the inventor, producer, or designer, owns the right of authorship of the foregoing intellectual property rights(except in cases in which Company owns the right of authorship by law) and the Employee shall be entitled to physical and spiritual rewards according to related regulations of Company. 13.2
50、若乙方作为发明人或设计人的职务发明创造经甲方申请并被授予专利 权的,双方理 解并同意甲方应当根据甲方当时正在生效的内部相关规章制度规 定的奖励支付方式和数额向 乙方支付相应奖金。 If the Employees service inven ti on-creati on inven ted or desig ned by the Employee is gran ted a pate nt right after Compa nys fili ng in Compa ny?s own name, both Parties understand and agree that Company s