沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Great storybooks-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:11358).doc

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1、The wind and the sun 教学设计 Rationale Teaching reading usually has at least two aspects.First,it can refer to teaching learners who are learning to read for the very first time.A second aspect of teaching reading refer to teaching learners who already have reading skills in their first language.You on

2、ly learn to read once.Once you have learned how to read in one language,you do not learn how to read again in a second/foreign language,but rather you learn how to transfer skills that you have already learned to the new reading context in a new language. Moreover,ameaningbasedapproachorawholelangua

3、ge approachtoreadingissupportiveoftop-downmodelsof reading.Four key features highlight a meaning based or whole language approach to teaching reading.First,it is a literature-based approach.Booksareusedwhichcontainauthentic language.Readersareexposedtoawiderangeof vocabulary.Next,whole language is s

4、tudents-centered;the focus is on the individual reader choosing what he or she wants to read.Third,reading is intergrated with writing.Classes work on both skillssimultaneously.Finally,emphasisisonconstructing meaning.The focus should be on meaning and keeping the language whole ,as opposed to break

5、ing it down into smaller units.Whole language is a method,not the goal. All in all ,teacher should obey the principles for teaching reading: 1. Exploit the readers background knowledge. Areadersbackgroundknowledgecaninfluencereading comprehension.(Carrel,1983,Carrell and Connor,1991)If students are

6、reading on an unfamiliar topic,you may need to begin the reading process by building up background knowledge. 2. Build a strong vocabulary base. Levine and Reves(1990)have found that “it is easier for the reader of academic texts to cope with special terminology than with general vacabulary”.They st

7、ress the great need for a teaching program that builds general,basic vocabulary. 3. Teach for comprehension. In many reading instruction program,more emphasis and time may be placed on testing reading comprehension than on teaching readers how to comprehend.Monitoring comprehension is essential to s

8、uccessful reading.In order to teach for comprehension,it is my belief that readers must monitor their comprehension processes and be able to discuss with the teacher and/or fellow readers what strategies they use to comprehend.Questioning the author is an excellent technique for engaging students in

9、 meaningful cognitive and metacognitive interactions with text and for assisting students in the process of constructing meaning from the text. 4. Work on increasing reading rate. One focus here is to teach readers to reduce their dependence on adictionary.Skillssuchasscanning,skimming,predicting,an

10、d identifying main ideas get students to approach reading in different ways. 5. Teach reading strategies. Strategies are “the tool for active,self-directed involvement that is necessary for developing communicative ability.Strategies are not a single event,but rather a creative sequence of events th

11、at learners actively use.”(Oxford,1996) 6. Encourage readers to transform strategies into skills. Strategies can be defined as conscious actions that learners take to achieve desired goals or objectives,while a skill is a strategy that has become automatic. 7. Build assessment and evaluation into yo

12、ur teaching. Both quantitative and qualitative assessment activities should be included in the reading classroom. 8. Strive for continuous improvement as a reading teacher. Tosucceed,teacherneedmorethanclassroomtipsand techniques:you need to understand the nature of the reading process.(Anders,Hoffm

13、an,and Duffy,2000) (Nunan,D. Practical English language teaching) Time:40 mins Students:55 students in grade 6 Material:The wind and the sun Teaching Aims Language abilities 1.Studentscangettoknowthemeaningof “stronger,than,scarf,blow off,take off”and pronounce them clearly. 2.Students enable to und

14、erstand the story as a whole and get to know how to understand ourselves and judge others correctly. 3.Studentsenabletoimprovetheirreading strategics,to tell the story on their ways. Cutrual awareness1.Encourage students to find their own and others advantages. 2.Students keep healthy and positive a

15、ttitude to others advantage. Thinking Quality Guidecriticalanddivergentthinking,inspiring association,imagination,and exploring. Learning ablities Students enable to develope their own reading strategies,suchasskimming,skipping,reading carefully in silence. Comprehend the story as a whole by six key

16、 parts. Teaching Focus and Difficulties Students enable to comprehend the story as a whole by six key scenes. Teaching Procedures StepsObjectivesTi me 1. Warm up 1.Greeting. 2.Students play in roles.(four short plays:”I am the best,I am strong,blowaway,Youare strong”.) Arouse students attentionandgu

17、ild thetopicnaturally and gradually. 3 1. Students watch the whole video ,then answer some easy questions about the story. What characters are there in the story? Guildstudentsto readgradually.And teach them reading strategics.Encourge students to act the story and understand it more deeply. Cultiva

18、te students criticalthinkingby 5 2.Studentslistentothe recordingwhilemaking notes,thenanswerthe questions, Which book is the story from? Who is stronger,Mr Wind or Mr Sun? What do you learn from this story? 3 3.Students skim through the story.Andanswerthe questions. How many parts are there in 3 2.

19、Presentation comprehendingthe story. the story?(Then teacher put sixkeypicturesinthe blackboard.) 4.Studentsskipthrough differentpartsafterlittle teachers in roles.(T:Which part do you like?Read it in roles.) 8 5.Students read the story in silence.And collect the words ofthesunandthe wind,andthensha

20、retheir feeling about the sun and the wind. 5 3. Practice 1.Studentsreadafterthe recording. 2.Students try to make notes anddevidethestoryinto different parts. 3.Students act different parts in roles. Improvestudents reading skill. 5 4. Consolidation 1.Students act in groups. 2.Studentsretellthewhol

21、e story according to six parts. 3.Studentstalkabouttheir favourite story and share. Encouragestudents totransform strategies into skills. 5 5.SummaryWhat do they learn from the story? Buildassessment intoteaching. 2 6.Homework 1. Talk about your favourite story with your friends. 2. A short writing.

22、(My favourite story) 3. Readanwell-known English story and share. Strive for continuous improvementasa reader. 1 7. Blackboard Design The wind and the sun Help students to form a story structure. Picture1 11 Picture4 11 Picture2 11 Picture5 11 Picture3 11 Picture6 11 8. Teaching Reflection The way of perceiving stories is simpler.The guildance for studentsreading strategies is limited,and the guidance for studentsreadingaloudis more,and the instruction for silent reading is less. Developthestrong points and avoid the weak points.


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