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- 教案e0469.doc--点击预览
2 Changes in our livesChanges in our lives 掌握新词汇photographer, street cleaner, writer并复习以前学过的表示各种职业 的词汇。 句型复习:In the past, she used a pen and paper to write her books . Now she uses a computer. 复习一般过去时和一般现在时,对 比现在和过去工作方式的不同。 fire station消防局消防局 a red truck put out fires fire+man=firemanfiremen clean the street a broom扫帚 garbage can塑料垃圾桶 street cleaner 环卫工人 irrigate grops by hand straw hat草帽草帽 a machine farmer fm农民巧记巧记farm + er = farmer digital camera take photographs can see photos right away photographer photographer ftgrf n.摄影师 发音发音第一个第一个o发发/ /,第二个,第二个o发发/ /, er发发/ / 联想联想take photos拍照拍照 巧记巧记photograph+er=photographer 例句例句My brother is a good photographer. a computer write books writer writer ratn.作家 发音发音i发发/ a /,er 发发/ /. 近义词近义词author作家作家 联想联想worker,driver 巧记巧记write(书写书写)+r=writer(作家作家) 例句例句My father is a writer. 1 23 4 4 1 2 3 Ms Wen Mrs Hong Mr Zhang Mr Yang Read aloud Ms Wen is a writer. What does Ms Wen do? How did she write her books? She used a pen and paper to write her books . How does she write her books now? She uses a computer to write her books. Ms Wen is a writer. In the past, she used a pen and paper to write her books. Now she uses a computer. Read aloud In the pastd Nows 句型结构: In the past, 主语+动词过去时+其他. Now + 主语 + 动词原形/动词第三人称单数 + 其 他. 重点解析: 第一个句子描述的是过去的情况。Past意为“过 去”,in the past意为“在过去”。 第二个句子描述的是现在的情况。now意为“现 在”。 Mrs Hong is a _. In the past, she got her crops in by _. Now she uses a _. farmer hand machine Look and say Which way is faster to get the crops in? Look and say Mrs Hong is a farmer. In the past, she got her crops in by hand. It made her tired. Now she uses a machine. She can do it easily. Read aloud Mr Zhang is a photographer. In the past, he used _ to take photos. Now he uses a _. film digital camera Read and learn Mr Zhang is a photographer. In the past, he used film to take photos. Now he uses a digital camera. He can see his photos right away. Read aloud in the past now cleaned the streets with a broom drive a street sweeper swept the streets slowly clean the streets in a short time Think and match in the past now cleaned the streets with a broom drive a street sweeper swept the streets slowly clean the streets in a short time Mr Yang is a street cleaner. In the past, he cleaned the streets with a broom. He did it slowly. Now he drives a street sweeper. It can clean the streets in a short time. Read aloud Ms Wen is a writer. In the past, she used a pen and paper to write her books. It was slow. Now she uses a computer. It is faster and easier. Mrs Hong is a farmer. In the past, she got her crops in by hand. It made her tired. Now she uses a machine. She can do it easily. Mr Zhang is a photographer. In the past, he used film to take photos. Now he uses a digital camera. He can see his photos right away. Mr Yang is a street cleaner. In the past, he cleaned the streets with a broom. He did it slowly. Now he drives a street sweeper. It can clean the streets in a short time. Read aloud Changes in our lives clothes food housing transportation Think and say Look and say In the past, people . Now people . 1. Read and recite the words in “Look and learn”. 2. Read and recite the passage in “Listen and say”. Goodbye, everyone! 2.2.ChangesChanges inin ourour liveslives微课程设计方案微课程设计方案 作者信息 姓 名联系电话 所教学科英语所教学段小学 电子邮件 单位名称 微课程信息 主题名称 2.2.ChangesChanges inin ourour liveslives 选题意图 (本人授课内容是泸教版义务教育教科书六年级下 册第二课Changes in our lives的第一课时,本节课学 习的主要内容是掌握四个重点单词(farmer, photographer, street cleaner, writer);掌握句型 In the past, 主语+动词过去 时+其他.Now + 主语 + 动词原形/动词第三人称单数 + 其他. Changes in our lives与我们的日常家庭生活密切 相关,主要谈论“人们过去和现在的工作方式的变化”。本 章节涉及到小学阶段重点句式一般过去时和一般现在时。 考试中对于此类时态出现率较高。针对学生学习这部分内容 的薄弱点和易错点,依据英语课程标准,我选择了这节 课,目的是通过练习日常生活,引导学生认知一般现在时和 一般现在时。 内容来源 泸教版义务教育教科书六年级下册第二课 Changes in our lives的第一课时。本节课学习的主 要内容是掌握四个重点单词(farmer, photographer, street cleaner, writer);掌握句型 In the past, 主语+动词过去时+其 他.Now + 主语 + 动词原形/动词第三人称单数 + 其他. 适用对象(小学英语 六年级 ) 教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写单词:farmer, photographer, street cleaner, writer 2、能听懂、读懂并灵活运用新句型:In the past, 主语+动词 过去时+其他.Now + 主语 + 动词原形/动词第三人称单数 + 其他. 课前预习 课中讲解或活动 课后辅导 其他 教学用途 (请简要说明你将如何使用该微课程) 知识类型 理论讲授型 推理演算型 技能训练型 实验操作型 答疑解惑型 情感感悟型 其他 制作方式(可多选) 拍摄 录屏 演示文稿 动画 其他 预计时间(9 分钟 20 秒) 微课程设计 教学过程 (请在此处以时间为序具体描述微课程的所有环节) 设计意图 (请在此处说明你为什么要这样安排或选择) 0 至 40 秒 片头与解读学习目标 让学生明确本节课的目标,带着目标学 习 40 秒至 3 分 0 秒 学习 look and learn 通过看图,仔细观察,从图片中得到有 用信息,再根据教师的提示,猜测职业。 讲授单词farmer, photographer, street cleaner, writer 3 分 0 秒至 3 分 44 秒 图片排序 加深学生对重点单词的记忆,帮助学生 巩固单词,从而为课文学习打下基础, 提高学生的自信心。 3 分 44 至 7 分 20 秒 学习 listen and say 通过 ask and answer 活动,事先出示问 题,让学生带着问题听录音,找到答案。 教师讲解重点句型,让学生掌握如何表 达过去和现在工作方式的变化。 7 分 20 秒至 8 分 55 秒通过 think and say 活动,成功引出原文 listen and say,并模仿发音。 8 分 55 秒至 9 分 20 秒总结方法及片尾 引导学生思考并得出结论:变化无处不 在。 设计亮点: (请你从教学方法、案例选取、媒体选择、互动设计、技术细节等方面来说明你的设计亮点,以便其他教 师更好地关注微课程的设计细节,不超过 300 字。) 本微课任务量适中、方法独特、高效实用。具体表现以下几个方面: 1、教学目标明确,教学任务量适中 2、方法独特:通过看图猜职业,引导学生表达职业。 3、高效实用:通过微课一步一步的方法引领,更好的帮助学生掌握本课重 点单词,而且问答练习跟课本联系密切,同时,练习了学生的听说能力。随后 的 think and say,更能帮助学生更好地理解 listen and say。