沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 2 Work and play-5 Crafts-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:402cc).zip

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Module 4 Things we enjoy Oxford English Period 1 11 Mothers Day MayMay (5月)月) flowerflower A A flowerflower A A redred flowerflower A A beautifulbeautiful redred flowerflower ItsIts a a beautifulbeautiful redred flower.flower. A A flowerflower A A _ flowerflower A A _ _ flowerflower ItsIts a a _ _flower._flower. A A flowerflower A A _ flowerflower A A _ _ flowerflower ItsIts a a _ _flower._flower. I I cancan givegive MumMum a a _ _ flower.flower. WhatWhat cancan I I dodo forfor Mum?Mum? I I cancan givegive MumMum a a _ _ flower.flower. Ah!Ah! I I havehave a a goodgood idea!idea! RedRed flower:flower: WishWish youyou happy.happy. PinkPink flower:flower: ThankThank you.you. YellowYellow flower:flower: WishWish youyou beautiful.beautiful. flower:flower: MissMiss you.you. WhiteWhite MissMiss you.you. WishWish youyou beautiful.beautiful. ThankThank you.you. WishWish youyou happy.happy. I I havehave a a goodgood idea!idea! WhatWhat cancan I I dodo forfor Mum?Mum? I I cancan givegive MumMum a a _ _._. WhatWhat cancan I I dodo forfor Mum?Mum? I I cancan givegive MumMum a a card.card. WhatWhat cancan I I dodo forfor Mum?Mum? I I cancan givegive MumMum a a _ _ flowerflower andand a a card.card. AhAh!I I havehave a a goodgood idea!idea! ItsIts MothersMothers Day.Day. I: I: ItsIts MothersMothers Day.Day. WhatWhat cancan I I dodo forfor Mum?Mum? Ah!Ah! I I havehave a a goodgood idea.idea. I I cancan givegive MumMum a a _ _ flowerflower andand a a card.card. Mum:Mum: A A flowerflower andand a a card!card! _ _ _ WhatWhat elseelse cancan wewe dodo forfor Mum?Mum? hughug hug ? kisskiss Hug,Hug, hug,hug, a a bigbig bigbig hughug , , A A bigbig bigbig hug,hug, forfor mymy mummum! ! Kiss,Kiss, kiss,kiss, a a sweetsweet sweetsweet kiss,kiss, A A sweetsweet sweetsweet kiss,kiss, forfor mymy mum!mum! Kiss,Kiss, kiss,kiss, a a sweetsweet sweetsweet kisskiss A A sweetsweet sweetsweet kiss,kiss, forfor mymy mum!mum! Hug,Hug, hug,hug, a a bigbig bigbig hughug A A bigbig bigbig hug,hug, forfor mymy mum!mum! Mum,Mum, I I wishwish youyou beautiful!beautiful! HappyHappy MothersMothers Day!Day! 1 1 GiveGive thethe cardcard toto youryour mummum andand readread it it toto her.her. 2 2 SaySay “Happy“Happy MothersMothers Day”Day” toto youryour mum.mum. 模块:模块:Module 4 Things we enjoy 单元:单元:Unit 11 话题:话题:Mothers Day 单元教学概述 教学目标 知识目标:1. 帮助学习了解本单元 Look and learn 中的单词:flower, photo, tea. 2. 通过对话学习,帮助学生了解词汇:cup, day, do, idea, love. 3. 能用 Happy Mothers Day!及 I love you.来表达母亲节时对妈妈的 祝愿和爱。 4. 能用 Heres / Here are .for.向别人赠送礼物。 5. 能用 I have a good idea.来表达自己突然想到一个好主意。 语言技能:1. 能用 What can I do for Mum?来表达能为妈妈做什么。 2. 能用 I have a good idea.来表达自己突然想到一个好主意。 3. 能用 Happy Mothers Day!在母亲节时对妈妈表达祝贺。 4. 能用 Heres / Here are .for.向别人赠送礼物。 情感态度:了解西方国家母亲节的文化,知道母亲节时可以送哪些礼物给妈妈。 学会关心妈妈,爱护妈妈。 教学重点:1. 词汇:flower, photo, tea, love. 2. 句型:I have a good idea. Heres/ Here are.for you. Happy Mothers Day! 教学难点:1. 词汇:cup, day, do, idea. 2. mum 单独使用时,首字母应大写。 课时划分:三课时 教学课时分配: Period One: Look and learn, Listen and enjoy. Period Two: Listen and say, Make and say, Listen and enjoy. Period Three: Say and act, Culture corner. Period One 教学目标: 知识目标:1. 让学生能够认读单词:flower, photo, tea, love. 2. 让学生能够认读短语:a cup of tea, Mothers Day. 3. 让学生学会说:Happy Mothers Day! I love you. 能力目标:1. 能够认读、拼写本课单词:flower, photo, tea, love. 2. 让学生初步了解如何在母亲节时向妈妈表达美好的祝愿和爱意。 情感目标:让学生了解西方国家的母亲节文化,懂得对母亲的感恩! 教学重点:让学生能够认读、拼写单词:flower, photo, tea, love. 教学难点:单词的单复数形式在句型中的转换。 教具准备:词卡、图卡、录音机、照片、花。 教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1. Talk about a photo T: Look, I have a photo. 学习 a photo. 展示教师妈妈的一张照片:Look at this woman. Her.is., her.are. Guess, who is she? 2. T: Show me your photos. 让学生拿出自己妈妈的照片进行描述。 设计意图:由一张照片导入课题,同时通过描述自己妈妈的特征,复习了旧知。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen and enjoy Mummy, Mummy, I love you. I love your smile. I love your kisses too. Mummy, Mummy, Today is Mothers Day. Here are some flowers. Be happy every day! 设计意图:听儿歌,让学生感受母亲节的氛围,也对新知识有了初步的感知。 2. 展示日历,点出主题 T: Look at this day. The second Sunday in May is Mothers Day! 3. T: What can I do for mum? (1) T: Heres a flower for mum. 展示实物,通过实物对比学习 a flower,flowers. T: Here are some flowers for mum. What can you do for mum? 创设情境,引导学生说句子:Heres a flower for you. Here are some flowers for you! (2) T: Im thirsty. I like some tea. 展示图片,学习 tea, a cup of tea. (3) T: What can we give to mum on Mothers Day? S: A flower/Some flowers, a cup of tea, a card, a kiss(教师说出 kiss). T: Wow, mum is so happy. Look at her smile.(画一个笑脸) 利用表情和动作学习 smile and kiss. 4. T: What can we say to mum on Mothers Day? -I love you. Happy Mothers Day! 学习 love, I love you. 设计意图:将母亲节这根线贯穿于单词的学习中,利用实物、图片、表情和动作 这些手段来学习新词,并将单词结合于句型、运用于句型。 Step 3 Practice 1. Listen ( P57) 2. Listen and read. 3. 表演儿歌,比一比,看谁演得最棒。 4. 改编儿歌 可以将 Here are some flowers 改编成 Heres a cup of tea/ a card. 设计意图:表演儿歌是为了提高孩子们的兴趣,也能从内心表达对妈妈的爱;改 编儿歌是让学生活学活用,学会单复数的转换。 Step 4 Homework * 听录音跟读,抄写单词四遍:a flower, a photo, tea. * 表演儿歌给家人欣赏。 * Make a card. Writing Design: Unit 11 Mothers Day a flower-flowers Happy Mothers Day! a photo-photos I love you! tea-a cup of tea
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