沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 2 Work and play-6 PE lessons-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:40f42).zip

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姓名姓名_ 1、Listen and tick What do they do in PE lessons ? high jumplong jumplong raceshort race Peter basketballfootballtable tennisvolleyball Peter 2、Make a survey . likes be good at I like _. And (But) Im good at _. _ likes _. And (But) he/ she is good at _. 3、随学随练、随学随练 ( )1. Bill sometimes _ basketball with his friends after school. A. plays B. play C. playing ( ) 2. Susan likes _. She wants to be a singer. A. sing B. sings C. singing ( ) 3. The girl is good at _ long races. A. run B. running C. ran Oxford English 6 B 6 Unit 6 PE lessonsUnit 6 PE lessonsUnit 6 PE lessonsUnit 6 PE lessons Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 温故知新 Look and say no homework like the teacher good at it useful interesting Music Science Maths PE English Computer Art Chinese subjects What subject do you like? I like Maths. Because it is interesting and useful. I like _. We have _lessons at school every week. In _lessons, we _. _lessons are very _. Think and say Maths Maths six Mathslearn the shapes and have fun with numbers useful and interesting I like _. We have _lessons at school every week. In _lessons, we _. _lessons are _. Think and say read write tell stories Chinese play hulusi Music sing and dance run, jump, skip and play ball games PE . Does Peter like PE lessons? Yes, he does. We have two PE lessons at school every week. My friends and I like PE lessons very much. How many PE lessons do they have every week? They have two PE lessons. long race short race long jump high jump Peter basketballfootballtable tennis volleyball Peter Learning tip(学习方法小提示): 当我们听较长的对话或文章时,要先看清题目,带着问题有意识的去听。 Listen and tickListen and tick In Peters school, what do they do in PE lessons? run long racesrun short races face racelong short race long race short race long jump high jump Peter basketballfootballtable tennis volleyball Peter Learning tip(学习方法小提示): 当我们听较长的对话或文章时,要先看清题目,带着问题有意识的去听。 Listen and tickListen and tick In Peters school, what do they do in PE lessons? long jumpdo the high jumpdo the long race short race long jump high jump Peter basketballfootballtable tennis volleyball Peter Learning tip(学习方法小提示): 当我们听较长的对话或文章时,要先看清题目,带着问题有意识的去听。 Listen and tickListen and tick In Peters school, what do they do in PE lessons? We run long races and short races. We do the long jump and the high jump. Sometimes we play ball games. PE lessonsPE lessons Sports Read and answerRead and answer Q1: What does Peter like doing?Q1: What does Peter like doing? He likes playHe likes playinging football, football, volleyball and basketball.volleyball and basketball. Learning tip(学习方法小提示): 当我们需要在短时间通过阅读找出问题答案时,可以进行 略读(即跳过其它,带着问题直接找出有效信息。) Yao Ming likes playing basketball. And he is good at playing basketball. 擅长 =He is good at basketball. Lang Lang is good at playing the piano. =Lang Lang is good at the piano. 我发现:我发现: be good at + 擅长 ? 动词ing / 名词 What are they good at?What are they good at?What are they good at?What are they good at? Sun Yang is good at swimming. They are good at singing. Q2: What is Jill good at?Q2: What is Jill good at? Q3: Who is good at the long jump?Q3: Who is good at the long jump? Read and answerRead and answer Jill is good at the high jump.Jill is good at the high jump. Joe is good at the long jump.Joe is good at the long jump. Learning tip(学习方法小提示): 当我们需要在短时间通过阅读找出问题答案时,可以进行 略读(即跳过其它,带着问题直接找出有效信息。) We run long races and short races. We do the long jump and the high jump. Sometimes we play ball games. PE lessonsPE lessons I like playing football, volleyball and basketball. Jill is good at the high jump. Joe is good at the long jump. Sports Likes Abilities Jill is good at the high jump. Joe is good at the long jump. We run long races and short races. We do the long jump and the high jump. PE lessonsPE lessons Sometimes we play ball games. I like playing football, volleyball and basketball. Body Beginning Ending We have two PE lessons at school every week. My friends and I like PE lessons very much. My friends and I like playing sport. We have a lot of fun together. likes be good at I like _. And (But)Im good at _. _ likes _. And (But)he/ she is good at _. Say, tick and write name running short races the long jump * * Step1. 说一说、写一写(关于自己喜好和擅长的句子)。 Step2. 读一读(读给你的任意一个小组成员听)。 Step3. 听一听,勾一勾,写一写(小组成员听后,勾选并完成句子 )。 随学随练: ( )1. Bill sometimes _ basketball with his friends after school. A. plays B. play C. playing ( ) 2. Susan likes _. She wants to be a singer. A. sing B. sings C. singing ( ) 3. The girl is good at _ long races. A. run B. running C. ran A C B To be healthy! To be happy!To be healthy! To be happy! 1.Write the new words 5 times. 2.Listen and read P34. 3.Write a short passage about your PE lessons.(选做) 教学设计:教学设计: Module2Module2 UnitUnit 6 6 PEPE lessonslessons 学习内容学习内容:牛津英语 6B Module2 Unit 6 PE lessons 学情分析:学情分析:1、六年级的孩子处于小学阶段的高段,有些孩子羞于表达 自己的想法,课堂上不愿主动积极发言,而且在这个阶段孩子们两极 分化较大,部分孩子对学习英语失去了兴趣,因此在设计教学活动时 要注意难易适中,形式多样,符合各个层次孩子的学习认知水平。2、 孩子们已储备的知识:学生已掌握有关体育活动的一些词汇: football, volleyball, basketball, swim,等和 like + Ving 的句型结构。能在具体语境 中用几句话介绍自己的喜好。3、孩子们可能遇到的困难:be good at 后面加动词 ing 和名词的用法。 学习目标学习目标:1、借助图片、动作等学习本课时的核心词汇:long race, short race,long jump,high jump.学生能在语境中正确运 用本课时的核心词汇,并复习相关核心词汇。2、通过 Listen and say 中 Peter 介绍体育课的一段话,复习一般现在时及 like doing 的用法,谈 论体育课中的常见活动。3、学生通过听、自读课文、小组合作等方式 学习课文内容,并通过一系列的问答来进一步加深对课文的理解,最 后在课文检测环节中检测孩子们是否理解课文内容;在课文学习中授 予孩子们学习方法从而提高孩子们自主学习阅读的能力。 重难点重难点: 教学重点:核心词汇和句型。 教学难点:1、be good at 后面加动词 ing 和名词的用法。 2、学生能综合运用所学语言描述自己喜欢的课程。 导学策略导学策略: 1、旧知的迁移; 2、问题的引导; 3、情景的创设 教具教具:多媒体、词卡 学习流程学习流程: WarmWarm upup: 1、greetings (和孩子们打招呼,以最快的速度将孩子们引入英语 课堂。) 2、revision Ss: Look at the pictures、words and phrases then read loudly.(此环节检测孩子们课前预习的情况,同时唤醒旧知,为本课 的学习做好铺垫,培养孩子们温故知新的学习策略。 ) PresentationPresentation: 1、T:Chinese,Maths,English,Art,PE. They are. Ss: subjects T: Pay attention: u:/ e:/e/ Who can read it? Ss: Read one by one. T: Whats your favourite subject? Why? Ss: Say T:I like Maths.There are six lessons at school every week.In Maths lessons we learn shapes and funny numbers. Maths lessons are interesting and useful. Ss: Think and say,then show. (此环节充分调动孩子们的思维,学生必须依据要求唤醒已学旧知, 并进行选取整合,从而输出内容。) 2、Text T:xxx likes. xxx likes. xxx likes PE. Do you like PE lessons? Ss: answers. T: Does Peter like PE lessons? Listen and tell me. Ss: Listen and answer. T: How many PE lessons do they have? Ss: Read and answer. T: What do they do in PE lessons. Listen and tick. Ss: Listen and tick. (在文本的学习过程中,指导孩子们并教给孩子们听的技巧.教育教学 中重要的是教给学生学.) T:What do they do in PE lessons? Ss: Answers and learn: long race、short race、long jump、high jump. run long races and short races; do the high jump and the long jump (学生们在听的过程中提炼出本课时的核心词汇,从读音来说,对学 生们不是难点,所以孩子们依据录音可以模仿并正确的自己读出,教 师再借助图片、或学生的动作来让孩子们理解义。音、形、义都是孩 子们自己得来的,这样印象会更深。) T:In Peters PE lessons,Peter says. Ss:We run long races and short races. We do the long jump and the high jump. Sometimes we play ball games. T: What does Peter like doing? Read and answer. Ss: Use the learning tip to read and find answers,then say. T:Look! Who is he? He likes. Ss: He is Yaoming. He likes playing basketball. T: And he is good at playing basketball. T: We also can say: He is good at basketball. Ss: Look、listen and think. T: Show them another picture: Langlang Ss: Try to say. (此环节让孩子们感知体会 be good at 的意义及用法) Ss:Look at pictures and make sentences. (检测孩子们是否会用) T: What are you good at? S1: I am good at. . (将所学语言与生活联系起来,学以致用。) T:What is Jill good at? Who is good at the long jump? Use the learning tip to find answers quickly. Ss: Read and answers. T:Peter says:.Show two passages Ss:Read and say,which one is better. T: When we write a passage,we write a body.And we write a good beginning. Ss: Read the beginning. T: Good! And we should have a good ending. Can you write an ending. Ss: Say. (渗透孩子们写小短篇的方法,为学生的小练笔做好铺垫) T:Good! PE lessons Ss: Read the text together. Post-activityPost-activity T:Group work:Step1. 说一说、写一写(关于自己喜好和擅长的句子) 。 Step2. 读一读(读给你的任意一个小组成员听) 。 Step3. 听一听,勾一勾,写一写(小组成员听后,勾 选并完成句子) 。 Ss: Do exercises. (检测本课时的目标达成情况。) T: Do more exercise! To be healthy! To be happy! HomeworkHomework: 必做题: 1、Write the new words 2 times,and make a sentence. Eg: long race I like running long races. 2、Listen and read P34. 选做题: Write a short passage about your PE lessons. 板书设计板书设计: Module2 Unit 6 PE lessons We have two PE lessons every week. We run long races and short races. We do the high jump and the long jump. We all like our PE lessons. To be healthy! To be happy! 教学设计教学设计 Module2Module2 UnitUnit 6 6 PEPE lessonslessons
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