沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 4 Things we enjoy-11 Western festivals-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:00ef5).zip

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    • U11 Western festivals.ppt--点击预览
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    • 歌曲 Merry Christmas.mp4


Chinese festivals Enjoy and say Free talk stick red paper cuttings on the doors or windows wear red clothes light firecrackers What do people uaually do at the Spring Festival? Free talk What do people usually do? watch the moonhave a family dinner TheThe Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn FestivalFestival eat mooncakes Free talk What do people uaually do? climb mountains TheThe DoubleDouble NinthNinth FestivalFestival eat rice cakes visit an old peoples home(老人院)(老人院), help them, tell them stories 11 Module 4 Things we enjoy Period 1 Oxford English Think and say What Western festivals do you know? New Years Day Easter April Fools Day Mothers Day Fathers Day Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas Watch and enjoy 教师自行搜寻并插入与春节有关的歌曲、视频等。 Read and learn Easter is on a Sunday in March or April. At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs. Date: on a Sunday in March or April Activities: Children uaually eat chocolate eggs Talk and share Halloween is on 31st October. Children in the US and the UK love this festival. They get candy from their neighbours. Date: on 31st October Play “trick or treat” Children can get candy from their neighbours Talk and share Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a holiday in the US. People usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Date: On the fourth Thursday in November Talk and share People usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day Christmas is on 25th December. It is an important festival in many Western countries. People give presents to each other at Christmas. Children wait for presents from Father Christmas on Christmas Eve. Date: on 25th December Talk and share an important holiday in many western countries People give presents to each other Children wait for presents from Father Christmas on Christmas Eve Easter is on a Sunday in March or April. At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs. Read loudly Halloween is on 31st October. Children in the US and the UK love this festival. They get candy from their neighbours. Read loudly Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in November. It is a holiday in the US. People usually eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Read loudly Christmas is on 25th December. It is an important festival in many Western countries. People give presents to each other at Christmas. Children wait for presents from Father Christmas on Christmas Eve. Read loudly 1 Easter is on a Saturday in March or April. 2 At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs. 3 Halloween is on 31st November. 4 Children get candy from their teachers on Halloween. 5 Thanksgiving is a holiday in China. 6 People give presents to each other at Christmas. F F F F T T Read and judge HolidayDateActivities a Sunday in March or April eat chocolate eggs Halloweentrick or treat the fourth Thursday in November eat turkey Christmas25th December Easter 31st October Thanksgiving give presents to each other Ask and answer HolidayDateActivities a Sunday in March or April eat chocolate eggs Halloweentrick or treat the fourth Thursday in November eat turkey Christmas25th December Easter 31st October Thanksgiving give presents to each other Merry Christmas.flv Enjoy a song 1Listen to and read Students Book pages 68 and 69. 2Recite “Listen and say” on Students Book page 68. 3Finish Workbook pages 62 and 64. Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 11 Western festivals (Period 1) 教学目标:教学目标: (1)知识目标:能够听、说、认读写单词等 Christmas,Easter,Halloween,Thanksgiving,turkey,bright,laugh at 等, .能够将词组与 平时生活相运用。 (2)能力目标:能够在认识单词的基础上,熟练将词组运用于句子之中,能够准确的用英 文单词的使用,不会将单词记错。 (3)情感目标:在通过身边事物单词的学习,激发学生学习兴趣。 教学重点:教学重点: 能够听、说、认读单词 Christmas,Easter,Halloween,Thanksgiving,Western,turkey,bright,laugh at 并且能够 熟记所学句子。在问答题目练习中能够及时反应,运用单词组成句子回答问题。在众多物 体中准确辨认单词。 教学难点:教学难点: 单词与句子的结合运用较为难,新识得单词较多,不利于运用。 教学准备:教学准备: ppt 课件,教案。 教学设计:教学设计: Step1. Preparation Lead-in. 教师带领学生回顾以前学过的中国节日并说一说在节日里会有哪些活动。然后告诉学生今 天我将学习一些西方节日 T:大家知道西方有哪些节日吗? S1:.(老师开场提问学生问题) (设计意图:通过提出问题让学生独立思考发现问题答案。培养学生反应力,提高学生的 注意力。 ) Step2. Presentation 1.Lets watch a vedio. (观看文本视频,看看里面提到了哪几个西方节日) 教市带领学生学习四个有关节日的新单词 (Christmas,Easter,Halloween,Thanksgiving) ,同时配上单词及意思,让同学跟随老师 大声学读单词,同时将图片与相对应单词相熟悉对应。在将单词与句型相结合起来,不断 操练单词的熟悉度。 (设计意图:通过简单直接的图片展示能够让同学们更好的了解事物,了解单词的意思, 此时学生在脑中有一个直观的映像,对外国节日等有一个更加直接明了理解,能够让同学 们能够在理解的基础上记忆,重复朗读单词可以练习学生的发音,避免哑巴英语教学。 ) 2.Learn the text. (分段学习各文本内容,让学生了解每个节日的时间及人们的活动) T:Whens Easter ? Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas S: Its on T: What do people / children usually do at this festival ? S: People/Children uauslly (教师通过与学生间的问答互动,让学生进一步了解文本的内容,知道复活节、万圣节、 感恩节和圣诞节它们所对应的时间以及在这些节日期间人们或孩子会哪些主要的活动。 ) Step3. Practice 教师在做各项练习之前,先要求学生大声朗读全文,对全文的内容有一个总的回顾。 1.Read and judge 2.Read and complete 3.Ask and answer (设计意图:通过一系列的练习,最大化的熟悉文本,同时最大化的将同学所学的单 词等知识融会在句型之中。将学习与游戏相结合,极大的激发了同学们的学习兴趣。 ) Step4. Homework 1. copy the new words five times 2. read the book after class 板书设计:板书设计: Easter Christmas Western Festivals Thanksgiving Halloween
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