- 6BReading A magic brush.docx--点击预览
- 6BReading A magic brush.pptx--点击预览
- 教案50898.docx--点击预览
A magic brush Plot1 There was a kind boy named Ma Liang.He loved painting but he had no money to buy a brush.One night,he slept in bed and had a dream.In the dream, an old man came to his house,gave him a brush and asked him to paint for the poor people and helped them. setting: in the house action: had a dream result: got a brush Plot2 Ma liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock,to his surprise the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. setting: in the yard action:painted a lot of pictures result: the pictures became alive Plot3 Ma Liang spent all his days drawing pictures to help the poor people.One day,an officer came to the village and asked Ma Liang to paint a bar of gold for him.Ma Liang didnt do it.The officer took him to the jail.But he painted a door on the wall,he ran away. setting: in the village action:didnt draw a bar of gold result: ran away Plot4 One day, an emperor asked Ma Liang to paint a gold mountain in the palace.Ma Liang couldnt refuse again.He painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea.Then he painted a ship on the sea.The emperor and his soldiers got into the ship.After that,he painted strong wind and the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.Ma Liang went back to the village happily and paint pictures for the poor people. setting: in the palace action: painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea painted a ship on the sea painted strong wind result: the ship sank 6B Reading6B Reading What does he paint with? brushbrush A magic brushA magic brush Whats the title of the story? Whos the main character? Ma Liang Action:(What did he do?) Result:(What was the result?) (结果) Setting:(Where was Ma Liang?) Title:Title:A magic brush Charactor:Ma Liang Story mapStory mapStory mapStory map Three quesstions: There was a kind boy named Ma Liang.He loved painting but he had no money to buy a brush.One night,he slept in bed and had a dream. In the dream, an old man came to his house.The old man gave him a brush and asked him to paint for the poor people and helped them. Plot1 Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? in the house Plot1 setting action result in the house There was a kind boy named Ma Liang.He loved painting but he had no money to buy a brush.One night,he slept in bed and had a dream. In the dream, an old man came to his house.The old man gave him a brush and asked him to paint for the poor people and helped them. Plot1 Step 2 underline What did he do? in the house He had a dream. Plot1 setting action had a dream result in the house There was a kind boy named Ma Liang.He loved painting but he had no money to buy a brush.One night,he slept in bed and had a dream. In the dream, an old man came to his house.The old man gave him a brush and asked him to paint for the poor people and helped them. Plot1 Step 3 underline What was the result? in the house Ma Liang got a brush. Plot1 setting action had a dream result got a brush Summarize Plot 1 in the house Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Ling? Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock. Ma Liang was surprised, the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. Step 2 underline What did he do? Step 3 underline What was the result? Plot 2 Work in pairsWork in pairsWork in pairsWork in pairs Plot2 setting action result Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock. Ma Liang was surprised, the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. become alive Plot 2 How was the How was the How was the How was the brush?brush?brush?brush? Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock.Ma Liang was surprised , the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. Plot 2 in the yard Plot2 setting action result Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? in the yard Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock. Ma Liang was surprised, the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. Step 2 underline What did he do? Plot 2 Plot2 setting action result Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? painted a lot of pictures in the yard Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock,to his surprise ,the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. Step 3 underline What was the result? Plot 2 in the yard Plot2 setting action result Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? Step 3 underline What was the result? painted a lot of pictures the pictures became alive in the yard Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock. Ma Liang was surprised, the cock became alive.What a magic brush! Then he painted a cow,it became alive too.After that he painted a lot of pictures for the poor people. Who did Ma Liang paint for? Plot 2 He painted for the poor people. poor people Plot2 Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for. Plot2 setting action painted a lot of pictures for the poor people result the pictures became alive attitude( 态度) painted for the poor people Summarize Plot 2 in the yard Summarize Plot 1&2 Plot1 Plot2 setting in the house in the yard action had a dream painted a lot of pictures result got a brush the pictures became alive attitude painted for the poor people Ma Liang spent all his days drawing pictures to help the poor people.One day,an officer came to the village and asked Ma Liang to paint a bar of gold for him.Ma Liang didnt do it. The officer took him to the jail.But he painted a door on the wall,he ran away. Plot3 Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? Step 3 underline What was the result? Step 4 underline What was Ma Liangs attitude? Step 4 underline What was Ma Liangs attitude? Work by yourselfWork by yourselfWork by yourselfWork by yourself Plot3 setting action result attitude Ma Liang spent all his days drawing pictures to help the poor people.One day,an officer came to the village and asked Ma Liang to paint a bar of gold for him.Ma Liang didnt do it.The officer took him to the jail.Ma Liang looked at the wall of the jail and he had a good idea.He painted a door on the wall,and the door became alive.He opened the door and ran away. Plot3 Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? in the village Plot3 setting action result attitude Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? in the village village: A.村庄 B.城市 C.国家 Ma Liang spent all his days drawing pictures to help the poor people.One day,an officer came to the village and asked Ma Liang to paint a bar of gold for him.Ma Liang didnt do it.The officer took him to the jail.Ma Liang looked at the wall of the jail and he had a good idea.He painted a door on the wall,and the door became alive.He opened the door and ran away. Plot3 Step 2 underline What did he do? Plot3 setting action result attitude Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? didnt draw a bar of gold for the officer in the village Ma Liang spent all his days drawing pictures to help the poor people.One day,an officer came to the village and asked Ma Liang to paint a bar of gold for him.Ma Liang didnt do it.The officer took him to the jail.Ma Liang looked at the wall of the jail and he had a good idea.He painted a door on the wall,and the door became alive.He opened the door and ran away. Plot3 Step 3 underline What was the result? Plot3 setting action result attitude Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? didnt draw a bar of gold for the officer Step 3 underline What was the result? painted a door and ran away in the village Ma Liang spent all his days drawing pictures to help the poor people.One day,an officer came to the village and asked Ma Liang to paint a bar of gold for him.Ma Liang didnt do it.The officer took him to the jail.Ma Liang looked at the wall of the jail and he had a good idea.He painted a door on the wall,and the door became alive.He opened the door and ran away. Plot3 Step 4 underline What was Ma Liangs attitude? poor people the officer Plot2 Plot3 Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for. Plot3 setting action result attitude painteded for the poor people Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? didnt draw a bar of gold for the officer Step 3 underline What was the result? painted a door and ran away Step 4 underline What was Ma Liangs attitude? What was Ma Liangs attitude? in the village Plot3 setting action result attitude painteded for the poor people didnt draw a bar of gold for the officer painted a door and ran away in the village Summarize Plot 3 Summarize Plot 1-3 Plot1Plot2Plot3 setting in the house in the yardin the village action had a dreampainted a lot of pictures didnt draw a bar of gold for the officer result got a brushthe pictures became alive painted a door and ran away attitude painted for the poor people painted for the poor people One day, an emperor asked Ma Liang to paint a gold mountain in the palace.Ma Liang couldnt refuse again.He painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea. Plot 4 Part 1 Then he painted a ship on the sea.The emperor andhis soldiers got into the ship.After that,he painted strong wind.The wind blew and blew. Then the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.Ma Liang went back tothe village happily and painted pictures for the poor people. Plot 4 Part 2 Plot4 Work in groupsPlot4 Work in groupsPlot4 Work in groupsPlot4 Work in groups Step 1 Circle Where was Ma Liang? Step 2 underline What did he do? Group A Read Plot4 Part1Group A Read Plot4 Part1Group A Read Plot4 Part1Group A Read Plot4 Part1 Plot4 setting Group A action Group A result attitude Group A Step 3 underline What was Ma Liangs attitude? Step4 Summarize Plot 4 Part1 to GroupB Step 1 underline What did he do? Step 2 underline What was the result? Group B Read Plot4 Part2Group B Read Plot4 Part2Group B Read Plot4 Part2Group B Read Plot4 Part2 Plot4 setting action Group B result Group B attitude Group B Step 3 underline What was Ma Liangs attitude? Step4 Summarize Plot 4 Part2 to GroupA Plot4 setting Group A action Group A Group B result Group B attitude Group A & Group B One day, an emperor asked Ma Liang to paint a gold mountain in the palace.Ma Liang couldnt refuse again.He painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea. Plot 4 Part 1 A B Then he painted a ship on the sea.The emperor and his soldiers got into the ship.After that,he painted strong wind.The wind blew and blew. Then the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.Ma Liang went back to the village happily and painted pictures for the poor people. Plot 4 Part 2 Plot4 setting Group A action Group A Group B in the palace painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea painted a ship in the sea painted strong wind Plot4 result Group B attitude Group A & Group B the ship sank One day, an emperor asked Ma Liang to paint a gold mountain in the palace.Ma Liang couldnt refuse again.He painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea.Then he painted a ship on the sea.The emperor and his soldiers got into the ship.After that,he painted strong wind.The wind blew and blew. Then the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.Ma Liang went back to the village happily and painted pictures for the poor people. Plot 4 poor people the officer the emperor Plot2 Plot3 Plot4 ? ? ? ? Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for. One day, an emperor asked Ma Liang to paint a gold mountain in the palace.Ma Liang couldnt refuse again.He painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea.Then he painted a ship on the sea.The emperor and his soldiers got into the ship.After that,he painted strong wind.The wind blew and blew. Then the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.Ma Liang went back to the village happily and painted pictures for the poor people. Plot 4 Why did he paint.Why did he paint.Why did he paint.Why did he paint.? ? ? ? Can the emperor getCan the emperor getCan the emperor getCan the emperor get to the gold mountain to the gold mountain to the gold mountain to the gold mountain? poor people the officer the emperor Plot2 Plot3 Plot4 ? ? ? ? Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for.Ma Liang painted for. One day, an emperor asked Ma Liang to paint a gold mountain in the palace.Ma Liang couldnt refuse again.He painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea.Then he painted a ship on the sea.The emperor and his soldiers got into the ship.After that,he painted strong wind.The wind blew and blew. Then the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.Ma Liang went back to the village happily and painted pictures for the poor people. Plot 4 Plot4 result Group B attitude Group A & Group B the ship sank painted for the poor people Plot4 setting action result attitude painted for the poor people painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea painted a ship in the sea painted strong wind the ship sank SummarizeSummarizeSummarizeSummarize in the palace Plot1Plot2Plot3Plot4 setting in the house in the yard in the village in the palace actionhad a dream painted a lot of pictures didnt draw a bar of gold for the officer painted a gold mountain surrounded by the sea painted a ship in the sea painted strong wind resultgot a brush the pictures became alive painted a door and ran away the ship sank attitude painted for the poor people painted for the poor people painted for the poor people Summarize Plot 1-4Summarize Plot 1-4Summarize Plot 1-4Summarize Plot 1-4 S S S Story map is a good way in readingtory map is a good way in readingtory map is a good way in readingtory map is a good way in reading. . . . A magic brush Story map Title:A magic brush Charactor:Ma Liang 1.Read the story 2.Summarize the whole story to your friends. HomeworHomework k GoodbyeGoodbyeGoodbyeGoodbye ! ! ! ! 1 A magic brush There was a kind boy named Ma Liang.He loved painting but he had no money to buy a brush.One night,he slept in bed and had a dream.In the dream, an old man came to his house,The old man gave him a brush and asked him to paint for the poor people and helped them. Ma Liang woke up and found the brush in his hand.He cant wait to paint in the yard.He painted a cock.Ma Liang was surprised,the cock became alive.What a ma