外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 There's a pair of shorts under that duck.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0237).docx

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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 There's a pair of shorts under that duck.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0237).docx_第1页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 There's a pair of shorts under that duck.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0237).docx_第2页
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外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 There's a pair of shorts under that duck.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0237).docx_第3页
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1、教材及年级名称新 标 准 (一起) 一年级下 册 模块名称 Module 8 Unit 1 Theres a pair of shorts under that duck. Unit 2 There are two footballs under my desk. 第一课时教学设计 教材分析 本课时是用“Theres .”这一结构来描述衣服的位置。 课本包括四部分, Listen, point and say.Listen, point and find“Theres .”.Listen and say.Practise. 课文的 情景是 Daming 和 Sam 在 Beach Pool 发

2、生的故事,两人在游完泳 后, 发现一些衣服不见, 原来衣服被调皮的鸭子压在了身体下面, 而鞋子居然穿在了鸭子的脚上。 课时教学目标 知识目标知识目标 1.All the students will be able to get the main idea of the dialog. 2.All the students are able to listen, read and use the words and expression: shirt, shorts, shoe, sock, a pair of . 3.Most of the students are able to imita

3、te the dialogue and say the key structures “Theres .”. 能力目标能力目标 Most of the students are able to talk about the positions with “on, in, under”. 情感态度目标情感态度目标 Some of the students are able to cooperate actively with others , try to use English to talk about positions , experience the happiness of lear

4、ning English. 教学重点与难点 1.Most of the students are able to imitate the dialogue and say the key structures “Theres .”. 2.Most of the students are able to talk about the positions with “on, in, under”. 教学辅助 教材、课件 教学方法 1. Allthestudentswill be able tocooperate with others to complete learning tasks. 2.

5、Most of the students are able to use the English they have learnt to express where something is and communicate with others. 教学内容 教学活动 设计意图 教师活动学生活动 Step 1: Revision and Warmer 1.Greetings:Good morning/afternoon,boysand girls. 2. do some easy TPR 3. Free talk 简单的 TPR 有助于帮 助低年级学生在最短 时间内集中注意力, 做 好上课的准

6、备。而在 Free talk 中,也能让学 生不知不觉地复习 There be 句型,而且也 同时呈现了本课的重 点句型, 既培养了学生 的口语交际能力, 又为 新授做好了铺垫。 Step 2: Presentation 1. T: Show a video about Sams clothes. Listen, point to the pictures andfindthenewwordsand expression: shirt, shorts, shoe, a pair of 2. T: Show another video, and ask: WhereareSamsandDamin

7、gs clothes? Learn the new structure,“Theres a pair of shorts under that duck.” Ask some students to be Sam, and ask them to talk about where a pair of shorts is in English. 3. Talk about the pictures. T: Look at the picture, where are Damings shoes? S: There is a pair of shoes over there. S: Point t

8、o the pictures, and say: There is a pair of shoes over there. 4. Watch the video again, and get the main idea of the dialog. The students try to describe the dialog. 5.Listen,pointandfind 通过听一听寻找新单 词的发式, 激发学生的 好奇心。 通过多样的课 堂交流引导学生感知、 理解和运用新语言; 通 过谈论图片上的内容, 学生兴趣盎然的练习 了重点句型。 通过听一 听,寻找 Theres句 子活动引导学生再次

9、 感知重难点内容。 “Theres ”. Step 3: Practice 1.Do some exercises in AB at page 30-31. Listen and match. Point and say. Listen and tick. Look and say. 2.Game. Help the children put on the colorful clothes. There are some pictures of clothes in my hands. One student choose one picture with “Theres .”. And th

10、e others try to talk about the clothes belonging. 贴一贴的活动是以学 生乐于参与的方式对 新知识进行复习和巩 固, 训练学生整体识 记、认读词汇的能力。 通过学生贴一贴的结 果是否正确, 可以判断 学生是否能够正确认 读本节课的重点句型。 并通过.游戏激发学生 的好奇心, 在帮助小朋 友穿上自己喜欢的颜 色的衣服过程中, 学生 很自然的运用已学的 句型从而使语言的交 流更真实。 Step 4: Summary Talk about the position with “on, in, under”together. 通过图片的人物、 动物 等, 让学生再次感知方 位的表达法。 Classroom Assessment得到相应的小粘贴图片奖励.既实现了评价的有效 性, 又在评价中实现了 语言的真实运用。 家庭作业: 1. Listen and repeat the text. 2. Talk about the position with your friends. 板书设计: Module 8Unit 1 Theres a pair of shorts under that duck. Theres a pair of shoes over there. shirtsock


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