外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 5-Unit 1 They're cows.-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:50e1b).docx

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1、Module5 unit1Theyre cows. 教学设计教学设计 Aims 1. Knowledge: (1) The students can say the words (cows,ducks,chickens) according to the pictures and their sounds. (2) The students can use the structure “What are they? Theyre.”ask and answer. 2.Ability: (1)The students can understand the plural form. (2)The

2、students can talk about something with “What are they? Theyre.” (3)The students can imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 3.Emotion: (1)Foster students cooperation spirit and innovation concept. (2)Cultivate students love for animals. Key and difficult points 1. According to the pictures、animals

3、 sound、and the features , students can say the name of animals. 2. Using “What are they?Theyre.”ask and answer. 3. Understand the plural form and distinguish between singular and plural nouns. Teaching procedure stepteacherstudentsaims .Warm-up 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song T:Classbegins stand up pleas

4、e. Hello everyone. Howareyou today? Lets sing a song Ss:(stand up)HelloMiss Cui. Im good. (singasong after the radio) 英文问好以及 英文歌曲演唱, 使学生迅速进 入英语学习氛 围中。 .Lead -in1. Showa video 2. Wehave foursteps today.If you do the good job,Ill take you to visit the farm. 1. Watchthe video 播放事先准备 好的视频,将学 生带入真实的 农场环境

5、,引发 学生学习兴趣。 .presentati on Step1(第一关) According to the featureof T:1.Playthe voiceof dog.(Showthe picture and say Theyre dogs.) Ss: 1.Its dog. Readafter teacher “Theyre dogs.” 利用动物特征, 让学生猜动物, 引发学生思考, 并引入 Theyre 句型,为之后的 animalslet studentsguess the animals. Step2(第二关) 2. T:act like a rabbit.andlet st

6、udentsguess Whats this?(They have longearsand two big teeth.It likes carrots.(Theyre rabbits.) 3. Thesame waytoshow cowsand chickens. 4. Let students actsome animals. 1.Play the radio andasksome questions. (1) Whereare they? 2.Rabbit Readafter teacher “Theyre rabbits.” 3. Guessand readafter teacher.

7、 4. act like the animals. 1.Watchthe radioand answerthe questions. (1) Theyreon the farm. (2) Theyre cows/ducks/ chickens. (3) Whatare 学习做铺垫;并 让学生模仿动 物,利用低段学 生乐于模仿的 特点,提高学生 学习兴趣,熟悉 动物叫声,为之 后的故事表演 做铺垫。 带问题观看动 画能使学生集 中注意力并进 行思考。 (2) What animals are on the farm? (3) Howdoes Samask questions? 2.play a

8、game to reviewthe words and show somenew words.(letone studentask What are they? Theother answer Theyre.” they? 2.Accordingto the disk ask and answer. 游戏的设置不 仅练习了课文 中的单词及句 型,也加入了一 些生单词,为后 面学生合作制 作绘本提供了 帮助。 .Practice Step 3 ( 第 三 关) 1. Readafter the radio. 1. Playthe radioandpay 1. Readafter the radi

9、o. 通过跟录音读, 跟老师读,自读 2. Readafter teacher. 3. Read togetherand let 3 students actthe animals. 4. Actthe story. (2-3 组) 5. Dosome exercises. attention students pronunciation. 2. T:Open your book read after me . 3. T:Letsread togetherand teacher acts like the animals. 4. Find students act the story in p

10、airs. 5.Dothe exercises. 2. Readafter teacher. 3. The students readthe passage together. 4. Actthe story.(grandpa, Sam,Daming and cows,ducks,chic kens) 5.Dothe exercises. 来熟悉课文,最 后进入课文表 演环节,三名学 生当课本人物, 三名学生当故 事中出现的动 物,模仿动物叫 声,使学生学习 兴趣高涨。完成 三道练习题,检 查学生对课文 的理解, .Extension Step 4 (第四关) T:Grandpa has a

11、farm .My good Ss:Listenand sing(课中休息) 课中歌曲的演 唱让学生可以 friendOld Macdonaldhas a farm too, lets listen the song and answer me “Whats on his farm?” T:Do you want tomakeyour farm? Nowfour studentsina groupmake yourfarm together.(老师 逐组询问 “What are they?”让学 生进行回答,解 决组内生单词) Ss:Yes Stickthe pictures on the fa

12、rm.Then introducethe farm for other students. 得到休息,完成 接下来的绘本 制作环节,每组 都会有一个新 单词,可以扩充 知识,在展示环 节可以让组长 进行教授,不仅 扩充了其他同 学的知识,也激 励了教授知识 的同学。 .Summary1. T:You did a good job today. All of you can 1. Watchthe pictures. 带领学生观看 农场动物的照 片,呼应课前表 visitthefarm with me.( 播 放 图片) 2. T:Show some pictures of theirclass

13、mate andLetthem say I love my dog. 3. T:Animals are our friends we love animals. 2.看到自己和自 己宠物照片的 同学说 I love my dog/cat. 现的好带他们 参观农场。 出示课前提前 收集的照片,引 导孩子说“喜欢 自己的宠物”从 而过度到动物 是人类的朋友, 我们要爱护动 物。 .Homework1.Buildyour farm and talk withyour friends. 2.Listenand readpart2 five times. 3.一起作业 Blackboard Design


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