外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 6-Unit 2 They are little and cute.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:d04f6).zip

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The See-saw = . (吨) monkey title hippo see-saw Paul Shipton 著著 Brett Hudson 绘绘 Im a hippo. Who can help me? Im a monkey. Im thin. I can help! Im a crocodile. Im long and big. I can help! Im a lion. Im big and fat. I can help! Guess! What happened? Im a mouse. Im little and cute. I can help! Im very_.happy Guess! What happened? Tips: 1. 5 minutes 2. Work together(团结合作). 3. Be brave(勇敢). Share the story with others. 1 Did you ever help others? Share with us next time. 2 Choose your homework 3 Change some animals to make your own picture book. “” 1 The See-saw 课题课题The See-saw课型阅读教学课主备人 内容分析内容分析 本册绘本的故事可概括为:一只河马想玩跷跷板,但是地面上(绘本中)没 有哪个动物体重同他一样重的,所以想玩跷跷板的河马需要一群动物。在最后, 为了满足河马的心愿,一群动物踊跃参加,结果却是一个小老鼠导致跷跷板的平 衡发生颠覆性的改变。教师在以上情景中,让学生通过听录音、回答问题、口头 复述对话等学习活动掌握本课的知识。本课学习的核心内容是理解句型 “The.went up” ,并且进行德育渗透:团结合作。 教学目标教学目标1.1. 能力目标:能力目标: 能够在图片的帮助下,理解故事大意,初步复述故事主要情节; (2)能够理解本课对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话。 2.2. 知识目标知识目标: (1)听、说、读并理解 see-saw, hippo, crocodile, monkey, mouse, lion 的基本含 义; (2)了解跷跷板上升下降的原理。 (3)感知 light 与 heavy 的概念。 3.3. 学习策略学习策略: 认知策略:通过观察封面、阅读封底问题来猜测故事情节;通过听文本、略读 和寻读阅读策略,准确地提取文本的关键信息;根据文本内容师生共建思维导图。 4.4. 情感态度情感态度: (1)在阅读故事的过程中认真倾听,大胆表达自己的看法; (2)能学会和他人团结协作,互相帮助; 教学重点教学重点1. 理解故事大意,流利朗读文本; (1 ) 2 2. 理解、认读重点词汇 see-saw, hippo, crocodile, monkey, mouse, lion。 教学难点教学难点理解故事大意,流利朗读文本。 教学方法教学方法情景教学法、多媒体教学法、任务教学法 教具准备教具准备PPT 课件、绘本。 教学流程教学流程 示意图示意图 教学步骤教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 Pre-reading Post-reading 读前预测 激发兴趣 层层递进理解文本 1. Talk about the cover page. 2. Read the question on the back cover. 3. Make a prediction. 1. What have we learned? 2. Read in groups. 3. Retell the story in pairs. 4. Group work While-reading 组织活动 巩固提升 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Read together. 3. Listen and follow Lead-in复习旧知 激活课堂 1. Greetings. 2.Bomb game Consolidation 总结延伸 发展思维 1. Make a summary. 2. Assign the homework. 3 Step 1 Warm-up& Lead-in 1. Greetings 2. Game time: Bomb Game Greetings Read the words 吸引学生注 意力,利用 课件自由讨 论引入到现 所需学习的 内容。开拓 思维,以旧 带新。 Step 2 Pre- reading 1. Read the cover page Read the cover page and know the characters. 2. Make a prediction Make a prediction based on the cover page. T:What are they going to do? 3. Read the back cover. T: Who went on the see-saw? 4. Listen and find the answer. Try to read out the title and writer. Make a prediction. 培养学生正 确获取封面 图片信息的 能力,提高 文本意识。 读前预测, 进一步激发 学生的阅读 兴趣。 听录音,观看 电子绘本, 整体感知文 章,培养学 生获取信息 的能力。 4 Step 3 While- reading 1. Lets read in detail. Q: Did the hippo go up? 2. Listen and follow Listen to the tape and read the sentences out. 3. Read together. Let students read the book by themselves. students read the book together. Instruct students to read the picture book sentence by sentence. 师生共读故 事,解决故 事里的重点 词汇,并感 知角色的情 绪。 齐读绘本。 Step 4 Post-reading 1. Group work Divide the students into 6 groups, retell and act out in groups. 分小组表演 故事。 德育渗透: 5 2. What have we learned? T: We should work together. Everyone is important. 我们应该团 结合作,每 个人都是重 要的,不要 轻视自己。 Step 5 Summary &Homework 1. Homework (1) Share the story with others. (2)Did you ever help others? Share with us next time. (3)Change some animals to make your picture book. Step 6 Board writing 6
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