外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 9-Unit 2 What's your favourite sport -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:859b4).zip

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Module 9 Unit 2 Whats your favourite sport? Lets sing! I can sing a rainbow. TomLily 1 uniform animal 2 sport colour 班服 What is Toms favourite colour? What is Lilys favourite colour? favourite Whats your favourite colour? What is Toms favourite animal? What is Lilys favourite animal? Whats your favourite animal? 星星小学运动会报名表 Whats your favourite sport? Sport Name Tom Lily Q1: Whats Toms favourite sport? Q2: Whats Lilys favourite sport? ping-pong swimming Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport isPing-pong. Lets chant. Colour, colour, favourite colour what s your favourite colour? _,_, My favourite colour is _. Lets chant. Animal, animal, favourite animal, what s your favourite animal? _,_, My favourite animal is _. Lets chant. Sport, sport, favourite sport, what s your favourite sport? _,_, My favourite sport is _. Listen and follow. Sports Meeting Sports Meeting (运动会) 游泳馆 Task 1 uniform animal Task 2 sport colour 班服 Design my favourite T-shirt(设计班服). Task 1 Task 2 Looking for Friends Sports Meeting (运动会) 游泳馆 Lets join the sports meeting next month(下个月) . Lets be ready for the sports meeting. Do sports, and have a good body. HomeworkHomework P53( 5 )( 5 )( ) Design (设设计计) my favourite Uniform(班班服服) Design (设设计计) my favourite Uniform(班班服服) Whats your favourite colour? Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favourite colour? Whats your favourite animal? 1 课题:课题:外研社一年级起点一年级上册外研社一年级起点一年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Whats your favourite sport? 外研社一年级起点一年级上册外研社一年级起点一年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2Whats 2 your favourite sport? 教学设计方案教学设计方案 学校名称学校名称执教教师执教教师 课程内容课程内容 Module 9 Unit 2Whats your favourite sport? 课程学时课程学时第一课时 所属学科所属学科英语教学对象教学对象一年级 教学设计教学设计 参与人员参与人员 设计者:曾洁婷、邹秀玲、吴桂娣(南海区桂城灯湖小学) (实施者:曾洁婷(南海区桂城灯湖小学) 课件制作者:曾洁婷(南海区桂城灯湖小学) 教具制作者:邹秀玲,吴桂娣(南海区桂城灯湖小学) 一、教学设计理念一、教学设计理念 英语课程双重属性:工具性与人文性英语课程双重属性:工具性与人文性 小学英语新课程标准提出,教师要为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现和自我发展 的空间;鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能; 这便要求教师要创设以人为本的情景教学,有了情景,各种活动就有了依托,活动就会生活化、趣味化 和真实化。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 本模块的话题是个人喜好。以 favourite 为主题,具体内容是两个小朋友在家交流自己最喜欢的颜色, 最喜欢的动物,最喜欢的运动,本模块的本单元的语言结构学习内容是 Whats your favourite colour/sport/animal?大部分学生掌握了颜色和动物名称,为本单元做了铺垫; 本课时为本单元的第一课时,我们学习主要两个新朋友选择各自最喜欢的颜色,动物,运动学习问句: Whats your favourite colour/sport/animal?学生将在教师的启发诱导下,用整合课文,创造真实情 景,加上已有的信息来促进本单元的学习,如设计运动会的情景,唱歌复习颜色单词,交流复习动物单词 等,同时打开学生的思维,也让孩子自然而然学会 Whats your favourite句型,进而理解多运动好身 体的意义,同时了解彼此,增进感情,也为后续的学习做好铺垫。 3 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (1)语言知识:能听懂、会说句型 Whats your favourite colour/sport/animal? 能听懂、会说、认读单词:favourite, sport,swimming,ping-pong, (2)语言技能:能够正确使用运用 Whats your favourite colour/animal/sport?了解别人的喜好 , 并用 Its,I like my favourite colour /animal/sport is 进行回答 (3)情感态度、文化意识:坚持运动,身体好。了解别人的喜好相互了解,加深感情等。 (4)学习策略:通过课文进入我们真实的情景运用英语。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 语言目标:在实际运用中体会运用 Whats your favourite colour/animal/sport? 语言功能:运用 Whats your favourite colour/animal/sport?了解别人的喜好 教学难点:教学难点:能够正确理解 favourite 的意思。 能够正确使用运用 Whats your favourite colour/animal/sport?了解别人的喜好 五、学习者特征分析五、学习者特征分析 一年级的学生对英语感到好奇,希望能得到他人的肯定。因此在教学活动中要尽量让他们参与到活动 中来,有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感,通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他 们体验到成功的喜悦。 本单元的主题“ favourite colour/animal/sport”,对于学生来说颜色和动物会比较熟悉,但是 sport 为 新知识点,会较难理解。 六、教学方法设计六、教学方法设计 4 (一)谈话式教学 (二)讲授式教学 (三)任务型教学 七、教学媒体的使用七、教学媒体的使用 PPTPPT、实物投影、卡片、实物投影、卡片 八、教学过程八、教学过程 教学环节 教师活动学生活动设计意图备注 In class 1.Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you, today? I am happy. 1.say hello to the teacher and do free talk. 1.师生打招呼,让孩 子进入上课的状态。 热身热身 Warm-up 2.Warm-up: Sing a song: sing a rainbow. 3.T: we are happy. Lets sing. 2.Sing and dance with the teacher 2.学生通过演唱歌曲 激活关于颜色的旧知 识,为下面理解运用 Whats your favourite colour 做好知识铺垫。 5 Lead in: A picture of rainbow. Introduce the teacher favourite colour and favourite animal T: What a colorful rainbow. I like red .I like blue. But my favourite colour is red. And my favourite animal is the dog. try to understand the meaning of the word favourite. 用彩虹引入老师的 favourite 颜色,让学 生理解 favourite 的意 思。 introuduce two new friends, lily and Tom(two kids in the text).They will design their uniform by their own favourite colour and favorite animal. go into the text naturely and understand the meaning of the word: favourte and sport 整合课文,利用课文 已有信息设计两个主 人公为参加运动会而 做选最喜欢的动物和 颜色设计班服和选择 最喜欢的运动报名参 加运动会的情景。 再一步理解 favourite 的意思和学习 sport。 新课展示新课展示 Presentation & 操练环节操练环节 Practice Task 1 choose Lilys uniform and Toms Uniform wactch,listen and answer the questions :Whats lily favourite colour ? Whats Toms favourite colour ? And ask the Ss: Whats your favourite colour? Whats lily favourite animal ? Listen to the tape and then answer and learn the main sentence structure in the text: Whats your favourite colour/animal? 通过听和看动画的的 方式引入课文,引导 学生了解并学习 Whats your favourite colour/animal? 6 Whats Toms favourite animal ? And ask the Ss:whats your favourite animal? 7 Task 2 choose Lilys favourite sports and Toms afvourite sport?: Whats lily favourite sport ? Whats Toms favourite sport? And ask the Ss:whats your favourite animal? Watch and listen carefully and then answer. And guess my favourite sport. 通过看动画,再次理 解课文大意;说说文 中的人物是如何谈论 大象的,学习新句型 Whats your favourite sport ?和单词: ping- pong,swimming。 Chant together1.Follow the teacher first:favourite colour. 2.Try to chant togerther:favourite animal 3.Make a chant by themselves: favourite sport. 通过层层递进的 chant 让学生再一次 学习 Whats your favourite colour/animal/sport?为 最后的输出做好准备。 8 Listen and repeat the text together. Listen and repeat, then read together emotionally 借助光盘跟读上口新 句型和新单词。 小结:sum up the text by giving out the sound of Lily and Tom Listen and think小结课文,结束为两 个将要参加运动会的 新朋友的选班服和最 喜欢的运动的。 T: Now our school will have a sport meeting too.Do you want to join? Lets design our favourite uniform and favourite sport. Raedy for the tasks引出我们也要开运动 会的真实情景,为孩 子们设计最喜欢的班 服和最喜欢的运动做 任务。 9 Task 1: give them a survey charts and make a survey in groups. design favourite uniform by their favourite colour and favourite animals design the favourite uniform by making a survey in groups by asking answering one by one. 设计信息勾,让学生 之间轮流问 whats your favourit colour/animal?和回答 做好调查表,进而了 解同学之间的喜好也 完成了最喜爱班服的 设计。 拓展运用拓展运用 Extension Task 2 choose their favourite sports by the game: looking for friends. Looking for friends by asking whats your favourite sport? 分组找朋友的游戏, 让同学们不仅选择了 自己最喜欢的运动项 目,完成了任务,还 找到了相同爱好的朋 友。 总结所学总结所学 Extension T: For the sports meeting, Lets do sports, and have a good body. Sing a song: Walking Walking 健康运动。 10 After class 家庭作业家庭作业 Homework 1.Listen and repeat P53。Share their likes and do sports. 巩固所学,分享作 品,学以致用。
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