(新教材)北师大版(2019版)英语选择性必修三 课文 Unit8 Lesson 3 海底两万里.docx

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1、北师大版高中英语新教材(选择性必修第三册)课文 unit8 Lesson 3 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 第三课 海底两万里Fact File Jules Verne (1828-1905), a French novelist, was called the “Father of Science Fiction”. He wrote a widely popular series of science fictions, including Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864), 20,000 Leagues Und

2、er the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). 事实档案:儒勒凡尔纳(18281905),法国小说家,被誉为“科幻小说之父”。 他写了一系列广受欢迎的科幻小说,包括地心历险记(1864 年)、海底两 万里(1870 年)和八十天环游地球(1873 年)。 The crash was so violent that I have no clear recollection of falling from the boat. Might I hope to be saved? The darkness was inten

3、se. I saw a black mass disappearing in the east. It was the boat! I was lost. 撞击实在是太猛烈了,我不清楚自己是怎么从船上摔下来的。我会被救起吗? 夜色沉黑,我仿佛看到一大块黑东西在东方渐渐消失了。那是我们的船!我被 丢下了。 “Help, help!” I shouted, swimming towards the boat in desperation. I was sinking! I couldnt breathe! “Help!” My mouth filled with water; I struggle

4、d against being drawn deeper, deeper down. Suddenly I felt myself quickly drawn up to the surface of the sea; and I heard these words: “If master would be so good as to hold onto my shoulder, master would swim with much greater ease.” I grabbed my faithful Conseils arm with one hand. “救命啊,救命啊!”我大喊着,

5、绝望地朝船游去。我要沉下去了!透不过气了! “救命啊!”海水灌进嘴里,我挣扎着不被淹没。突然,我感觉自己被快速地拉 出水面,我听见有人说:“如果主人能抓牢我的肩膀,主人会游得轻松很多。” 我用一只手抓住忠仆康塞尔的胳膊。 “Is it you?” said I. “是你吗?”我问。 “Myself,” answered Conseil. “正是我。”康塞尔回答。 “That crash threw you as well as me into the sea?” “也是因为刚才的撞击掉下来的?” “No; but, being in my masters service, I followed

6、 him.” “不是。为了服侍先生,我就跟着下来了。” Conseil was cool and calm. Nevertheless, our situation was no less terrible. Near one oclock in the morning, I suddenly felt terribly tired. Conseil had to keep me up, and our preservation depended on him alone. “Leave me! Leave me!” I said to him. 康赛尔很冷静。不过,我们的处境仍旧很糟糕。将近

7、凌晨一点,我突然感到极 度疲惫。 康塞尔不得不托着我, 保全我们两个人生命的重担全落在他一人身上。 “放开我吧!别管我了!”我对他说。 “Never!” replied he. “I would drown first.” “不行!要沉下去也是我先沉。”他答道。 “Help! Help!” cried Conseil. It seemed to me as if a cry answered him. There was no mistake! A human voice responded to ours! Then, I know not why, the thought of the s

8、trange, terrible animal came into my head for the first time! But that voice! I had almost no strength left; my fingers could hardly move; my mouth, opening and closing, filled with salt water. I became colder and colder. I raised my head for the last time, then I sank. “救命啊!救命啊!”康塞尔喊道。我似乎隐约听到有人回应。没

9、错!是有个人 在回应!然后,不知道为什么我第一次想到那个奇怪的、可怕的动物!可是那 人声不假!我的力气已经消耗殆尽,手指变得僵硬;我的嘴一张一合,灌满了 又咸又苦的海水,我越来越冷。我最后一次抬起头来,之后便沉了下去。 At this moment a hard body struck me. I held onto it; then I felt that I was being drawn up, that I was brought to the surface of the water, that my chest collapsedmy eyes closed, unconsciou

10、s. I soon woke up, and half opened my eyes. I saw a face which I immediately recognised. “Ned!” I cried. 就在这时,一个坚硬的东西撞了我一下。我紧紧地抓住了它;接着,我觉得有 人往上拉我,把我拉出了水面,我的胸部不胀了眼睛紧闭,失去了知觉。 我很快就苏醒过来,半睁开眼睛,看到一张面孔立马就认了出来。“奈德!”我 喊道。 “The same, sir!” replied the Canadian. “正是我,先生!”加拿大人答道。 “Were you thrown into the sea w

11、hen the boat crashed?” “你也是撞击时坠入海里的吗?” “Yes, Professor, but more fortunate than you, I was able to find safety almost immediately upon this island in the sea. Or, more correctly speaking, on this large whale. Only I soon found out why my weapon had not entered its skin, but bounced of.” “是的,教授,但情形比您

12、好一些,落水后不久就脱险了,遇到了海里的这个 小岛。或者更准确地说,是在这条大鲸鱼身上。不过,我很快就明白了,为什 么武器刺不穿它的皮肤,而是被弹开。” “Why, Ned, why?” “为什么呢,奈德,究竟是为什么呢?” “Because that creature is made of steel.” I moved myself quickly to the top of the being, and kicked it. It was evidently a hard, solid body. The black back that supported me was smooth,

13、polished, nothing like an animal. The blow produced a sound of metal; and, incredible though it may be, it seemed as if it was made of metal plates. This monster was a human construction. We were lying upon the back of a sort of underwater boat. I searched all over the outside for an opening, a hole

14、, but found nothing. At last this long night passed. Daybreak appeared. Suddenly a noise came from inside the boat. One iron plate was moved, a man appeared, uttered an odd cry, and disappeared immediately. Some moments after, eight strong men, their faces covered, appeared noiselessly, and drew us down into their incredible machine. “因为这个生物是钢铁做的。”我迅速地爬到了它的上面,踢了一脚。显然,这 是一个坚硬、结实的物体。在我脚下黑色的背脊精光溜滑,一点也不像动物。 撞击时,这东西发出金属的声音;虽然听起来不可思议,但它似乎就像用铁板 做成的。这个怪物是人造的。我们正躺在一只潜水船的背上。我四处查找,试 图找到开口、气孔,但什么也没有。终于,漫漫长夜过去了,天亮了。突然船 内传来一阵响声,一块钢板被掀了起来,出来一个人。这人怪叫一声,立刻又 消失不见了。过了一会儿,八个壮汉蒙着脸,一声不响地出现了,把我们拖进 了他们那不可思议的机器里。


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