(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修二Unit 3 Extended reading 教学ppt课件.zip

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Unit 3Unit 3 Unit 3Unit 3Unit 3 Festivals and customsFestivals and customsFestivals and customs A precious family dinner 1. To grasp the content of the article and write a summary; 2. To know more about the customs of the Chinese New Year; 3. To understand the deep meaning of the family dinner on the Chinese New Years Eve. Where are these people heading? Why are they in such a hurry? Lead-inLead-inLead-inLead-in They are heading back to their hometowns which are far away from the cities where they live. They are in such a hurry because they are eager to be reunited with their family members. Read the passage quickly and find out the answers to the following questions: 1. What does the passage talk about? 2. How often do Luos family reunite? 3. What is the change in Luos journey back home? 4. What does this change imply? 1. What does the passage talk about? It is about Luo Yans happy family dinner on the Chinese New Years Eve. 2. How often do Luos family reunite? Maybe once a year. 3. What is the change in Luos journey back home? It used to be a long and tiring journey a few years ago, but it takes only 5 hours to reach his hometown now owing to the high-speed train. 4. What does this change imply? It implies the fast development of modern transportation in China. It also highlights the great development and changes happening in our country. It implies how powerful our country is. Read the passage again and focus on the activities Chinese families do and get to know more about the meaning of the Spring Festival to Chinese people. Find out the answers to the following questions: 1. What Spring Festival traditions did Luos family observe? They decorated their house with paper- cuttings on the windows, Spring Festival couplets on the door and New Year paintings on the wall. They had fish at dinner. They watched the Spring Festival Gala while eating snacks, chatting with each other and making dumplings. They also set off firecrackers. 2. Why do the Chinese people decorate the house on such an occasion? The Chinese people do so in order to represent joy, luck and happiness to hope everything will be promising in the coming new year. 3. What is the special meaning of these traditions on such an occasion? Its a chance for family members to spend time together and enjoy each others company, especially for those who are away from home and cannot see their family members often. By observing these traditions, they want to make up for the time they have lost and express their deep love to each other. 4. In Luos eyes, home is where all family members are together. Can you make up such sentences to describe what home means to you? Home is where _. Home is a place _. my heart lies I can have a rest physically and mentally 5. Read the last paragraph and find out what is the true meaning of celebrating the Spring Festival. All over the country, we are celebrating our good fortune, celebrating our familys togetherness, and celebrating our nations strength. Do you think the adjective “precious” is appropriately used? And why? This is a precious family dinner because it is the dinner the family has had together after being separated for a long time. The dinner also represents the strength of the familys bond as shown by their enjoyment of being together for this moment and also their longing to be together in the future. Focus on the title: A precious family dinner Write a summary of the feature article. Use the chart below to help you. Feeling Time Place On the way back home During the dinner After dinner Close to midnight On the train In the house Outsid e the house ExcitedHappy Worried and hopeful Possible answer Luo Yan, his wife and his son Bofeng came back from their home in the city to see Luo Yans parents. On the train, they chatted with each other, full of excitement. When they finally arrived, Luo Yans parents were glad to see them. They had put up beautiful decorations around house for the festival. On the Chinese New Years Eve they had a big dinner together happily and then everyone stayed inside and watched the Spring Festival Gala. They felt comfortable in the warmth, but Luo Yan was also a little worried and hoped he could take his parents to live with him in the city in the future. Close to midnight, the whole family went outside to set off firecrackers. It was a time to celebrate their togetherness and look forward to the future with hope. What Spring Festival traditions do you observe? What are their meanings? I go back to my hometown, visit my extended family and get red packets! The Chinese New Year is a time of family reunion. The annual reunion dinner with members of my extended family is the biggest event of the festival. We eat Spring Festival cakes, or niangao, which symbolize increasing prosperity in each coming year. Red packets received from the elderly symbolize good luck and fortune. Discuss how the Chinese people, especially the young, celebrate the Spring Festival nowadays. Nowadays, the Chinese people, especially the young, are fond of having the family dinner in a restaurant and enjoying a film together with their family members. Sometimes, they spend a few days travelling with their family members around the country, or abroad. Sending online messages of greetings by social software is the most common way to give their wishes. And they are fond of “grabbing electronic red packets” on their smartphones. Why do the Chinese people attach so much importance to reunion during the Spring Festival? The answer to this question is deeply rooted in the traditional Chinese culture, which is characterized by a sense of family, or a sense of belonging. The concept of family has a great influence on the Chinese people, and three generations living under the same roof is good proof of a thriving family. Even if family members live apart, they must get back home at the Spring Festival and bring new year greetings to the family elders. They tell the family about their experiences and achievements while away from home, feeling content that they can bring glory to the family. Family reunions are also good occasions when children learn about their cultural inheritance, who will pass it down to their own children after they grow up. Traditionally, there are ceremonies of offering sacrifices to ancestors and people exchange new year greetings with their relatives and friends. Brought up in this harmonious atmosphere, children will naturally follow this tradition. 1. Are there any differences between the way you celebrate Spring Festival now and the way in the past? Talk it with your parents. 2. What do you think of these changes? Write an essay on the changes and your attitudes towards these changes. 1.LuoYansson,Bofeng,happilytakesabite ofthechickenhisgrandfatherhasselected forhim. 罗言的儿子博峰高兴地咬了一口爷爷为他 挑选的鸡肉。 biten.咬,咬下的一口 theactofcuttingorcrushingsomething withyourteeth e.g.Hetookanotherbiteofapple. 他又咬了一口苹果。 Youcannoteatabuninonebite. 你不能一口吃下一个面包。 bitevt. to relaxintoacomfortableposition 【归纳】 settledown定居,安顿;舒适的坐下/躺下 settlesb.down使某人安静,安顿某人 settledowntosth.静下心来做某事 settlesth.withsb.与某人解决某事 settlein(使)习惯新工作、环境等; settleon/upon就达成协议 settle/solvetheproblem解决问题 【拓展】 settlern.移民,殖民者 settlementn.解决,定居点 reach/arriveatasettlement达成协议 【语境应用】完成句子。 1) People_(定居)intheseplaces becausetheyareeasytogettoandnaturally suitedtocommunicationsandtrade. (2018全国卷III) 2)InrecentyearssomeInuitpeopleinNunavut havereportedincreasesinbearsightings aroundhuman_(settle). (2019全国卷I) 3)Afterreachinga_(settle)withthe school,shesoon_(settle)inher newschoollife. settle settlements settlement settled 翻译下列句子。 1)去年她定居在一个大城市。 Shesettled(down)inabigcitylastyear. 2)这个消息使他心烦意乱,无法平静下来。 Hewassoupsetbythenewsthathecouldnt settledown. 4.However,thehigh-speedtrainhasmadeit muchmoreconvenientforthemtogoback home. 如今有了高铁,回趟家就方便多了。 it在此为形式宾语,指代动词不定式复合结 构forthemtogobackhome,muchmore convenient作宾语it的宾语补足语。 e.g.Ithinkitimportantforustoexercise everyday. 也可作形式主语 e.g.Itsnecessaryforustomasteraforeign language. 常见的后跟宾语补足语的动词:find,think, consider,feel,make 【语境应用】完成句子。 1)Theyfelt_thetaskinsuch ashorttime. 他们觉得很难在这么短时间内完成这项任 务。 2)Allthesenoisesmade_ _mystudies. 所有这些噪音都使我不可能继续学习。 itdifficulttofinish itimpossibleformeto continue convenientadj.方便的,省事的,便利的, 实用的 suitableforyourpurposesandneedsand causingtheleastdifficulty;Fittingand proper;suitable. convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而是 要用事物作主语,或用it来充当形式主语。 【归纳】 Itis/wasconvenientforsb.todosth. sth.beconvenientto/forsb. 对某人来说做是方便的 Ifitisconvenientforsb., 如果对某人来说是方便的, 【拓展】 conveniencen.便利,方便 atsb.sconvenience 在方便时;在适宜的地点 forconvenience为了方便起见 conveniencefood/store 方便食品/便利店 convenientlyadv.方便地 【语境应用】完成句子。 1)Ourhouseis_(convenience)for theshops,sowedonthavetogofarfor shopping. 2)Letsdebateaboutthismatter _(在你们方便的时候). 3)Thefamilythought _inthe kitchen. 这家人认为在厨房吃饭更方便。 atyourconvenience itwasmoreconvenienttoeat convenient 单句语法填空。 Butwedonthavetodressthatway.Thatsnot ourdailystyle.Besides,itsnotvery _(convenience).(2019江苏高 考) convenient 5.Duringthefive-hourtrip,theychatted excitedlywitheachother,theirmindsfullof thoughtsabouttheirsweethome. 在五个小时的旅程中,他们兴奋地聊着天, 心中想的都是温暖的家。 theirmindsfullofthoughtsabouttheirsweet home为独立主格结构。独立主格结构在句 中作状语,由两部分组成,前后两部分具有 逻辑主谓关系。 e.g.Heenteredthehouse,hisnoseredwith cold. 他走进房子,鼻子冻得通红。 Helayonthegrass,hisheadresting uponhisarms. 他躺在草地上,头枕在胳膊上。 6.Ontheirarrival,theyfindLuosparents eagerlywaitingforthem. 刚到家,他们就发现父母早就翘首以待了。 upon/on+v.-ing一就 e.g.Onmyarrivalhome/OnarrivinghomeI discoveredtheburglary. 我一到家,就发现家中被盗。 On(my)askingforinformationIwastold Imustwait. 我一打听,说我得等着。 7.Fromtheneatdesignsofthepaper-cuttings onthewindows,totheSpringFestival coupletsonthedoor,andtotheNewYear paintingsonthewall,everythingrepresents joy,luckandhappiness. 从窗上贴得整整齐齐的剪纸,到门上的春 联,再到墙上的年画,无不象征着欢乐、 吉祥和幸福。 representvt.代表;为代言;体现 Tostandfor;tospeak,actorbepresent officiallyforanotherpersonorpeople;bea symbolorembodimentof(aparticularquality orthing) 【归纳】 representas.把描绘成 representsb.todosth.代表某人做某事 representsth.tosb.向某人说明某事;向某 人传达某事 【拓展】 representationn.代表(指行为); 表现,描绘 representativen.代表(指人),代理人 adj.有代表性的,典型的 arepresentativeof的代表 【语境应用】根据括号内的汉语意思补全下面 句子(每空一词)。 1)Mr.Smithwaschosento_ _(代表这家公司)atthemeeting. 2)Iwantto_ _(向你陈述原因)formy beinglate. 3)Canyoutellme_ _(这个符号代表什么)? representthis representthereason whatthismark company toyou represents 语法填空。 4)“Theindicatesthatthereisacertainway quantityis_(represent)intheir brains,”Dr.Livingstonesays.(2019全国卷 ) represented 8.Mayyougetmorethanyouwishforevery year. 愿你年年得到的比你想要的更多。 “may”表示祝愿,用倒装句结构。 e.g.Mayyoubehappy! 祝你快乐! Mayyoubothbeveryhappy! 祝你们俩幸福! 【语境应用】翻译句子。 愿我们的友谊长存。 _ Mayourfriendshiplastforever. 9.Theygatheraroundthetelevisiontowatch theSpringFestivalGala,whileeatingsnacks, chattingwitheachotherandmaking dumplingsthattheywilleatattheverystart ofthenewyear. 他们围坐在电视机前看春节联欢晚会,一边 吃着零食,聊着天,一边包着新年伊始要吃 的饺子。 whileeatingsnacks.为状语从句的省略。 状语从句的省略的原则: 当从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,若从句的 谓语动词是系动词be或包含be的某种形式,此 时从句的主语和be动词通常可以一同省略。 常见于以下几种形式: 1)连词+形容词 e.g.Whenever(sheis)free,sheoftengoes shopping. 2)连词+名词 e.g.While(hewas)ayoungboy,hewas alwaysreadytohelpothers. 3)连词+现在分词 e.g.While(shewas)walkingalongtheriver bank,shewassingingapopsong. 4)连词+过去分词 e.g.If(itis)wellread,thebookwillgiveyou muchtothink. 5)连词+不定式 e.g.Hestoodupasif(hewere)tosay something. 6)连词+介词短语 e.g.Shelookedanxiousasthough(shewas)in trouble. 【语境应用】用所给词的适当形式填空。 1)When_(complete),themuseum willbeopentothepublicnextyear。 2)Evenif_(invite)to,Iwontgotosuch abadlecture. 3)When_(compare)different cultures, weoftenpayattentiononlytothedifference withoutnoticingmanysimilarities. completed invited comparing 4.Theconcertwasagreatsuccessthan _(expect). 5.Once_(open),themuseumwillbe verypopularwiththecitizens. expected opened
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