(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 2 The universal language Words 单词.pptx

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1、选择性必修第一册选择性必修第一册 UNIT 2 WORDS 1. compose v. 作曲;组成作曲;组成( (不用于进行时不用于进行时); ); 撰写撰写; ; 使镇静使镇静 composer n. n. 作曲家作曲家 composition n.n.组成组成; ;构成构成; ; 创作创作; ;作曲作曲; ;写作写作; ; 作文作文; ;乐曲乐曲; ;作品作品 compose a symphony 创作交响乐 be composed of 由组成 = be made up of = consist of compose a speech 写讲稿 compose oneself 使自己镇定下

2、来 compose ones thoughts 镇定思绪 Emma wrinkled her brows, making an effort to compose herself. 埃玛皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来。 2. deserve vt. 值得,应得(不用于进行时) deserved a.理所应当的;应得的 deserving a. 值得的 deserve to do sth. 应该做某事应该做某事 (主语与非谓语动词是逻辑上的主动主动关系) The parents deserve to know the truth. 家长应该知道真相。 deserve doing sth.= de

3、serve to be done 应该做某事应该做某事 (主语与非谓语动词是逻辑上的被动被动关系) He deserves punishing / punishment / to be punished. 他应受处罚。 a well-deserved rest 应得的休息应得的休息 3. pleasant a. 令人愉快的,可喜的;友好的,和善的 (opp:)unpleasant pleasantly ad.愉快地;友好地 It is pleasant to do sth. 做某事真是惬意!做某事真是惬意! 4. whisper v. 耳语耳语,低语低语;私下说私下说;(风等风等)沙沙作响沙沙

4、作响 n. 低语;轻柔的声音;传言低语;轻柔的声音;传言 whisper (sth.) to sb. 向某人低声说(某事) whisper sth. in ones ear 交头接耳 whisper about sth. 低声说某事 Its whispered that C. 私底下有人说 The leaves whispered in the breeze. 树叶迎着微风沙沙作响。 in a whisperin whispers 低声地 They sat there at the back of the room, talking in whispers. 他们坐在房间的后面低声说话。 5.

5、 dramatic a.激动人心的的,引人注意的;夸张的;突然的;戏剧的; 戏剧性的 dramatically ad.突然地;戏剧地;引人注目地 a dramatic victory 激动人心的胜利 reach out ones arms in a dramatic gesture 以夸张的姿势伸出双臂 a dramatic increase/fall/ change 剧增/暴跌/剧变 the dramatic arts 戏剧艺术 It may lead to an economic crisis if house prices fall dramatically. 如果房价突然暴跌, 可能会

6、引起经济危机。 6.weep wept-wept v. 转化;改造 transform sth. into sth. else 把改变成 be transformed into.被改变成 His plans were transformed overnight into reality. 他的计划迅速变为现实。 10. combine v. (使)融合;(使)结合,(使)混合;兼做;合并 combination n. combine A with B 使A与B结合/混合 a combination of A and B = a mix of A与B的结合 11. rely on v. 依赖,依

7、靠;信任 (=depend/count on) reliable a. 可信赖的,可靠的 (=dependable) a reliable friend reliance n. 依赖 rely on/upon sb./sth.依靠某人或某物 rely on sb. for sth.依靠某人提供某物 rely on/upon sb. to do sth.rely on/upon sb. doing sth. 指望/相信某人做某事 rely on/upon it that- 从句指望/相信某人做某事 You shouldnt always rely just on the Internet for

8、 your research. 你不能总是依靠网络进行研究。 I can rely on David to keep my secret. 我信任大卫,他一定会为我保密。 12. folk a. 民间的,民俗的; 普通百姓的只用于名词前 n. (AmE) 非正式用语民间音乐;人们;各位;家人(尤指父母) a folk tale/ story 民间故事 folk songs/dance/music/singers/festivals 民歌/民间舞蹈/民间音乐/民俗歌手/民俗节日 He likes listening to Chinese folk. 他喜欢听中国民歌。 Folks differ

9、in their tastes. 人各有所好。 13. surroundings n. 周围,环境 = environment surrounding a. 周围的(只用于名词前);与紧密相关 surround v. 围绕;包围;围困 be surrounded with/by 被包围 surround sb.=crowd around sb. 围绕在某人身边 live in pleasant surroundings 生活在令人愉快的环境中 14.guarantee vt. 保证,担保;确保;为(产品)提供保修 n. 保证,担保;保修单;质量保证书 guarantee (sb.) sth.

10、=guarantee sth. to sb. (向某人)担保某事(向某人)担保某事 guarantee to do sth 确保做某事确保做某事 guarantee + (that) 从句从句 under guarantee 在保质期内在保质期内 He will guarantee us possession of the house by May. 他保证我们在五月可搬入这间房子 15. consist of vi.= be made up of = be composed of 由组成(或构成) (不被动,不进行) 16. defend v. 保护,防御;辩白,辩解defensive a.

11、 防御的 defender n. 保卫者,辩护者 defence/ defense n.防御(物);保卫;辩解 defend sb./sth. from/against. 保卫免受 defend oneself 自卫 defend a title/champion 卫冕一项头衔、冠军 defend sb./sth. 为某人/某事辩解 in defense/defence of sb. / sth.= in ones defense/defence为某人/某事辩解 17. flow (flowed-flowed)vi. (液体、气体、电等)流动;充满;涨起 【比喻人或事物像水一样】流逝;流畅;流

12、淌 n. 流动;连贯;涨潮 a flow of people/cars 人流人流/车流车流 free flow of information 信息的自由交流信息的自由交流 Her hair flowed down over her shoulders. 她的头发垂到肩上。 单词拼写单词拼写 1. He w_ to her so that no one else could hear what he said. 2. A small gesture can have a d_ impact on others less fortunate. 3. At the funeral, everyone

13、 was w _with sadness over the young boys death. 4. To his great s_, his grandfather died in a car accident yesterday. 5. Faced so confusing situation, the young boy hardly c_ his thoughts. 6. If you are in trouble, you can always _ (依靠依靠) on Bob to help you out. 7. He had a _(和蔼的,和善的和蔼的,和善的) manner

14、and was a gifted public speaker. 8. I have to say in her _(辩护辩护) that she knew nothing about it beforehand. 9. I think the team from our city played well and _ (应得应得) the victory. 10. The salesman _ (保证保证) that the TV would not break in the first 5 years with normal use. composed dramatic weeping so

15、rrow whispered rely/depend/count pleasant defence deserved guaranteed 单句语法单句语法 1. His latest book, I think, deserves _ (read) several times. 2. _ (pleasant) things were whispered about Joe Bidens election victory. 3. Mum whispered _ us, “Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping.” 4. Events could have

16、developed in a _(dramatic) different way. 5. The couple _(weep) at the bad news that their hero son died in the battle. 6. Eleven people were killed in the highway accident, which was a _(sorrow) event. 7. John is very _(rely) - if he promises to do something hell do it. 8. The manager firmly believ

17、es _ (transform) is not only a choice, but also a strategy. 9. _(overcome) by curiosity, the boy looked out of the window. 10. To be successful in living abroad, you must learn to change yourself to fit in your new _ (surround). reading/ to be read Unpleasant to dramatically wept sorrowful reliable

18、transformation Overcome surroundings 18. greet vt. 问候,欢迎,招呼 greeting n.祝词;贺词;问候(语) greet sb. with a smile/ kiss 微笑地/用吻和某人打招呼 be greeted with 受到反映 exchange greetings 互相问候 send/offer ones best greetings to sb. 代某人向某人问候 His speech was greeted with cheers. 他的演说受到喝彩。 19. suitable a. 合适的,适宜的,适当的,适用的 unsui

19、table opp.不合适的 suit vt. 适合 be suitable for. 适合做 I dont have anything suitable to wear for the party. 我没有适合在晚会上穿的衣服。 Not all men are suitable for that kind of work. 不是所有的人都适合从事那类工作 Grammar (时间)久远的;(心理)冷淡的,不友好 的;只用于名词前远亲的close opp.distance n. 距离;相隔;冷淡 a distant journe远游 in the distant past 在往昔,在遥远的过去

20、Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone. Pat在电话里听起来非常冷淡和疏远。 A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin. 远亲不如近邻。 in the distance 在远处 at a distance 隔开一定的距离 keep sb. at a distance 疏远某人,冷待某人 21.stare v. 盯着看,凝视,注视 n. 凝视,注视 stare at sb. / sth. 盯着看 stare into the sky 凝视天空 stare up at sb. / sth.

21、 抬头凝视 stare into the distance 凝视远方 stare sb up and down上下打量某人 give sb a rude stare无礼地盯着某人 22.breath n. 呼吸;气息breathless a. 气喘吁吁的;呼吸急促的 breathlessly ad.上气不接下气地;气喘吁吁地breathe vivt呼吸 take a deep breath 深吸一口气 catch ones breath 缓一口气;歇口气 hold ones breath 屏息; 憋住气 out of breath 上气不接下气 draw in a breath of fres

22、h air 吸一口清新的空气 breathe in 吸气;吸入 breathe out 呼气;呼出 23. unusual a. 不寻常的,独特的 usual opp. unusually ad. 异常地稀罕地 an unusual voice独特的嗓音 put sb. in an unusual position 把某人安排到特殊的岗位 It is unusual for you to catch a cold on hot days. 在大热天感冒实在少见。 24.grab vt. (grabbed-grabbed) 吸引;抓住;赶紧,抓紧 (非正式用语)(因忙碌而)匆忙地吃/喝 grab

23、/catch/get ones attention to sth. 吸引某人对某事的关注 grab the opportunity/chance 抓住机会 grab sth. from sb. 从某人处夺取某物 grab at sth./sb. =make a grab for 向抓去 25. sweep vt. 掠过; (暴风雨等)袭击; 席卷; 扫,打扫; 扫除; 吹走;清除 sweep the floor/ the dust 扫地/扫去灰尘 Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节 sweep up 打扫; 清扫 sweep away消灭;彻底消除 A rare snowstorm s

24、wept across the region yesterday. 昨天一场罕见的暴风雪袭击了该地区。 26. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同; 伴随,与同时发生;为伴奏 company n.陪伴;公司 accompany sb. to sp.陪伴某人去某处 accompany sb = keep/bear sb company = keep company with sb陪伴某人 accompany sb. on sth. 为某人在伴奏 Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. 不满14岁的孩子必须有大人陪同。 27. ex

25、pectation n.预料;期望 expect vt. 预料;期望 live/come up to /meet ones expectations 不辜负某人的期望 in expectation of 以期,指望(做状语) We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery. 我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。 单词拼写单词拼写 1. Jack took a deep b_ and then dived into the water. 2. He wanted to get away from everything so he moved

26、 to a d_ land. 3. She s_ at the painting, wondering where she had seen it. 4. The cooling wind s_ through our bedroom windows. 5. It is not u_ for new business owners to work seventy or eighty hours a week. 6. From this point on, youll have free time to explore the city and _ (匆忙吃匆忙吃) some lunch. 7.

27、 She was _(陪同陪同) by an experienced ski instructor and she learnt very quickly. 8. I learnt that _ (期盼期盼) at weddings in different countries can be quite different. 9. The rules of the game are too _ (复杂的,难懂的复杂的,难懂的)to explain in a few words. 10. The _(太阳的太阳的) system is the sun and all the planets th

28、at go round it. breath distant stared swept unusual grab expectations accompanied complicated solar 单句语法单句语法 1. The old couple got to the top of the mountain, _(breath). 2. You can hear the sound of the falls _ a distance of 5 km. 3. _(usual) among British prime ministers, he was not a man of natura

29、l authority. 4. The desperate thief _ (grab) a sword from a guard and killed himself. 5. Children under 14, when _ (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. 6. The Smiths were disappointed to find their son very disappointing, for he couldnt live up to their _(expect). 7. That

30、kind of electronic dictionaries is elegantly shaped, especially _ (suit) for people with a reading disability. 8. When it was first staged in 1949, the play _ (greet) with enthusiastic reviews. breathlessly at Unusually grabbed accompanied expectations suitable was greeted 28. remarkable a. 非凡的;卓越的;

31、引人注目的 (astonishing) remarkably ad.不寻常地;惊人地 ( surprisingly) be remarkable for=be known/famous for 以以著称著称 He made remarkable progress in English through hard work. 通过努力学习,他的英语取得了明显的进步。 29. stream n. 小溪; 小河; (液/气)流; 一连串;(人/车)流 vi.流动; vt.流播(不用下载直接在互联网上播放音视频) a stream of blood/ cold wind 一股鲜血/冷风 a stead/

32、 constant stream of visitors 络绎不绝的游客 a stream of traffic 车流 Tears were streaming down her cheeks. 泪水顺着她的脸频流了下来。 30. enthusiastic a. 热情的,热心的enthusiasm n.热情;热忱 enthusiastically ad. 热情地; 热心地 an enthusiastic supporter热心的支持者 be enthusiastic about (doing) sth. 对热情 lack/ be full of enthusiasm缺乏/充满热情 Today,

33、 I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the lay I first started. 现在, 我对工作的热情一如既往。 31. vast a. 大量的;辽阔的;巨大的(huge); a vast sum of funds 一大笔资金一大笔资金 vast grasslands 广袤的大草原 vast oceans 辽阔的海洋 the vast majority of 绝大部分的绝大部分的 32. gifted有才华的;有天赋的 (talented) gift n. 礼物( present); 天赋;天资;才能 gifted children天才儿

34、童 be gifted / talented at/in have a gift /talent for 在方面有天赋 a birthday/ wedding/ Christmas gift 生日/结婚圣诞礼物 a man with many gifts 多才多艺的人 have a gift for 有天赋 33.reputation U名誉 earn/gain/ acquire a good reputation as 获得作为获得作为的好名声的好名声/闻名闻名 = be known as have a reputation for = be noted/known for 因因闻名闻名 l

35、ive up to ones reputation 不负盛名不负盛名 enjoy a worldwide reputation 享受全球声誉 harm / spot / ruin ones reputation 损害、败坏名声 34. brilliant adj.聪颖的;技艺高的;巧妙的;很成功的, 才华横溢的,卓越的, 杰出的;光辉灿烂的,明亮的;口语(BrE) 极好的 brilliantly ad. 辉煌地;灿烂地;卓越地 brilliance/brilliancy n. 杰出,显赫,优秀 a brilliant idea/ thought/ design 绝妙的主意绝妙的主意/想法想法/

36、设计设计 a brilliant scientist/ musician 杰出的科学家/才华横溢的音乐家 in the brilliant sunshine 在明媚的阳光下 Thats quite brilliant! How did you do that, may I ask? 太棒了!请问你是怎么做到的? The sea was brilliant in the morning sun. 海洋在清晨阳光照射下闪烁发光。 35. prediction n. 预言,预测,预告predict vt. 预言,预测 predictable a.可预见的;可预料的 unpredictable opp

37、.不可预见的;不可预料的 predictor n. 预言者 make a prediction about sth. 预测某事 predict + n. predict tomorrows weather预告明天的天气 predict sb. / sth. to do sth. 预言会做某事 predict + (that)/wh-从句从句. It is predicted + that从句从句. 据预测 Population experts predict that most people will live in cities in the near future.人口专家预言,在不久的将

38、来大多数人都会住在城市里。 36. depress vt.使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉;使萧条;使不景气;削弱; depressed a. 抑郁的;沮丧的depressing a. 令人沮丧的 depression n. 沮丧;消沉;抑郁(症); 不景气;萧条期 be/get depressed about sth. 因而沮丧 get into a state of depression 变得消沉/抑郁 Dont get depressed about the spilt milk. 覆水难收,不要因此沮丧。 The construction industry is no longer as dep

39、ressing as it was. 建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了。 37. upset (upset-upset-upsetting) vt.打乱(秩序); 搅乱(计划、安排等); 使生气; 使心烦意乱; 使(肠胃)不适 a. (肠胃)不适的;(不用于名词前)心烦意乱的; 难过的; upsetting a. 令人心烦意乱的 upset a bowl of soup 打翻一碗汤 upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼 It upset(s) sb. to do sth./that . 让某人心烦的是 an upset stomach 肠胃不适 get /be upset

40、about/over/at/by sth. 为某事心烦 be upset/to do sth /thatC. 让人不安/心烦 be upset with sb. 生某人气生某人气 The students were very upset to hear that the sports meet had been cancelled. 听说运动会取消了,她感到非常失望。 38. possess vt.【正式用语】【正式用语】(不用于进行时不用于进行时)拥有拥有;占有占有;具有具有 possession U 正式用语 具有,拥有;占有 C常用复数所有物;财产 (= belongings) be p

41、ossessed of 具有(某品质、能力等) be possessed by 为所支配 in possession of 占有;拥有;持有(表主动,主语通常为人) in sb.s possessionin the possession of sb. 为/被某人所有;在某人的控制下 (表被动,主语为物) get/take/gain possession of拥有;占有 The poor man was possessed by the desire to be rich, and couldnt control himself. 这个可怜的人被致富的欲望所支配,管不住自己。 39.abando

42、n vt. 中止, 放弃, 不再有; (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,(不得已而) 舍弃 n. 放纵;放任 abandonment n. 中止, 放弃, 不再有抛弃,舍弃 abandoned a.无约束的;无度的;被遗弃的; 废弃的 abandon (doing) sth.放弃做某事 abandon oneself to (doing) sth. =be addicted to sth. 沉湎于;纵情于 with abandon 放纵地;放任地 abandon ones country / family / post/ wife/ plan/ hope/ 背弃祖国背弃祖国/家人/放弃职位/抛弃妻子/

43、终止计划/不抱希望 an abandoned dog /luggage 一只被遗弃的狗/无人认领的行李 After his mother died, he abandoned himself to grief. 他母亲死后,他悲伤不已。 40. desperate a. 绝望的;不惜冒险的;极其需要的;极严重的 desperately ad.极其,非常;绝望地 be desperate for sth.非常需要,极想;渴望某物 be desperate to do sth. 渴望做某事 in desperate/bad need of sth desperately /badly need s

44、th.极/非常需要 make desperate efforts to do拼命地努力要做 I was so desperate on hearing that. 听到那个息我简直绝望了 The man lost in the desert was desperate for water. 在沙漠中迷失方向的人极度渴望得到水。 41. ease Un.容易,轻易;不费力舒适,安逸;悠闲;自在 v.(使)宽慰,减轻; 缓解 easy a. 容易的,不费力的easily ad.uneasy a. 心神不安的 with ease 轻松(= easily); at ease 舒适;自在;流畅 stan

45、d at ease 稍息 put sb at (ones) ease使某人放松 be at ease with sb. 和某人在一起很自在 ease sb. of his burden 减轻负担; ease the pain/ stress/ burden/tension/ 减轻疼痛/压力/负担/紧张/ ease (sb/oneself) into (使某)熟悉(新工作等) The retired couple lived a life of ease. 这对退休的夫妇过着悠闲的生活。 He passed the exam with ease. 他轻而易举地通过了考试。 42. chorus

46、n.合唱曲;副歌;合唱团;齐声 a chorus of complaints/cheers/(dis)approval 一片抱怨声/喝彩声/一致(反对)赞同 in chorus一齐;一致;共同 There will be music groups and childrens chorus. 届时会有乐队和儿童合唱队表演。 There was a chorus of agreement from the committee. 委员会一致同意。 单词拼写单词拼写 1. I couldnt help crying and tears s_ down my cheeks. 2. The unatten

47、ded children are d_ in need of love and attention. 3. We have achieved such r_ growth and development over the past decade. 4. He wasnt discouraged at his failure and soon got as e_ as ever. 5. The hurricane is p_ to reach the coast tomorrow morning, so wed better make full preparations for it. 6. T

48、he proposal was greeted with a _ (齐声齐声) of approval. 7. She was a beauty with long red hair and _ (明亮的明亮的) blue eyes. 8. When the doctor told him about his disease, he felt _(沮丧的沮丧的) and hopeless. 9. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he

49、has a very good _. (名声名声) 10. They always very _ (热情的热情的) about to help those who deserve help, so often praised by others. streamed desperate remarkable enthusiastic predicted chorus depressed brilliant reputation enthusiastic 单句语法单句语法 1. The man in the river _ (desperate) tried to reach the side.

50、2. His mind was _ ease knowing that the children were safe. 3. After careful consideration, they agreed to abandon _(carry) out the project. 4. Having been cheated by that company, he lost all his _(possess). 5. With tears _(stream) down his face, she kissed her family members good-bye. 6. Parents a


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