外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 3-Unit 1 Sam isn't tidying his room.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e4a8d).zip

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新标准英语 一年级起点二年级下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isnt tidying his room. Whats the little bear doing ? No, he isnt doing his homework. Hes _. sleeping Shes watching TV.She isnt watching TV. Hes playing basketball.He isnt playing ping-pong. Shes doing her homework. She isnt doing her homework. Is Sam tidying his room? No,he isnt. Whats Sam doing? Is he doing his homework? No, he isnt. Hes making a birthday card for his mother. Is he / she? Is he / she? Is he / she? Is he / she? Is he / she? Summary Hes tidying his room. He isnt tidying his room. Is he tidying his room? Yes, he is.No, he isnt. HomeworkHomework 1. Listen and read the text for 3 times. 2. Act the text with the partners. Module3Unit1 Sam isnt tidying his room. 评测练习 一、大声朗读出以下单词: 1. tidy(v.)整理,收拾 2.room(n.)房间 3.do (v.)做,干 4.homework(n.)家庭作业 5.sleep (v.)睡觉 6.secret(n.)秘密 7.card (n.)贺卡 二、翻译短语及句子: 1. tidying his room 2. do your homework 3.萨姆没有正在整理他的房间。 4.Is he doing his homework? 5. No, he isnt. 三、写出下面这些词的 ing 形式 play- draw- read- write- sing- dance- do- tidy- sleep- swim- 四、Think and find:(想一想) 看看这三个句子,他们分别是什么句? 1. He is tidying his room. 2. He isnt tidying his room. 3.Is he tidying his room? 新标准英语(一起)二年级下 Module3Unit1 Sam isnt tidying his room. 教学设计 1、教材分析: 本节课选自外研社出版的新标准英语一起教材二年级下第三模块第一单元。本课的话题 是描述家庭生活活动,谈论正在发生的事情和正在进行的动作。本节课是第一课时,主要任 务是在理解的基础上熟读课文本,我采用多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、演溶于一体,激 发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的 能力。 1.语言知识目标: a.通过体态语言和情境创设,听懂会说单词:tidy, room, do, homework, secret, card 四会单词 b.在情境中理解并运用功能句:Sb isnt doing sth. Is he / Are you doing sth? 2.语言技能目标:能听懂 Is he doing his homework? Are you tidying your room now? Whats he doing? What are you doing? 这类一般疑问句和特殊疑问句;能用一般疑问句进 行提问,能用 Yes No 做出相应回答。 3.情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,采用任务型教学途径,在活动中循序渐进,培 养学生说完整的句型,激活学生的主体意识,在学习中活学活用知识,提高学习的积极性和 主动性;培养学生合作意识。 三、教学重、难点: 理解并运用重点单词及句型: 新单词 tidy, room, do, home, work, secret, card.及目标句 Sam isnt tidying his room. 教学难点是: 如何结合生活,创设情境。让学生较自如的运用现在进行时的一般疑问句和否定句以及特殊 疑问句进行问答这是本课的难点所在. 四、教学准备:多媒体课件、教学卡片、明信片、小熊玩偶等。 五、教学流程: Step1:Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Sing a song(.通过和孩子们一起演唱校本课课学习的歌曲 Walking in the Jungle,既复习了上 一模块学习的时态,又能使学生很快进入到教学环境中,调动学生参与学习的热情。) Step2.Learn Part1 Listen,point and say. 1.Leading In. 1)拿出三只小熊的玩偶,向孩子们介绍 They are Mother Bear,Baby bear,and Father Bear.They are a family.Now lets go to the bears home.(三只可爱的玩偶会迅速吸引孩子眼球,让孩子们了 解活动一中几只小熊的关系。) 2)问题:Whats the Baby Bear doing? Is he doing his homework? 板书:He isnt doing his homework. 学习单词 sleep.(通过学生的回答,引出并讲解新单词,解 决本课的部分单词教学。也呈现核心语句 Sb isnt doing sth.) 2.Read the dialogue. 3.Do the exercises. 练习核心语句 Sb isnt doing sth.课件最后一幅图呈现 She isnt doing her homework. She is tidying her room. 学习单词 tidy.引导学生说出 tidy her room,tidy his room,tidy my room,tidy you room.(在教授新单词时,尽量让孩子说出句子,能让孩子更好的理解单词及使用新单词。 ) Step3.Part2:Listen,read and act out. 1.Leading in. 在活动一的练习中最后一幅图后,Lets see our friend Sam. 问题:Is Sam tidying his room? 板书:No, he isnt. He isnt tidying his room. 2.问题;Whats Sam doing? Hes making a birthday card for his mother. 学习单词 card(板书本课重点句型,为接下来的学习做好铺垫。通过学生的回答,引出并讲解 新单词,解决本课的部分单词教学。) 3.Its a surprise. Ms Smart is very happy.(情感教育) 4.Read the dialogue. 学习单词 secret. (学习这个单词时,提醒学生注意两个字母 e 的发音,并让你给学生在朗读 时注意体会人物心情。) 5. Read in roles (组内分角色朗读和表演) 6. Have a show (小组成员进行课文的表演) Step4. Practise Game:Is he/ she.?(通过遮挡学生喜欢的卡通图片及动图的一部分,让孩子操练句子 Is he/ she.?) Step5. Summary What did you learn in this class?(通过小结,帮助学生养成知识梳理的好习惯。) Step6.Homework 1. Listen and read the text for 3 times. 2. Act the text with the partners. Blackboard Design: Module3 Unit1 Sam isnt tidying his room. He isnt doing his homework. Is Sam tidying his room? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. Classroom Assessment: 本堂课的教学评价方式如下:本堂课将学生整体分成两个大组,A 组和 B 组,将不同的明信 片给两个组奖励。在本堂课即将结束时,教师进行小组评价总结。
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